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Arc and Pie Chart

17 Dec 2015, 19:52

Good Afternoon,

I had the need to build an arc control and pie chart control for my current project and figured I would share.

There is a lot more that could be done and I may update in the future with a legend for the pie chart and tool-tips.

Originally I was going to have the collection be a dependency property for the pie slices but there is an issue that I was unable to resolve with the dependency property when using noesis during the build process, but it dosen't seem important.

Here are examples of both.
        Height="350" Width="525">
        <control:PieChartControl Width="90" Height="90" Grid.Column="0">
                <control:PieSlice Color="Blue" Percent="60"></control:PieSlice>
                <control:PieSlice Color="Red" Percent="10"></control:PieSlice>
                <control:PieSlice Color="Black" Percent="40"></control:PieSlice>
        <control:ArcControl Height="60" Width="60" ArcWidth="90" Fill="Aquamarine" Direction="90" Grid.Column="1"/>
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Re: Arc and Pie Chart

21 Dec 2015, 08:02

Amazing! Thanks for sharing!
Originally I was going to have the collection be a dependency property for the pie slices but there is an issue that I was unable to resolve with the dependency property when using noesis during the build process, but it dosen't seem important.
Could you elaborate more on that issue?
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Re: Arc and Pie Chart

04 Jan 2016, 17:02

Ive been on a Christmas Holiday for the last few weeks. Here is what I ran into.

For the pie slice collection on the PieChartControl if I use a standard collection with a backing field everything works as expected. This can be seen as follows.
        public ObservableCollection<PieSlice> _pieSlices = new ObservableCollection<PieSlice>();

        public ObservableCollection<PieSlice> PieSlices
                return _pieSlices;
                _pieSlices = value;
If I use a dependency property for the for the collection instead I am getting an invalid cast exception that occurs. I am attempting to initialize the field from the FrameworkPropertyMetadata to a new ObservableCollection<PieSlice> but it appears that it is not happening as I expect it to as an invalid cast exception occurs during runtime. For non collection types it works as expected. But for a collection, at least a generic observable collection the underlying data type seems to be getting set wrong.

Here is the code I am using for this.
        public static DependencyProperty PieSlicesProperty =
            new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(new ObservableCollection<PieSlice>()));

        public ObservableCollection<PieSlice> PieSlices
            get { return GetValue(PieSlicesProperty) as ObservableCollection<PieSlice>; }
            set { SetValue(PieSlicesProperty, value); }
It has no real effect on my project having the collection as a dependency property but I can see instances where it would be an issue.
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Re: Arc and Pie Chart

07 Jan 2016, 13:09

Could you please create a user account in our bugtracker and report this bug, thanks.

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