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Electronic Aircraft display (EFIS)

Posted: 01 Nov 2017, 14:04
by elecman
I made a Primary Flight Display (PFD) for an A320. Noesis GUI is really great to render the vector graphics used in many modern aircraft displays. And fast too!




Here is my blog post on the making of: ... -graphics/

Re: Electronic Aircraft display (EFIS)

Posted: 03 Nov 2017, 00:50
by nokola
This looks awesome, good job!

Re: Electronic Aircraft display (EFIS)

Posted: 03 Nov 2017, 11:05
by sfernandez
Great job, and the blog post which explains the whole process is very detailed :)

Re: Electronic Aircraft display (EFIS)

Posted: 06 Jan 2018, 17:45
by Hadfield
Great job suggesting this awesome PhenQ review and the blog post which explains the whole process is very detailed :)
That looks so neat, Elecman. Are the colors your choice or do they match the real thing? I like it either away!

Re: Electronic Aircraft display (EFIS)

Posted: 12 Jan 2018, 08:52
by elecman
They match the real thing pretty closely. It is hard to measure without some sort of screen calibration device (color munki) and taking a photo and using an eye dropper doesn't really work. Instead, I calibrated the colors by eye. Close enough.

Re: Electronic Aircraft display (EFIS)

Posted: 07 Nov 2018, 01:26
by elecman
Some more screenshots of the Engine Warning Display (EWD) and the Status Display (SD).

Re: Electronic Aircraft display (EFIS)

Posted: 07 Nov 2018, 10:52
by jsantos
Awesome job! Let us know if you can create a video showing those vectors in movement. We can promote it in our twitter.

Re: Electronic Aircraft display (EFIS)

Posted: 19 Nov 2018, 04:08
by elecman
Thanks, will let you know when I have something working.

Re: Electronic Aircraft display (EFIS)

Posted: 20 Nov 2018, 18:55
by jsantos
Thanks for the update!