Changing elements in UserControls
Posted: 12 Dec 2014, 03:05
If a usercontrol is binding it's internal variables in the method OnPostInit (as is recommended in your documentation), when and where is the best practice for calling methods on that UserControl?
To elaborate:
I have a usercontrol:
And it's code behind, for unity:
I want to be able to create a popup over my main window to show a UserControl, with the following method:
The problem here is that the Loaded event is fired *before* OnPostInit() - I get a null pointer exception setting the label or content as they have not been initialized yet.
It seems that there's no event which is fired just after OnPosInit() is called on the UserControl, giving no native non-databinding way to add content to your control which is created externally.
What am I missing?
It's possible, of course, to add my own event and call it at the end of OnPostInit(), but that doesn't seem right for larger scale systems and feels against the grain of Noesis's intended direction.
Is there a better solution to this problem?
To elaborate:
I have a usercontrol:
Code: Select all
xmlns:d="" xmlns:mc="" mc:Ignorable="d"
UseLayoutRounding="True" d:DesignWidth="725.167" d:DesignHeight="339.667"
Margin="1, 4, 0, 0">
<ColumnDefinition />
<ColumnDefinition Width="5*"/>
<ColumnDefinition />
<RowDefinition />
<RowDefinition Height="5*"/>
<RowDefinition />
<Button Name="BackgroundCloserButton" Opacity="0" Grid.Row="99" Grid.ColumnSpan="99" />
<Rectangle Fill="Black" Opacity="0.6" Grid.ColumnSpan="99" Grid.RowSpan="99" />
<Grid Grid.Column="1" Grid.Row="1" >
<RowDefinition Height="28" />
<RowDefinition Height="*" />
<Grid Grid.Row="0">
<ColumnDefinition Width="60" />
<ColumnDefinition Width="*" />
<Grid Grid.Column="1" Grid.Row="0" Background="#FF4E7BF5" />
<Path Data="F0 M0,20 L20,00 100,0 100,100 00,100"
StrokeThickness="0" Stroke="White" Fill="#FF4E7BF5"/>
<Label Grid.Column="1" Grid.Row="0" Content="Title" Name="TitleLabel" Margin="-30, 2, 0, 0"/>
<Border Visibility="Collapsed" BorderThickness="0" Grid.Row="0"
CornerRadius="20,0,0,0" Background="#FF4E7BF5"/>
<Grid Grid.Row="1">
<Border BorderThickness="2, 2, 2, 2" BorderBrush="#FF4E7BF5" />
<Grid x:Name="ControlSpace" Margin="2"/>
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using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using Noesis.UserControls;
using Noesis;
using System;
public class FullscreenPopupContainer : Noesis.UserControl {
Label titleLabel;
Grid contentPanel;
public void Start()
// Use this for initialization
public void OnPostInit()
titleLabel = FindName<Label>("TitleLabel");
contentPanel = FindName<Grid>("ControlSpace");
Debug.Log("Post init called");
public void SetLabel(string label)
public void AddControl(UserControl contentControl)
Code: Select all
public void AddPopup(UserControl control, string title)
FullscreenPopupContainer popupContainer = NoesisGUISystem.LoadXaml<FullscreenPopupContainer>("Assets/GUI/Containers/FullscreenPopupContainer.xaml");
popupContainer.Loaded += delegate
if (control != null) {
It seems that there's no event which is fired just after OnPosInit() is called on the UserControl, giving no native non-databinding way to add content to your control which is created externally.
What am I missing?
It's possible, of course, to add my own event and call it at the end of OnPostInit(), but that doesn't seem right for larger scale systems and feels against the grain of Noesis's intended direction.
Is there a better solution to this problem?