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Consider making Noesis StringFormat implementation public API

05 Nov 2021, 10:28

When making a markup extension/converter I realized that I cannot easily provide a property to the user that behaves like StringFormat in a binding, as in, actually implementing the formatting itself.
Since there is an implementation for it in the C++ SDK to support it for Bindings, it would be nice to have it available in the SDK, so my usage of it behaves the same as in the rest of Noesis, and in XAML we can just use the familiar syntax without having to reinvent the wheel on the C++ side.

Not sure how the CultureInfo would be best passed in. Converteres seem to be lacking it right now. Even outside of converters it would be nice to get access to the global CultureInfo we can set via Noesis::GUI::SetCulture, but this could worked around if necessary. But maybe you're the better at figuring out details like that.
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Re: Consider making Noesis StringFormat implementation public API

11 Nov 2021, 13:46

Could you please create a ticket for this? (Exposing StringFormat and getting the set Culture object). Thank you!
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Re: Consider making Noesis StringFormat implementation public API

03 Dec 2021, 10:12

I finally got around to this: #2206
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Re: Consider making Noesis StringFormat implementation public API

06 Dec 2021, 15:05

Thank you!

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