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Trial for mobile devices?

Posted: 10 Mar 2015, 08:43
by mihamarkic
Any chance to get a trial version for Xamarin? I'd like to poke around on mobile devices (Android, iOS and WinPhone) to get a feeling.

Re: Trial for mobile devices?

Posted: 11 Mar 2015, 21:53
by jsantos

Unfortunately, our C# API (Beta right now) is only available for Windows and we didn't try yet the integration with Xamarin. Having mobiles should be easy (in fact we have them in c# Unity) but we didn't have time for that task yet. Now that v1.2 is out we can dedicate more time to this.

So, if you want we can give you access to that beta.

Re: Trial for mobile devices?

Posted: 12 Mar 2015, 08:40
by mihamarkic
Hi there,

I am mostly interested in mobile devices implementation currently, but hey, Windows version should be interesting as well. So, if it is not a problem for you..