Unity bug when scrolling on touchpad
Posted: 21 Jul 2016, 11:16
In unity on windows version there is a problem when scrolling with the touchpad.
It is possible to get the scroll delta but inside the OnGUI method.
I have added these code snippet in the ProcessEvent method in NoesisUIRenderer and it solves the problem
I wanted to verify if this can intefere when processing other events?
It is possible to get the scroll delta but inside the OnGUI method.
I have added these code snippet in the ProcessEvent method in NoesisUIRenderer and it solves the problem
Code: Select all
case UnityEngine.EventType.scrollWheel:
UnityEngine.Vector2 mouse = ProjectPointer(ev.mousePosition.x,UnityEngine.Screen.height - ev.mousePosition.y);
Noesis_MouseWheel ( _rendererId, mouse.x, mouse.y, (int)UnityEngine.Event.current.delta.y);