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Inline text block styles

16 Nov 2015, 16:39

Hey guys,

I'm having trouble trying to format a substring of text in a textblock. An example would be
<TextBlock Margin="10" TextWrapping="Wrap">
    TextBlock with <Bold>bold</Bold>, <Italic>italic</Italic> and <Underline>underlined</Underline> text.
I tried this and the text within tags just didn't render. Is there another way to achieve this using noesisGUI? I'm currently using Noesis 1.2.4 for Unity.

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Re: Inline text block styles

16 Nov 2015, 17:42

Inlines are not supported yet. They are planned for v1.3. Right now, the solution is doing it manually (yes we know it is far from an ideal solution):
<StackPanel x:Name="DescContent" Orientation="Vertical" Margin="8,0">
	<Grid Margin="0,4,0,0">
		<TextBlock FontWeight="Bold" Text=" · Release:"/>
		<TextBlock TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="                the Click event..." Margin="10,0,0,0"/>
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Re: Inline text block styles

04 Dec 2015, 22:41

You're right, this is far from ideal and won't work if the text is dynamic, or even if the font is not monospaced.
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Re: Inline text block styles

05 Dec 2015, 15:20

We know. The right solution is coming! Please, a bit of patience : )

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