Search found 34 matches

by jc_lvngstn
29 Mar 2014, 21:47
Forum: General Discussion
Replies: 5
Views: 3303

Re: Game dialog/window layout

How frustrating. I could have sworn I tried this already, it's a pretty obvious solution. /bonk bonk

Regardless..thanks for you help, it works great!
by jc_lvngstn
29 Mar 2014, 15:36
Forum: General Discussion
Replies: 5
Views: 3303

Game dialog/window layout

I remember a previous discussion on this but can't find the thread. I currently have this as my main UI Window: <Canvas Name="UI_MainWindow" xmlns="" xmlns:d="" xm...
by jc_lvngstn
22 Jan 2014, 03:35
Forum: General Discussion
Replies: 8
Views: 4902

Re: Gamma vs Linear lighting

I found I can duplicate this with a simple UI window. Set the lighting to Deferred, linear lighting. In your camera, have the culling mask set to Everything. Run the scene, and just rotate the main camera around the Y axis (spin it around). In my test scene, the light flickers from dark to light as ...
by jc_lvngstn
22 Jan 2014, 02:22
Forum: General Discussion
Replies: 3
Views: 2948

Re: Changing image colors

This just might do the trick, thanks guys!
by jc_lvngstn
20 Jan 2014, 21:59
Forum: General Discussion
Replies: 3
Views: 2948

Changing image colors

I'd like my icons to highlight/glow on mouseover or on selection. I know you are working on shader effects, I was just wondering if you might know of any alternatives before then. My icons are all atlased, and the only approach I know of right now is to create a duplicate black and white atlas, and ...
by jc_lvngstn
20 Jan 2014, 21:51
Forum: General Discussion
Replies: 8
Views: 4902

Re: Gamma vs Linear lighting

I'll see if I can duplicate with my small test project.
by jc_lvngstn
20 Jan 2014, 16:47
Forum: General Discussion
Replies: 8
Views: 4902

Re: Gamma vs Linear lighting

Interesting. So maybe Sunshine wasn't to blame. From the inspector at runtime, I disabled my new camera. Renabled the Noesis panel components on the original layer camera. Enabling/disabling sunshine seemed to have no effects. Messed around with the projection mode, culling mask and such, and had mi...
by jc_lvngstn
20 Jan 2014, 15:28
Forum: General Discussion
Replies: 8
Views: 4902

Re: Gamma vs Linear lighting

Ok...turns it had to do with putting the UIPanel on my main camera, instead of a separate one. My main camera has some other components on it, mainly Sunshine from the asset store. I decided to create a totally separate camera, positioned at 0,0,0. I set it to Don't Clear culling mask = Nothing Proj...
by jc_lvngstn
17 Jan 2014, 22:00
Forum: General Discussion
Replies: 8
Views: 4902

Gamma vs Linear lighting

I've noticed that when Linear lighting is enabled, turning my camera view to look around causes the Noesis windows and elements go flicker. Additionally, compared to gamma color space, when in Linear all of my colors are lighter and more washed out. Maybe just my project, or does this happen with ot...
by jc_lvngstn
15 Jan 2014, 11:46
Forum: General Discussion
Replies: 1
Views: 2217

Question about Texture Atlases

Something I was wondering but haven't gotten to yet: Let's say you have a large atlas with your icons, for your project. In your example of the running alladin character, you create a resource dictionary defining an image for each icon. <!-- Created using Noesis XAML exporter for TexturePacker (http...