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Re: Unity 5 hanging when importing NoesisGUI package

26 Oct 2015, 23:38

I've been using OSX all the time.

Noesis 1.2.4. on Unity 5.1.4 and 5.2 on Mac gives those problems. On Windows is fine.

Receiving unhandled NULL exception
Launching bug reporter
Obtained 41 stack frames.
#0  0x000001484028ff in (Unknown)
#1  0x007fff88e6371b in -[NSProgressIndicator _reconfigureAnimationState:]
#2  0x007fff88cbf35c in -[NSProgressIndicator setDoubleValue:]
#3  0x00000101bdf9cf in -[GlobalProgressbarController setProgressbar:andText:andTitle:canCancel:]
#4  0x00000101bdfd4a in DisplayProgressbar(std::string const&, std::string const&, float, bool)
#5  0x00000102316e11 in EditorUtility_CUSTOM_DisplayProgressBar(ICallString, ICallString, float)
#6  0x000001432c3571 in  (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEditor.EditorUtility:DisplayProgressBar (string,string,single) + 0xb1 (0x1432c34c0 0x1432c35a0) [0x1162a2660 - Unity Child Domain]
#7  0x000001432c59ea in  NoesisSettings:RebuildActivePlatforms (string) + 0x58a (0x1432c5460 0x1432c5ad4) [0x1162a2660 - Unity Child Domain]
#8  0x00000145e9e3a4 in  NoesisUpdater:UpdateVersion (string,UnityEditor.EditorApplication/CallbackFunction) + 0x1b4 (0x145e9e1f0 0x145e9e617) [0x1162a2660 - Unity Child Domain]
#9  0x00000145e9e1bd in  NoesisUpdater/<NoesisUpdater>c__AnonStorey3:<>m__1 () + 0x5d (0x145e9e160 0x145e9e1e1) [0x1162a2660 - Unity Child Domain]
#10 0x00000145e9e014 in  (wrapper delegate-invoke) UnityEditor.EditorApplication/CallbackFunction:invoke_void__this__ () + 0x114 (0x145e9df00 0x145e9e0e0) [0x1162a2660 - Unity Child Domain]
#11 0x00000145e9e014 in  (wrapper delegate-invoke) UnityEditor.EditorApplication/CallbackFunction:invoke_void__this__ () + 0x114 (0x145e9df00 0x145e9e0e0) [0x1162a2660 - Unity Child Domain]
#12 0x00000145e9dd95 in  UnityEditor.EditorApplication:Internal_CallUpdateFunctions () + 0x75 (0x145e9dd20 0x145e9ddb9) [0x1162a2660 - Unity Child Domain]
#13 0x0000010ac13906 in  (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr) + 0xf6 (0x10ac13810 0x10ac13a39) [0x1162a2660 - Unity Child Domain]
#14 0x00000109c7a15c in mono_get_runtime_build_info
#15 0x00000109da83ea in mono_runtime_invoke
#16 0x00000100dc2e5e in mono_runtime_invoke_profiled(MonoMethod*, MonoObject*, void**, MonoException**, MonoClass*)
#17 0x00000101076ca8 in CallStaticMonoMethod(char const*, char const*, void**, MonoException**)
#18 0x00000101076c69 in CallStaticMonoMethod(char const*, char const*, void**)
#19 0x000001019a6874 in Application::TickTimer()
#20 0x00000101bd7e96 in -[EditorApplication applicationDidFinishLaunching:]
#22 0x007fff8ea5782d in _CFXNotificationPost
#23 0x007fff8f510e4a in -[NSNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:]
#24 0x007fff88c2fb69 in -[NSApplication _postDidFinishNotification]
#25 0x007fff88c2f89c in -[NSApplication _sendFinishLaunchingNotification]
#26 0x007fff88c2c786 in -[NSApplication(NSAppleEventHandling) _handleAEOpenEvent:]
#27 0x007fff88c2c1db in -[NSApplication(NSAppleEventHandling) _handleCoreEvent:withReplyEvent:]
#28 0x007fff8f52f59a in -[NSAppleEventManager dispatchRawAppleEvent:withRawReply:handlerRefCon:]
#29 0x007fff8f52f40d in _NSAppleEventManagerGenericHandler
#30 0x007fff8e9f8e1f in aeDispatchAppleEvent(AEDesc const*, AEDesc*, unsigned int, unsigned char*)
#31 0x007fff8e9f8c32 in dispatchEventAndSendReply(AEDesc const*, AEDesc*)
#32 0x007fff8e9f8b36 in aeProcessAppleEvent
#33 0x007fff8d9fb161 in AEProcessAppleEvent
#34 0x007fff88c280b6 in _DPSNextEvent
#35 0x007fff88c2789b in -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:]
#36 0x007fff88c1b99c in -[NSApplication run]
#37 0x007fff88c06783 in NSApplicationMain
#38 0x00000101bef0f6 in EditorMain(int, char const**)
#39 0x00000101bef949 in main
#40 0x00000100001ee4 in start
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Re: Unity 5 hanging when importing NoesisGUI package

27 Oct 2015, 01:02

It seems that using ProgressBar outside OnGUI in Unity is not a good idea (although no warning or error is raised but more people is having trouble with this in the Unity forums). We do that at installation time, and it was fixed in 1.2.5, but after fixing that, the OSX was still hanging.

So, please, open a ticket and let me send you a preview of 1.2.5 to see if that solves the problem for you.


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