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Attempted to read or write protected memory when resizing window

05 Aug 2024, 16:55

Hi Noesis team,
I'm getting a System.AccessViolationException when, under certain circumstances, resizing the MainWindow of my application. My question is, what can I do to find the root cause of the exception. The stack trace tells me that Noesis.App.dll throws the exception but I have no other information as to what is causing it.

The exception: Exception thrown: 'System.AccessViolationException' in Noesis.App.dll
Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.

The stack trace:
Noesis.App.dll!NoesisApp.Window.Render(double time)
Noesis.App.dll!NoesisApp.Application.Run.AnonymousMethod__51_0(NoesisApp.Display d)
Noesis.App.Displays.Win32.dll!NoesisApp.Win32Display.EnterMessageLoop(bool runInBackground)

I cannot reproduce this in a simpler scenario and I also cannot reproduce it using one of the samples.

Thank you
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Re: Attempted to read or write protected memory when resizing window

05 Aug 2024, 18:02

Could you please create a ticket in our bugtracker attaching the crash dump?
Are you using the original source code for the NoesisApp library or do you have any local modifications?
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Joined: 16 Feb 2023, 17:40

Re: Attempted to read or write protected memory when resizing window

07 Aug 2024, 12:10

I have no local modifications, using the original NoesisApp.
I just posted an issue to the bugtracker. Thank you.

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