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Vector graphic in Theme not draw paths (problem)

Posted: 21 Oct 2017, 20:37
by Wanderer
I created very simple background image with vector graphic and I want use it in my application. Here is code in NoesisTheme.xaml
<Viewbox xmlns="" Stretch="Uniform" x:Key="MBack">
	  <Canvas Name="svg8" Width="800" Height="600">
		  <TranslateTransform X="0" Y="0"/>
		<!--Unknown tag: sodipodi:namedview-->
		<!--Unknown tag: metadata-->
		<Canvas Name="layer1">
			<TranslateTransform X="0" Y="-138.24998"/>
		  <Rectangle xmlns:x="" Canvas.Left="0" Canvas.Top="138.25" Width="800" Height="599.99994" Name="rect_background" Fill="#FF00008C" StrokeThickness="0.99999988"/>
		  <Path xmlns:x="" Name="header" Fill="#FF009819" StrokeThickness="0.85975945">
			  <PathGeometry Figures="m 0 138.24998 v 39.99999 h 619.49025 c 57.33793 0 59.6613 -39.99999 88.03517 -39.99999 z" FillRule="NonZero"/>
		  <Path xmlns:x="" Name="glu" Fill="#FF0000A0" StrokeThickness="1.99999976" Stroke="#FFFFFFFF" StrokeMiterLimit="4">
			  <PathGeometry Figures="m 535.98692 571.37275 c -18.40082 18.82382 -33.11618 -2.73014 -56.4333 9.48623 -23.31711 12.21634 -13.97287 36.58439 -39.92387 40.99744 -25.95095 4.41309 -25.18681 -21.67392 -51.23134 -25.49612 -26.04456 -3.82224 -32.80808 21.38433 -56.39679 9.70098 -23.58871 -11.68334 -7.63694 -32.33903 -26.46079 -50.73984 -18.82384 -18.40086 -39.11169 -1.9838 -51.32806 -25.30091 -12.21637 -23.31715 12.82999 -30.6517 8.41691 -56.60269 -4.41307 -25.95095 -30.47597 -24.59418 -26.65376 -50.63875 3.82221 -26.04453 28.3963 -17.25645 40.07964 -40.84516 11.68335 -23.58871 -10.19947 -37.81046 8.20137 -56.63432 18.40084 -18.82382 33.11619 2.73014 56.43331 -9.4862 23.31713 -12.21638 13.97289 -36.58442 39.92385 -40.99748 25.95096 -4.41308 25.18681 21.67393 51.23135 25.49613 26.04457 3.82223 32.80808 -21.38434 56.39679 -9.70099 23.58871 11.68335 7.63695 32.33903 26.46081 50.73985 18.82383 18.40085 39.11169 1.9838 51.32807 25.30095 12.21634 23.31711 -12.83003 30.6517 -8.41694 56.60265 4.41306 25.95095 30.47596 24.59421 26.65376 50.63874 -3.8222 26.04457 -28.39631 17.25649 -40.07962 40.8452 -11.68335 23.58871 10.19947 37.81043 -8.20139 56.63429 z" FillRule="NonZero"/>
// inside my.xaml for display background in grid
<Grid >
		<ContentControl Content="{StaticResource MBack}" />
Problem is, paths are not rendered, only rectangle.

Re: Vector graphic in Theme not draw paths (problem)

Posted: 22 Oct 2017, 12:19
by Wanderer
I check exported xaml example from this topic and discover, my export from inkscape is different then in topic.

I have to change from
		  <Path xmlns:x="" Name="header" Fill="#FF009819" StrokeThickness="0.85975945">
			  <PathGeometry Figures="m 0 138.24998 v 39.99999 h 619.49025 c 57.33793 0 59.6613 -39.99999 88.03517 -39.99999 z" FillRule="NonZero"/>
<Path xmlns:x="" Name="header" Fill="#FF009819" StrokeThickness="0.85975945" Data="m 0 138.24998 v 39.99999 h 619.49025 c 57.33793 0 59.6613 -39.99999 88.03517 -39.99999 z" FillRule="NonZero"/>
Then path is displayed. What I must done for export my vector graphics this way and don't need to rewrite exported graphics?

Re: Vector graphic in Theme not draw paths (problem)

Posted: 23 Oct 2017, 16:52
by sfernandez
Did you modify this:

To generate content that is compatible with NoesisGUI you must activate the Silverlight compatibility mode. This mode generates more efficient and compact content. The line in the file inkscape/share/extensions/svg2xaml.xsl must change from:
<xsl:param name="silverlight_compatible" select="2" />
<xsl:param name="silverlight_compatible" select="1" />

Re: Vector graphic in Theme not draw paths (problem)

Posted: 24 Oct 2017, 16:38
by Wanderer
No because I have Inkscape 0.92, if I do, then it always export paths which Noesis didn't display. I discover that I need save xaml file 2x. Once with Silverlight compatibility for paths, and second for add viewbox, or add it manually.

Re: Vector graphic in Theme not draw paths (problem)

Posted: 30 Oct 2017, 13:00
by sfernandez
Ok, I downloaded the latest version of inkscape and I was able to generate Noesis compatible paths by doing the following:

1. "Open" any svg file
2. Click "Save As..."
3. Select "Microsoft XAML (*.xaml)" as "Type"
4. Click "Save" and a "XAML Output" dialog will open
5. Check "Silverlight compatible XAML" box and hit "OK"

Silverlight paths syntax is what we understand in Noesis, so you have to select that.