[Latest] NoesisGUI v3.2.7
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- Caliburn.Noesis: https://github.com/VacuumBreather/Caliburn.Noesis
- MonoGame bindings: https://github.com/aienabled/NoesisGUI.MonoGameWrapper
- MonoGame Native renderer: https://github.com/ManoxCZ/Noesis.Monogame
- CryEngine bindings https://github.com/sunnlok/CryNoesis
- Unigine bindings https://github.com/GameInstitute/NoesisGUI-Unigine
- bgfx bindings https://github.com/kuncarous/nextmu https://github.com/MarioSieg/BGFX_Noesis_Renderer
- OGRE bindings: https://github.com/Noesis/OgreBindings
- Cocos2d-x bindings: https://github.com/Noesis/cocos2d-x-bindings
- Leadwerks Bindings: https://github.com/FourthQuarter/NoesisLeadwerksWrapper
- OpenSceneGraph bindings: https://github.com/Noesis/OSGBindings
- noesisgui-contrib: https://github.com/Noesis/noesisgui-contrib
- Playmaker actions: https://github.com/Noesis/Playmaker
- Lambda Game Engine with Vulkan renderer: https://github.com/IbexOmega/CrazyCanvas
- Figma plugin: https://www.figma.com/community/plugin/ ... Figma2xaml
- mpv media player: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Cpasjust ... Player.MPV
- Diligent Engine: https://github.com/kuncarous/nextmu
NoesisGUI v1.0.1
- Unity: NoesisGUI menu moved from Component to Window top menu entry because Unity3D is buggy and our menu was disappearing sometimes.
- Text tutorial improved.
- README file and root index.html added to .unitypackage.
- Minor changes to Unity tutorial.
- SamplesGallery builds needed resources automatically. Now it doesn't crash the first time it is executed.
- Fixed: XamlPlayer crashing when maximized
- Fixed: Unity was unable to build .xaml resources when the active platform was not PC & MAC.
- Fixed: Improved Unity stability. Crashes when clicking Play or Stop resolved.
- Fixed: inheriting from extended classes in Unity was not working.
- Fixed: Added namespace to Unity class name so xamls designed in Blend using namespaces work correctly.
- Fixed: Binding FallbackValue was not serialized correctly when it contains a boxed value.
- Fixed: ControlGallery TextBlock sample was missing.
- Fixed: Clipping problems in Unity 4.2.
NoesisGUI v1.0.2
- Fixed: [Unity] Deferred lighting issues
- Fixed: [Unity] Render artifacts with DirectX. NoesisGUI was corrupting the scene of Unity
- Fixed: [Unity] OpenGL stencil buffer glitches
- Fixed: [Unity] Render performance was very poor on some GPU cards
- Fixed: [Unity] Unity scripts updated, robustness against errors improved
- Fixed: [Unity] LoadScene is now possible in Unity
- Fixed: [Unity] Problem with properties in c#. They were not properly serialized. Read-only properties crashing.
- Fixed: [Unity] Input event args are now correctly exported to Unity
- Fixed: [Unity] Shift key was ignored due to a bug in Unity Event.current notification
- Fixed: [Unity] Navigation tab working now for Unity
- Shader used for masks optimized in GL ES
- Improved batching of draw image
- Fixed: Compatibility problem in Windows8, noesis library was not unloaded correctly
- Gui/3rdParty package copied to https://github.com/Noesis/noesisgui-contrib
- Fixed broken links to Tutorials. Now, each tutorial is a zip included inside the documentation
- Improvements to index documentation. Now tutorials for native and unity are separated
- Improvements to Styling Tutorial. Sample using Themes added
- Improvements to Text Tutorial informing about .font resources
- TextBox events (KeyDown, KeyUp, TextInput, etc) were not calling user handlers
- Grid issues:
- Static functions for setting grid attached properties were using the incorrect type
- Modifications of grid attached properties were not notifying to the parent grid. The same happened for DockPanel Dock attached property
NoesisGUI v1.0.3
- New Tutorial: First Steps with Blend in Unity
- Added StreamGeometry converter to allow things like this: <StreamGeometry>M0,0 L100,0</StreamGeometry>
- Implemented callbacks for showing software keyboard on touch devices
- Improved text rendering with transforms. Now text inside a Viewbox displays without blurriness
- [Unity] Improved error messages when building resources
- [Unity] An error is shown when executing on a platform whose resource cache was not built
- [Unity] Many small fixes that improve Unity stability
- Fixed: Offscreen atlas algorithm giving negatives values and crashing sometimes
- Fixed: Masking problems that were causing scrollviewers clipping issues
- Fixed: sdcard accessing problems solved in android
- Fixed: [Unity] Problems with properties in C# on classes extending NoesisGUI
- Fixed: [Unity] TextBox.AcceptsReturn not working
NoesisGUI v1.0.4
- New platform: Linux, native runtime and Unity standalone player
- New 64 bits platforms for OS X and Windows
- Size of runtimes considerably reduced
- Default style modified to reflect local properties set in controls. For example <Button Background="Red"/> now renders a button with a red background, instead of using the default color for the style
- New sample in ControlGallery showing buttons with different styles
- Implemented Mouse.GetPosition() relative to an element
- [Unity] VisualTreeHelper.HitTest exposed to Unity
- [Unity] HitTesting for render texture using RaycastHit.textureCoord. GameObject needs a valid MeshCollider. Unity tutorial updated
- Fixed: Fixed ListBox crashing when changing items that use ItemTemplate
- Fixed: When changing style of the inner ScrollViewer of a TextBox internal TextBoxView was not correctly set and measured
- Fixed: TextBox clipping was lost when the style of the internal ScrollViewer changed
- Fixed: TextBox was not updating the insertion point and selection indexes when Text property was set through code
- Fixed: [Unity] UV coordinates were vertically flipped with respect to Unity convention
- Fixed: [Unity] Null string objects in unity are now treated as string.Empty
- Fixed: [Unity] Improved stability when errors happening in native
- Fixed: [Unity] Fixed a rare crash when resizing Unity standalone
NoesisGUI v1.1.0
- [Unity] Improved C# API. Please read tutorials because old code needs to be updated.
- No more need of a swigCPtr member, custom constructors, Dispose or static Register function on extended classes.
- Dependency properties are now registered in the static class constructor.
- Classes are now extended by specifying the [Noesis.Extended] class attribute.
- UserControl associated xaml is now specified by the [Noesis.UserControlSource(string)] class attribute.
- Notifications of property changes are now done using NotifyPropertyChanged(string).
- SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity attribute added to PInvoke functions.
- Improvements to the following documentation:
- Unity3D Tutorial.
- Extending NoesisGUI Tutorial.
- Commands Tutorial.
- UserControl Tutorial. Includes new ColorPicker sample.
- [Unity] Added support for changing Image.Source at runtime by creating a TextureSource from a UnityEngine.Texture2D.
- Two new sections added to Images Tutorial: 9-Slice Scaling and Generating Images at Runtime.
- Added FrameworkElement.GetTemplateChild() and FrameworkTemplate.FindName() was modified to accept a templated parent element like in WPF.
- [Unity] Added Enable Keyboard/Mouse toggle to NoesisGUIPanel component in Unity.
- [Unity] Missing functions and types exposed to Unity API:
- ListBox.SelectedItems.
- ListView and ListViewItem.
- Nullable types for Color, Point, Rect, Size and Thickness.
- Improved Binding.StringFormat implementation. Updated Binding tutorial.
- Markup parser in XamlImporter improved.
- Fixed: Storyboard is constructed now with the children collection always created.
- Fixed: Crash when using a StoryBoard that can't resolve target names.
- Fixed: Bug when an exception was thrown while creating a Renderer.
- Fixed: Commas are now optional specifying a MatrixTransform.Transform in xaml.
- Fixed: Text blurriness in positions above 1024px.
- Fixed: Slider.IsMoveToPointEnabled was not working properly for vertical sliders.
- Fixed: [Unity] Problems with Alt+Tab when in fullscreen.
- Fixed: [Unity] Error messages with internal path "Unity/Unity/" cleaned.
- Fixed: [Unity] Fixed rendering glitches in standalone.
NoesisGUI v1.1.1
- Implemented the following multi touch events (working in Unity, iOS, Android and Windows8). Documentation and samples will be added in the next version.
- TouchDown
- TouchMove
- TouchUp
- TouchEnter
- TouchLeave
- GotTouchCapture
- LostTouchCapture
- ManipulationStarting
- ManipulationStarted
- ManipulationDelta
- ManipulationCompleted
- Added IRenderer::TouchDown, IRenderer::TouchMove, IRenderer::TouchUp to inject touch events.
- Improvements in error reporting for 64 bits platforms.
- Fixed: An element that needed to be clipped because of max size constraints was not always being clipped.
- Fixed: ComboBox item selection crash when holding mouse button.
- Fixed: crash when using an empty ListView in xaml.
- Fixed: strange random crash in UIElement.
- New converters for MatrixTransform and Transform (eg: <Rectangle RenderTransform="1 0 0 1 50 50"/>).
- Fixed: Unity crashing when building xamls using incorrect DependencyProperties. Now an error is displayed.
- Support for DependencyProperties of type Color, Point, Rect, Size and Thickness.
- [Unity] Fixed: Dependency properties in Unity extended classes were being serialized twice.
- [Unity] Added support for UnityEngine.RenderTexture to create a TextureSource within Unity. Now, Unity scene renders can be integrated inside NoesisGUI panels.
- [Unity] Fixed: RoutedEventArgs.source was missing.
NoesisGUI v1.1.2
- ScrollViewer: implemented PanningMode, PanningDeceleration and PanningRatio.
- Implemented inertia in touch manipulations.
- Implemented PasswordBox control.
- New tutorial: Touch and Manipulation
- SamplesGallery demo added to OSX SDK.
- Added constructors for PropertyPath and Binding accepting a DependencyProperty as path.
- Improved Image tutorial with a note about premultiplied alpha.
- Improved Unity tutorial with information about stencil buffer.
- [Unity] Support for Unity standalone in batchmode.
- [Unity] RenderTexture reimplemented. Now the implementation is a lot simpler. OSX crashes fixed.
- [Unity] Mouse events are ignored in mobile platforms. We only consider Touches.
- [Unity] All scene samples moved to the same folder. Added a default 3D scene.
- [Unity] Optimized the size of commands sent to the GPU.
- [Unity] Fixed: offscreen images in render to texture and deferred rendering.
- [Unity] Fixed: hit testing when 2+ render to texture being used.
- [Unity] Added an icon for NoesisGUI component.
- [Unity] Errors and warnings displayed in the component.
- [Unity] Added menus for Release Notes and Bug Reporting.
- [Unity] New Touch sample.
- [Unity] Added support for creating PropertyMetadata using an extended Unity Type as default value.
- [Unity] Added support for dependency properties of enum type.
- [Unity] Improved error checking when working with user controls and dependency properties.
- Fixed: Recursion problems during layout process that occurred sometimes with ScrollViewers.
- Fixed: Enabled MipMapping in GUI images.
- Fixed: Images changing size when being updated.
- Fixed: Loading errors in SamplesGallery demo.
- Fixed: memory problem with Dependency Objects in OSX 64bits.
- Fixed: Right aligned text manages now correctly trailing spaces on ending lines.
- Fixed: Added error messages when non valid items are inserted into a collection.
- Fixed: Proxies not raising Destroyed event and bindings crashed on shutdown.
- Fixed: TextBox losing focus when virtual keyboard was shown.
- Fixed: Dependency Object validate callback was being called with an invalid pointer to the value.
- Fixed: Memory overflow when handling errors (this is the main reason v1.1.1 was so unstable).
- Fixed: Parser now ignores Setter/Trigger/Condition values when property is not found.
- [Unity] Fixed: managed exceptions crashing Unity in OS X.
- [Unity] Fixed: Unity scene disappearing in iOS and Android.
- [Unity] Fixed: headers for missing functions in proxies.
- [Unity] Fixed: PPA gets disabled on resize.
NoesisGUI v1.1.3
- PPAA algorithm (antialiasing emulation without using GPU full-scene antialiasing) reimplemented from scratch. Now it is faster and without glitches.
- Improved tessellation algorithm. Better generation of triangles.
- Improvements to XAML parser: crashes fixed, error messages improved.
- Improved CompilerSettings.h to avoid polluting clients code.
- Improved threading performance of XamlPlayer.
- New statistics panel added to XamlPlayer (F2, SHIFT + F2)
- New debug modes in XamlPlayer: wireframe (CTRL + W), overdraw (CRTL + O) and color batch (CTRL + B).
- Size optimization in our binaries. The size of noesis.dll has been reduced.
- Added support for FontFamily syntax "FontPath/FontFile.ext#FontFamily". This syntax is used by Blend when you add a font file (a .ttf for example) to the project and select it.
- Exposed TextBox.CaretIndex property.
- Improvements to documentation: new core documents (memory, reference counting, boxing, delegates) added to index.
- New tutorial: Optimizing NoesisGUI Performance.
- [Unity] Added support for modifying scripts while in Play mode.
- [Unity] Added support for creating a TextureSource from any type of UnityEngine.Texture objects (video, render texture, texture).
- [Unity] BindingOperations exposed to Unity.
- [Unity] Debugging flags exposed in NoesisGUI component.
- Fixed: Update Z-order when inserting a child in a VisualCollection.
- Fixed: Crash when using a TemplateBinding outside a ControlTemplate.
- Fixed: Opacity groups rendering glitches.
- Fixed: Projection glitches.
- Fixed: Renderer stats were not working.
- Fixed: Geometry loses quality when placed closer to right side of screen due to half float precision.
- Fixed: Border issue when drawing images.
- Fixed: When Building resources that use Binding, sometimes the properties were not bound properly.
- Fixed: Bindings were not using the target property converter if available.
- Fixed: ComboBoxItem IsSelected was not updating ComboBox.SelectedItem correctly.
- Fixed: StreamGeometryContext now calls automatically StreamGeometry.Close() when is destroyed, as it occurs in WPF.
- Fixed: Crash in XamlPlayer when resizing.
- [Unity] Fixed: As<T>() crashes.
- [Unity] Fixed: Memory issues. XAML resources were not properly unloaded from memory.
NoesisGUI v1.1.4
- Support for specifying a StaticResource in the Binding.Source property of a xaml.
- Support for using ItemsControl directly in a xaml.
- Support for "./" in UriConverter paths.
- Minimal improvements to Images Tutorial in the section "Generating Images at Runtime".
- Substitution of glyphs not found in the font file with the replacement character. (U+FFFD or a simple question mark).
- UI Clipboard implemented using operating system clipboard.
- Improved error messages when parsing SVG paths.
- Improvements to Class Hierarchy documentation. Class methods added.
- [Unity] Added support for PropertyChangedCallback when creating PropertyMetadata for dependency properties.
- [Unity] Removed "using Noesis" from Unity samples. Now all class names are fully qualified to avoid name collisions with user classes.
- [Unity] UserControls defined in samples moved to Assets/NoesisGUI/UserControls. This folder will contain any UserControl we develop.
- [Unity] Added DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached() function to match WPF API.
- [Unity] Improved API for Point, Transform2, Transform3, Matrix2, Matrix3, Matrix4. Deleted the 'f' at the end of the class name. For example, Transform2f has been renamed to Transform2.
- Fixed: Added error message when NullExtension can't find target property.
- Fixed: Bug with IUITreeNode when setting DataContext property to itself.
- Fixed: Bug in TwoWay bindings when binding expression needed a full reevaluation.
- Fixed: Bug in nested ResourceDictionaries when they are loaded more than once.
- Fixed: Bug when selecting text during GotFocus event after clicking down over TextBox.
- Fixed: Bug in TextBox not accepting characters with accents.
- Fixed: Robustness improvements when using very small or very big matrices.
- Fixed: Bug in TimeManager when transferring animations from a loaded xaml to the Renderer TimeManager.
- Fixed: Bug when calculating the transformed bounds of a render node.
- Fixed: TextBox edit problems on OSX.
- Fixed: Changes to Clip geometry are now correctly notified to Visual, to update its bounding box.
- [Unity] Fixed: Rendered content was lagging one frame from Unity. This implied lagging performance to user.
- [Unity] Fixed: Crash when an Unity texture used by a xaml was destroyed.
- [Unity] Fixed: Occasional crash when closing.
- [Unity] Fixed: Bug in UnityBindings that were not restoring focused element after window deactivation.
- [Unity] Fixed: Bug in UnityBindings when an error was thrown while freeing RendererInfo resources during shutting down.
- [Unity] Fixed: Problems with StreamGeometryContext not closing on dispose solved.
- [Unity] Fixed: Memory leaks.
- [Unity] Fixed: Texture2D flickering in Android.
- [Unity] Fixed: "Noesis.dll not unloaded" error after stopping Unity Player.
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