NoesisGUI v1.2 RC5
Release notes can be found inside the SDK documentation.
Please, use this thread to discuss everything related this new version. We need your feedback!
- NoesisGUI-1.2.0RC5.unitypackage
Release notes can be found inside the SDK documentation.
Please, use this thread to discuss everything related this new version. We need your feedback!
Re: noesisGUI v1.2 BETA
This sounds great!! Can you elaborate on the resource management? Does this mean the end of the build tool?
Re: noesisGUI v1.2 BETA
Thanks a lot for this update!
I am pretty sure that the availability of DX11 will help us a lot.
This is also very nice that you could make a new render algorithm, with a lower consumption.
And from what I see. I will really like the new resources manager.
Can't wait to get the time to test this!
I am pretty sure that the availability of DX11 will help us a lot.
This is also very nice that you could make a new render algorithm, with a lower consumption.
And from what I see. I will really like the new resources manager.
Can't wait to get the time to test this!
Re: noesisGUI v1.2 BETA
The build tool is still there because the preprocess part is still needed to avoid:This sounds great!! Can you elaborate on the resource management? Does this mean the end of the build tool?
- Parsing XAMLs at runtime.
- Creating textures from raw images at runtime.
The documentation will be updated very soon. Anyway, I would say that the new tool (with the same same) is self-explanatory.
Re: noesisGUI v1.2 BETA
Hey guys, it's been a few days, with @DigitalKarnage , we've been trying to initialize NoesisGUI in it's 1.2 version.
Although it looks correct in a first time. We get this at compilation (and yes, linking is correct etc as it works with previous versions)
Here are the details, it seems to be related to
Here is the log:
DigitalKarnage made it too by himself and encountered the exact same problem. Works fine with 1.1.9 lastest version.
Could you confirm if you have the same problem ?
EDIT: And then, nevermind. I am compiling 64b and SDKs are 32b. that's normal that it does not work!
Thanks jsantos
Although it looks correct in a first time. We get this at compilation (and yes, linking is correct etc as it works with previous versions)
Here are the details, it seems to be related to
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
1> Creating library D:\ImportantProjects\UE4Noesis\Intermediate\Build\Win64\UE4NoesisEditor\Development\Plugins\Dynamic\UE4Editor-NoesisGUI.lib and object D:\ImportantProjects\UE4Noesis\Intermediate\Build\Win64\UE4NoesisEditor\Development\Plugins\Dynamic\UE4Editor-NoesisGUI.exp
1>NoesisGUI.cpp.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) class Noesis::Core::Kernel * __cdecl NsGetKernel(void)" (__imp_?NsGetKernel@@YAPEAVKernel@Core@Noesis@@XZ) referenced in function "public: virtual void __cdecl NoesisGUIImpl::StartupModule(void)" (?StartupModule@NoesisGUIImpl@@UEAAXXZ)
1>D:\ImportantProjects\UE4Noesis\Plugins\NoesisGUI\Binaries\Win64\UE4Editor-NoesisGUI.dll : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
Could you confirm if you have the same problem ?
EDIT: And then, nevermind. I am compiling 64b and SDKs are 32b. that's normal that it does not work!
Thanks jsantos
Last edited by Erio on 17 Jul 2014, 03:24, edited 1 time in total.
Re: noesisGUI v1.2 BETA
Demangling the symbol reveals that Unreal is looking for:
a 64 bits symbol. The SDK is 32 bits only. You need the 64bits runtime of Noesis although it is not available in the current state of the Beta. Although it is almost ready to be released...
Code: Select all
class Noesis::Core::Kernel * __ptr64 __cdecl NsGetKernel(void)
Re: noesisGUI v1.2 BETA
A new release of the Beta:
- Fixed DX11 issues
- New optimized noesisGUI default theme
- win_x86_64 runtime included
- Updated tutorial about the new BuildTool
- New tutorial with introduction to XAML
Re: noesisGUI v1.2 BETA
Does the new resource system allow for modders to change how the UI looks? I.e. is it allowed and practical to ship the preprocessor with a game so that modders can mod the UI?
Or even better I think would be if the preprocessor could be integrated into the game and the game detects XAML changes and runs the preprocessor on demand by itself.
Or even better I think would be if the preprocessor could be integrated into the game and the game detects XAML changes and runs the preprocessor on demand by itself.
Re: noesisGUI v1.2 BETA
I do think that this is possible. You need to create a function (and then probably some UI on top of it) that will ask and set the new datapath.
Re: noesisGUI v1.2 BETA
Yes, modding is possible by integrating the buildtool to generate preprocessed XAMLs that the runtime understands. We made many changes in this part of the architecture to allow easy integration of this process.
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