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XNA / MonoGame integration

28 May 2014, 22:23

I'm wondering if anyone knows whether there have been any attempts at integrating NoesisGUI with XNA / MonoGame? I'm curious as I would like to avoid developing my own UI framework and Noesis looks pretty much ideal. If there haven't been any attempts, is there a fundamental reason why they could not be integrated?
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Re: XNA / MonoGame integration

29 May 2014, 15:20

For now, the C# API is only available in Unity3D. We have an internal sample working outside Unity and using C#, but right now there is no official support for this platform. We are working on it.

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Re: XNA / MonoGame integration

19 Sep 2015, 23:56

Hello... I am also interested in MonoGame support. Is this possible yet?

Thank you. :)
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Re: XNA / MonoGame integration

21 Sep 2015, 00:40

Yes, it should work with the current C# SDK we have in beta. Although right now we cannot dedicate time for this I would be glad to help you with the integration.

Thanks Michael!

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