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by Rmunoz
28 Aug 2024, 19:23
Forum: General Discussion
Replies: 3
Views: 1089

Re: Wpf app with Noesis theme looks different as in xamltoy

I have misdirected the explanation by providing that xamltoy

The host of the window in the Noesis Win32 application with the SDK is indeed a window


I've broken my local sdk setup but ill double check with the sdk on win32 and wasm
by Rmunoz
19 Aug 2024, 20:42
Forum: General Discussion
Replies: 3
Views: 1089

Wpf app with Noesis theme looks different as in xamltoy

I created a dummy WPF application (.net framework 4.8 ) Nuget package was installed: Noesis.GUI.Extensions ( Referenced the theme with the pack-uri <Application.Resources> <ResourceDictionary Source="pack://application:,,,/Noesis.GUI.Extensions;component/Theme/NoesisTheme.DarkBlue....
by Rmunoz
18 Jul 2024, 18:36
Forum: General Discussion
Replies: 6
Views: 985

Re: Is image count limited on xamltoy?

I've taken the loader script from xaml toy and drafted support for loading truncated files, i've tested for it to work on online javascript editor and they are all loading. I've commented several sections not related to the change and hardcoded the id for the example used on this thread. Hope it hel...
by Rmunoz
18 Jul 2024, 15:57
Forum: General Discussion
Replies: 9
Views: 2855

Re: Remapping TabControl selection from L1/R1 to L2/R2

As far as I know it already implements what was requested. After clicking on the right path you should be able to navigate with the keys specified on screen. I believe the requirement to click on the right part of the screen is for focusing on that part of the web and not about the focus on noesis s...
by Rmunoz
17 Jul 2024, 22:00
Forum: General Discussion
Replies: 6
Views: 985

Re: Is image count limited on xamltoy?

I've drafted a pull request with what i think would fix this issue.
Take it with a grain of salt because I haven't programmed javascript in ages :)
by Rmunoz
17 Jul 2024, 21:35
Forum: General Discussion
Replies: 6
Views: 985

Re: Is image count limited on xamltoy?

Looks like the file get response has a size limit itself of about 1MB for the list of all files. From what I understand in the Api docs this is something that is known to happen, and when it does it marks the file with the truncated flag. For such cases they provide the raw url field to retreive the...
by Rmunoz
17 Jul 2024, 21:09
Forum: General Discussion
Replies: 6
Views: 985

Re: Is image count limited on xamltoy?

I've run get request on given gist and the affected files are indeed being truncated by the api. GetResultsTruncated.png I've run this curl, maybe not providing authentication limits the spec even further ( i'll try again with a token ) curl -L -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" -H &...
by Rmunoz
17 Jul 2024, 20:58
Forum: General Discussion
Replies: 6
Views: 985

Is image count limited on xamltoy?

Hi, i'm getting some unexpected behavior with uploaded images into xamltoy gist I've reproduced the issue on the following xamltoy 3a386c1c65995fc38070ac98526d5fd5 It may well be a limitation of github gists. But from what i can read here i belive i'm within their specs.
by Rmunoz
16 Jul 2024, 18:20
Forum: General Discussion
Replies: 9
Views: 2855

Re: Remapping TabControl selection from L1/R1 to L2/R2

I think you could implement this kind of behavior by disabling the default TabControl selection management completely from both TabControls. Then implement the reaction to buttons directly at the root of the document. You could prevent TabControl and TabItems from receiving keyboard focus using Focu...
by Rmunoz
15 Jul 2024, 18:31
Forum: General Discussion
Replies: 5
Views: 1899

Re: ScrollBar template behavior difference between WPF and Noesis

Thanks for the advice! After getting past the issue with the size I managed to create a draft custom scrollbar.
There is a lot to be implemented for a fully featured ScrollBar style but I'll consider this exercise done as is :)

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