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Noesis.dll from Unity Asset (version 2.1.0f1) loads only on the PC where I did a build

11 Oct 2021, 17:20

I didn't expect such a problem.
I've got a Noesis GUI asset for Unity - it's free. Re-worked all my UI to use Noesis. Everything was fine till... I run the build an another PC!
The build works absolutely fine on the machine where I build the game using Noesis (the PC runs windows 10).
I copied the build to several other PCs (two with windows 10 and one with windows 7 - but this shouldn't matter really, right?). And... my main menu doesn't show up!
I investigated the logs, tried to move the dll in different locations (it's placed in folder /Plugins/x86_64)... Nothing helps.
When I simply removed the DLL - I had the same error in logs as I have with the DLL! Conlusion: the DLL is not loaded by some reason...
The dependencies walker (depends.exe) shows error about some missing WIN CORE references, but the picture is the same as on the machine where everything works. Mistery...
Who can help? I am really stuck here and already thinking to move to another UI system... Sadly...
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Re: Noesis.dll from Unity Asset (version 2.1.0f1) loads only on the PC where I did a build

13 Oct 2021, 11:30

Could you please try with a newer version of Noesis? Version 2.1 is extremely old (4 years) and latest versions are also free for Indies.
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Re: Noesis.dll from Unity Asset (version 2.1.0f1) loads only on the PC where I did a build

13 Oct 2021, 11:52

You can get the latest version of NoesisGUI from our downloads page.
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Re: Noesis.dll from Unity Asset (version 2.1.0f1) loads only on the PC where I did a build

13 Oct 2021, 12:50

Thank you.
Yes, tried with version 3.1.1 - it works! The controls look slightly different and the way of programming has changed (but this is solvable).
But why you put this old version in Unity free assets? It makes confusion. I've just got an asset from Unity asset store and assumed it should just work...
May be mention in the description?
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Re: Noesis.dll from Unity Asset (version 2.1.0f1) loads only on the PC where I did a build

13 Oct 2021, 13:12

We are in conversations with Unity to solve this as our current licensing system is not compatible with the Asset Store. Thanks for the feedback.

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