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Unity: Some button mouse events fire, others do not?

Posted: 21 Jul 2020, 23:37
by doomtoo
In Unity, some button events appear to fire(click, doubleclick, enter), but others do not(mousedown, mouseup).
Any reason why?

void Start()
        FrameworkElement root = noesis_view.Content;
        Button btn = (Button)root.FindName("Button_Main");

        //does not fire
        btn.MouseLeftButtonUp += Btn_MouseLeftButtonUp;
        btn.MouseUp += Btn_MouseUp;
        btn.MouseDown += Btn_MouseDown;

        //does fire
        btn.Click += Btn_Click;
        btn.MouseEnter += Btn_MouseEnter;
        btn.MouseDoubleClick += Btn_MouseDoubleClick;
        private void Btn_MouseDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs args)

    private void Btn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs args)

Re: Unity: Some button mouse events fire, others do not?

Posted: 27 Jul 2020, 20:10
by sfernandez
It is because Button class handles some of them to implement the Click logic.

A Button with ClickMode=Release will notify you about the following events:
Once MouseLeftButtonDown is routed through the Button it marks e.Handled as true and you won't be able receive that event or MouseDown event. The same happens with MouseUp/MouseLeftButtonUp events.