Not Yet Released
0002825: [Studio] Weird beaviour in ComboBoxes (sfernandez)
1 issue View Issues
Released 2024-12-29
0003733: [Unity3D] NoesisWorldUI & Unity Orthographic Camera (jsantos)
0003499: [C++ SDK] D3D12 debug layer error caused by split barriers (jsantos)
0003429: [C++ SDK] RadioButton selection cannot be controlled correctly from code when using OneWay Binding. (sfernandez)
0003009: [Unity3D] One way binding on checkbox to a bool breaks if the checkbox is clicked (sfernandez)
0002434: [Unity3D] ToggleButton with one way binding (sfernandez)
0003645: [C++ SDK] Native C++ SDK application sampe does not compile with recent Emscripten version (jsantos)
0003853: [C++ SDK] Hot reloading does not work inside TabControl.ContentTemplate (sfernandez)
0003846: [C++ SDK] TextBlock not invalidated when an inline image is set (sfernandez)
0003832: [Unreal] Unreal 5.5 support (hcpizzi)
9 issues View Issues
Released 2024-12-28
0003768: [Unity3D] Crash in Unity with Noesis 3.2.5 (jsantos)
0003771: [Unity3D] Unity 6 / URP - RenderGraph Support (jsantos)
0003798: [C# SDK] OneWay Binding to ContextMenu IsOpen causes AdornerDecorator Error (sfernandez)
0003751: [Unity3D] Crash in native Unity game, using Noesis 3.2.4 p8 (sfernandez)
0003752: [Unity3D] 2nd Crash in native Unity game, using Noesis 3.2.4 p4 (sfernandez)
0003783: [Unity3D] Had a crash in Unity with the debug DLL of Noesis 3.2.5 (sfernandez)
0003775: [Unity3D] Crash in native game (sfernandez)
0003770: [Unity3D] Crash in native Unity game (sfernandez)
0003773: [Unity3D] Crash in native Unity game (sfernandez)
0003763: [Unity3D] Crash in native game using Noesis 3.2.4 p8 for Unity (sfernandez)
0003789: [C++ SDK] The DisplayScale is not applied correctly (sfernandez)
0003334: [C# SDK] ComboBox can show multiple items selected at the same time (sfernandez)
12 issues View Issues
0003814: [Studio] Creating a Data Set on an Enum Crashes Studio (sfernandez)
0003801: [Studio] Setting or Clearing Data Filter Sets Structure (or Enum Name) for Edit (sfernandez)
0003794: [Studio] Data Structure Collections not showing their properties (sfernandez)
0003761: [Studio] New design for hierarchical properties (sfernandez)
4 issues View Issues
0003713: [Studio] Support for using resources from other projects (dfranjic)
0003718: [Studio] Crash when animating a visual state (sfernandez)
0003690: [Studio] Path Bounding Box Adorner Label Becomes Offset When Data Cleared (maherne)
0003681: [Studio] Studio Does Not Accurately Reproduce Radial Gradients in SVGs Copied from Photoshop (sfernandez)
0003608: [Studio] Flattening Path Transform Removes Stretch Mode / Display of Stretch Mode Doesn't Update When Path Flattened (dfranjic)
0003493: [Studio] Trim Properties Values Mismatch Between Expected Range and Values of [Click-And-Drag] and [MouseWheelScroll] (sfernandez)
0003638: [Studio] Studio Crashes Moving Imported Path Outside of its Auto-Generated Canvas (sfernandez)
0003620: [Studio] Defunct Layer Names Are Rescusitated During Boolean Operations (sfernandez)
0003623: [Studio] Boolean Operations Context Menu Available on Incompatible Elements (sfernandez)
0003571: [Studio] Path Point ArrowKey Nudging is Relative to Original Shape Orientation, and not Based on Stage Coordinates (sfernandez)
0003618: [Studio] Booleaned Shapes Are Assigned Seemingly Render Transform Origin Points (sfernandez)
0003577: [Studio] Flatten Transform on a Rotated Path Has Stroke Clipped (sfernandez)
0003592: [Studio] Flattening a Render Transform Doesn't Immediately Update Property Values (sfernandez)
0003578: [Studio] Layout Transform Non-Functional on Flattened Paths (sfernandez)
0003615: [Studio] Clicking-and-Dragging the Path Tool Creates a Path Point Incorrectly Shown as Deleteable (sfernandez)
0003520: [Studio] Compound Pathing Doesn't Follow Transformed On-Screen Paths (sfernandez)
0003570: [Studio] Paths Created in Studio Change Their Appearance From Being Compounded (sfernandez)
0003545: [Studio] Compound Path Bounding Boxes Struggle to Size Appropriately Around Strokes (sfernandez)
0003610: [Studio] Converting Shape to Path Changes its Position Within Canvas Panel (sfernandez)
0003609: [Studio] Paths Can be Converted to Paths (sfernandez)
0003557: [Studio] Hand-Typed Path Dimensions Can Switch to Decimals (sfernandez)
0003560: [Studio] Imported Vector Paths Can't Be Converted to a Resource (sfernandez)
0003484: [Studio] Dash Decorations are Not Conserved when Bringing Illustrator or Figma Vector Lines Into Studio (jsantos)
0003454: [Studio] Studio Adds Space That Doesn't Exist Around SVG Vector Shapes Featuring Centre-Aligned Strokes (jsantos)
0003474: [Studio] Illustrator-exported SVG not showing gradients correctly (jsantos)
0003478: [Studio] Studio Does Not Render SVG 'Open' Paths (jsantos)
0003479: [Studio] Studio Does Not Properly Process All Copy-Pasted 'Open' Paths (jsantos)
0003590: [Studio] New path can't be edited with the path selection tool (sfernandez)
0003558: [Studio] Imported Vectors Have Their Appearance Break when Compounded (sfernandez)
0003504: [Studio] Path Selection Tool Is Unable to Move Path (sfernandez)
0003486: [Studio] Selecting 'None' in the StreamGeometry Resource 'Value' Field Crashes Studio (sfernandez)
0003512: [Studio] Vectors Can't be Copy-Pasted into Viewboxes (sfernandez)
0003494: [Studio] Trim Properties Origin Point Differs Between Paths and Shapes (sfernandez)
0003421: [Studio] Implement Grid BrushShader (jsantos)
0003416: [Studio] After adding strokes on Textblocks, project crashed, is unrecoverable (jsantos)
0003639: [Studio] Vectors Lose their Groups, Group Names, and their Path/Layer Names on Import (dfranjic)
36 issues View Issues
0003595: [Studio] Datatemplate's DataTrigger binding breaks when selecting Name (sfernandez)
0003936: [Studio] Resource creation menu is not hiding unselected menu panels (sfernandez)
0003925: [Studio] Studio Doesn't Offer A Way To Determine Decimal Places For Generated 'Number' Type Data (dfranjic)
0003776: [Studio] Name tab disabled for Interactivity trigger bindings (dfranjic)
0003819: [Studio] ControlStoryBoard actions playing storyboards after they are deleted (sfernandez)
0003353: [Studio] Crash selecting keyframes in a template's visual state (sfernandez)
0003348: [Studio] Crash selecting a visibility keyframe track (sfernandez)
0003292: [Studio] Video and image disappears after moving page to a folder (sfernandez)
0003269: [Studio] Crash double-clicking on a style resource (sfernandez)
0003029: [Studio] Crash when animating panel width (sfernandez)
0003005: [Studio] Crash when editing a TabItem template (sfernandez)
0002945: [Studio] Deleting asset from assets panel don't remove it (sfernandez)
0002794: [Studio] Pasting text in a TextBlock not working properly (sfernandez)
0003757: [Studio] Regular polygon showing path spike when rounding corners (jsantos)
0003871: [Studio] Generate Data Doesn't Apply To Brush Values (sfernandez)
0003736: [Studio] InteractivyTriggers Triggers Panel Doesn't Scroll With MouseWheel (sfernandez)
0003559: [Studio] No Method to Invoke a ContextMenu With Right-Click (Or Any Non-Hover Inputs) (dfranjic)
0003837: [Studio] Auto column seems to change to asterisk column upon hitting play (sfernandez)
0003861: [Studio] Studio Crashes When Clicking on a Gradient Stop Whilst Active in the Offset Field (sfernandez)
0003864: [Studio] Attempting to set 'Relative' Binding Interactivity Triggers Crashes Studio (sfernandez)
0003812: [Studio] Clicking on the 'Relative' Binding Tab on a CheckBox's 'Content' Property Causes Studio to Crash (sfernandez)
0003860: [Studio] Making A Component of a Group of Paths Erases Their Path Names (sfernandez)
0003519: [Studio] No Method Available to Set A Colour's Opacity Value as a Percentage (sfernandez)
0003712: [Studio] Support Static Resources (sfernandez)
0003722: [Studio] Groups Containing RadialTicks Break When Made Into a Component (sfernandez)
0003804: [Studio] Missing Links to Studio Documentation Can Now Be Filled-In (sfernandez)
0003793: [Studio] Crash when generating data (dfranjic)
0003715: [Studio] Remove dependencies to NoesisApp (jsantos)
0003777: [Studio] KeyTrigger 'Key' property dropdown don't show any keys at all (sfernandez)
0003748: [Studio] VSCode error after visibility track pasted (sfernandez)
0003745: [Studio] Crash when animating a viewbox (dfranjic)
0003738: [Studio] Component disappear when moved to another folder (sfernandez)
0003737: [Studio] Crash when entering a value in row adorner (sfernandez)
0003714: [Studio] Support extending root of new documents (sfernandez)
0003711: [Studio] Crash when renaming the Style element in the Navigator (sfernandez)
0003704: [Studio] Pixel Grid Visible In Playback Mode If Play Button Pressed Whilst Zoomed In (sfernandez)
0003701: [Studio] Crash when Ctrl+P if a brush popup is open (sfernandez)
0003687: [Studio] Deleting an Editable Style Whilst Open in its Dummy Editor Doesn't Close the Dummy Editor (maherne)
0003670: [Studio] Moving Folder Location in Assets Panel Crashes Studio (maherne)
0003650: [Studio] Play Button Tooltip is Mislabeled When Playing (sfernandez)
0003585: [Studio] Multi-Selections Are Not Displayed On-Stage (maherne)
0003574: [Studio] Transform adorners disappearing after rotation (maherne)
0003659: [Studio] Elements are drawn inverted when dragging upwards (maherne)
0003528: [Studio] Inconsistent Constrain Behaviour Between Selection/Move Tool Scaling and Transform Tool Scaling. (maherne)
0003575: [Studio] Holding Shift while rotating an element should snap rotation to 15ยบ increments (maherne)
0003389: [Studio] Entering a storyboard triggers a command to set the d:DesignWidth and d:DesignHeight (maherne)
0003379: [Studio] Non-Valid Characters Can be Input into Grid Definition Adorners (maherne)
0003591: [Studio] Crash trying to create a ComboBox item template (sfernandez)
0003568: [Studio] Creating a Slider Template Produces XAML Error (sfernandez)
0003555: [Studio] Noesis Studio Right-Click Context Menu Appears in Play Mode (sfernandez)
0003532: [Studio] Elements Cannot be Dragged Completely Out-of-Stage-Bounds (sfernandez)
0003534: [Studio] Different Tooltips for Dragging Elements into Single-Child Elements Depending on Hover Area (sfernandez)
0003538: [Studio] Bounding box template and style adorner icons not reachable (dfranjic)
0003541: [Studio] Update main menu with new context menu organization (sfernandez)
0003525: [Studio] Components Don't Play Their Animations When Inserted Into a Page (sfernandez)
0003513: [Studio] Components Break Apart When Grouped Into Layout Panel (sfernandez)
0003522: [Studio] Components don't show their names in the navigator (sfernandez)
0003510: [Studio] Duplicated Components Lose their Properties (sfernandez)
0003516: [Studio] Nudging Element With Shift+ArrowKey Modifier Brings Up XAML View When Cursor Focused in Properties Panel (sfernandez)
0003361: [Studio] Changing the Layout Type of a ListBox ItemsPanel Crashes Studio (sfernandez)
0003496: [Studio] Viewport and Viewbox Values Can't be Reset to Defaults by MiddleMouseClicking on their Visual Editors (sfernandez)
0003390: [Studio] Controller Focus Exits Viewport and Enters Studio (sfernandez)
0003441: [Studio] Incomplete Terminology is Used for Dictionary Creation (sfernandez)
0003413: [Studio] Merging Dictionary into Self Crashes Studio (sfernandez)
0003313: [Studio] Crash when copy pasting a Visibility keyframe (sfernandez)
0003250: [Studio] Cut-and-Paste Does Not Work on Keyframes (dfranjic)
0003461: [Studio] Inconsistent Action Labelling Between Studio and OS Windows (sfernandez)
0003458: [Studio] Navigator Layer States Are Visible Under the Function Panels (sfernandez)
0003465: [Studio] While editing styles or templates, Esc key should be used to return scope (sfernandez)
0002830: [Studio] Show "Auto" instead of "NaN" for numeric values (dfranjic)
0003385: [Studio] New Noesis Projects Don't have a MainPage or GlobalResources Pre-Made (jsantos)
0003386: [Studio] Actions Missing from Keyframe Context Menu (sfernandez)
0003352: [Studio] Crash adding a stop to a gradient resource (dfranjic)
0003344: [Studio] Pasting a selection of keyframes only pastes one keyframe (sfernandez)
0003331: [Studio] Shortcuts for Navigator 'Duplicate Element' are Incorrect Relative to Shortcut Documentation (sfernandez)
0003260: [Studio] Changing Folder in the Asset Browser Changes Active Tab (maherne)
0003333: [Studio] Page throws an error after creating a new resource dictionary and renaming it (maherne)
0003338: [Studio] Changing property values is centering and resetting the zoom of the viewport (maherne)
0003332: [Studio] Studio's viewport darkens and becomes freezed after renaming an applied resource (maherne)
0003328: [Studio] Crash when trying to create a TemplatedParent binding (maherne)
0003300: [Studio] Studio Crashes Scrolling Through TextBlock FontFamily List (jsantos)
0003317: [Studio] Re-Ordering a Layer Clears its Name within a Template (maherne)
0003308: [Studio] Crash after moving keyframes in a Visual State (maherne)
0003322: [Studio] Clicking on a brush inside a Visual State crashed the Studio (maherne)
0003319: [Studio] Star Transition Icon is Difficult to See (sfernandez)
0003315: [Studio] Backups Are Loaded On Launch When There Is No Backup File (sfernandez)
0003314: [Studio] Crash clearing a brush inside a template (sfernandez)
0003290: [Studio] Crash when trying to edit an type selected DataTemplate in another dictionary (maherne)
0003305: [Studio] Dragging Grid Column or Row Adorner Outside of the Stage Causes Viewport to Dissapear and the Application to Crash (sfernandez)
0003307: [Studio] Gradient widget endpoints not moving and crashing the Studio (maherne)
0003306: [Studio] Clicking or trying to create a gradient, ImageBrush or VisualBrush crashes the Studio (maherne)
0003261: [Studio] Grouping Root Grid into a Grid Breaks ItemTemplate Visual States (sfernandez)
0003264: [Studio] Crash when copy pasting a keyframe (sfernandez)
0003284: [Studio] Studio Crashes Navigating Between Page Tab and Resource Tab After Creating a Path Resource (sfernandez)
0003281: [Studio] Trying to set the transform origin in a style crashes the Studio (sfernandez)
0003271: [Studio] Crash when animating opacity inside a visual state (maherne)
0003270: [Studio] Crash adding ContentPresenter to template (maherne)
0003266: [Studio] Crash using gradient widget in linear gradient resource (maherne)
0003246: [Studio] MathConverter expander not expanding (maherne)
0003079: [Studio] Merging resource dictionary while editing template crashes the Studio (sfernandez)
0003094: [Studio] Crash deleting resource from resource dictionary (sfernandez)
0003150: [Studio] Pressing Ctrl+W Whilst Inside of an Empty Active TextField Crashes Studio (sfernandez)
0003158: [Studio] Properties panel design time data editor does not scroll (sfernandez)
0003170: [Studio] Media Elements cannot be Dragged to the Navigator (sfernandez)
0003174: [Studio] Global Dictionary Content Isn't Accessible Within Newly-Created Components (sfernandez)
0003207: [Studio] Dynamic Properties Not Accessible Within Component Until Component's Tab Closed and ReOpened (sfernandez)
0003211: [Studio] Dynamic Properties Are Not Registered Until Component is Loaded (sfernandez)
0003222: [Studio] Transparent Brush Not Clearly Labelled in Colour Gallery (sfernandez)
0003194: [Studio] Studio Crashes Switching Between Components (sfernandez)
0003219: [Studio] Crash when hovering ListBox's template submenu (maherne)
0003182: [Studio] Crash when dragging a rive to a rive (sfernandez)
0003237: [Studio] Studio Crashes when Another Window is Selected before Confirming a TextField Input (sfernandez)
0003196: [Studio] Ctrl+D to Duplicate a Component Crashes Studio (sfernandez)
0003039: [Studio] Crash when clicking in the Assets panel icon (sfernandez)
0003213: [Studio] Studio Crashes When Attempting to Access the Transform Properties for a New Element (maherne)
0003160: [Studio] Dynamic Type Extends property not saving when changing for an existing type (maherne)
0003206: [Studio] Crash when adding DataTrigger to a DataTemplate root (maherne)
0003183: [Studio] Rotating a grid with the transform tool affects also the adorner's menu (maherne)
0003192: [Studio] Grid Definition Adorners Dissapear Below a Certain Grid Pixel Size (maherne)
0003176: [Studio] Studio Crashes Clicking on a Component in the Assets Panel (sfernandez)
0003138: [Studio] Crash when reordering element (maherne)
0003139: [Studio] Crash when selecting an ImageSource (maherne)
0003147: [Studio] Renaming assets shouldn't not select the extension (sfernandez)
0003152: [Studio] Viewport elements can't be selected after merge dictionary (sfernandez)
0003083: [Studio] Moving resource to page made viewport element unselectable and eventually crashed the Studio (sfernandez)
0003064: [Studio] Selecting a grid in the viepoort crashed the Studio (sfernandez)
0003143: [Studio] When editing properties, Escape should restore previous value (sfernandez)
0003141: [Studio] Resource name not updated in resource panel UI after a rename (maherne)
0003142: [Studio] Improve property tooltips to indicate the source of the property (local value, style, binding...) (sfernandez)
0003043: [Studio] Crash when clicking on a blue keyframe (sfernandez)
0003038: [Studio] Crash when clik on grey keyframe (sfernandez)
0003145: [Studio] Color Picker, pasting colors without # (sfernandez)
0003144: [Studio] Pasting in a ContentControl causes duplicate assignment of Content (maherne)
0003129: [Studio] Crash while trying to draw a rectangle inside a template (maherne)
0003130: [Studio] Crash when opening element context menu, when resources contains a Style with no TargetType (sfernandez)
0002986: [Studio] Selecting a Colour Resource from the Colour Picker Crashes Studio (sfernandez)
0002779: [C++ SDK] Problem selecting all in TextBoxes (sfernandez)
0003085: [Studio] Additional template and style menus in the hover adorner (sfernandez)
0003116: [Studio] Elements inside templates can't be renamed (dfranjic)
0003084: [Studio] Can't set VisualTree of a template through the navigator (maherne)
0002886: [Studio] Paths can't be selected in the viewport (maherne)
0002901: [Studio] Add Element panel is enabled when no document is loaded (maherne)
0003074: [Studio] Crash when selecting a gradient resource's stop (maherne)
0002889: [Studio] Allow Dragging Elements into and out of TextBlock (maherne)
0002932: [Studio] When dragging an element into an InlineUIContainer, it doesn't show in the correct position (maherne)
0002928: [Studio] Removing an element from an InlineUIContainer does not update the TextBlock layout (sfernandez)
0002887: [Studio] Can't copy and paste ListBox items (sfernandez)
0002900: [Studio] Studio crashes when creating a ScrollBar's Track template (sfernandez)
0003022: [Studio] Timeline textbox changing width when adding digits (sfernandez)
0003069: [Studio] Feedback that 'Autopopulate Data' feature is too Hidden (sfernandez)
0003081: [Studio] Crash while pasting value in width property (sfernandez)
0003082: [Studio] Changing thickness value with mouse wheel crashed the Studio (sfernandez)
0003089: [Studio] Resource Create ComboBox is expanded when selecting resource dictionary (sfernandez)
0002933: [Studio] Add resources ComboBox issues (sfernandez)
0002899: [Studio] Deleting an InlineUIContainer leads to invalid XAML (dfranjic)
0003078: [Studio] Trying to select a button crashed the Studio (sfernandez)
0003072: [Studio] Crash when clicking on gradient widget inside a style (maherne)
0002950: [Studio] Add a new Transform tool that will affect RenderTransform (maherne)
0002974: [Studio] TextBlock resizing acting weird when recording storyboard (maherne)
0002874: [Studio] Flipped template/style adorner when flipping a path (sfernandez)
0002778: [Studio] Caret offset in the XAML view (sfernandez)
0002812: [Studio] Zoom Selection command not implemented (sfernandez)
0002814: [Studio] Property value's context menu doesn't seem to be working (sfernandez)
0002949: [Studio] When animating just switching between TransfromGroup tab is recording keyframes (sfernandez)
0003019: [Studio] F2 shortcut not working for Asset Panel asset renaming (sfernandez)
0003013: [Studio] Selected Element RenderTransform is applied to HoverAdorner (maherne)
0003002: [Studio] xaml file not opening after closing it (sfernandez)
0002992: [Studio] New color resource not shown in Solid Color Brush editor (sfernandez)
0002977: [Studio] [ApplicationTutorial] [Buttons] [Detroit] App.xaml crashes the Studio (dfranjic)
0002991: [Studio] Studio Crashes when creating a New Page without a Noesis File loaded. (dfranjic)
0002993: [Studio] Grouping canvas children inside stackpanel creates unnecessary margins (sfernandez)
0002994: [Studio] Creating a TextBlock style crashes the Studio (sfernandez)
0002895: [Studio] Show "margins" for children inside Canvas (sfernandez)
0002860: [Studio] Crash using a BitmapImage in design DataContext (dfranjic)
0002877: [Studio] No way to draw elements in a parent grid with children panels (maherne)
0002813: [Studio] Cancelling action with Esc key locks Navigator (maherne)
0002884: [Studio] Grid reverting to RowSpan=3 even after resizing (sfernandez)
0002947: [Studio] Crash when reordering grid element (sfernandez)
0002958: [Studio] Selecting a Textblocks's child crashes the Studio (maherne)
0002957: [Studio] Crash when dragging an image to the navigator (maherne)
0002925: [Studio] Exception while editing an element name in the Navigator (sfernandez)
0002942: [Studio] Properties panel rework (maherne)
0002815: [Studio] Group into Viewbox is adding weird size and margins (sfernandez)
0002920: [Studio] Page brush not updating (sfernandez)
0002917: [Studio] Editing an asset name shows a hovering adorner (sfernandez)
0002878: [Studio] Image elements are created with no size (sfernandez)
0002875: [Studio] Oversized selection outline for paths (sfernandez)
0002959: [Studio] Hex Value Input Does not Register in Colour Picker (sfernandez)
0002771: [Studio] Clearing SolidColorBrush.Color value causes a crash (sfernandez)
0002880: [Studio] transformGroup's Flip Y/X axis buttons do nothing (sfernandez)
0002858: [Studio] Mouse wheel scrolling the viewport instead of zooming (sfernandez)
0002876: [Studio] Resource item drag adorner stuck over brush property (sfernandez)
0002740: [Studio] Adding element to the Navigator places it outside the parent container bounds (sfernandez)
0002810: [Studio] Black viewport when clearing a TransformGroup Scale value (sfernandez)
0002806: [Studio] New Page shortcut not working (sfernandez)
0002861: [Studio] Margin adorner shown in wrong position when selecting the Viewbox child (sfernandez)
0002767: [Studio] Improvement when adding new elements (maherne)
0002867: [Studio] Changes in TransformGroup editor textboxes are updating instantly (sfernandez)
0002834: [Studio] Add Element functionality for TextBlocks (maherne)
0002893: [Studio] NumericInput showing unexpected decimals sometimes (sfernandez)
0002881: [Studio] Crash when adding an ItemsPresenter to a ListBox template (sfernandez)
0002811: [Studio] Play shortcut (Ctrl+P) does not activate the Play command (sfernandez)
0002822: [Studio] Still a few Studio text boxes keep the cursor after hitting Enter (sfernandez)
0002802: [Studio] Hand tool not capturing mouse (sfernandez)
0002801: [Studio] Hand tool not working as expected with high-DPI monitors (sfernandez)
0002799: [Studio] Move Brush editor to a popup (sfernandez)
0002827: [Studio] Add helper buttons to HoverAdorner to edit style/template (maherne)
0002838: [Studio] AddElementToolState gets stuck when drawing elements (maherne)
0002768: [Studio] Add element tool not remembering last selection (maherne)
0002826: [Studio] Adorners should be disabled for Inline selections (maherne)
0002835: [Studio] Margin adorner shown when using TextBlockAdorner (maherne)
0002821: [Studio] Undo after adding columns to a grid do not refresh (maherne)
0002828: [Studio] Make context menu more compact (sfernandez)
0002742: [Studio] Selecting an element with the mouse could leave it in drag-move state (dfranjic)
0002798: [Studio] DecorationHelpers for moving, rotating not always working (sfernandez)
0002819: [Studio] GridAdorner hit test fails when elements are zoomed out (maherne)
0002823: [C++ SDK] Issues editing text (maherne)
0002786: [Studio] Template support in TextBlockAdorner (maherne)
0002770: [Studio] Zooming elements with effects applied causes displacement (sfernandez)
0002751: [Studio] Using textboxes or passwordboxes in play mode activates toolbar shortcuts (sfernandez)
0002750: [Studio] Typing while renaming files or elements also changes the active tool (sfernandez)
0002808: [Studio] Sudden displacement when using Move tool (dfranjic)
0002816: [Studio] Dragging some NumericProperty value will generate lots of commands (sfernandez)
0002785: [Studio] TextBlockAdorner Styling (maherne)
0002784: [Studio] Runs that were in Hyperlinks are keeping the Hyperlink Foreground Brush (maherne)
0002796: [Studio] TextBlock linebreaks are not saved (maherne)
0002752: [Studio] Grid row/col adorners are resized by viewboxes (maherne)
0002766: [Studio] Improvements editing number values (sfernandez)
0002749: [Studio] Margin adorner not showing margins when element is centered (sfernandez)
229 issues View Issues
Released 2023-12-27
0003724: [Unreal] [UE5] Double-click needed to select item in Listbox. Single-click does not work. (hcpizzi)
0003566: [Unreal] Inventory Drag and Drop Sample For UE5 Not Working as Excepted for GameAndUI Input Mode (hcpizzi)
0003746: [Unity3D] Crash in native game using Noesis 3.2.4 p7 (sfernandez)
0003476: [Unity3D] WorldSpaceUI Responds to Mouse Enter/Leave But Not Mouse Down (sfernandez)
0003734: [Unity3D] Blocking interaction in the 3D world (sfernandez)
0003665: [Unity3D] A property to handle stencil buffer clearing if not cleared automatically (jsantos)
0003607: [Unity3D] Matrix not invertible issue (sfernandez)
0002577: [C++ SDK] Extend GamepadTrigger to include option to handle events (sfernandez)
0003661: [C++ SDK] The window style is not applied (jsantos)
0003417: [Unity3D] Tooltip of Hyperlink doesn't work in Unity and XamlToy (sfernandez)
0003549: [C++ SDK] Visual child of adorner is not rendered (sfernandez)
0003635: [Unity3D] Using LocExtension as a Setter value (maherne)
0003564: [C# SDK] StencilMode enum is incomplete (sfernandez)
0003663: [XamlToy] Slider with not positive min value slightly fluctuates after decreasing min value (sfernandez)
0003741: [Unity3D] Game crashed with 3.2.4 p4 (sfernandez)
0003742: [Unity3D] Noesis_View_Update Infinite Loop (sfernandez)
0002717: [C++ SDK] Scroll position after the focus is lost and returned (sfernandez)
0003473: [Unity3D] Crash - VirtualizationCacheLength_GetStaticType (sfernandez)
0003723: [C# SDK] Frequent Unity Editor Crashes (sfernandez)
0003521: [Unity3D] Visual Brush Crash (sfernandez)
0003470: [Unity3D] Domain Reload Crashing (sfernandez)
0003483: [C# SDK] Upgrade from 3.2.3 to 3.2.4 and FontWeight is broken for all fonts (jsantos)
0003605: [C# SDK] Could not load file or assembly 'SystemFonts' (sfernandez)
0003686: [Unity3D] Unity crashed with Noesis 3.2.4 p2 (sfernandez)
0003600: [C# SDK] Attempted to read or write protected memory when resizing window (sfernandez)
0003554: [Unity3D] Noesis crashes Unity editor (sfernandez)
0003472: [Unity3D] Random TextBlock and Visual Layout Corruption (sfernandez)
0003676: [Unity3D] Unity editor crashes (sfernandez)
0003540: [VSCode] GPU memory leak (jsantos)
0003178: [VSCode] Auto Completion in VSCode Extension for Resources and Data Context (maherne)
0003629: [Documentation] Incomplete documentation for ControlStoryboardAction (jsantos)
0003457: [Unreal] Handling Focus and Input in UE5 (hcpizzi)
0003492: [C++ SDK] "Segoe UI Symbol" font cannot be registered if "Segoe UI" is already registered (jsantos)
0003467: [Studio] Noesis Studio Crashes When Inputting a Dash character into the Dash Array (sfernandez)
0002623: [Unity3D] Domain Reload Crash - Attempt to access invalid address (sfernandez)
35 issues View Issues
Released 2023-11-07
0002791: [Unity3D] [NOESIS/E] Visuals don't have a common ancestor after domain reload. (sfernandez)
0003407: [Unity3D] TextBox + WorldSpaceUI (sfernandez)
0003243: [Unity3D] Unity Editor crashes when you press Play (sfernandez)
0003296: [Unity3D] [Quest 2] App freezes for half a second when enabling UI (jsantos)
0003249: [Unity3D] Noesis crashes Unity (sfernandez)
0003263: [Unity3D] Text is saved in text box and there's no way to change this (jsantos)
0003241: [C++ SDK] make -f fails on linux due to backslashes in paths (jsantos)
0003369: [C# SDK] TypeDescriptor.GetConverter not returning a TypeConverter for Color (sfernandez)
0003277: [Unity3D] Icons jittering in our map/minimap in 3.2.3 upgrade branch (sfernandez)
0003304: [Unity3D] Loading files using "pack://application:,,," is broken in latest version (sfernandez)
0002847: [C# SDK] ChangePropertyAction to change localized text (maherne)
0002452: [C++ SDK] can't make a resource from an enum value (sfernandez)
0003294: [C++ SDK] GLRenderDevice::DeleteSampler / GLRenderDevice::DeleteFramebuffer / NS_ASSERT (jsantos)
0002638: [Unity3D] Geometry.Parse: Native type 'BaseObject' is not registered (jsantos)
0003166: [C# SDK] Incorrect behavior of inline text when using special characters (jsantos)
0003253: [C++ SDK] TextBlock is limited to a text length of 65536 glyphs (jsantos)
0003350: [C++ SDK] Crash when calling Keyboard::Focus() inside DataContextChanged handler (jsantos)
0003050: [Unreal] NoesisWorldUI doesn't render in VR projects (hcpizzi)
0003349: [C++ SDK] Crash when re-evaluating style triggers while IView is being destroyed (sfernandez)
0003242: [C++ SDK] NSToolkit python scripts issues (jsantos)
0003091: [C# SDK] Cannot convert a string to Noesis.Size using TypeConverter. (sfernandez)
0003278: [Unity3D] RuntimeError: unreachable at Noesis::License::Check() in Unity 2023.2.19 WebGL build (jsantos)
0002700: [C++ SDK] Width of element inside Virtualizing Stack Panel is not resized correctly (sfernandez)
0003232: [C++ SDK] Add symbols to distribution even when COMPRESSION = FALSE (jsantos)
0003231: [C++ SDK] NSToolkit does not complain about invalid arguments (jsantos)
0003230: [C++ SDK] Outdated documentation for custom builds (jsantos)
0002711: [C# SDK] Application crash with AccessViolationException (sfernandez)
0002921: [Unity3D] Unity Editor Crash during Domain Reload (sfernandez)
0001142: [C# SDK] Can't disable tooltip animation (sfernandez)
0002330: [C++ SDK] Support VisualBrush as an OpacityMask (sfernandez)
0001316: [Unity3D] OpacityMask doesn't support VisualBrush even when binding an existing element to Visual (sfernandez)
0000711: [C++ SDK] VisualBrush crash (sfernandez)
0003279: [C# SDK] KeyDown and PreviewKeyDown Not Firing for KeyCode Tilde '~' (sfernandez)
0003311: [C# SDK] Parsing special character ยฐ with XamlReader fails (sfernandez)
0003301: [C++ SDK] Text.CharacterSpacing property is not inherited (sfernandez)
0002721: [Unity3D] ToolTip is not affected by WorldSpaceUI scale (sfernandez)
0003224: [C++ SDK] Cant set MinHeight thumb of ScrollBar (sfernandez)
0003247: [Unity3D] Width="auto" property doesnt work in <Expander> component when <UniformGrid> is a child (jsantos)
0003288: [C++ SDK] GLRenderDevice::UnbindObjects() NS_FATAL/BREAK_POINT (jsantos)
0003245: [C++ SDK] Crash filling effect pyramid (jsantos)
0003275: [C++ SDK] Binding StringFormat does not support brace escaping (jsantos)
0001376: [C++ SDK] Value returned by IValueConverter not converted to target type (sfernandez)
0003240: [C++ SDK] Uncaught `integer divide by zero` runtime error in webassembly builds (jsantos)
0003214: [Unreal] NoesisGrabBackgroundImage sets scene alpha to 1 causing DLSS to not work (hcpizzi)
0003090: [C# SDK] Cannot set RenderTransform to a MatrixTransform from code (sfernandez)
0002915: [C++ SDK] Unloaded event not invoked for inlines added through code (sfernandez)
0003161: [C# SDK] Low performance when using BackgroundEffectBehavior.BlurEffect on many elements (sfernandez)
0003057: [Unreal] Bound Image Texture Source does not update correctly at runtime (hcpizzi)
0003136: [Unity3D] Unity Editor crash (sfernandez)
0003095: [Unity3D] Unity crashes when editing XAML in VSCode (maherne)
50 issues View Issues
Released 2023-07-30
0003063: [Unity3D] Matrix.HasInverse has inverted behaviour. (sfernandez)
0002612: [Unity3D] Crash reloading assembly with xaml containing bindings (sfernandez)
0002738: [C++ SDK] PS5: Crash on asian languages (AGCRenderDevice.cpp(1288)) (jsantos)
0002800: [Unity3D] TextureSource Behavior on XBOX (jsantos)
0003068: [Unreal] Add support for TargetType to Unreal RichText Style tags (maherne)
0003067: [Unreal] Allow extending Unreal RichText tags using a callback (maherne)
0002919: [Documentation] Unreal Gamepad Documentation out of date for 5.3 (hcpizzi)
0002748: [Unity3D] Inconsistent carriage return handling in a TextBox (sfernandez)
0002709: [Unity3D] RiveApp Text feature (sfernandez)
0002840: [C# SDK] Noesis.Extend:Noesis_ClearExtendTypes Crash on AppDomain Unload (sfernandez)
0002837: [Unity3D] VisualStateManager From MouseOver Raycast (jsantos)
0003017: [Unreal] Unreal crashes when trying to use the Unreal 5.3 plugin on macOS (hcpizzi)
0003016: [Unreal] Unreal 5.3 Plugin fails to build on macOS (hcpizzi)
0002918: [Unreal] Crash when resizing the Viewport with the D3D11 render back (hcpizzi)
0002936: [Unity3D] World UI Responds to Mouse Events When Cursor Hidden and Locked (jsantos)
0002729: [Unity3D] Can not bind to Point properties X and Y (jsantos)
0002872: [Unity3D] Crash on Quit App (jsantos)
0002776: [Unity3D] Imagebrush rendertexture crash with D3X12 (jsantos)
0002856: [C++ SDK] TextBlock and ShapingFull have different behaviour for handling empty InlineUIContainers (jsantos)
0002965: [C++ SDK] Bad font anti aliasing after upgrade from 3.1.2 to 3.2.2 (sfernandez)
0002710: [Unity3D] Unable to localize ControlTemplate or DataTemplate that live in a ResourceDictionary (maherne)
0002935: [Unity3D] NoesisWorldUI should not recreate or evict state on GameObject.Enable/Disable (jsantos)
0002586: [Unity3D] Required execution order not embedded in source code (jsantos)
0002849: [Unity3D] Unity crashes on xaml import (sfernandez)
0003040: [Unity3D] InvalidOperationException: Native type 'TypeConverter' is not registered (sfernandez)
0003007: [C++ SDK] Issues with -Wno-maybe-uninitialized (jsantos)
0003033: [C++ SDK] Event raises incorrect warning/error when trying to remove non-existent handler (sfernandez)
0002773: [VSCode] LangServer: Incorrect autocompletion when using namespaces (maherne)
0002946: [C++ SDK] NoesisGUI allocates 4GB for system fonts (jsantos)
0002756: [Unity3D] My Color style didn't work on Unity (sfernandez)
0002722: [C# SDK] Noesis.GUI NuGet missing a natives folder for osx-arm64 (sfernandez)
0002892: [Unreal] Rive XAML import crashes unreal (hcpizzi)
0003021: [Unreal] LogClass warnings regarding unproper pathnames on start up (hcpizzi)
0003006: [Unity3D] Unity FillRule Nonzero vs NonZero (jsantos)
0002999: [C++ SDK] Ambiguous symbol in Interaction.cpp in Unity builds (sfernandez)
0002980: [Unity3D] Crash clicking TextBox used in ItemsControl item template (sfernandez)
0002985: [C++ SDK] Selected Item in Combobox does not have updated display text when its content changes (sfernandez)
0002979: [C++ SDK] VS Warning that Variable 'Noesis::QueryCursorEventArgs::cursor' is uninitialized (sfernandez)
0002654: [Unity3D] Rive input two way binding (sfernandez)
0002562: [C++ SDK] RiveControl: add support for images (sfernandez)
       0002563: [C++ SDK] RiveControl: add support for meshes (sfernandez)
0002708: [Unity3D] Unity crash because of Noesis cannot handle RiveApp text feature (sfernandez)
0002924: [C++ SDK] Read access violation in D3D12RenderDevice::UploadUniforms (jsantos)
0002412: [C++ SDK] Improve diagnostics error when loading fonts (jsantos)
0002693: [Unity3D] Unexpected RefCount(2) deleting object at [number] causes hard crash (sfernandez)
0002728: [C# SDK] Segfault opening a menu on linux ARM64 (hcpizzi)
0002406: [C++ SDK] Support overriding default directional navigation (sfernandez)
0002703: [Unreal] Mouse enhanced input actions not triggering (hcpizzi)
48 issues View Issues
Released 2023-06-30
0002789: [Unreal] Unreal Crash when exporting xaml files. (hcpizzi)
0002522: [C# SDK] Dispatcher.BeginInvoke never invokes the callback (sfernandez)
0002620: [Inspector] Crash inspecting element with a templated parent binding in a style (hcpizzi)
0002622: [Unity3D] Noesis Crashes Upon Editor Load (sfernandez)
0002701: [Unreal] Crash when closing the application with Alt+F4 (hcpizzi)
0002527: [C# SDK] StackOverflow exception when setting DataContext in UserControl's constructor. (sfernandez)
0002675: [Unity3D] Noesis Unity Package 3.2.1 Crash Issue (jsantos)
0002677: [Unity3D] Perf dips pretty hard when the HitTest3D gets run on Quest up to an unusable state (sfernandez)
0002052: [C++ SDK] Storyboard Completed event triggered for all instances of a template (sfernandez)
0002653: [Unreal] ControlStoryboardAction inside ControlTemplates only works for one instance (sfernandez)
0002634: [Unreal] StoryboardCompletedTrigger is invoked for all items in list (sfernandez)
0002695: [Unreal] Crash loading invalid xaml with VSCode plugin attached (sfernandez)
0002663: [C++ SDK] Doesn't compile with Visual Studio 17.7.0 (hcpizzi)
0002538: [C++ SDK] BrushShader textures are not processed unless an additional constant buffer is provided (jsantos)
0002673: [Unity3D] Noesis 3.2.1 crashes for 9% of users (jsantos)
0002600: [Unity3D] Crash compiling VR shaders (jsantos)
0002659: [C++ SDK] Noesis crashes on some AMD graphics cards (jsantos)
0002682: [C# SDK] Repeatable Crash On Keyboard Input (sfernandez)
0002624: [Unreal] Crash parsing invalid xaml (jsantos)
0002681: [Unity3D] NoesisView References Optional Unity Module "XRSettings" (jsantos)
0002590: [Unity3D] Custom Shaders not supported outside of windows. (jsantos)
0002651: [Unreal] Crash closing Unreal when a material was referenced in the application resources (hcpizzi)
0002649: [Unreal] Crash when multiple delegates are used (hcpizzi)
0002648: [Unreal] Support MediaTextures in Bindings (hcpizzi)
0002641: [Unreal] Invalid UMaterialInterface pointers in NoesisTypeClasses (hcpizzi)
0002570: [Unity3D] Combo Box entries in wrong worldspace (sfernandez)
0001982: [Unity3D] FocusManager is missing (sfernandez)
0000811: [C# SDK] Difference with WPF - FocusManager is absent (sfernandez)
0002661: [Unity3D] Arc Command's Sweep Direction Backwards (sfernandez)
0002578: [Unity3D] Unwanted Blur Effect Margin Behavior (sfernandez)
0002615: [Unity3D] BackgroundEffect behavior being invalidated per frame (sfernandez)
0002668: [C++ SDK] UIElement doesn't have TranslatePoint implemented (sfernandez)
0002671: [Unity3D] EventTrigger can fail with a nullreferenceexception without an explanatory error message (sfernandez)
0002666: [Unity3D] DllNotFoundException for Standalone build on MacOS (jsantos)
0002657: [C# SDK] Cannot Bind to the Properties of a TimeSpan (sfernandez)
0002606: [Unreal] Crash in UNoesisInstance::NativePaint when stopping PIE (hcpizzi)
0002640: [Unreal] L847 of NoesisInstance.cpp assumes Viewport exists which crashes in editor when it doesn't (hcpizzi)
0002642: [Unreal] Different Colors in Unreal World UI (hcpizzi)
0002594: [Unreal] Complex OpacityMask with transparency provides different results in WPF and Noesis 3.2.0 (sfernandez)
0002613: [Unreal] Set with NotifyChanged node doesn't work with Text properties (hcpizzi)
0002627: [C++ SDK] Improve PropertyPath error messages for boxed values (sfernandez)
0002597: [C# SDK] Adding a scrollviewer makes keyboard focus behave in completely unexpected ways for the controls inside. (sfernandez)
0002609: [Unity3D] WebGL: TextBox and PasswordBox don't receive focus (jsantos)
0002605: [C# SDK] Code handling enter key has some problems. (sfernandez)
0002599: [Unity3D] Directional focus can't be moved to controls inside ItemsControl's items (sfernandez)
0002608: [Unity3D] Setting Stretch to Fill on Path w/ BackgroundEffectBehavior Causes Crash (sfernandez)
0002607: [Unreal] Noesis::Ptr types not supported as a Key value for TMap in Unreal 5.2 (hcpizzi)
0002593: [Unreal] Crash when previewing View instance in the Editor (hcpizzi)
0002602: [C++ SDK] Improve error message when binding read-only property (sfernandez)
0002592: [Unreal] Crash when using WorldUI component and plugin content is not present (hcpizzi)
50 issues View Issues
Released 2023-05-10
0002585: [Unreal] Doesn't compile for PS5 with FreeType enabled (hcpizzi)
0002424: [C++ SDK] Crash (sfernandez)
0002561: [VSCode] Support for snippets (maherne)
0002567: [Unity3D] WorldSpace UI inverted when using the fixed pipeline (jsantos)
0002575: [Unreal] Support for UE Delegates / Expose Delegates to DataEventTriggers (hcpizzi)
0002584: [C# SDK] C# Project Template Extension for Visual Studio 2022 (maherne)
0002583: [Unity3D] IView.SetManipulationDistanceThreshold(...) not exposed in Unity (sfernandez)
0002474: [C# SDK] KeyboardNavigation parameters are ignored in StackPanel and Dockpanel (sfernandez)
0002576: [Unreal] Texture mipmaps ignored when rendering images (hcpizzi)
0002242: [C++ SDK] KeyboardNavigation failing to focus "off-screen" controls inside a ScrollViewer (sfernandez)
0002574: [Unity3D] ApplicationCommands can be referenced only by name (sfernandez)
0002568: [Unity3D] Implement support for Single-Pass stereo rendering on Android (Quest2) (jsantos)
0002566: [VSCode] Implement full support for color decorators on node attribute properties (maherne)
0002554: [VSCode] Incorrect autocomplete when XAML is empty (maherne)
0002555: [VSCode] Boolean and Nullable<Boolean> not showing suggestions (maherne)
0002556: [VSCode] Properties of type Color don't show color suggestions (maherne)
0002550: [Unreal] Font Fallbacks defined in Noesis settings don't work (sfernandez)
0002547: [Unreal] Support for linear color and texture parameters in materials (hcpizzi)
0002542: [Unreal] NoesisViews can't be set as mouse cursor widgets (hcpizzi)
0002545: [C# SDK] Embedded fonts not found in Noesis 3.2 (sfernandez)
0002540: [C++ SDK] Rive line drawing not working (sfernandez)
21 issues View Issues
Released 2023-03-16
This version implements right-to-left languages like Arabic and more improvements related to text and Unicode compatibility
FreeType is being replaced by HarfBuzz
0002482: [C# SDK] DirectX 12 Behavior (jsantos)
0002397: [C++ SDK] Implement support for OpenType Font Features (sfernandez)
0002498: [Unity3D] Behaviors gets detached when associated object is temporarily removed from visual tree (sfernandez)
0002512: [Unity3D] Consistent ReloadXaml Crash (sfernandez)
0002530: [C# SDK] Random Crashes (sfernandez)
0002509: [Unity3D] [NOESIS/I] 'Image.png' loaded (jsantos)
0002472: [Unreal] Incompatibility with Unreal Engine CommonUI plugin (hcpizzi)
0002221: [Unity3D] Please add Visual Studio 2022 support for the NoesisGUI Project Templates (maherne)
0002537: [Unity3D] Create -> NoesisGUI -> UserControl ... Creates Circular Dependency (jsantos)
0002536: [Unity3D] 3.2 RC1 Importer Warnings and Error (jsantos)
0002534: [C++ SDK] ToolBar overflow is empty (sfernandez)
0002532: [Unity3D] Previews fail on MacOS after changing scene (maherne)
0002524: [C++ SDK] Add support for Visual Studio 2022 in Blend projects (maherne)
0002334: [Unity3D] Bug in inventory system (sfernandez)
0002496: [Unity3D] NoesisViewEditor.OnPreviewGUI Crash (sfernandez)
0002504: [C++ SDK] RiveControl (Mouse Events) (sfernandez)
0001894: [C# SDK] Inspector support for macOS (jsantos)
0002486: [C++ SDK] Bezier and arc strokes do not emit Mouse Events (sfernandez)
0002060: [C# SDK] TouchDown not fired for a touch in the Arc part of a Path (sfernandez)
0002267: [C++ SDK] Centered Popup shows in the corner until the view is resized (sfernandez)
0002091: [C++ SDK] i18n for text wrapping and trimming (jsantos)
0002468: [Unity3D] Named element with Interaction triggers declared are not executed when we have hot-reloaded (jsantos)
0001789: [C++ SDK] Font selection differs from WPF one (jsantos)
0001742: [C++ SDK] Make Symbols case sensitive to avoid some problems (jsantos)
0002379: [C++ SDK] Bad clipping when text wraps (jsantos)
0002383: [C++ SDK] Arabic Branch: InlineUIContainers not working with FlowDirection (sfernandez)
0001522: [Unity3D] Ellipse use too few Segments compared to Curved closed Path (jsantos)
0001404: [Unity3D] Cannot draw Path to meet two Arc-s: rendering artifacts (WPF OK) (jsantos)
0001788: [C++ SDK] Emoji with zero width joiner (zwj) should render with a zero width space on fallback (jsantos)
0001868: [C++ SDK] Implement Font differentiation when matching famiy names (jsantos)
0001829: [C++ SDK] Feature Request: Support FrameworkElement.FlowDirection (sfernandez)
0001280: [Unreal] StackPanel FlowDirection unsupported (sfernandez)
0002092: [C++ SDK] Fonts with overlapping paths (jsantos)
0002307: [C++ SDK] Implement a Language Server for XAML (maherne)
34 issues View Issues
Released 2022-11-30
0002495: [Unity3D] Texture Corruption Built Assembly (sfernandez)
0002473: [C# SDK] OpenGLRenderDevice doesn't have sRGB parameter in C# constructor (sfernandez)
0002366: [C++ SDK] Display::Close() for PlayStation and Xbox (jsantos)
0002475: [C++ SDK] Crash destroying template with IsMouseOver triggers (sfernandez)
0002492: [C++ SDK] Noesis::TextBox::GetRangeBounds() - Crash (sfernandez)
0002490: [Unity3D] [NOESIS/E] 'Converter<Brush>' binding converter failed to convert value '' (type 'String') (sfernandez)
0002489: [Unity3D] Meta file conflicts in 3.1.6 (sfernandez)
7 issues View Issues
Released 2022-11-18
0002398: [C++ SDK] Hitting assert in Rect constructor when using LinearRectKeyFrame (jsantos)
0002418: [Inspector] Add an option to limit Inspector target to local applications only (sfernandez)
0002435: [C++ SDK] Add support for a second texture in custom Shader Brushes (jsantos)
0002463: [C# SDK] Error Can't register embedded resources in C# SDK (sfernandez)
0002464: [Unreal] Unreal Blueprint - Set W/Notify Regression (hcpizzi)
0002441: [Unreal] Changes to Application Resources xaml not setting the new dictionary (hcpizzi)
0002437: [C++ SDK] ContextMenu Placement intermittently not being respected (sfernandez)
0002462: [C++ SDK] Memory corruption in Noesis::String::Replace (jsantos)
0001153: [C++ SDK] Memory leak when using ContextMenuService.PlacementTarget (sfernandez)
0001338: [C++ SDK] cyclic reference when using child user control with DataContext binding on the Parent Control (sfernandez)
0001287: [C++ SDK] Circular dependency produces memory leaks (sfernandez)
0002430: [Unreal] Noesis widget blocks input for other UMG widgets or actor mouse over events (hcpizzi)
0002413: [Unity3D] NoesisPostprocess in Unity causes the editor to get stuck (sfernandez)
0002260: [C# SDK] Inheriting from AnimationTimeline is not supported yet in C# (jsantos)
0002372: [Unity3D] Custom Animations Unsupported on Unity / C# (jsantos)
0002377: [Unity3D] Font Importer cannot be changed (jsantos)
0002438: [Unity3D] Unity URP camera stacking not working properly with Noesis GUI (GUI is invisible) on Android device (jsantos)
0002385: [Unity3D] UI not rendering when camera clearing set to SkyBox (jsantos)
0002355: [C++ SDK] Implement an official localization solution (maherne)
0001963: [C++ SDK] Create a RichTextFormatterBehavior or attached property (maherne)
0002440: [C++ SDK] Inline enum reflection causes duplicate definition linker error (jsantos)
0002450: [C++ SDK] Crashes on Pixel 6/7-family devices running Android 13 (jsantos)
0002422: [C++ SDK] TreeViewItem capturing KeyDown event preventing directional navigation outside of the TreeView (sfernandez)
0002431: [C++ SDK] MenuItem not receiving focus when in Treeview or ListView (sfernandez)
0002432: [C++ SDK] Use PropertyChanged("") to indicate all props of a view model changed (sfernandez)
0002426: [C++ SDK] Inifnite recursion causing be self binding in VisualTreeInspector.cpp (sfernandez)
0002416: [Unreal] Video issues in Unreal Engine 5 (hcpizzi)
0002419: [Unreal] Crash reloading xaml using the same name in a template Grid and outer Grid elements (sfernandez)
0002414: [C++ SDK] Crash - NoesisApp::GLRenderDevice::DestroyBuffer (jsantos)
0002417: [Unity3D] FlowDirection of WrapPanel crashed Unity (sfernandez)
0002408: [C++ SDK] ScrollChanged event missing the timing for ongoing scrolling input (sfernandez)
0001041: [C++ SDK] Implement UIElement.LayoutUpdated event (sfernandez)
0002403: [C++ SDK] Compiler warnings in Find.h (VS2022) (jsantos)
0002400: [Unity3D] ScrollViewer doesnt apply panningMode when applied with style (sfernandez)
0002401: [C++ SDK] Duplicate user control x:Name causes incorrect binding (sfernandez)
0002390: [C++ SDK] Assert hit when showing/hiding the scrollbars in a ScrollViewer (sfernandez)
0002387: [C++ SDK] clang warnings in NsMath/Vector.h and NsMath/Transform.h (deprecated-copy) (jsantos)
0002363: [Unreal] Unreal 5 Noesis Instance can't run other plugin's custom blueprint node (hcpizzi)
0002386: [Unity3D] Argument Exception when using ref property (sfernandez)
0002384: [C++ SDK] Itemspresenter stomp (sfernandez)
0002378: [Unity3D] Noesis 3.1.5 Unity release doesn't work when uploaded to a UPM (npm) pagacke repository. (sfernandez)
0002375: [C++ SDK] Crash in GetXamlDependencies when using unknown namespace (sfernandez)
0002374: [C++ SDK] Slider's thumb may fail to update its dragging state when mouse capture changed (sfernandez)
0002365: [C++ SDK] Assertion is thrown when backspace key is pressed after a long text is entered (sfernandez)
0002367: [C++ SDK] when using IME, TextBox cursor is shown even though focus has moved to another TextBox (sfernandez)
45 issues View Issues
Released 2022-06-24
0002027: [Unity3D] ToolTips that contain content with a LayoutTransform/ScaleTransform on them are not properly sized (sfernandez)
0001161: [C++ SDK] MousBinding tag/section not implemented (sfernandez)
0002339: [Unity3D] Request for support of storyboard animation for long values (jsantos)
0002297: [C++ SDK] App crash on Windows 10 with EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION_READ (sfernandez)
0002323: [C++ SDK] Crash - Noesis::Thickness::TryParse (jsantos)
0002314: [C# SDK] AccessViolationException after ~200 minutes (sfernandez)
0002329: [C++ SDK] Support for '-enable-16bit-types' in DXC compiler (jsantos)
0002281: [C++ SDK] Remote control with Xbox controller connected to PC (jsantos)
0002335: [C++ SDK] Assert failed - VGLContext::GetBatchGroupPaint (jsantos)
0002251: [C++ SDK] Xbox: NoesisApp Window doesn't utilize 4K resolution (jsantos)
0002358: [Unreal] Popups contents cannot fill the entire screen (sfernandez)
0002349: [C# SDK] Would like an API to retrieve the image bytes/pixels from an ImageSource (sfernandez)
0002357: [C++ SDK] Intel(R) HD Graphics - GL 3.1.0 - Crash (jsantos)
0002261: [C# SDK] Dispatcher thread check should be done in managed land (sfernandez)
0002338: [C# SDK] LocalFontProvider is not closing Stream and thus running into errors (sfernandez)
0002345: [C# SDK] EventTrigger.Actions throws an exception when created from code behind. (sfernandez)
0002342: [Unity3D] SVG causes the Editor or build hangs indefinitely on Mac (Apple Silicon / Metal) (jsantos)
0001484: [C++ SDK] Implement Storyboard.Seek methods (sfernandez)
0002317: [C++ SDK] Crash when applying animation values in TimeManager::Tick (sfernandez)
0000824: [C++ SDK] Freeze resources in xaml missing (sfernandez)
0002319: [C++ SDK] UriConverter::ParseUri crashing when receiving null string pointer (sfernandez)
0002322: [C# SDK] Can't load xaml from external dll (sfernandez)
0002312: [Unreal] Crash when using MPC-collections in a material (hcpizzi)
23 issues View Issues
Released 2022-03-17
0002306: [Unreal] Unreal Android build crash when NotifyChanged on Image is called (hcpizzi)
0002304: [Unity3D] Disabled XAML Preview Appears to Affect Runtime Behavior (jsantos)
0002308: [C# SDK] Binding to a PolyLineSegment's Points property doesn't work (sfernandez)
0002303: [Unity3D] ScrollViewer Scrolling Disabled if Contained Element Has Focus (sfernandez)
4 issues View Issues
Released 2022-03-05
0002262: [Unity3D] Unity default font cannot be used (jsantos)
0002231: [Unity3D] Styles in Grid.Resources not automatically applied (sfernandez)
0002235: [Unity3D] Create Noesis Inspector Flag for Automatic DPI Scaling (jsantos)
0002220: [Unity3D] [Unity] Update Emscripten to 2.0.19 (jsantos)
0002206: [C++ SDK] Expose StringFormat and the global CultureInfo object (jsantos)
0001961: [Unreal] Font not found in Linux UE4 (hcpizzi)
0001951: [Unreal] XAML assets not recognized as placed in Plugin's Content (hcpizzi)
0002214: [C++ SDK] Video support on Switch (hcpizzi)
0002250: [C++ SDK] Nintendo Switch: NoesisApp Window doesn't utilize available screen resolution (hcpizzi)
0002293: [C++ SDK] SizeToContent crashes (sfernandez)
0002290: [Unity3D] Noesis Package Should Specify Dependency on Unity.UI (jsantos)
0002291: [Documentation] A suffixe is missing from the Unity Tutorial (sfernandez)
0002286: [Unity3D] GamePad Analog Thumbstick Cannot Navigate Dense UI (jsantos)
0002284: [Inspector] Inspector not showing selected View's Xaml path (sfernandez)
0002265: [Unreal] Importer unable to create references to assets (sfernandez)
0002263: [C++ SDK] Crash when running Debug build (HashMap entry is not correctly updated inside AddLoadedXaml) (hcpizzi)
0002124: [C# SDK] UIElement is missing TranslatePoint method (sfernandez)
0002118: [C# SDK] WPF Inconsistency: IDataObject is missing GetDataPresent() method (sfernandez)
0002119: [C# SDK] WPF Inconsistency: DataObject should be public and have a public constructor (sfernandez)
0002278: [C++ SDK] PasswordBox inside a ListBoxItem loses focus (sfernandez)
0002268: [Unity3D] ImageSourceConverter not working for Uri properties (sfernandez)
0002234: [C++ SDK] Bindings in resources not resolving (sfernandez)
0002233: [C# SDK] Missing in Android (hcpizzi)
0002202: [C++ SDK] 3D UI interaction broken (hcpizzi)
0002211: [Unity3D] Implementation of VisualStateManager events : CurrentStateChanging and CurrentStateChanged (sfernandez)
0002227: [Unity3D] Noesis 3.1.2 Compiler Warnings (sfernandez)
0002225: [C# SDK] Offscreen rendering sometimes does not render everything (sfernandez)
0002236: [C++ SDK] Incorrect Rectangle geometry when only setting one of RadiusX or RadiusY (sfernandez)
0002245: [C# SDK] Application.FindResource not implemented (sfernandez)
0002240: [C++ SDK] Path doesn't stretch when Viewbox expands (sfernandez)
0002216: [C++ SDK] StaticResourceExtension not in the public API (sfernandez)
0002229: [C# SDK] System.Windows.Media.PathSegmentCollection Runtime Compatibility (sfernandez)
0002178: [Unity3D] Text Wrapping Algorithm Breaks Words Strangely (jsantos)
0002219: [Unity3D] When running NoesiGUI examples with Unity 2021.2.7f under MacOS rendering artefacts occur (jsantos)
34 issues View Issues
Released 2021-12-22
0001016: [C# SDK] .NET assemblies are not loaded when parsing XAML (sfernandez)
0002193: [C++ SDK] Reducing memory allocation without shutting down Noesis (jsantos)
0002141: [Unity3D] Noesis 3.1.1 Upgrade Stuck in Import Loop (sfernandez)
0002215: [C# SDK] WebBrowser v1.0.6 VKB (hcpizzi)
0002210: [C++ SDK] Hot reloading a control, losing focus of Unity, and going back into Unity reimports files again and breaks the UI (sfernandez)
0002217: [C++ SDK] Rendering artifacts after tabbing in tab controls (sfernandez)
0002128: [C++ SDK] Video support on PlayStation (hcpizzi)
0002173: [C# SDK] MediaPlayer: Unable to detect corrupt/invalid files (hcpizzi)
0002201: [C++ SDK] Crash when applying style to custom control. (sfernandez)
0002212: [C# SDK] Extending GridViewColumnHeader cause Unity to crash (sfernandez)
0002213: [Unreal] No way to call RaiseCanExecuteChanged for wrapped commands in UE4 (hcpizzi)
0002147: [C# SDK] Unable to start .NET 5 app in linux (XDisplay) (hcpizzi)
0002126: [Unreal] Cannot build the UE4 plugin 3.1.1 (hcpizzi)
0002130: [Unreal] Crash in SetPropertyByRef when Input is null (hcpizzi)
0002155: [C# SDK] Tearing during video playback on ARM64 Ultrascale HW (hcpizzi)
0002174: [C# SDK] MediaPlayer: Errors when calling methods rapid-fire (hcpizzi)
0001669: [Unity3D] Can't use NoesisView with Unity 2019.3.x + URP's Post Processing (jsantos)
0001826: [Unity3D] HDRP render texture overlap / stacked cameras not rendering (jsantos)
0002131: [C++ SDK] 100KB of stack space used for parsing property paths (jsantos)
0002150: [C++ SDK] Sample applications crash on startup (jsantos)
0002200: [C++ SDK] Avoid binding errors when part of the path is null (sfernandez)
0002093: [C++ SDK] Switch to DXC shader compiler for Xbox One and Xbox Series (jsantos)
0002158: [Unreal] Crash on XAML import (hcpizzi)
0001109: [C++ SDK] Custom cursor support (jsantos)
0002190: [Unity3D] DropShadowEffects do not work with Unity PS5 builds (jsantos)
0002159: [C++ SDK] Switch - Software Keyboard not opening when tapping on textbox (sfernandez)
0002136: [C++ SDK] Unable to parse big numbers with <sys:UInt32> (jsantos)
0002010: [C++ SDK] Upgrade emscripten to 2.0 (jsantos)
0002134: [C++ SDK] Incorrect asert logic in BaseVector<T>::Append (jsantos)
0002157: [C++ SDK] Socket library is already initialized on NX (jsantos)
0002165: [C++ SDK] View does not resize when window Restored or Maximized (jsantos)
0002171: [C++ SDK] clang warning in NsMath/Vector.h (ignored-qualifiers) (jsantos)
0002179: [C# SDK] WebBrowser interferes with external processes and application termination (hcpizzi)
0002199: [C# SDK] Incorrect access modifier for OnApplyTemplate (sfernandez)
0002189: [Unreal] Make UE4 plugin build without PCHs or Unity CPPs (hcpizzi)
0001476: [C++ SDK] Freezable objects inside templates are not correctly registered in the NameScope (sfernandez)
0002187: [C++ SDK] Cannot animate RenderTransform: 'root element is frozen' (sfernandez)
0002183: [C++ SDK] Assert in TimeManager::RemoveClock when removing a pending storyboard (sfernandez)
0002086: [C++ SDK] ContentTemplate binding with a converter is not displaying the content (sfernandez)
0002186: [C++ SDK] DynamicTextureSourceProxy extends incorrect class in reflection (sfernandez)
0002180: [C# SDK] WebBrowser: Links that want to be in a new window show outside the main UI (hcpizzi)
0002181: [C# SDK] WebBrowser: Invalid characters in the header crash the entire application (hcpizzi)
0002172: [C# SDK] WebBrowser should fire an event when a text box is focused (hcpizzi)
0002166: [C# SDK] WebBrowser missing the Navigated event (hcpizzi)
0002167: [C# SDK] WebBrowser missing the LoadCompleted event (hcpizzi)
0002170: [C# SDK] WebBrowser Source property not updated upon completed navigation (hcpizzi)
0002177: [C++ SDK] Combo box KeyboardNavigation.DirectionalNavigation="Cycle" not functioning (sfernandez)
0002162: [C# SDK] WebBrowser not responding to touch events, including pinch-to-zoom (hcpizzi)
0002161: [C++ SDK] {x:Null} is not a valid type for TextDecorations dependency property (sfernandez)
0002106: [Unity3D] TabControl: [noesis] Visual is null (sfernandez)
0002132: [C# SDK] VS2019 support for Managed SDK (aschmitt)
0001990: [Unity3D] GridSplitter is missing (sfernandez)
0002153: [C# SDK] PNG Alpha Transparency not applied properly depending on PNG format (sfernandez)
0001320: [C# SDK] Code-behind classes in unloaded assemblies (sfernandez)
0001283: [C# SDK] Unknown type exception referencing custom control from seperate dll (sfernandez)
0002003: [C# SDK] XmlnsDefinition and XmlnsPrefix missing (sfernandez)
0002148: [Unreal] MediaElement unable to Pause or Seek (sfernandez)
0002135: [Unity3D] Resource providers are case sensitive (sfernandez)
0002117: [C# SDK] Reloading the texture (via RaiseTextureChanged) which is used in tiled ImageBrush doesn't recalculate the brush tiling (sfernandez)
0002120: [C# SDK] WPF Inconsistency: Adorner types are missing (sfernandez)
0002004: [Unity3D] Container defining methods missing in ItemsControl (sfernandez)
0002115: [C# SDK] TextureProvider.RaiseTextureChanged has no effect or throws AccessViolationException (sfernandez)
0001601: [C++ SDK] Feature request : GridSplitter control (dfranjic)
63 issues View Issues
Released 2021-09-15
0002085: [C++ SDK] 3.1.0 Background color with alpha render diffent as 3.0.12 in linear color space (jsantos)
0002099: [Unity3D] 3.1.x Upgrade Can't Find XAML (jsantos)
0002095: [Unity3D] Switch Unity rendering occasionally flickers (jsantos)
0002098: [C++ SDK] Sample applications crash when resized (jsantos)
0002112: [Unreal] Crash in NoesisEditorModule when importing an unrelated type fails (hcpizzi)
0002094: [Unity3D] Switch GPU crash with Unity when offscreen rendering (jsantos)
0002107: [C++ SDK] Loaded event not recognized in DataTemplate.Triggers (sfernandez)
0002100: [Unity3D] Add menu entry to generate a Blend project from an existing Unity project (sfernandez)
0002070: [C# SDK] "StringFormat=0.##" produces 0.5 for 0.05 (jsantos)
0002008: [C# SDK] FrameworkElement.OnApplyTemplate method missing or not virtual (sfernandez)
0002101: [C++ SDK] Merged Dictionaries not loading when calling LoadXaml (sfernandez)
0002103: [Unity3D] Custom fonts defined in a theme failing to load after upgrading to 3.1.0 (sfernandez)
0002077: [Unity3D] Woes updating to 3.1 (sfernandez)
0002097: [Unreal] Warnings compiling plugin (hcpizzi)
0002089: [C++ SDK] view->SetProjectionMatrix() not affect hit test functionality (hcpizzi)
0002076: [C++ SDK] Crash! (sfernandez)
0002090: [C++ SDK] ComboBox::SelectNext not keeping reference to item (sfernandez)
0002096: [C++ SDK] More than one caret visible and assert during shutdown (sfernandez)
0002068: [Unreal] InputScope property on TextBox not working (hcpizzi)
0002081: [Documentation] The Unreal Engine ShooterGame needs to be updated to UE4.26 and NoesisSDK 3.1 (hcpizzi)
0002013: [C# SDK] WPF Inconsistency: DependencyProperty.AddOwner is missing (sfernandez)
0002084: [Unity3D] Crash when defining GridLength dependency property (sfernandez)
0002078: [C++ SDK] Grid doesn't layout according to the ColumnDefinition (sfernandez)
0002083: [Unreal] Crash in editor when adding a variable in a Sequence Director, inside an Event Track in a level sequence. (hcpizzi)
0002009: [C# SDK] StyleTypedPropertyAttribute missing (sfernandez)
0002007: [C# SDK] TemplatePartAttribute missing (sfernandez)
0002063: [C++ SDK] Assert when stopping storyboard (sfernandez)
0002064: [C++ SDK] UIElement::IsVisibleProperty default value is set to true (sfernandez)
28 issues View Issues
Released 2021-07-28
0002053: [Unreal] ComboBox Selected Index not updating when selecting first item (hcpizzi)
0001448: [Unity3D] custom rendering in unity (sfernandez)
0001613: [Unity3D] Expose OnRender (sfernandez)
0002160: [C++ SDK] Crash when using multi-line TextBox with more than 1300 lines (sfernandez)
0002109: [C# SDK] Noesis_View_Update Crash (sfernandez)
0001349: [C++ SDK] Improve Manipulations (jsantos)
0001926: [C++ SDK] NVNRenderContext requiring 1GB of stack memory (jsantos)
0001330: [Unity3D] Moving NoesisGUI inside a subfolder causes it to reinstall every time on run. (jsantos)
0001343: [C++ SDK] Evaluate using Boxing in PropertyChangedEventArgs to avoid void* (jsantos)
0001849: [C++ SDK] Implement support for Apple TV (jsantos)
0002058: [C++ SDK] display->Close() not working on Nintendo Switch (jsantos)
0002048: [Unity3D] Switch/NVN renderer support in Unity plugin (jsantos)
0002056: [Unreal] Current UI does not react to changes in MergedDictionaries of the Application Resources (sfernandez)
0002019: [Unreal] MediaElement texture gets black when trying to loop the video (sfernandez)
0002025: [Unreal] Expose properties defined by UFUNCTION Getter and/or Setter (hcpizzi)
0001531: [Unity3D] Noesis Premultiply Alpha Texture Import Setting Ignored by Noesis (jsantos)
0001828: [Unity3D] Implement support for the new Unity Input System (jsantos)
0001596: [C# SDK] Unity 2019.2.x OnGUI GC Allocation in NoesisView.OnGUI (jsantos)
0001827: [Unity3D] Noesis should be compatible with the Unity Package Manager (jsantos)
0001819: [C++ SDK] Implement D3D12 renderer (jsantos)
0000342: [Unity3D] no practical multitouch interaction possible with most of the widgets (jsantos)
0001530: [C++ SDK] VS2019 support (jsantos)
0001457: [C# SDK] Shift + mouse wheel = horizontal scroll (sfernandez)
0001846: [C++ SDK] Implement support for PlayStation 5 (jsantos)
0001847: [C++ SDK] Implement support for Xbox Series X|S (jsantos)
0001863: [C++ SDK] New Tessellator (jsantos)
0001880: [C# SDK] Support for implementing custom RenderDevice in C# (sfernandez)
0001224: [Unity3D] Custom shader effects not supported (jsantos)
0001845: [C++ SDK] Add support for Apple silicon architecture (jsantos)
0001966: [Unreal] Support for Unreal 5 (hcpizzi)
0001989: [Unreal] TMap is not yet exposed in Unreal plugin as a dictionary and can't be used in bindings (hcpizzi)
0001569: [C++ SDK] Customizing UriConverter / XamlProvider (sfernandez)
32 issues View Issues
Released 2021-05-04
0001879: [C++ SDK] Tooltip issues (sfernandez)
0001950: [C++ SDK] Compiling error on Linux as inheriting from UNoesisInstance (jsantos)
0001944: [C++ SDK] Compiling error on Linux (jsantos)
0001997: [C++ SDK] Const safety incorrect for ItemColelction::IndexOf (sfernandez)
0001978: [C++ SDK] XamlPlayer crashing when dropping App.xaml files (jsantos)
0001953: [C++ SDK] Compile error in Error.h when running static analysis (jsantos)
0001994: [Unity3D] DataTemplate xaml reports duplicate name elements (sfernandez)
0001979: [C++ SDK] TabControl focus inconsistent with WPF standard (sfernandez)
0001946: [C# SDK] RepeatButton commits extra command when pressed repeatedly (sfernandez)
0001985: [Unity3D] noesis:Xaml.Dependencies are not working (sfernandez)
0001983: [Unity3D] Keyboard class is missing the ClearFocus() method (sfernandez)
0001973: [Unity3D] GridView.Column is frosen (sfernandez)
0001974: [Unity3D] Need a way to check if an object is 'grabbed' by Noesis (sfernandez)
0001964: [Unity3D] Crash when calling LoadXaml(true) (sfernandez)
0001952: [Unreal] installation to package on Linux (hcpizzi)
0001960: [Unreal] TArray inside base class not found (hcpizzi)
0001968: [Unreal] Crash in Noesis.dll on XamlView->SetSize when using ScrollViewer with the name PART_ContentHost in TextBox template (sfernandez)
0001959: [Unreal] Crash importing textures in UE5 (hcpizzi)
0001965: [Documentation] Improve custom controls documentation (sfernandez)
0001962: [Unity3D] Can't get ApplicationResources dictionary (sfernandez)
0001956: [Unity3D] Viewbox also scales ToolTip (sfernandez)
0001958: [C++ SDK] drop down does not focus or scroll if no default selected item (sfernandez)
0001897: [C# SDK] .NET 5 has broken RunClassConstructor workaround (sfernandez)
23 issues View Issues
Released 2021-03-15
0001855: [C++ SDK] NativeSDK - RTTI Support (jsantos)
0001932: [C++ SDK] Crash when there are more than 5 active manipulations (jsantos)
0001913: [C++ SDK] In function OnManipulationdelta, I can not get the number of fingers. (jsantos)
0001931: [C# SDK] Feature Request: Make the parameters which determine a Tapped, DoubleTapped and Holding events trigger (jsantos)
0001922: [C++ SDK] Underline sometimes disappears (jsantos)
0001929: [C++ SDK] PathGeometry did not work with noesisgui3 (sfernandez)
0001936: [Unity3D] Unity crash on XAML import if a dependency property type doesn't match the default value type (sfernandez)
0001928: [C++ SDK] Popup does not check if elements are in the tree. (sfernandez)
0001923: [C# SDK] Inconsistent behavior in OpenGL Render Contexts (sfernandez)
0001921: [C# SDK] Touch events very flaky win Gbm and Fbdev displays (hcpizzi)
0001920: [C# SDK] Handle key repeats in LibEvdev for Gbm and FbDev displays (hcpizzi)
11 issues View Issues
Released 2021-02-10
0001887: [C++ SDK] Next touch after handling TouchUp/Tapped/Holding is not correctly promoted (jsantos)
0001918: [C# SDK] TouchBox Does Not Receive Focus as Expected (jsantos)
0001883: [C++ SDK] Touch capture not released when cancelling ManipulationStarted (jsantos)
0001910: [Unity3D] PropertyChangedTrigger bug? (sfernandez)
0001882: [C++ SDK] Crash when idling in scene mode while playing game. (jsantos)
0001903: [Unity3D] Better error message when checking Visual ancestry. (sfernandez)
0001914: [C# SDK] Setting WindowState = WindowState.Minimized leaves artifact on screen (sfernandez)
0001911: [Unity3D] Crash when entering play in Unity editor (sfernandez)
0001904: [C++ SDK] Crash using invalid MultiBinding inside a DataTrigger (sfernandez)
0001900: [C++ SDK] BindingExpression binding mode doesn't work in 3.0.9 (sfernandez)
0001898: [C++ SDK] Non thread safe code in InspectorTextureProvider (hcpizzi)
0001895: [C++ SDK] [Inspector] Application crashes while inspecting menu item (sfernandez)
0001893: [C++ SDK] MultiBindings inside DataTemplate not working (sfernandez)
0001891: [C++ SDK] Nine-slice ToolTips showing lines in the background when opened multiple times (sfernandez)
14 issues View Issues
Released 2021-01-12
0001401: [C# SDK] Support for XAML Markup extensions (C#) (sfernandez)
0001851: [Unity3D] Noesis 3.0.7 crash on Macbook Pro with AMD Radeon Metal Driver - Unity 2019.4.13f1 (jsantos)
0001875: [C++ SDK] Unknown random crash on DispatcherObject::VerifyAccess+0x3 (sfernandez)
0001871: [Unity3D] Crash in editor. (sfernandez)
0001872: [C++ SDK] Crash from clicking button (sfernandez)
0001876: [Unreal] LoadTexture crash in Unreal because it uses LoadObject in render thread (hcpizzi)
0001864: [C++ SDK] Add an interactivity action to load xaml files dynamically (sfernandez)
0001853: [Unity3D] Unity crash being caused by a ListView ScollViewer style's GridViewHeaderRowPresenter element (sfernandez)
8 issues View Issues
Released 2020-12-04
0001839: [C++ SDK] ListBoxItem selection is always reverted to the last focused item (sfernandez)
0001841: [Unity3D] NoesisPostProcessor Fails Importing Fonts (sfernandez)
0001812: [Unity3D] MultiBinding with converter in DataTrigger crashes Unity (sfernandez)
0001844: [C++ SDK] NoesisApp::D3D11RenderDevice does not clear pixel shader resource slots (jsantos)
0001843: [C++ SDK] Missing "template" statements in TypePropertyUtil.h (jsantos)
0001832: [Unity3D] Noesis 3.0.6/7 crash on MacBook Pro on Unity 2019.4.13f1 (jsantos)
0001833: [C++ SDK] Create MessageBox user control (sfernandez)
0001836: [C++ SDK] Crash clicking a TextBox using a template without valid PART_ContentHost (sfernandez)
0001834: [C++ SDK] Button Click event not raised when pressing Gamepad_A if Alt key is pressed (sfernandez)
0001817: [Unity3D] RadioButton Gallery example throw ArgumentException in Unity Editor Mode & Builds (sfernandez)
10 issues View Issues
Released 2020-10-30
0001811: [Unity3D] using Render texture mode with HDRP causes render overlap in viewport an rewrite in other render textures (jsantos)
0001825: [Unity3D] Problem creating Unity Render Textures when linear rendering is enabled (jsantos)
0001824: [C++ SDK] Character spacing + viewbox does not calculate bounds correctly (jsantos)
0001818: [Unity3D] Unity + iOS Build Errors when using only Metal in Graphics APIs (jsantos)
0001814: [Unity3D] Crash closing Unity after compiling scripts while playing (jsantos)
0001806: [Unity3D] Crashing when entering play or updating XAMLs (sfernandez)
0001809: [C++ SDK] Selector doesn't synchonise selected index correctly (sfernandez)
0001813: [C++ SDK] Use of deprecated texture2D() in OpenGL 3.1+ shaders (jsantos)
0001798: [C++ SDK] Memory leak when using ContextMenuService.PlacementTarget (sfernandez)
0001810: [C++ SDK] BringIntoView ignores target rectangle (sfernandez)
0001807: [C++ SDK] PS4 Compile error in 3.0.6 (jsantos)
0001648: [Unity3D] Possible to delete items by right clicking while dragging in inventory example (sfernandez)
0001803: [C++ SDK] Implement support for setting the global culture (jsantos)
13 issues View Issues
Released 2020-09-25
0001796: [C# SDK] Collection.Move doesn't keep the bound selected item (sfernandez)
0001799: [C# SDK] KeyTrigger not working if ModifierKeys property not set (sfernandez)
0001797: [C# SDK] Brush foreground opacity animation no longer applies to the text (sfernandez)
0001791: [C++ SDK] TextBox Foreground is sometimes ignored (sfernandez)
0001795: [C++ SDK] When calling focus on a textbox the caret isn't showing and you can't write to the textbox (sfernandez)
0001792: [C++ SDK] Context Menu ignores keyboard keys (arrow keys) (sfernandez)
6 issues View Issues
Released 2020-09-21
0000962: [C++ SDK] WPF style TouchPoint class (jsantos)
0001760: [C++ SDK] [TSF] When used in tablet, tapping any part of the window makes keyboard appear (sfernandez)
0001221: [Unity3D] Noesis renders top to bottom gradients the wrong way round in Textblock's Foreground (jsantos)
0001787: [C++ SDK] Differing header files between Linux and Win distribution (jsantos)
0001785: [Unity3D] Some duration formats are not supported by xaml parser (sfernandez)
0001756: [C++ SDK] Nothing renders when setting Canvas.Left/Top to -FLT_MAX (sfernandez)
0001779: [Unity3D] Crash rendering offscreen effects (jsantos)
0001766: [C# SDK] Unity SceneView shows UI inverted (jsantos)
0001782: [C++ SDK] Currently ignoring metadata overrides for DependencyObject type (sfernandez)
0001778: [C++ SDK] ScrollIntoView for Combobox (sfernandez)
0001780: [Unity3D] Native type is not registered error when calling FindName("myName") as ResourceDictionary (sfernandez)
0001776: [C++ SDK] Access violation when scrolling in an ItemsControl. (sfernandez)
0001764: [C# SDK] Expose memory usage stats (instrumentation API) (sfernandez)
0001774: [C# SDK] Unable to set Storyboard Target in code (sfernandez)
0001775: [C# SDK] Storyboard FillBehavior set in XAML is ignored by children (sfernandez)
0001714: [C# SDK] Default display for a databound enum in XAML is its numeric value instead of its string value (sfernandez)
0001767: [C# SDK] System.InvalidOperationException: Queue empty. (sfernandez)
0001773: [Unity3D] Signature mismatch of RoutedEventArgs constructor (sfernandez)
0001768: [Unity3D] Updating from 3.0.3 -> 3.0.4 results in Unity crashing. (sfernandez)
19 issues View Issues
Released 2020-08-03
0001500: [C# SDK] TextBlock Character Spacing Extension (jsantos)
0001593: [C# SDK] Unity3D cannot use the mouse click control when displaying multiple screens (jsantos)
0001678: [Unity3D] WebGL Build Produces Different XAML Colors (jsantos)
0001688: [C# SDK] View.Noesis_View_Update() Hangs Built Player (jsantos)
0001750: [C++ SDK] Random crash in complex scenes (jsantos)
0001762: [C++ SDK] Attributes with d: prefix not ignored if defined before mc:Ignorable attribute (sfernandez)
0001761: [C++ SDK] Compile error due to 'double' to 'float' conversion in VS2019 (sfernandez)
0001759: [Unity3D] Template resources defined in visual tree are incorrectly being shared (sfernandez)
0001758: [C++ SDK] Can't set Row/Column of items within an ItemsControl with Grid items host (sfernandez)
0001757: [C++ SDK] HorizontalOffset/VerticalOffset to move ToolTip does not work. (sfernandez)
0001552: [C# SDK] Sharing column or row sizes between grids with BaseDefinition.ShareSizeGroup does not work. (sfernandez)
11 issues View Issues
Released 2020-07-13
0001753: [C++ SDK] Assert in GlyphCache::GetGlyph (jsantos)
0001755: [C# SDK] Interactivity TargetedTriggerActions not executing sometimes (sfernandez)
0001751: [C# SDK] TabControl selection issue (sfernandez)
0001749: [Unity3D] Crash in View.Update after upgrading to 3.0 (sfernandez)
0001745: [C++ SDK] VirtualizingPanel.VirtualizationMode=Recycling breaks TextElement.FontFamily inheritence (sfernandez)
0001739: [C++ SDK] Tooltip's ShowDuration doesn't work (sfernandez)
0001746: [C# SDK] DragDrop.DoDragDrop incorrectly reporting effects (sfernandez)
0001743: [C++ SDK] Crash when playing visual state animations (sfernandez)
0001735: [C# SDK] Multibinding issues (sfernandez)
0001741: [C++ SDK] Crash reloading a xaml with duplicate x:Name elements (sfernandez)
0001740: [C++ SDK] Crash after dragging ListView headers (sfernandez)
0001737: [Unity3D] Unity crash when stopping and playing scene (sfernandez)
0001732: [C++ SDK] TextBox with IsFocusEngagementEnabled="False" does not work properly (sfernandez)
0001733: [Unreal] Crash when clicking on a TextBox without a default font (sfernandez)
0001727: [C++ SDK] Missing .sln files for Blend projects (sfernandez)
0001731: [C++ SDK] SkewTransform does not look the same as in WPF (sfernandez)
0001729: [C# SDK] Cannot set a property inside of a converter using a resource (sfernandez)
0001728: [C++ SDK] Static extension can't parse types with nested namespaces (sfernandez)
18 issues View Issues
Released 2020-06-11
0001132: [C# SDK] Selector.SelectedValue and Selector.SelectedValuePath (sfernandez)
0001708: [Unity3D] ComboBox selection not updating when model changes (sfernandez)
0001721: [C++ SDK] Include 32-bit libraries for UWP C++ (jsantos)
0001687: [C# SDK] Cannot add both DropShadow effect and background to the same control (sfernandez)
0001654: [C# SDK] DropShadowEffect Side Effect (sfernandez)
0001655: [Unity3D] DropShadowEffect And Visual Corruption w/ Virtualizing Container (sfernandez)
0001723: [C++ SDK] Window class size different when NS_PROFILE was active (jsantos)
0001717: [Unity3D] Crash while playing in editor (sfernandez)
0001720: [C++ SDK] Font dependency incorrectly including ttf file (sfernandez)
0001719: [C++ SDK] Can't move focus to ItemsControl items using arrows (sfernandez)
0001718: [C# SDK] Incorrect binding error messages (sfernandez)
0001715: [C++ SDK] Crash when you click on TextBox with a not found FontFamily (sfernandez)
0001713: [C++ SDK] Popup and ComboBox do not work together nicely (sfernandez)
13 issues View Issues
Released 2020-05-28
0001702: [Unity3D] Crash while doing an import immediately after upgrading to 3.0.0 (sfernandez)
0001697: [Unity3D] crash while reimporting assets (jsantos)
0001692: [C++ SDK] Crash in Renderer::RenderOffscreen (jsantos)
0001700: [C++ SDK] Crash / memory stomp in SDF generator (jsantos)
0001695: [C++ SDK] Noesis does not compile properly with Clang as static libraries (jsantos)
0001696: [C++ SDK] Uninitialised variable in RenderTree (sfernandez)
0001701: [Unity3D] Unity crash 50% of the time entering play mode after 3.0.0 upgrade (sfernandez)
0001699: [Unity3D] Application resources can't use StaticResource between merged dictionaries (sfernandez)
0001698: [C++ SDK] Win32Display not working on Windows 7 (sfernandez)
9 issues View Issues
Released 2020-05-21
0001505: [C++ SDK] Can't get access to application resource dictionary (jsantos)
0001474: [C# SDK] Missing Window events (sfernandez)
0001263: [Unity3D] ContentControl.ContentStringFormat is not implemented. (sfernandez)
0001364: [C++ SDK] Support for MultiBinding and IMultiValueConverter (sfernandez)
0001440: [C++ SDK] EASTL Version (jsantos)
0001683: [C# SDK] SetManipulationContainerHelper Causes Fatal Crash (sfernandez)
0001680: [Unity3D] Missing Info.plist on Noesis.bundle at macOS (jsantos)
0001620: [Unity3D] GC Allocations #1 (jsantos)
0001671: [Unity3D] Adding elements to a panel and removing them is not de-allocating memory (sfernandez)
0001676: [Unity3D] Noesis WebGL Development Build Fails with Errors - Unresolved Noesis Symbols (jsantos)
0001668: [Unity3D] NoesisPostProcessor.ImportXaml NullReferneceException After Font Deletion (jsantos)
0001672: [Unity3D] Noesis Trial Text Upside Down (jsantos)
0001673: [Unity3D] Trial License Key Does Not Work (sfernandez)
0001666: [Unity3D] PPAA Behavior (jsantos)
0001662: [C# SDK] MonoManager Reload Assembly Crashes Editor (sfernandez)
0001622: [C++ SDK] NativeSDK - Android platform android_x86_64 (jsantos)
0001638: [C++ SDK] Expose PPAA tesellator scale (jsantos)
0001653: [Unity3D] Noesis_View_Update(...) Hard Locks Unity (sfernandez)
0001657: [C# SDK] Emoji rendering issue (jsantos)
0001637: [C++ SDK] 'PlaySoundA' is not a member of 'Noesis::GUI' (jsantos)
0001651: [C# SDK] Emojis opacity support (jsantos)
0001652: [C# SDK] Expander.IsExpanded Does Not Work (sfernandez)
0001644: [C# SDK] Dispatcher issues (sfernandez)
0001632: [C# SDK] Twemoji not supported (jsantos)
0001643: [C++ SDK] NS_WARNING_POP Missing in BaseFreezableCollection.h (jsantos)
0001615: [C++ SDK] Hang in UIInline Container (sfernandez)
0001623: [Unity3D] Unity Engine Editor crashing randomly after hitting play a after having played previously. (sfernandez)
0001626: [Unity3D] You get a stack overflow exception if clicking a TreeViewItem that has a template set in it's style. (sfernandez)
0001617: [Unity3D] Separator does not properly stretch in vertical orientation (sfernandez)
0001639: [C++ SDK] Assert when connecting element to a different view (sfernandez)
0001354: [C++ SDK] Remove IResourceKey from C++ API (sfernandez)
0001550: [C# SDK] ObservableCollection.Move generates a Noesis Unimplemented Error (sfernandez)
0000878: [Unity3D] DropShadows (jsantos)
0001629: [Unity3D] Get exceptions when using TextBox in MenuItem or overflow ToolBar (sfernandez)
0001379: [C# SDK] New approach for loading ResourceDictionary similar to WPF's Application.Resources (sfernandez)
0001322: [Unity3D] Implementation of IMultiValueConverter (sfernandez)
0000791: [Unity3D] IMultiValueConverter is missing (sfernandez)
37 issues View Issues
Released 2020-01-07
0001612: [Unity3D] BaseComponent_Release() - Editor Crash During Playback (sfernandez)
0001603: [Unity3D] Bad XAML Causes Crash on Unity Editor Start (sfernandez)
0001607: [Unity3D] ArgumentException when assigning Image.Source = new TextureSource(texture) more than once (sfernandez)
0001347: [Unity3D] Unity bug when scrolling on touchpad (jsantos)
0001587: [Unity3D] NoesisView Garbage Generation Scenario (jsantos)
0001600: [C++ SDK] Layout freeze (sfernandez)
0001599: [Unity3D] Unity Hard Loop/Lock on Visual Tree Update (sfernandez)
0001604: [Unity3D] Keyboard/Joystick Selection Fails If Intermediary UI Element Collapsed (sfernandez)
0001602: [Unity3D] Separator does not render (sfernandez)
0001597: [C++ SDK] Warning in (jsantos)
0001594: [C++ SDK] Crash with InlineUIContainer inside a style (sfernandez)
0001582: [C++ SDK] Changing Grid.Row/Column while measuring the Grid ignores the changes (sfernandez)
0001565: [Unity3D] Regression from 2.2.*: Image not visible if clipped outside of screen with opacity less than 1 (sfernandez)
0001574: [C++ SDK] Opacity groups disappear when overlap bottom screen edge (sfernandez)
0001576: [C++ SDK] StoryboardCompletedTrigger does not work if used inside a template (sfernandez)
0001575: [C++ SDK] ControlStoryboardAction cannot use Storyboard defined in application resources (sfernandez)
0001570: [C++ SDK] About Style of generated TextBlocks from DisplayMemberBinding (sfernandez)
0001559: [Unity3D] GridViewColumn bindings not working when inside a template (sfernandez)
0001499: [C# SDK] GridViewColumnHeader Click event not raised (sfernandez)
0000937: [Unity3D] Click events are not registered on GridViewColumnHeader objects. (sfernandez)
0001548: [C# SDK] Need the ability to Invoke calls onto the UI thread in the managed SDK (sfernandez)
0001470: [C# SDK] CheckAccess not implemented by Noesis.DependencyObject (sfernandez)
0001560: [C++ SDK] SupportsFocusEngagement is not a recognised attribute in the Noesis.Gui.Extensions Blend extension (sfernandez)
0001561: [C++ SDK] CommandConverter does not support prefixes (sfernandez)
24 issues View Issues
Released 2019-10-02
0001538: [Unity3D] Unity Crash on Project Load (sfernandez)
1 issue View Issues
Released 2019-08-26
0000885: [Unity3D] Wrong GetTouchPosition (Parent) result in GotTouchCapture callback (jsantos)
0001537: [Documentation] Improve Gamepad mapping documentation (jsantos)
0001508: [Unity3D] Using NoesisGUI with ProGrid together cause some errors. (jsantos)
0001072: [Unity3D] Fast touch swipe on ScrollViewer scrolls even after hitting edge if you try to set scroll offset from code after swipe (jsantos)
0001405: [C# SDK] Cannot stop manipulation inertia in ListBox/ScrollViewer (jsantos)
0000866: [Unity3D] Scrolling doesn't stop if parent control is hidden (jsantos)
0001422: [C++ SDK] missing namespace in macro NS_IMPLEMENT_INLINE_REFLECTION_ENUM (jsantos)
0001518: [Unity3D] Assertion Failed, False at Vector.h 778 (sfernandez)
0001520: [Unity3D] Using sytsem fonts on iPad 2 crashes the app (jsantos)
0001489: [C++ SDK] Can't get Touch captured element (sfernandez)
0001488: [C++ SDK] LostTouchCapture not raised after manipulations are completed (jsantos)
0001527: [C# SDK] Using the delegate version of VisualTree.HitTest crashes Unity (sfernandez)
0001529: [C++ SDK] Infinite layout loop if using the same Visual as Content for 2 ContentPresenters (sfernandez)
0001490: [Unity3D] Upgrade from 2.2.2 to 2.2.3 Crash and Corruption (sfernandez)
0001514: [C++ SDK] [TSF] Candidate window is always shown even if the focus is not on TextBox or any input related control (sfernandez)
0001388: [Unity3D] XAML freezes Unity on Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly (sfernandez)
0001515: [Unity3D] Unity Crashed when I use control template for Slider (sfernandez)
0001516: [C++ SDK] ColumnDefinition MinWidth/MaxHeight incorrectly accepting NaN values (sfernandez)
0001510: [Unity3D] Crash On Mouse Over (sfernandez)
0001501: [C++ SDK] Binding nested dictionaries don't work (sfernandez)
0001353: [Documentation] Document x:Static extension (sfernandez)
0001486: [C++ SDK] TranslateZoomRotateBehavior - add zoom from mouse wheel (sfernandez)
0001487: [C++ SDK] MouseDragElementBehavior does not work if the parent element has TranslateZoomRotateBehavior, MouseDragElementBehavior, etc. (sfernandez)
0001511: [C++ SDK] Tooltips shown without activating the hosting window, doesn't disappears when the mouse cursor leave the hosting window (sfernandez)
0001502: [C++ SDK] Weird selectable rectangle rendered in ListView headers (sfernandez)
0001492: [C# SDK] Thickness needs 2 arguments (sfernandez)
0001495: [C++ SDK] VM instance bound to a UI element is not destroyed even after the bind target is nulled. (sfernandez)
27 issues View Issues
Released 2019-04-27
0001473: [C# SDK] Application.MainWindow property is missing (sfernandez)
0001477: [C++ SDK] Can't write more than one character in an editable ComboBox (sfernandez)
0001424: [C++ SDK] crash on closing the window (NoesisApp::Window) (jsantos)
0001466: [C++ SDK] double clicking on treeviewItem collapses root node (sfernandez)
0001464: [C# SDK] GoToStateAction FindStateGroup wrong implementation? (sfernandez)
0001462: [Unity3D] Upside down images on OpacityMask (sfernandez)
0001459: [Unity3D] Noesis DLL Crash on Alt-Tab to Unity or Play Clicked (sfernandez)
7 issues View Issues
Released 2019-04-26
0001456: [C# SDK] BitmapImage strips leading "/" in paths on Linux (sfernandez)
0001455: [C# SDK] BitmapImage support for spaces in path broken in 2.2.1 (sfernandez)
0001378: [C++ SDK] PointToScreen doesn't throw error if element is connected to visual tree (sfernandez)
0001423: [C++ SDK] ToolTipService.SetToolTip on ListBoxItem Causes Crash (sfernandez)
0001449: [Unity3D] DataBinding of Uri property didn't work in Unity3d (sfernandez)
0001420: [Unity3D] Changing programmatically the Header text of a GridViewColumn has no effect (sfernandez)
0000493: [Unity3D] ListView without ListView.View section doesn't display items (sfernandez)
0001374: [Unity3D] NoesisGUIExtensions: PlaneProjection rotate OpacityMask (sfernandez)
0001373: [Unity3D] OpacityMask Vertically and Rotate Inverted. (sfernandez)
0001438: [C++ SDK] ContextMenu and Tooltip stays unclosed even when the window is deactivated (sfernandez)
0001439: [C++ SDK] LoadXAML crashes with DataTemplate as root element (sfernandez)
0001447: [Unity3D] Unity Editor Crash on TextBox.Focus() (sfernandez)
0001427: [Unity3D] Noesis renders to wrong camera in multi-camera case (Android - ISSUE, iOS - unknown, Editor - OK) (jsantos)
13 issues View Issues
Released 2019-04-04
0001429: [Unity3D] unity2018 crash (sfernandez)
0001442: [Unity3D] XAML Import Causes Unity to Freeze (jsantos)
0001428: [Unity3D] Complete Unity Crash if a popup is open when we change scene. (sfernandez)
0001421: [Unity3D] Unity Crash (sfernandez)
0001432: [Unity3D] incorrect <Expander> size (sfernandez)
0001386: [Unity3D] Not render GUI in Unity HDRP project (jsantos)
0001433: [Unity3D] Click Events Not Propagated to Multiple Noesis Views (jsantos)
0001434: [Unity3D] LeftButton wrong in MouseEventArgs (sfernandez)
0001430: [Unity3D] ListView MouseDoubleClick (sfernandez)
9 issues View Issues
Released 2019-03-10
0001079: [C# SDK] Noesis Application Framework (sfernandez)
1 issue View Issues