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Re: Unreal Engine 4

20 Oct 2016, 10:25


It looks to me like what you're trying to build is NoesisGUI itself, not the UE4 plugin (you seem to have the sources in Engine/Plugins/NoesisGui/Source/ThirdParty/Noesis/NoesisGUI-SDK1.3/Src, which is not part of the precompiled distribution package).

As I replied in the GitHub issue thread, at the moment the plugin is distributed in source only form. You need to build UE4 from the source so it builds the plugin. The third step (regenerate the unreal solution and projects) is part of UE4's build instructions from GitHub.

I can commit precompiled binaries and add setup instructions both for people that build from source and for those that use a prebuilt version of the engine.

Sorry for the late reply, I'm having problems getting email notifications from GitHub at the moment. Hopefully this is sorted now and I'll be more reactive.
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Re: Unreal Engine 4

20 Oct 2016, 10:55


Currently, all plugins of UE4 only exist as source.
Adding a plugin for an engine version always adds it as source, as far as I've experienced it, and makes it to compile when the engine first launches after the plugin addition.

I will try with UE4 source. But it should work just fine with non-source versions since it's engine-side and not project -side.

If I'm correct, the error is not related to the engine not finding the built Dlls, it's related to the engine not finding the plugin modules.
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Re: Unreal Engine 4

20 Oct 2016, 11:00

Here is what I get from trying to build against source, I can't even create the engine solution file.

EDIT: Nevermind, UE4 was apparently dumb. Deleting and re-creating the NoesisGuiPlugin folder worked ._.
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Re: Unreal Engine 4

20 Oct 2016, 11:15

Adding a plugin for an engine version always adds it as source, as far as I've experienced it, and makes it to compile when the engine first launches after the plugin addition.
As a point of clarity. I think he was talking GitHub source, and the latest head from release branch.
Yes, the past 3 versions of Epic Launcher installed engines, also has a checkbox to include source when installing.

I think it is important to be clear what type of source we are talking about.
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Re: Unreal Engine 4

20 Oct 2016, 11:41

It looks to me like what you're trying to build is NoesisGUI itself, not the UE4 plugin (you seem to have the sources in Engine/Plugins/NoesisGui/Source/ThirdParty/Noesis/NoesisGUI-SDK1.3/Src, which is not part of the precompiled distribution package).
Sorry I am brand new to the processes over here. I downloaded the .zip from the beta forum. What else am I to do? Sounds like I need to compile it and then put the compiled version into the unreal plugin? Note: These steps are not on readme.
How do I get the precompiled distribution package and what does that folder structure look like?
2Extract the Noesis GUI SDK into Engine/Plugins/NoesisGui/Source/ThirdParty/Noesis
I am new to the beta, I have the NoesisGUI-NativeSDK-1.3.0b2.zip, from the NoesisGUI 1.3 BETA2 forum thread. Is this all I need? Are there build instructions somewhere to get the binaries?
"In your latest screen capture I see that you don't have a Binaries folder under Engine/Plugins/NoesisGui"
https://github.com/Noesis/UE4Plugin/iss ... -255039560

Where are the instructions for building the binaries? I agree this is an issue. :-)
"I take it you may be using the pre built version, instead of building it from the sources in GitHub?"
I have tried both. Errors below.

As I replied in the GitHub issue thread, at the moment the plugin is distributed in source only form. You need to build UE4 from the source so it builds the plugin. The third step (regenerate the unreal solution and projects) is part of UE4's build instructions from GitHub.
I am getting confused here, above you had mentioned "NoesisGUI-SDK1.3/Src, which is not part of the precompiled distribution package)." and I am being told I need to build Unreal from source. This is what I am trying to do. Am I to build both the binaries from NoesisGui first, then rebuild the engine from source? I am getting confused what exactly I am to build, when to place binaries and how I am to organize the files.

To me NoesisGUI-NativeSDK-1.3.0b2.zip is the SDK? I take it that is a wrong assumption, and the real SDK in reference is the compiled version of this zip, which I haven't figured out how to properly build yet. I am sure this is trivial though at this point. (compared to all the other hoops so far :-) )

Instructions: (GitHub)
1Copy the contents of this repository into Engine/Plugins/NoesisGui.
2Extract the Noesis GUI SDK into Engine/Plugins/NoesisGui/Source/ThirdParty/Noesis.
3Regenerate the UE4 projects.

Above are the only instructions. I have tried following these 3 steps on both the GitHub source and then Epic Launcher versions of the engine which also come with their own source. And I get the same error all the time.
"I can commit precompiled binaries and add setup instructions both..."
Absolutely, I can see you might be trying to keep the readme small so it looks easy but honestly please be verbose there seems to be some assumptions of steps being made that I am missing. And others will too. Or do both, create a wiki with more details for those lost like me :-)

Here is what I get when I try to build from source, though it sounds like the problem is I don't have the sdk binaries setup right. I got lost "Extract the Noesis GUI SDK into Engine/Plugins/NoesisGui/Source/ThirdParty/Noesis" here. Unclear what the folder structure of the sdk means as I am new and this workflow is new.

[Below pics are easier read in my duplicate of this communication on the GitHub issue:]
https://github.com/Noesis/UE4Plugin/iss ... -255060962

Screenshots of failed epic GitHub build attempt and project refresh?
https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/ass ... ec6a8f.PNG

https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/ass ... 2fdeb7.PNG

https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/ass ... 7e7bd8.PNG
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Re: Unreal Engine 4

20 Oct 2016, 11:55

Adding a plugin for an engine version always adds it as source, as far as I've experienced it, and makes it to compile when the engine first launches after the plugin addition.
As a point of clarity. I think he was talking GitHub source, and the latest head from release branch.
Yes, the past 3 versions of Epic Launcher installed engines, also has a checkbox to include source when installing.

I think it is important to be clear what type of source we are talking about.

Yes, he meant that it's working with the github source code of UE4.
But it should work with other versions as well... (or not as it seems to be complaining about not finding the Dlls now)

Best solution would be the plugin not to be an engine plugin, but a project plugin.
I do not know what it does require aside of copying this .usf file to the Engine/Shaders folder tho (which could be done on module startup in the cpp, where I know that I can get the Engine folder?).

Just a suggestion here. :)
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Re: Unreal Engine 4

20 Oct 2016, 11:59

Best solution would be the plugin not to be an engine plugin, but a project plugin.
I can agree, project plugins seem to be way easier.
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Re: Unreal Engine 4

20 Oct 2016, 12:18

Best solution would be the plugin not to be an engine plugin, but a project plugin.
I can agree, project plugins seem to be way easier.
Well, project plugins can and will be re-compiled with the project. So you can make it run with basically any version and change at "all time" (as long as compatibility does not break)..
This is much more flexible in my opinion. (And also much more befitting the current licensing plans of NoesisGUI, which is kind of per-project based)
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Re: Unreal Engine 4

20 Oct 2016, 12:33

It looks to me like what you're trying to build is NoesisGUI itself, not the UE4 plugin (you seem to have the sources in Engine/Plugins/NoesisGui/Source/ThirdParty/Noesis/NoesisGUI-SDK1.3/Src, which is not part of the precompiled distribution package).
Sorry I am brand new to the processes over here. I downloaded the .zip from the beta forum. What else am I to do? Sounds like I need to compile it and then put the compiled version into the unreal plugin? Note: These steps are not on readme.
okay, I found this:

IMHO this should be in a wiki or something on the repo.
SDK Directories
Apart from the SDK, that contains documentation and tools, you need a runtime for the platform you are working on. Runtimes for the supported platforms are provided independently. Inside each runtime you will find the following directories:
Bin/: This is the directory where dynamic libraries (.dll .so) can be found. Your executable must be able to reach this path. The easiest way is by copying these files to where your executable is located.
Include/: Directory for public headers. You must add this path to your additional include directories in your project
Lib/: Object libraries to link against are stored in this directory. Like the include directory, you must add this path to you additional libraries directory. Apart from adding this directory you must link with the proper library files.
Or at the very least. Change this
2Extract the Noesis GUI SDK into Engine/Plugins/NoesisGui/Source/ThirdParty/Noesis.
to this:
2 Unzip NoesisGUI-NativeSDK-1.3.0b2.zip
3 Inside the /NoesisGUI-SDK1.3/ folder delete everything except for the Bin, Include and Lib folders. Details about the sdk can be found here: http://www.noesisengine.com/docs/Gui.Core.SDKGuide.html
4 Now move /NoesisGUI-SDK1.3/ (the Noesis GUI SDK) into Engine/Plugins/NoesisGui/Source/ThirdParty/Noesis, ya stinking noob.

"...ya stinking noob." part is optional. :-)

This would of saved me a day and a half of banging my head against a wall.
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Re: Unreal Engine 4

20 Oct 2016, 12:39

Sorry, I'll try to be more precise.

There are two parts to the plugin. The first part is the NoesisSDK itself. This is the part that step 2 refers to. You don't need to build this from the sources, and the integration may not work with versions other than the beta 2 you downloaded from the forums. From your screen captures I can see that part looks fine and everything is where it should be.

The second part is the UE4 plugin. This consist of two modules, and this is the part that needs to be built from the sources provided in the GitHub repository. That's what step 3 refers to. In the root folder of your UE4 GitHub checkout there should be a batch file named GenerateProjectFiles.bat. I can see you've ran it, because you have UE4.sln. If you run it after having installed the plugin, and open and build the UE4 project that should build the plugin. Here's what confuses me, because building the plugin causes the copy of NoesisGui.usf to Engine/Shaders, and I can see you have the file there, but no Binaries folder in Engine/Plugins/NoesisGui.

The main reason why it's got to be an Engine plugin at the moment is the shader. Unfortunately at the moment UE4 doesn't support loading shaders from anywhere but Engine/Shaders. If I managed to get around this restriction the plugin could be installed anywhere, but so far i haven't been able to find a workaround.
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