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How to Render a Path using Geometry

Posted: 02 Nov 2015, 21:19
by cosmo
The following renders fine in visual studio with the [Has Geometry Here] filled in utilizing a rectangle to contain the resource. How can I modify this code to render using Noesis?

I am attempting to use a icon library that is formatted with the following objects as a static resource for each icon.
    <Canvas x:Key="IconGlobe" >
        <Path Fill="#FFFFFFFF">
                                    <Geometry>[Has Geometry Here]</Geometry>
The icons would then be included as a rectangle in the application as follows.
 <Rectangle Style="{StaticResource MediumContent}"  Margin="0,0,10,0">
                        <VisualBrush Visual="{StaticResource IconGlobe}"/>
This has no issue rendering in Visual Studio or WPF Applications. How can I get the included static resource to render in noesis/what do I need to change tom make them render.

Below is a full example without using static resources for testing purposes.
            <Rectangle Width="30" Height="30">
                    <VisualBrush >
                            <Path Fill="#FFFFFFFF">
                                    <Geometry>m 4.05467 1039.4287 c 0.85504 -5.7384 1.88225 -11.1531 2.28265 -12.0328 0.54267 -1.1922 1.75885 -1.9365 4.77732 -2.9237 2.22713 -0.7284 4.13425 -1.2335 4.23806 -1.1224 0.1038 0.111 0.3913 6.1218 0.63888 13.3572 l 0.45014 13.1552 -6.97085 0 -6.97087 0 1.55467 -10.4335 z m 15.041 4.8387 c -10e-4 -3.0771 -0.19899 -9.4478 -0.43918 -14.1571 l -0.4367 -8.5624 3.47351 -1.5788 3.47351 -1.5789 0 2.9403 c 0 1.6172 0.19783 5.8405 0.43962 9.3852 l 0.43961 6.4449 13.95533 0 13.95534 0 0.43958 -6.4449 c 0.24181 -3.5447 0.43958 -7.768 0.43958 -9.3852 l 0 -2.9403 3.47351 1.5789 3.4735 1.5788 -0.43668 8.5624 c -0.24013 4.7093 -0.4378 11.08 -0.43913 14.1571 l 0 5.5948 -20.90324 0 -20.90324 0 -0.002 -5.5948 z m 44.50886 -0.3024 c 0.001 -3.2434 0.19789 -9.3297 0.43646 -13.5251 l 0.43379 -7.628 4.02557 1.558 c 2.21418 0.857 4.4258 2.1121 4.91499 2.7893 0.48908 0.6772 1.60827 6.0624 2.48698 11.9671 l 1.59768 10.7359 -6.94913 0 -6.94913 0 0 -5.8972 z m -35.40059 -17.6432 c -0.5194 -8.9981 -0.2658 -10.4004 1.606 -8.881 4.54084 3.6862 15.84201 3.6862 20.38285 0 1.85967 -1.5096 2.10147 -0.1562 1.58341 8.8635 l -0.48462 8.4369 -11.30084 0 -11.3008 0 -0.486 -8.4194 z m 6.74019 -10.0376 c -1.1126 -0.538 -2.71869 -1.5629 -3.56911 -2.2776 -2.55317 -2.1456 -5.61295 -8.4193 -6.0069 -12.3164 l -0.35804 -3.54173 14.99129 0 14.99125 0 -0.3631 3.59233 c -0.46166 4.5664 -3.90384 10.7392 -7.3898 13.2518 -3.14233 2.2649 -9.00832 2.8811 -12.29559 1.2916 z m -9.65521 -20.89503 c -6.30901 -1.0015 -8.21938 -3.0098 -4.16789 -4.3815 1.45309 -0.492 2.02288 -1.0832 2.02288 -2.099 0 -3.0235 1.59149 -6.82519 3.84643 -9.18829 2.01913 -2.1159 5.32167 -4.2534 6.5717 -4.2534 0.20385 0 0.37064 2.008 0.37064 4.4623 0 4.90379 1.04348 6.69729 3.03434 5.21519 0.74244 -0.5527 1.01145 -2.02029 1.01145 -5.51759 l 0 -4.7647 2.0229 0 2.02289 0 0 4.7647 c 0 3.4973 0.26901 4.96489 1.01144 5.51759 1.99087 1.4821 3.03435 -0.3114 3.03435 -5.21519 0 -2.4543 0.16678 -4.4623 0.37063 -4.4623 1.00268 0 4.20775 1.8954 5.78959 3.4238 2.53013 2.4447 3.96671 5.2623 4.41532 8.65979 0.31773 2.406 0.66813 3.0087 1.91251 3.2888 1.563 0.3519 2.63492 1.8649 1.9872 2.805 -0.9067 1.3158 -6.30397 1.9326 -18.52104 2.1163 -7.23185 0.1088 -14.76274 -0.059 -16.73534 -0.3715 z</Geometry>

Re: How to Render a Path using Geometry

Posted: 03 Nov 2015, 10:30
by sfernandez

Using VisualBrush.Visual with a new visual tree is not supported and it's a known issue. Right now VisualBrush can only be used if you reference a visual that is part of the UI logical tree that is being rendered. For example, the Reflections.xaml we provide in our SDK:
<Grid x:Name="Src" Margin="0,-60,0,0">
<Rectangle Height="100" Grid.Row="1">
    <VisualBrush Visual="{Binding ElementName=Src}".../>
I can think of two options to accomplish what you want:

1) If the geometry can be combined into a single StreamGeometry (because only 1 brush is used to draw it), the best option is to share the icon geometries as resources, and then use them directly in a Path:
    <Geometry x:Key="IconGlobe">
      m 4.05467 1039.4287 c 0.85504 -5.7384 1.88225 -11.1531 2.28265 -12.0328 0.54267 ...
    <Geometry x:Key="IconWorker">

  <StackPanel x:Name="IconBar" Orientation="Horizontal">
    <Path Data="{StaticResource IconGlobe}" Fill="White" Width="30" Height="30" Margin="1"/>
    <Path Data="{StaticResource IconWorker}" Fill="White" Width="30" Height="30" Margin="1"/>
2) If the icon uses different paths and brushes, the best option is to use templates, and apply them to simple control elements:
    <ControlTemplate x:Key="IconGlobe" TargetType="Control">
        <Canvas Width="64" Height="64">
          <Path Data="m 4.05467 1039.4287 c 0.85504 -5.7384 1.88225 -11.1531 2.28265..." Fill="White" .../>
          <Path Data="..." Fill="Silver" .../>
    <ControlTemplate x:Key="IconWorker" TargetType="Control">

  <StackPanel x:Name="IconBar" Orientation="Horizontal">
    <Control Template="{StaticResource IconGlobe}" Width="30" Height="30" Margin="1"/>
    <Control Template="{StaticResource IconWorker}" Width="30" Height="30" Margin="1"/>
Hope this helps ;)

Re: How to Render a Path using Geometry

Posted: 09 Nov 2015, 17:41
by cosmo
Is this planned to be resolved? I am for whatever reason unable to get my icons to render using the other methods given. Here is the exact code I am using.

When using the rectangle and visual brush I am getting my icon in visual studio and a xaml page.

When using the control template with a canvas I am not getting it to render in either case.

            <Control Template="{StaticResource IconGlobeMedium}" Width="100" Height="100" Margin="1"/>
            <Control Template="{StaticResource IconGlobeMedium2}" Width="100" Height="100" Margin="1"/>

    <ControlTemplate x:Key="IconGlobeMedium2" TargetType="Control">
            <Canvas Width="100" Height="100">
                <Path Fill="#FFFFFFFF">
                        <Geometry>M 25.469551 1048.1991 C 23.81865 1045.1482 4.8623415 984.46004 5.2152417 983.35524 c 0.9440004 -2.95542 3.7378016 -2.02338 5.0245023 1.67619 l 0.931901 2.67947 3.900201 -0.48969 c 4.342702 -0.54531 8.791204 -2.75732 15.413507 -7.66429 5.912003 -4.38078 8.553304 -5.37073 11.360505 -4.25763 2.578701 1.02239 5.211102 5.60199 7.358703 12.80195 1.589101 5.32765 3.613002 7.76697 6.444403 7.76697 2.359101 0 9.837104 -3.08567 16.801507 -6.93284 3.334301 -1.84198 5.244702 -2.56462 5.033702 -1.90398 -0.6216 1.94627 -7.298303 14.59201 -10.231904 19.37971 -3.019902 4.9285 -6.037403 7.7177 -8.354604 7.7227 -0.751 0 -2.562201 -1.1983 -4.024802 -2.6664 -1.4626 -1.4681 -3.338301 -2.874 -4.168101 -3.1243 -1.941701 -0.5855 -5.330403 1.7923 -13.384206 9.3914 -6.809803 6.4253 -9.833804 8.5808 -12.037705 8.5808 -0.797601 0 -1.450101 0.3513 -1.450101 0.7807 0 0.4294 1.283001 4.7957 2.851101 9.7031 3.058102 9.5702 3.266602 10.7866 2.090801 12.1992 -1.1466 1.3776 -2.274801 1.1048 -3.305101 -0.7992 z m -1.330201 -27.9176 c 0.620801 -3.3952 -0.778 -13.575 -2.478401 -18.0374 -1.800001 -4.72349 -6.373003 -10.94288 -8.046103 -10.94288 -0.652501 0 -1.186401 0.17432 -1.186401 0.38733 0 1.82924 9.876504 30.82085 10.499705 30.82085 0.4421 0 0.9873 -1.0024 1.2112 -2.2279 z M 2.9500407 979.53962 c -0.9191004 -1.33055 -0.3527002 -3.90911 0.9951004 -4.53047 1.3602006 -0.62701 3.4147015 0.85636 3.4147015 2.46551 0 2.86328 -2.9153013 4.22843 -4.4098019 2.06496 z</Geometry>

    <ControlTemplate x:Key="IconGlobeMedium" TargetType="Control">
        <Rectangle >
                        <Path Fill="#FFFFFFFF">
                                <Geometry>M 25.469551 1048.1991 C 23.81865 1045.1482 4.8623415 984.46004 5.2152417 983.35524 c 0.9440004 -2.95542 3.7378016 -2.02338 5.0245023 1.67619 l 0.931901 2.67947 3.900201 -0.48969 c 4.342702 -0.54531 8.791204 -2.75732 15.413507 -7.66429 5.912003 -4.38078 8.553304 -5.37073 11.360505 -4.25763 2.578701 1.02239 5.211102 5.60199 7.358703 12.80195 1.589101 5.32765 3.613002 7.76697 6.444403 7.76697 2.359101 0 9.837104 -3.08567 16.801507 -6.93284 3.334301 -1.84198 5.244702 -2.56462 5.033702 -1.90398 -0.6216 1.94627 -7.298303 14.59201 -10.231904 19.37971 -3.019902 4.9285 -6.037403 7.7177 -8.354604 7.7227 -0.751 0 -2.562201 -1.1983 -4.024802 -2.6664 -1.4626 -1.4681 -3.338301 -2.874 -4.168101 -3.1243 -1.941701 -0.5855 -5.330403 1.7923 -13.384206 9.3914 -6.809803 6.4253 -9.833804 8.5808 -12.037705 8.5808 -0.797601 0 -1.450101 0.3513 -1.450101 0.7807 0 0.4294 1.283001 4.7957 2.851101 9.7031 3.058102 9.5702 3.266602 10.7866 2.090801 12.1992 -1.1466 1.3776 -2.274801 1.1048 -3.305101 -0.7992 z m -1.330201 -27.9176 c 0.620801 -3.3952 -0.778 -13.575 -2.478401 -18.0374 -1.800001 -4.72349 -6.373003 -10.94288 -8.046103 -10.94288 -0.652501 0 -1.186401 0.17432 -1.186401 0.38733 0 1.82924 9.876504 30.82085 10.499705 30.82085 0.4421 0 0.9873 -1.0024 1.2112 -2.2279 z M 2.9500407 979.53962 c -0.9191004 -1.33055 -0.3527002 -3.90911 0.9951004 -4.53047 1.3602006 -0.62701 3.4147015 0.85636 3.4147015 2.46551 0 2.86328 -2.9153013 4.22843 -4.4098019 2.06496 z</Geometry>

Re: How to Render a Path using Geometry

Posted: 10 Nov 2015, 10:48
by sfernandez

ControlTemplate objects must be defined inside a ResourceDictionary (or inside the Resources property of an element). And if you are referencing to them as a StaticResource, then you have to define the templates before using them, just as I explained in my previous answer. The following renders perfectly in Blend/VS/Kaxaml:

        <ControlTemplate x:Key="IconGlobeMedium2" TargetType="Control">
                <Canvas Height="78" Width="78">
                    <Path Canvas.Left="-1" Canvas.Top="-973" Fill="White"
                        Data="M 25.469551 1048.1991 C 23.81865 1045.1482 4.8623415 984.46004 5.2152417 983.35524 c 0.9440004 -2.95542 3.7378016 -2.02338 5.0245023 1.67619 l 0.931901 2.67947 3.900201 -0.48969 c 4.342702 -0.54531 8.791204 -2.75732 15.413507 -7.66429 5.912003 -4.38078 8.553304 -5.37073 11.360505 -4.25763 2.578701 1.02239 5.211102 5.60199 7.358703 12.80195 1.589101 5.32765 3.613002 7.76697 6.444403 7.76697 2.359101 0 9.837104 -3.08567 16.801507 -6.93284 3.334301 -1.84198 5.244702 -2.56462 5.033702 -1.90398 -0.6216 1.94627 -7.298303 14.59201 -10.231904 19.37971 -3.019902 4.9285 -6.037403 7.7177 -8.354604 7.7227 -0.751 0 -2.562201 -1.1983 -4.024802 -2.6664 -1.4626 -1.4681 -3.338301 -2.874 -4.168101 -3.1243 -1.941701 -0.5855 -5.330403 1.7923 -13.384206 9.3914 -6.809803 6.4253 -9.833804 8.5808 -12.037705 8.5808 -0.797601 0 -1.450101 0.3513 -1.450101 0.7807 0 0.4294 1.283001 4.7957 2.851101 9.7031 3.058102 9.5702 3.266602 10.7866 2.090801 12.1992 -1.1466 1.3776 -2.274801 1.1048 -3.305101 -0.7992 z m -1.330201 -27.9176 c 0.620801 -3.3952 -0.778 -13.575 -2.478401 -18.0374 -1.800001 -4.72349 -6.373003 -10.94288 -8.046103 -10.94288 -0.652501 0 -1.186401 0.17432 -1.186401 0.38733 0 1.82924 9.876504 30.82085 10.499705 30.82085 0.4421 0 0.9873 -1.0024 1.2112 -2.2279 z M 2.9500407 979.53962 c -0.9191004 -1.33055 -0.3527002 -3.90911 0.9951004 -4.53047 1.3602006 -0.62701 3.4147015 0.85636 3.4147015 2.46551 0 2.86328 -2.9153013 4.22843 -4.4098019 2.06496 z"/>

        <ControlTemplate x:Key="IconGlobeMedium" TargetType="Control">
                <Canvas Height="78" Width="78">
                    <Path Canvas.Left="-1" Canvas.Top="-973" Fill="White"
                        Data="m 4.05467 1039.4287 c 0.85504 -5.7384 1.88225 -11.1531 2.28265 -12.0328 0.54267 -1.1922 1.75885 -1.9365 4.77732 -2.9237 2.22713 -0.7284 4.13425 -1.2335 4.23806 -1.1224 0.1038 0.111 0.3913 6.1218 0.63888 13.3572 l 0.45014 13.1552 -6.97085 0 -6.97087 0 1.55467 -10.4335 z m 15.041 4.8387 c -10e-4 -3.0771 -0.19899 -9.4478 -0.43918 -14.1571 l -0.4367 -8.5624 3.47351 -1.5788 3.47351 -1.5789 0 2.9403 c 0 1.6172 0.19783 5.8405 0.43962 9.3852 l 0.43961 6.4449 13.95533 0 13.95534 0 0.43958 -6.4449 c 0.24181 -3.5447 0.43958 -7.768 0.43958 -9.3852 l 0 -2.9403 3.47351 1.5789 3.4735 1.5788 -0.43668 8.5624 c -0.24013 4.7093 -0.4378 11.08 -0.43913 14.1571 l 0 5.5948 -20.90324 0 -20.90324 0 -0.002 -5.5948 z m 44.50886 -0.3024 c 0.001 -3.2434 0.19789 -9.3297 0.43646 -13.5251 l 0.43379 -7.628 4.02557 1.558 c 2.21418 0.857 4.4258 2.1121 4.91499 2.7893 0.48908 0.6772 1.60827 6.0624 2.48698 11.9671 l 1.59768 10.7359 -6.94913 0 -6.94913 0 0 -5.8972 z m -35.40059 -17.6432 c -0.5194 -8.9981 -0.2658 -10.4004 1.606 -8.881 4.54084 3.6862 15.84201 3.6862 20.38285 0 1.85967 -1.5096 2.10147 -0.1562 1.58341 8.8635 l -0.48462 8.4369 -11.30084 0 -11.3008 0 -0.486 -8.4194 z m 6.74019 -10.0376 c -1.1126 -0.538 -2.71869 -1.5629 -3.56911 -2.2776 -2.55317 -2.1456 -5.61295 -8.4193 -6.0069 -12.3164 l -0.35804 -3.54173 14.99129 0 14.99125 0 -0.3631 3.59233 c -0.46166 4.5664 -3.90384 10.7392 -7.3898 13.2518 -3.14233 2.2649 -9.00832 2.8811 -12.29559 1.2916 z m -9.65521 -20.89503 c -6.30901 -1.0015 -8.21938 -3.0098 -4.16789 -4.3815 1.45309 -0.492 2.02288 -1.0832 2.02288 -2.099 0 -3.0235 1.59149 -6.82519 3.84643 -9.18829 2.01913 -2.1159 5.32167 -4.2534 6.5717 -4.2534 0.20385 0 0.37064 2.008 0.37064 4.4623 0 4.90379 1.04348 6.69729 3.03434 5.21519 0.74244 -0.5527 1.01145 -2.02029 1.01145 -5.51759 l 0 -4.7647 2.0229 0 2.02289 0 0 4.7647 c 0 3.4973 0.26901 4.96489 1.01144 5.51759 1.99087 1.4821 3.03435 -0.3114 3.03435 -5.21519 0 -2.4543 0.16678 -4.4623 0.37063 -4.4623 1.00268 0 4.20775 1.8954 5.78959 3.4238 2.53013 2.4447 3.96671 5.2623 4.41532 8.65979 0.31773 2.406 0.66813 3.0087 1.91251 3.2888 1.563 0.3519 2.63492 1.8649 1.9872 2.805 -0.9067 1.3158 -6.30397 1.9326 -18.52104 2.1163 -7.23185 0.1088 -14.76274 -0.059 -16.73534 -0.3715 z"/>
    <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
        <Control Template="{StaticResource IconGlobeMedium}" Width="100" Height="100" Margin="1"/>
        <Control Template="{StaticResource IconGlobeMedium2}" Width="100" Height="100" Margin="1"/>
In the previous post I used a Canvas of 100x100 just as an example, because usually when importing a vector geometry to Blend it comes wrapped on a Canvas. But in order to work correctly its size must be set accordingly to Path dimensions, and also set the correct Left and Top properties in the Path.