Search found 41 matches
- 28 Feb 2015, 00:58
- Forum: General Discussion
- Replies: 41
- Views: 20036
Re: Unity 5 plan
Sorry I will not be able to give any feedback we were on a fast track to unity 5 and since you guys weren't supporting it yet we opted to go the Unity UI route and have fully converted everything to it. Noesis was good while I used it I hope you guys continue to progress!
- 01 Jan 2015, 17:08
- Forum: General Discussion
- Replies: 41
- Views: 20036
Unity 5 plan
Well I'm at the point where all my other third party assets have supported unity 5. Just curious what the plan is and when I could expect you guys to support it.
- 30 Dec 2014, 04:40
- Forum: General Discussion
- Replies: 7
- Views: 5747
Re: uwebkit inside noesis
Yeah I tried doing what you posted above and it doesn't seem to give the right result. I'm going to put together an example project and send it over to you guys to see if I'm just doing something really stupid.
- 27 Dec 2014, 20:40
- Forum: General Discussion
- Replies: 7
- Views: 5747
Re: uwebkit inside noesis
It would be great if you could share your results with the rest of the community in the Showcase section. Thanks :) I posted an example to the showcase page. With that being said fernandez do you think you could help me at some point with having uwebkit dynamically size to the grid it will be going...
- 21 Dec 2014, 04:45
- Forum: Showcase Gallery
- Replies: 0
- Views: 10997
uWebKit integration
Here is a youtube video of uwebkit hosted inside NoesisGUI Grid
- 01 Dec 2014, 18:05
- Forum: General Discussion
- Replies: 7
- Views: 5747
Re: uwebkit inside noesis
Perfect! You guys customer support continues to amaze me. This worked perfectly thanks a lot.
- 28 Nov 2014, 07:57
- Forum: General Discussion
- Replies: 7
- Views: 5747
uwebkit inside noesis
So I have uWebKit rendering inside of a noesis imagebrush that is set to a the background of a grid. Image: I'm trying to figure out how I could pass through my mouse position so I can actually highlight links and scroll down the page and what not. B...
- 21 Nov 2014, 19:47
- Forum: Official Announcements
- Replies: 48
- Views: 83696
Re: [Unity] v1.2 Preview
I guess I should also note it doesn't look like setting the duration of the storyboard is working in code. ex. sb.Duration = new Duration(new Timespan(0,0,5)); // 5 seconds or sb.Duration = new TimeSpan(0,0,5); // 5 seconds I get the same result for both of these it looks like it just lasts for abou...
- 21 Nov 2014, 19:10
- Forum: Official Announcements
- Replies: 48
- Views: 83696
Re: [Unity] v1.2 Preview
Is there any reason why the storyboard completed function never fires? Edit: it does in fact fire but it won't let me set the value of the progressbar back to 0 it just stays at 100. pbReload = FindName<Noesis.ProgressBar>("pbReload"); sbReload = root.FindResource<Storyboard>("sbReloa...
- 27 Oct 2014, 20:41
- Forum: Official Announcements
- Replies: 48
- Views: 83696
Re: [Unity] v1.2 Preview
So they finally made Unity 5 open for all pro users. Will this build work in Unity 5?