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by descala
02 Aug 2014, 01:40
Forum: General Discussion
Replies: 3
Views: 2417

Re: OgreBindings and GL3+ rendersystem

Thanks for the information. It was crashing on a call to glGetShaderiv(). Unfortunately I don't have the logs in front of me at the moment. Ironically, on Windows we have gl3+ support in ogre without running with the gl3+ rendersystem. It is only on the mac that we are only getting gl 2.1 functional...
by descala
23 Jul 2014, 22:22
Forum: General Discussion
Replies: 3
Views: 2417

OgreBindings and GL3+ rendersystem

Hi, I'm having trouble getting Noesis to run with the Ogre bindings when using the Ogre GL3+ rendersystem. Specifically, it crashes inside NsGetKernel()->InitSystems().

Is this rendersystem supported? Do I need to change anything to get it to run properly?

by descala
23 Jul 2014, 22:17
Forum: General Discussion
Replies: 2
Views: 2743

Re: Best practices for grayscale live video?

This worked great; thanks!
by descala
10 Jul 2014, 04:16
Forum: Official Announcements
Replies: 90
Views: 150934

Re: noesisGUI v1.2 BETA

This sounds great!! Can you elaborate on the resource management? Does this mean the end of the build tool?
by descala
10 Jul 2014, 04:05
Forum: General Discussion
Replies: 2
Views: 2743

Best practices for grayscale live video?

Hi, we have a live video feed we'd like to render in our GUI. The frame size is 640x480 and the pixel format is L8. While searching around on the forums, I saw a reference to a dynamic texture capability, but am not sure about the state of its implementation. Currently, what is the fastest and compu...
by descala
06 Jun 2014, 16:28
Forum: General Discussion
Replies: 6
Views: 3976

Re: Binding to a TextBox inside a Style for a ListBoxItem

Thanks! I'll try the StaticResource approach for now.
by descala
30 May 2014, 16:40
Forum: General Discussion
Replies: 6
Views: 3976

Re: Binding to a TextBox inside a Style for a ListBoxItem

Thank you for the very detailed explanation! So it looks as though using a Style will not work for my purposes, as I need the fields bound to item properties. Regarding DataTemplates, when I was using a DataTemplate containing a styled ToggleButton, the style wasn't being properly applied to the Tog...
by descala
30 May 2014, 02:25
Forum: General Discussion
Replies: 6
Views: 3976

Binding to a TextBox inside a Style for a ListBoxItem

Hi! I'm having a bit of trouble adding items to a listbox for which I've made an item style. The idea is that a TextBox contained within the style should be bound to a property of my data items, in this case ModelName. I set the binding to ModelName inside the TextBox, set the ItemsSource property f...
by descala
04 Apr 2014, 05:49
Forum: General Discussion
Replies: 6
Views: 4253

Re: Get List Box Item

Thanks. I traversed the visual tree and noticed that it wasn't yet being populated with the template elements (I was trying to access the template elements right after adding an item to the listbox). I decided to try waiting until the next frame, and this has gotten me further. A traversal of the tr...
by descala
03 Apr 2014, 23:39
Forum: General Discussion
Replies: 6
Views: 4253

Re: Get List Box Item

I'm trying the approach shown above, and I have managed to get the ListBoxItem*, but calling item->GetTemplateChild() always returns null.

When the UI is rendered, the template appears to be properly applied to the listbox items. What could be causing GetTemplateChild to return null?
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