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Adorner with visual child

21 Jul 2024, 19:35


I'm trying to create an Adorner that renders a child element (e.g. a Border) instead of overriding OnRender method.
I have found WPF example here ... stackpanel which is also very similar to your EffectAdorner code, so I thought it will be simple enough, but I can't get it to work - the Border is not rendered.
Everything seems correct in the Inspector: the Border is a child of TestAdorner and has expected placement and size. It just isn't visible for some reason.
Am I doing something wrong here or is this usage unsupported?
TestAdorner::TestAdorner(UIElement* pAdornedElement) : Adorner(pAdornedElement)
	Ptr<Border> pBorder = MakePtr<Border>();
	m_pChild = pBorder;

uint32_t TestAdorner::GetVisualChildrenCount() const
	return 1;

Visual* TestAdorner::GetVisualChild(uint32_t index) const
	return m_pChild;

Noesis::Size TestAdorner::MeasureOverride(const Noesis::Size&)
	Noesis::UIElement* adornedElement = GetAdornedElement();
	const Noesis::Size& adornedSize = adornedElement->GetRenderSize();
	Noesis::Size finalSize = adornedSize;
	return finalSize;

Noesis::Size TestAdorner::ArrangeOverride(const Noesis::Size&)
	const Noesis::Size& finalSize = GetDesiredSize();
	return finalSize;
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Re: Adorner with visual child

24 Jul 2024, 12:48


It seems we have something wrong in our code and the child is not properly initialized. Could you please add a ticket in our bugtracker for this issue?
In the meantime, can you try to manually initialize it:
Ptr<Border> pBorder = MakePtr<Border>();
Please let me know if that fixes your issue.
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Re: Adorner with visual child

24 Jul 2024, 19:36

Created #3549

And yes, calling Init() manually fixes the issue. Thanks!
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Re: Adorner with visual child

25 Jul 2024, 12:00

Thanks for the report!

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