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Ellipse Aliasing compared to Curved closed Path

Posted: 23 Jul 2019, 12:53
by jinfox

I have an issue on the current project I work on. I was using ellipses to display circular shapes but they looked not very "fine" on the edge. The stroke being made of not enough segments (see image below )
url to image :

We can see that the ellipse is not very clean and when activating wireframe, we can see that the number of segments created by the ellipse is not enough to appear as smooth as the Path does.

In terms of xaml, the path is just the same ellipse converted to a path via Blend :
The ellipse :
<Ellipse Width="256" Height="256" Fill="CadetBlue" Stroke="Black" StrokeThickness="5"></Ellipse>

The path :
<Path Data="M253.5,128 C253.5,197.31174 197.31174,253.5 128,253.5 C58.688264,253.5 2.5,197.31174 2.5,128 C2.5,58.688264 58.688264,2.5 128,2.5 C197.31174,2.5 253.5,58.688264 253.5,128 z" Fill="CadetBlue" Height="256" Stretch="Fill" Stroke="Black" StrokeThickness="5" Width="256" />

Do you know if there is a configuration to make ellipses cleaner when rendered?

Thank you

Re: Ellipse Aliasing compared to Curved closed Path

Posted: 23 Jul 2019, 19:43
by jsantos
I think this is a bug, I need to carefully analyze it, could you please create a ticket about it?

Meanwhile you can increase the tessellation quality in the View, although that's going to affect all geometries.

Re: Ellipse Aliasing compared to Curved closed Path

Posted: 24 Jul 2019, 09:48
by nikobarli
I am having the same experience as well when creating a round-shaped buttons or controls.
WPF renders the shape better than Noesis.
+1 for fixing this issue.

Re: Ellipse Aliasing compared to Curved closed Path

Posted: 24 Jul 2019, 16:27
by jsantos
Could you please attach your cases (as minimal as possible) also in #1522? Thanks!

Re: Ellipse Aliasing compared to Curved closed Path

Posted: 25 Jul 2019, 12:13
by jinfox

I have attached an example in the bug ticket.

Thank you!