
Decorator Class

namespace Noesis | MSDN

Provides a base class for elements that apply effects onto or around a single child element, such as Border or Viewbox.


From FrameworkElement

Name Description
DP_RO ActualHeight Gets the rendered height of this element.
DP_RO ActualWidth Gets the rendered width of this element.
DP BlendingMode Gets or sets a value indicating how the element's contents are mixed with the background
DP ContextMenu Gets or sets the context menu element that should appear whenever the context menu is requested through user interface (UI) from within this element.
DP Cursor Gets or sets the cursor that displays when the mouse pointer is over this element.
DP DataContext Gets or sets the data context for an element when it participates in data binding
DP DefaultStyleKey Gets or sets the key to use to reference the style for this control, when theme styles are used or defined
DP FlowDirection Gets or sets the direction that text and other UI elements flow within any parent element that controls their layout
DP FocusVisualStyle Gets or sets a property that enables customization of appearance, effects, or other style characteristics that will apply to this element when it captures keyboard focus
DP ForceCursor Gets or sets a value that indicates whether this FrameworkElement should force the UI to render the cursor as declared by this element's Cursor property.
DP Height Gets or sets the suggested height of the element.
DP HorizontalAlignment Gets or sets the horizontal alignment characteristics applied to this element when it is composed within a parent element, such as a panel or items control
DP InputScope Gets or sets the context for input used by this element. The input scope, which modifies how input from alternative input methods is interpreted
DP LayoutTransform Gets or sets a graphics transformation that should apply to this element when layout is performed
DP Margin Gets or sets the outer margin of an element.
DP MaxHeight Gets or sets the maximum height constraint of the element.
DP MaxWidth Gets or sets the maximum width constraint of the element.
DP MinHeight Gets or sets the minimum height constraint of the element.
DP MinWidth Gets or sets the minimum width constraint of the element.
DP Name Gets or sets the identifying name of the element. The name provides a reference so that code-behind, such as event handler code, can refer to a markup element after it is constructed during processing by a XAML processor.
DP OverridesDefaultStyle Gets or sets a value that indicates whether this element incorporates style properties from theme styles
DP PPAAIn Gets or sets the value of the contraction of each vertex along the normal for PPAA. This property is inherited down by the visual tree
DP PPAAMode Gets or sets a value that indicates whether antialiasing geometry is generated for this element. This property is inherited down by the visual tree
DP PPAAOut Gets or sets the value of the extrusion of each vertex along the normal for PPAA. This property is inherited down by the visual tree
RO Parent Gets the logical parent element of this element
None Resources Gets or sets the locally-defined resource dictionary
DP Style Gets or sets the style used by this element when it is rendered
DP Tag Gets or sets an arbitrary object value that can be used to store custom information about this element
None TemplatedParent Gets or sets the template parent of this element. This property is not relevant if the element was not created through a template
DP ToolTip Gets or sets the tool-tip object that is displayed for this element in the user interface
RO Triggers Get the trigger collection
DP UseLayoutRounding Gets or sets a value that indicates whether layout rounding should be applied to this element's size and position during layout
DP VerticalAlignment Gets or sets the vertical alignment characteristics applied to this element when it is composed within a parent element such as a panel or items control.
DP Width Gets or sets the width of the element

DP_ Dependency Property      RO_ Read-only

From UIElement

Name Description
DP AllowDrop Gets or sets a value indicating whether this element can be used as the target of a drag-and-drop operation
DP Clip Gets or sets the geometry used to define the outline of the contents of an element
DP ClipToBounds Gets or sets a value indicating whether to clip the content of this element (or content coming from the child elements of this element) to fit into the size of the containing element
RO CommandBindings Gets a collection of CommandBinding objects associated with this element
RO DesiredSize Gets control's desired size (calculated after Measure process)
DP Effect Gets or sets the bitmap effect to apply to the element
DP Focusable Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the element can receive focus
RO InputBindings Gets a collection of InputBinding objects associated with this element
DP IsDoubleTapEnabled Gets or sets a value that determines whether this element can originate DoubleTapped events
DP IsEnabled Gets or sets a value indicating whether this element is enabled in the user interface
DP_RO IsFocused Indicates whether this element has the focus
DP IsHitTestVisible Gets or sets a value that declares whether this element can possibly be returned as a hit test result from some portion of its rendered content
DP IsHoldingEnabled Gets or sets a value that determines whether this element can originate Holding events
DP_RO IsKeyboardFocusWithin Gets a value indicating whether keyboard focus is anywhere within the element or its visual tree child elements
DP_RO IsKeyboardFocused Gets a value indicating whether this element has keyboard focus
DP IsManipulationEnabled Gets or sets a value that indicates whether manipulation events are enabled on this element
DP_RO IsMouseCaptureWithin Gets a value that determines whether mouse capture is held by this element or by child elements in its visual tree
DP_RO IsMouseCaptured Gets a value indicating whether the mouse is captured to this element
DP_RO IsMouseDirectlyOver Gets a value that indicates whether the position of the mouse pointer corresponds to hit test results, which take element compositing into account.
DP_RO IsMouseOver Gets a value indicating whether the mouse pointer is located over this element (including child elements in the visual tree)
DP IsRightTapEnabled Gets or sets a value that determines whether this element can originate RightTapped events
DP IsTapEnabled Gets or sets a value that determines whether this element can originate Tapped events
DP_RO IsVisible Indicates whether this element is visible in the user interface
DP Opacity Gets or sets the opacity factor applied to the entire element when it is rendered
DP OpacityMask Gets or sets an opacity mask, as a Brush implementation that is applied to any alpha-channel masking for the rendered content of this element
RO RenderSize Gets calculated (during Arrange) render size
DP RenderTransform Gets or sets transform information that affects the rendering position of this element
DP RenderTransformOrigin Gets or sets the center point of any possible render transform declared by RenderTransform, relative to the bounds of the element
DP Transform3D Gets or sets the 3D effect to apply when rendering this element
DP Visibility Gets or sets the user interface visibility of this element

DP_ Dependency Property      RO_ Read-only

From Visual

Name Description
RO View Gets the view where this visual is connected to

DP_ Dependency Property      RO_ Read-only

From DispatcherObject

Name Description
RO ThreadId Gets the thread this DispatcherObject is associated with. Returns NoThreadId when this object is not attached to any thread.

DP_ Dependency Property      RO_ Read-only


Name Description
GetChild Gets or sets child element

From FrameworkElement

Name Description
AncestorChanged Notifies when an ancestor has changed its parent
AncestorNameScopeChanged Notifies when a NameScope in an ancestor has changed any of its items
AncestorResourcesChanged Notifies when a change occurred in the resources dictionary of this element or an ancestor
ApplyTemplate Template management Called on every Measure. Returns true if Visuals were added to the tree
BringIntoView Attempts to bring this element into view, within any scrollable regions it is contained within.
BringIntoView Attempts to bring the provided region size of this element into view, within any scrollable regions it is contained within.
ClearFrameworkTemplate Clears current template
Clone Returns a clone of this element. Used when applying a template
ConnectEvent Attaches specified event to code-behind content. Return false when code-behind does not define the specified event handler
ConnectField Attached specified named object to code-behind field
FindName Provides accessors that simplifies access to the NameScope registration methods
FindResource Finds a resource looking in the logical parent chain
GetBindingExpression Returns a binding expression if the target property has an active binding; otherwise, returns null
GetFrameworkTemplate Gets applied template on this element
GetParentOrTemplatedParent Gets the logical parent or the templated parent when logical parent is not available
GetStateGroupsRoot Gets root for VisualState management
GetTemplateChild Looks for a named element in the applied template
GetTemplateRoot Gets the root element of the applied template
GetTimeManager Gets the TimeManager that controls current element
IsLoaded Gets a value that indicates whether this element has been loaded for presentation.
SetBinding Attaches a binding to this element, based on the provided binding object
SetBinding Attaches a binding to this element, based on the provided source property name as a path qualification to the data source

From UIElement

Name Description
AddHandler Adds a handler to the specified routed event
Arrange Positions child elements and determines a size for a UIElement. Parent elements call this method from their ArrangeCore implementation to form a recursive layout update. This method constitutes the second pass of a layout update
CaptureMouse Attempts to force capture of the mouse to this element
CaptureTouch Attempts to force capture of a touch to this element
Focus Attempts to set focus to this element
Focus Attempts to set focus to this element indicating if control should be engaged or not
GetKeyboard Gets keyboard input manager
GetMouse Public methods in UIElement Gets mouse input manager
GetTouchCaptured Gets element captured by the specified touch device
GetUIParent Gets the logical or visual parent for this element
GetUIView Finds the View where this element is connected to traversing visual or logical ancestors
InvalidateArrange Invalidates the arrange state (layout) for the element. After the invalidation, the element will have its layout updated, which will occur asynchronously unless subsequently forced by UpdateLayout
InvalidateMeasure Invalidates the measurement state (layout) for the element
InvalidateVisual Invalidates the rendering of the element, and forces a complete new layout pass. OnRender is called after the layout cycle is completed
IsArrangeValid Indicates if arrange is valid
IsMeasureValid Indicates if measured size is valid
Measure Updates the DesiredSize of a UIElement. Parent elements call this method from their own MeasureCore implementations to form a recursive layout update. Calling this method constitutes the first pass of a layout update in the layout system
MoveFocus Request to move the focus from this element to another element. Returns true if focus is moved successfully, returns false if there is no next element
PredictFocus When overridden in a derived class, returns the element that would receive focus for a specified focus traversal direction, without actually moving focus to that element
RaiseEvent Raises a specific routed event. The RoutedEvent to be raised is identified within the RoutedEventArgs instance that is provided (as the RoutedEvent property of that event data)
ReleaseAllTouchCaptures Releases all captured touch devices from this element
ReleaseMouseCapture Releases the mouse capture, if this element held the capture
ReleaseTouchCapture Attempts to release the specified touch device from this element
RemoveHandler Removes a handler from the specified routed event
TranslatePoint Translates a point relative to this element to coordinates of the specified element
UpdateLayout Ensures that all visual child elements of this element are properly updated for layout

From Visual

Name Description
FindCommonVisualAncestor Finds the common ancestor of two visuals objects If visual is the same object as this, the common ancestor will be the parent
GetRenderTreeId Gets RenderTree's identifier
IsAncestorOf Determines whether the visual object is an ancestor of the descendant visual object This object is not considered to be an ancestor of visual if they are the same
IsConnectedToView Indicates if this visual has been connected to a View
IsDescendantOf Determines whether the visual object is a descendant of the ancestor visual object This object is not considered to be a descendant of visual if they are the same
IsInRenderTree Indicates if a render node has been created in the RenderTree for this visual
IsInvalidated Indicates if this visual is invalidated and should send updates to the render tree
PointFromScreen Converts a Point in screen coordinates into a Point that represents the current coordinate system of the Visual
PointToScreen Converts a Point that represents the current coordinate system of the Visual into a Point in screen coordinates
SetVisualBrushFlag Sets the flag that indicates that this Visual contains a VisualBrush
SubtreeDrawingCommandsChanged Occurs when subtree render commands have changed
TransformToAncestor Returns a transform that can be used to transform coordinates from the Visual to the specified ancestor of the visual object
TransformToDescendant Returns a transform that can be used to transform coordinates from the Visual to the specified visual object descendant
TransformToVisual Returns a transform that can be used to transform coordinates from the Visual to the specified visual object
UpdateRender Pushes all the layout updates into the UI render thread queue to update render nodes

From DependencyObject

Name Description
ClearAnimation Clears the animation value of a property
ClearAnimation Clears the animation value of a property
ClearLocalValue Clears the local value of a property The property to be cleared is specified by a DependencyProperty identifier
CoerceValue Coerces and validates the effective property value
CoerceValue Coerces and validates the effective property value
DependencyPropertyChanged Returns the PropertyChanged event
Destroyed Destroyed delegate is raised when object is going to be destroyed
GetBaseValue Returns the base value without animation nor coerce (this never returns Expression like GetLocalValue)
GetExpression Gets the expression, if any, used to evaluate the specified property value
GetLocalValue Returns the local value of a dependency property, if it exists
GetValue Returns the current effective value of a dependency property on this instance of a DependencyObject
GetValueObject Returns the current effective value of a dependency property on this instance of a DependencyObject as a boxed value
GetValueProvider Gets the provider that returns the effective value for the specified dependency property
HasAnimatedProperties Returns true if there is any animated property
InvalidateProperty Re-evaluates the effective value for the specified dependency property if necessary If null is passed, a full re-evaluation could be needed
IsCached Returns if the value is stored in the cache. If true, the priority is returned in the provider field
IsSealed Gets a value that indicates whether this instance is currently sealed (read-only)
SetAnimation Sets the animated value of a property
SetCurrentValue Sets the current value of a dependency property. The current value is set on the coerce field, without modifying source or animated value
SetCurrentValueObject Sets the current value of a dependency property using a boxed value
SetExpression Sets the expression to be evaluated dynamically to obtain the value of the property
SetValue Sets the local value of a dependency property
SetValueObject Sets the local value (boxed) of a dependency property

From DispatcherObject

Name Description
CheckAccess Determines whether the calling thread has access to this DispatcherObject
VerifyAccess Enforces that the calling thread has access to this DispatcherObject


From FrameworkElement

Name Description
R ContextMenuClosing Occurs just before any context menu on the element is closed
R ContextMenuOpening Occurs when any context menu on the element is opened
N DataContextChanged Occurs when the data context for this element changes
N Initialized Occurs when this element is initialized
R Loaded Occurs when the element is laid out, rendered, and ready for interaction
R Reloaded Occurs when this element xaml gets reloaded as a result of a hot-reload operation
R RequestBringIntoView Occurs when BringIntoView is called on this element
R SizeChanged Occurs when either ActualHeight or ActualWidth properties change value on this element
R ToolTipClosing Occurs just before any tooltip on the element is closed
R ToolTipOpening Occurs when any tooltip on the element is opened
R Unloaded Occurs when the element is removed from within an element tree of loaded elements

R Routed Event      N Non-routed Event      D Delegate Event

From UIElement

Name Description
R DoubleTapped Occurs when a DoubleTap interaction occurs on this element
R DragEnter Occurs when mouse enters the target of a dragging operation
R DragLeave Occurs when mouse leaves the target of a dragging operation
R DragOver Occurs when mouse is moved over the target of a dragging operation
R Drop Notifies target object of a dragging operation that data is being dropped
N FocusableChanged Occurs when the value of the Focusable property changes
R GiveFeedback Notifies source object of a dragging operation to provide feedback to the user
R GotFocus Occurs when this element gets logical focus
R GotKeyboardFocus Occurs when the keyboard is focused on this element
R GotMouseCapture Occurs when this element captures the mouse
R GotTouchCapture Occurs when a touch is captured to this element
R Holding Occurs when a Hold interaction occurs on this element
N IsEnabledChanged Occurs when the value of the IsEnabled property on this element changes
N IsHitTestVisibleChanged Occurs when the value of the IsHitTestVisible dependency property changes on this element
N IsKeyboardFocusWithinChanged Occurs when the value of the IsKeyboardFocusWithinChanged property changes on this element
N IsKeyboardFocusedChanged Occurs when the value of the IsKeyboardFocused property changes on this element
N IsMouseCaptureWithinChanged Occurs when the value of the IsMouseCaptureWithinProperty changes on this element
N IsMouseCapturedChanged Occurs when the value of the IsMouseCaptured property changes on this element
N IsMouseDirectlyOverChanged Occurs when the value of the IsMouseDirectlyOver property changes on this element
N IsVisibleChanged Occurs when the value of the IsVisible property changes on this element
R KeyDown Occurs when a key is pressed while focus is on this element
R KeyUp Occurs when a key is released while focus is on this element
N LayoutUpdated Occurs when the layout of any elements associated with the current View changes
R LostFocus Occurs when this element loses logical focus
R LostKeyboardFocus Occurs when the keyboard is no longer focused on this element
R LostMouseCapture Occurs when this element loses mouse capture
R LostTouchCapture Occurs when this element loses a touch capture
R ManipulationCompleted Occurs when a manipulation and inertia on the UIElement object is complete
R ManipulationDelta Occurs when the input device changes position during a manipulation
R ManipulationInertiaStarting Occurs when the input device loses contact with the UIElement during a manipulation and inertia begins
R ManipulationStarted Occurs when an input device begins a manipulation on the UIElement object
R ManipulationStarting Occurs when the manipulation processor is first created
R MouseDown Occurs when any mouse button is pressed while the pointer is over this element
R MouseEnter Occurs when the mouse pointer enters the bounds of this element
R MouseLeave Occurs when the mouse pointer leaves the bounds of this element
R MouseLeftButtonDown Occurs when the left mouse button is pressed while the mouse pointer is over this element
R MouseLeftButtonUp Occurs when the left mouse button is released while the mouse pointer is over this element
R MouseMove Occurs when the mouse pointer moves while over this element
R MouseRightButtonDown Occurs when the right mouse button is pressed while the mouse pointer is over this element
R MouseRightButtonUp Occurs when the right mouse button is released while the mouse pointer is over this element
R MouseUp Occurs when any mouse button is released over this element
R MouseWheel Occurs when the user rotates the mouse wheel while the mouse pointer is over this element
R PreviewDragEnter Occurs when mouse enters the target of a dragging operation
R PreviewDragLeave Occurs when mouse leaves the target of a dragging operation
R PreviewDragOver Occurs when mouse is moved over the target of a dragging operation
R PreviewDrop Notifies target object of a dragging operation that data is being dropped
R PreviewGiveFeedback Notifies source object of a dragging operation to provide feedback to the user
R PreviewGotKeyboardFocus Occurs when the keyboard is focused on this element
R PreviewKeyDown Occurs when a key is pressed while focus is on this element
R PreviewKeyUp Occurs when a key is released while focus is on this element
R PreviewLostKeyboardFocus Occurs when the keyboard is no longer focused on this element
R PreviewMouseDown Occurs when any mouse button is pressed while the pointer is over this element
R PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown Occurs when the left mouse button is pressed while the mouse pointer is over this element
R PreviewMouseLeftButtonUp Occurs when the left mouse button is released while the mouse pointer is over this element
R PreviewMouseMove Occurs when the mouse pointer moves while the mouse pointer is over this element
R PreviewMouseRightButtonDown Occurs when the right mouse button is pressed while the mouse pointer is over this element
R PreviewMouseRightButtonUp Occurs when the right mouse button is released while the mouse pointer is over this element
R PreviewMouseUp Occurs when any mouse button is released while the mouse pointer is over this element
R PreviewMouseWheel Occurs when the user rotates the mouse wheel while the mouse pointer is over this element
R PreviewQueryContinueDrag Notifies source object of a dragging operation
R PreviewTextInput Occurs when this element gets text in a device-independent manner
R PreviewTouchDown Occurs when a finger touches the screen while the finger is over this element
R PreviewTouchMove Occurs when a finger moves on the screen while the finger is over this element
R PreviewTouchUp Occurs when a finger is raised off of the screen while the finger is over this element
R QueryContinueDrag Notifies source object of a dragging operation
R QueryCursor Occurs when the cursor is requested to display
R RightTapped Occurs when a DoubleTap interaction occurs on this element
R Tapped Occurs when a Tap interaction occurs on this element
R TextInput Occurs when this element gets text in a device-independent manner
R TouchDown Occurs when a finger touches the screen while the finger is over this element
R TouchEnter Occurs when a touch moves from outside to inside the bounds of this element
R TouchLeave Occurs when a touch moves from inside to outside the bounds of this element
R TouchMove Occurs when a finger moves on the screen while the finger is over this element
R TouchUp Occurs when a finger is raised off of the screen while the finger is over this element

R Routed Event      N Non-routed Event      D Delegate Event

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