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Unity and Custom ShaderEffect with texture input support

Posted: 18 Mar 2024, 22:17
by st4lk4r87

I've just begun using Noesis in my Unity project and I'm currently attempting to migrate a material/shader to the new system. This shader I'm working with requires 2 textures as input parameters, but I'm uncertain if it's feasible to utilize a custom ShaderEffect to accomplish this on an <Image> element. It seems that only built-in/simple types are supported for constant parameters.

If this isn't possible, what alternatives do I have to achieve the same outcome? Is there a method to apply a custom material to a specific element within my Noesis view?

Re: Unity and Custom ShaderEffect with texture input support

Posted: 27 Mar 2024, 20:42
by jsantos
You can use a Shader Brush. They are similar to effects, but more efficient because they don't require an extra offscreen phase.

CrossFadeBrush is an example of shader brush that mixes two images.