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Unity 2017.1 beta and .NET 4.6

Posted: 15 Apr 2017, 15:21
by MrJul

Unity 2017.1 beta 1, out for a few days, now supports .NET 4.6 out of the box, which is huge.
However, after configuring .NET support to 4.6 in Unity, and restarting the editor, it crashes as soon as I click the Play button, with an write access violation in Noesis.dll.

This is using the Buttons scene from the samples (Noesis 2.0.0f1), on an otherwise empty, new project.
I'm fully aware that Unity 2017.1 is only at its first beta and that it's not ready for production work. However, I'd like to know if Noesis is planning to support .NET 4.6 soon.

Thank you for your great product.

Re: Unity 2017.1 beta and .NET 4.6

Posted: 20 Apr 2017, 17:28
by sfernandez
We haven't been able to properly test Unity 2017 beta yet.
First we want to release a new version with some fixes for Unity 5.6 and other improvements.

We will be back as soon as we have new info about this.

Re: Unity 2017.1 beta and .NET 4.6

Posted: 25 Apr 2017, 03:05
by jsantos
If you want to track this, please create a ticket about it.


Re: Unity 2017.1 beta and .NET 4.6

Posted: 15 May 2017, 23:01
by pbastia
Thank you very much for the information. I am currently trying to make a decision about using Noesis or not, and I have a Unity project where having .NET4.6 is an imperative. I could hold off and build the UI separately for the beginning, but would you have an estimate of when this feature is going to be available?
Thanks a lot,

Re: Unity 2017.1 beta and .NET 4.6

Posted: 16 May 2017, 07:25
by ai_enabled
@pbastia, I see no reason why it might take much time for them. It might require just a few small API fixes. And actually it will allow them to remove the hacks integrated to avoid issues with Mono 2.0 used in previous versions of Unity.

We're using NoesisGUI with .NET Framework 4.6.1 for 1.5 years without any problems, including latest version - but we use it with MonoGame engine (or SharpDX). But Mono used in Unity 2017.1 is not exact port of .NET 4.6.1 so some specific issues might arise.

Re: Unity 2017.1 beta and .NET 4.6

Posted: 17 May 2017, 04:01
by jsantos
Effectively we already support .NET 4.6, so this problem must be something related to the Unity integration. We will have a look at it as soon as possible.

Thanks for creating the ticket!

Re: Unity 2017.1 beta and .NET 4.6

Posted: 06 Jun 2017, 00:16
by JaredThirsk
I want Noesis with Unity3D on .NET 4.6 as well. Is there a way for me to get added to the support ticket?

That's great news that Unity3D is finally looking to no longer be in the .NET dark ages. Definitely a pain point, between that and old mono bugs that had me hunting the bowels of mono c source code for assert failures. I was going to switch to Noesis with Xenko (with its .NET Core support,) and still might if Unity gives me any more grief, but it would be nice to avoid the work of switching when I already have Unity sort of working. (It would still be nice to have Xenko as another officially/unofficially supported platform for Noesis with good docs -- the more the merrier!)

Re: Unity 2017.1 beta and .NET 4.6

Posted: 06 Jun 2017, 00:55
by EvanWeeks
Fully agree about moving to Xenko/Noesis if there's too much more pain with Unity.

I'd also love to get added to that support ticket, because this is a pretty big "want" for me.

Re: Unity 2017.1 beta and .NET 4.6

Posted: 06 Jun 2017, 15:29
by jsantos
We made many improvements in the latest version (2.0.2f2) regarding this. Please try the last version and report the problems you find. This is a priority task for Noesis.

Re: Unity 2017.1 beta and .NET 4.6

Posted: 06 Jun 2017, 15:45
by EvanWeeks
Thanks for the response. I've put in a ticket so I can track its progress as well. The NoesisGUI version I used to duplicate this error was the latest (2.0.2f2), so I don't think it's quite fixed yet. Very much looking forward to it being so.