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Suggestions: Unity Shims

Posted: 08 Jun 2021, 18:40
by KeldorKatarn
These things exist for serializer libraries already. But those all have dependencies on that specific serializer since they also add formatters.
For Noesis, especially for the Blend project outside Unity, it would be very helpful to have a nuGet Package with shims for the Unity standard structs:
(Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Quaternion, Color, Bounds, Rect, AnimationCurve, Keyframe, Matrix4x4, Gradient, Color32, RectOffset, LayerMask, Vector2Int, Vector3Int, RangeInt, RectInt, BoundsInt)
That way they can be used in ViewModel public APIs without having to create those shims/stubs in every project.

Re: Suggestions: Unity Shims

Posted: 21 Jun 2021, 09:37
by sfernandez
Thanks for the suggestion, I created the ticket #2051 to keep track of this.