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Unity3D and MVVM binding

21 Mar 2013, 05:41

If I have a button defined in xaml as ....

<button Name="btn1" Command={Binding SayHelloCommand} Content="Say Hello" />

how do I attach the method in C# on the MonoBehavior for this xaml control?

Does NoesisGUI support this functionality? I have only found examples of doing button event handling but no mvvm style examples to show how to create these in the Unity3D examples.

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Re: Unity3D and MVVM binding

21 Mar 2013, 18:16

This kind of use of commands is only available from C++ components currently.
We are working on this and others features for the 1.0 version.
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Re: Unity3D and MVVM binding

21 Mar 2013, 20:52

Good to know. Thanks.

Are we still able to pre-order? How much?
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Re: Unity3D and MVVM binding

22 Mar 2013, 11:37

Hi Edgard,

We though that it would be a good idea having a tutorial for using commands in NoesisGUI, both C++ and mono. Expect that in the final version.

About prices and preordering. We are going to make public today new licenses and prices (cheaper than the last brochure). And we want to gather your opinion about the product in a new survey.

Final version is very near. :)
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Re: Unity3D and MVVM binding

22 Mar 2013, 21:58

Of course I'll provide feedback. The team at MEDHOST (www.medhost.com) is growing increasingly interested in your product... fyi.

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Re: Unity3D and MVVM binding

02 Apr 2013, 16:27

In the new licensing info it states that the Unity3d addon licensing is per user. That's really good as it's a low cost and very comparable to other GUI vendors currently on the Unity3D assets store. My question is about the platforms.

- Does the Unity3D per user pricing include all available platforms? That would be really good as Unity already costs a lot of $$$ per user per platform.
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Re: Unity3D and MVVM binding

02 Apr 2013, 16:35

Yes, the Unity license includes ALL the runtimes.
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Re: Unity3D and MVVM binding

02 Apr 2013, 23:12

That is fantastic news!
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Re: Unity3D and MVVM binding

03 Apr 2013, 18:02

AWESOME! News... how do we pre-order?

So back to binding...

In another post chain there's a conversation about binding. The main bit about binding is the ability to bind to any property of a xaml element and have the ViewModel/code behind provide the notification when the underlying property/variable changes.

So we could create a property such as...

private bool _isVisible;
public bool IsVisible
return _isVisible;
if(_isVisible != value)
_isVisible = value;
RaisePropertyChanged(()=> IsVisible);


<TextBox IsVisible="{Binding IsVisible, Conveter={StaticResource BooleanToVisibilityConverter}}"
Text="Hello U Sexy Thang" />

The result of IsVisible being true would show "Hello U Sexy Thang" but false would show nothing.

The same would apply to collections and ObservableCollection collections.
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Re: Unity3D and MVVM binding

03 Apr 2013, 19:47

2 questions about unity too
1) I see the unity option only includes forum support, any chance you could sell an upgrade to email support too? (maybe a monthly fee for that support?)
2) Will you sell it on the asset store? pretty pretty please with sugar on top? Even if it means you're selling both in & out of the asset store and the asset store version is more expensive? this makes it SO MUCH easier for me to manage licences and product as someone who owns 100s of assets on unity.

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