Search found 30 matches
- 11 Apr 2016, 10:37
- Forum: General Discussion
- Replies: 1
- Views: 2005
Runtime error
Hi I compiled the Menudemo on Android and installed,when i ran it,immediately crashed. The error from DDMS: 04-11 16:36:08.692: E/Unity(6829): [EGL] eglChooseConfig(m_EGLDisplay, configAttribs, NULL, 0, &eglConfigCount): EGL_BAD_ATTRIBUTE: An unrecognized attribute or attribute value was passed ...
- 08 Apr 2016, 13:58
- Forum: General Discussion
- Replies: 1
- Views: 1862
PredictFocus() throw error
Hi When I want to Predict the next button with a button clicked ,an error occurred: ApplicationException: Implement FrameworkElement::PredictFocus Noesis.UIElement.PredictFocus (FocusNavigationDirection direction) (at Assets/Plugins/NoesisGUI/Scripts/Proxies/UIElement.cs:4236) putaogame.usercontrols...
- 08 Apr 2016, 09:42
- Forum: General Discussion
- Replies: 1
- Views: 1831
Code-behind not work
Hi I have a UserControl in the that are MyControl1.xaml and MyControl1.xaml.cs MyControl1.xaml: <UserControl x:Class="putaogame.usercontrols.MyControl1" xmlns="" xmlns:x="
- 06 Apr 2016, 17:25
- Forum: General Discussion
- Replies: 5
- Views: 3670
Re: Focus event managerment
Is there any sample or can you write some critical codes please, maybe you can implement it with my code above , because i do not have any clue, I will be grateful,thanks for your time
Is there any sample or can you write some critical codes please, maybe you can implement it with my code above , because i do not have any clue, I will be grateful,thanks for your time

- 06 Apr 2016, 13:36
- Forum: General Discussion
- Replies: 5
- Views: 3670
Re: Focus event managerment
Hi pic 1: the focus on the avatar "a" at first, when i press up button, it should be focused on checkbox1, but it moves to checkbox2,the black arrow is what i want , red error is not. pic 2: http://i1376.photobucket....
- 06 Apr 2016, 10:52
- Forum: General Discussion
- Replies: 10
- Views: 5297
Re: no Constructor found for Commands using MVVM
Thanks for your try, i used 1.2.5f11 too,but there is no syntax "private set;" , it also worked,also have no default constructor.
Thanks for your try, i used 1.2.5f11 too,but there is no syntax "private set;" , it also worked,also have no default constructor.
- 05 Apr 2016, 10:08
- Forum: General Discussion
- Replies: 5
- Views: 3670
Focus event managerment
Hi I have a user interface, there are three layers in horizontal, each layer has few buttons ,listbox and tabcontrol, i noticed that when changing focus using keyboard or remote control,the focus on each control was not expected as what i want, for example,when i move out from listbox which contains...
- 05 Apr 2016, 04:21
- Forum: General Discussion
- Replies: 11
- Views: 6359
Re: how to sync c# & xaml files between visual studio and un
Hi Thanks for your explanation ,it makes me more clear. By the way , what does [UserControlSource("Assets/TestControl.xaml")] means? is it an alternative way to support code-behind since Unity doesn't support code-behind? #if NOESIS [UserControlSource("Assets/TestControl.xaml")] ...
- 01 Apr 2016, 04:58
- Forum: General Discussion
- Replies: 10
- Views: 5297
Re: no Constructor found for Commands using MVVM
Hi I think its not the Path problem,i created a new unity project , and dragged these files in the folder as same as i did above,i had the Path property in Command binding, and i also didn't have default constructor for RelayCommand, then it worked without any error,strange behaviour,anyway ,Thanks,...
- 01 Apr 2016, 04:46
- Forum: General Discussion
- Replies: 11
- Views: 6359
Re: how to sync c# & xaml files between visual studio and un
Hi I have looked through the GameMenu Demo,when i dragged the file in unity to visual studio or open the file in unity with visual studio,they automatically had the unity and noesis reference,but visual studio blend didn't, how to add reference to blend? I also added the preprocessor,but only in vis...