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Raising routed event from ViewModel in MVVM

Posted: 18 Jul 2024, 16:40
by seanmet
Hey, my question is as follows:

I've created a UserControl (lets call it X) that contains a noesis slider as part of it.
The NoesisSlider comes with a routed event named "ValueChanged" that is raised when the value changes.

Im using X UserControl in a different UserControl(Y) that functions as my main user control.
Both of them are implemented with MVVM pattern, so i have a view class and a view model class for both of them.

My question is, how can i catch this slider routed event in Y userControl?
            <!-- Right Slider -->
            <Canvas Width="112.5" Height="662.5" Canvas.Top="0" Canvas.Left="180.5">
                <customControls:cCustomSliderView Icon="2" x:Name="RightSlider" DataContext="{Binding RightSliderViewModel}"/>
                        <b:EventTrigger EventName="ValueChanged">
                            <b:InvokeCommandAction Command="{Binding SliderValueChangedCommand}"/>
The code above sits in the XAML of my main UserControl(Y).
This approach doesnt work, i cant seem to catch the event.
I also tried creating a routed event in my Y UserControl, but then i want it to be bound the the "ValueChanged" event from the slider, and i cant figure out a way to do so, since my only interaction with this event is from the command that sits in the viewmodel.

Re: Raising routed event from ViewModel in MVVM

Posted: 22 Jul 2024, 12:02
by jsantos
Currently, this functionality is not supported. Interaction Triggers only support events that belong to the same class and do not support attached events. Could you please create a ticket regarding this issue?

As a workaround, you can expose new events in your main UserControl (Y) and implement them by registering to the events of the main UserControl (X) in the code