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by Cleroth
25 Aug 2014, 14:54
Forum: General Discussion
Replies: 22
Views: 9732

Re: Error when using NoesisExt in Blend

Thanks for the prompt responses and fixes.
by Cleroth
25 Aug 2014, 00:44
Forum: General Discussion
Replies: 22
Views: 9732

Re: Error when using NoesisExt in Blend

So, just to clarify everything. All the issues mentioned in this thread (gradients) were being caused by the Unity post-processor shader, weren't they? No. Other than the postfx shader, I have a simple model with a simple shader that causes this, as I mentioned in my previous post: I've tracked the...
by Cleroth
23 Aug 2014, 05:23
Forum: General Discussion
Replies: 22
Views: 9732

Re: Error when using NoesisExt in Blend

Well, I'll be damned. That fixed both issues and even another one I hadn't talked about: The animation of scaling the rectangle now properly animates between pixels (subpixel precision), making it much smoother. Thanks a lot! This begs the question though... Why is this not by default? And if there'...
by Cleroth
23 Aug 2014, 00:26
Forum: General Discussion
Replies: 22
Views: 9732

Re: Error when using NoesisExt in Blend

This is really odd... Turning on Ambient Obscurance also triggers the same darkening. Like this: I'd imagine it's also to do with the shader. Changing the settings on it seems to have no effect on how dark it is. Also, do you think there's a way to have camera FXAA not...
by Cleroth
23 Aug 2014, 00:07
Forum: General Discussion
Replies: 22
Views: 9732

Re: Error when using NoesisExt in Blend

Your XAML doesn't work either. I've tracked the problem to one of my shaders. When I disable the object with that shader, the colour goes to normal. The shader is basically just a combination of normal Diffuse with texture and Toon Outline. I've even disabled everything except for the diffuse in the...
by Cleroth
19 Aug 2014, 21:50
Forum: General Discussion
Replies: 22
Views: 9732

Re: Error when using NoesisExt in Blend

I'm attaching the XAML to this post. Here's a side-by-side comparison (left is Blend, right is Unity in-game): The center color is supposed to be 31,71,255. Picking the color on the screenshot, Blend shows 30,70,254 (about right), but in-game is 3,16,251 (pretty far of...
by Cleroth
19 Aug 2014, 03:50
Forum: General Discussion
Replies: 22
Views: 9732

Re: Error when using NoesisExt in Blend

Yes, I see, thanks.
Also, how come gradients have different colours when in Blend than when in Unity?
by Cleroth
17 Aug 2014, 00:40
Forum: General Discussion
Replies: 22
Views: 9732

Re: Error when using NoesisExt in Blend

But doesn't NoesisGUI have to find this file if you use the extension? How does it do this?
by Cleroth
15 Aug 2014, 04:46
Forum: General Discussion
Replies: 22
Views: 9732

Re: Error when using NoesisExt in Blend

I'm having a similar problem with Text.cs but on Unity this time. There is a preprocessor guard on it ( #if !UNITY_EDITOR ) so that it doesn't get compiled in the Editor. Unfortunately when I build the game, it will come up with errors when trying compile that .cs Changing it to #if !(UNITY_EDITOR |...
by Cleroth
07 Aug 2014, 22:11
Forum: General Discussion
Replies: 22
Views: 9732

Re: Error when using NoesisExt in Blend

Hmm, I found the answer here: However, I'm getting the same error related to ColorPicker at this line: <noesis:ColorPicker x:Name="ColorPicker"/> There is no ColorPicker in the repo you men...
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