Scheduled For Release 2023-12-31
0003926: [Studio] Unable To Use ArrowKeys to Nudge Grid Within StackPanel within DataTemplate
0003437: [Studio] EasingFunction Dropdown Menu Won't Remain Open
0003959: [Studio] Create DataTemplate without x:Key parameter to allow LayeredUI example in Studio (sfernandez)
0003944: [Unity3D] Unknown element type 'Component' in Unity (jsantos)
0003941: [Studio] Reorgenize Trigger in the Trigger List (sfernandez)
0003189: [Studio] All Transforms should come with a Default Origin of 0.5,0.5 (dfranjic)
0003364: [Studio] ItemContainer Templates Have the Incorrect Visual States Assigned to Them (sfernandez)
0002937: [Studio] Duplicated text inside control template (dfranjic)
0003975: [Studio] GlobalResources' s colors are shown in other merged dictionaries' gradient brushes, but applied as transparent (dfranjic)
0003972: [Studio] Resources created in elements other than Root can't be found in Search bar (sfernandez)
0003974: [Studio] Component DynamicProperty DefaultValues Fail To Refresh (sfernandez)
0003967: [Studio] Moving GlobalResources.xaml From the Root Directory Breaks All Global Resources (dfranjic)
0003963: [Studio] Moving An Element Changes Its Dimensions (sfernandez)
0003958: [Studio] Resources Cannot Be Dragged Into A Non-Visible Area Of The Resources Panel (sfernandez)
0003957: [Studio] Context Menus for Skewed Grid Adorners Also Skewed (sfernandez)
0003251: [Studio] Inserting Line Breaks into a Data String Field Is Not Possible (sfernandez)
0003668: [Studio] Crash when adding Event Trigger to style (sfernandez)
0003937: [Studio] Editing a geometry resource and applying a transform creates a VSCode error (dfranjic)
0003940: [Studio] Cut and paste not working for storyboard keyframes (sfernandez)
0003938: [Studio] Animating with the transformTool adorners messes up the position of the animated element (dfranjic)
0003942: [Studio] UX feature-wish: Interactivity Panel - Duplicate Triggers with Actions (sfernandez)
0003943: [Studio] Deleted Components Remain Rendered On-Screen Until Page is Closed And Re-Opened (sfernandez)
0003945: [Studio] Option to Name And Select Location of Resource Is Not Offered In Certain Circumstances (dfranjic)
0002975: [Studio] User should be allowed to change multi-selection properties (dfranjic)
0003929: [Studio] SVGs Containing SVG 'Style' Attributes Are Not Interpreted by Studio (jsantos)
0003920: [Studio] Changes to GlobalResource Colours Can't be Undone With a Document Open (dfranjic)
0003921: [Studio] Using Element Adorners Is Less Efficient Than Using Properties To Assign An Element to a Grid Row/Column (sfernandez)
0003922: [Studio] Method To Export Current Studio Viewport View (jsantos)
0003447: [Studio] Unknown Random Crash Navigating TextBlock Properties (dfranjic)
0003899: [Studio] Page-Triggered Audio Persists After Page Is Closed (sfernandez)
0003883: [Studio] Crash applying a resource in a trigger setter (in a ControlTemplate) (sfernandez)
0003877: [Studio] Perspective with 3D Transforms in Studio not consistent with In game (sfernandez)
0003780: [Studio] 3D transform's vanishing point shifting when user pans or zooms the stage (sfernandez)
0003874: [Studio] Tool a way for easily setting 9-Slice/Patch texture slices (sfernandez)
0003855: [Studio] Selecting a Data Set which contains a Brush property causes a memory leak (sfernandez)
0003834: [Studio] Drop Shadow Effect Colour isn't using sRGB (jsantos)
0003828: [Studio] BasedOn in Styles is always blank (dfranjic)
0003827: [Studio] Crash selecting a Bink (.bk2) video (sfernandez)
0003817: [Studio] Referenced Projects Contents Are No Longer Visible/Accessible After Closing The Application (dfranjic)
0003803: [Studio] Hamburger 'Order' Menu Within The 'Layout' Category Shows Available Actions Even When No Element Is Selected (sfernandez)
0003802: [Studio] Hamburger Menu "Edit" Functions Are Available When The Current Context Doesn't Allow Them To Be Used (sfernandez)
0003786: [Studio] Create Keyframe Option on Transform Category Has No Effect (dfranjic)
0003785: [Studio] Drawing a Path Within a Grid Within a Viewbox Prevents Path Points From Being Placed Inside of Fill Area (dfranjic)
0003778: [Studio] Studio fails to recreate template tree in the navigator on document reload (sfernandez)
0003750: [Studio] Custom Project Cursors Can Carry Over Into the Application Interface (sfernandez)
0003749: [Studio] Animating elements with hand-written/custom RenderTransfer crashes Studio (dfranjic)
0003731: [Studio] No Field for Hex Value in Effect Color Panel (sfernandez)
0003732: [Studio] Zoom In/Out of Current Timeline Playhead Position with + (Plus) and - (Minus) keys. (dfranjic)
0003709: [Studio] Hovering over property options doesn't apply the additional properties that would be applied if option was to be selected (dfranjic)
0003699: [Studio] Transform Values Can't Be Reset To Default or Adjusted If Transforms Feature in a Storyboard Animation. (dfranjic)
0003698: [Studio] Timeline Playhead Travel Doesn't Match Rendered Animation When SpeedRatio Is Used (sfernandez)
0003562: [Studio] Not Possible to Tab Between Path Point Properties (sfernandez)
0003691: [Studio] Element With a Property Inheriting from A Style Contains A Non-Functional Edit Function (sfernandez)
0003688: [Studio] 'Make Into Style' Function Creates Style in Page Rather Than in the GlobalDictionary (sfernandez)
0003669: [Studio] Inconsistent Preview Capabilities in Assets Panel (sfernandez)
0003652: [Studio] MouseWheel and Value Slider Increments Not Well-Adapted to VignetteEffect Default 'Size' Value (sfernandez)
0003651: [Studio] MouseWheel and Value Slider Increments Not Well-Adapted to NoiseEffect 'Amount' Value (sfernandez)
0003654: [Studio] 3D Transforms Appear to Randomly Not Work on Certain Layers (sfernandez)
0003656: [Studio] Runtime Animations Negatively Impact a Projects Default Stage (sfernandez)
0003636: [Studio] Multiple Items Can't be Moved to a Different Navigator Layer at Once (sfernandez)
0003641: [Studio] Clicking on the Closed Eye Icon in the Navigator Kills a Multi-Selection (sfernandez)
0003606: [Studio] Use the arithmetic parser when editing number properties (jsantos)
0003583: [Studio] Holding Alt while hitting directional keys should duplicate and nudge an element (sfernandez)
0003584: [Studio] Create separate XamlUndoRedoCommand for path operations (dfranjic)
0003569: [Studio] Unable to Drag-Reposition Single-Line Vertical or Horizontal Segments With the Mouse If Another Object Exists Behind (sfernandez)
0003579: [Studio] Not Possible to Create 1px-Dimensioned Shapes from the Add Elements Panel (sfernandez)
0003422: [Studio] Add pixel grid snapping (dfranjic)
0003551: [Studio] Crash when trying to open NoesisTheme.Styles.xaml (sfernandez)
0003530: [Studio] Image Element Won't Register a Height Property Value Unless a Source is Specified (sfernandez)
0003498: [Studio] Crash Creating Root Grid Keyframe within Visual State Storyboard (dfranjic)
0003490: [Studio] Styles and Templates are not Created in GlobalResources (sfernandez)
0003460: [Studio] Certain Elements Can Be Added to Incompatible Elements (sfernandez)
0003443: [Studio] Pressing 'Escape' during an Asset or Resource Rename Does Not Revert to Previous Name (sfernandez)
0003444: [Studio] Renaming a Resource Breaks Presentation Where Its Used Until the Page is Opened+Closed (dfranjic)
0003438: [Studio] Animation Property Values Unexpectedly Change When Unrelated Properties are Changed. (dfranjic)
0003411: [Studio] Pinch Effect Changes Depending on Stage Position and Stage Zoom (jsantos)
0003414: [Studio] Project Path Lengths Over 116 Characters Break The Ability to View a Page in VSCode (jsantos)
0003412: [Studio] Moving GlobalResource to Merged Resource Dictionary Breaks the Presentation of the User Interface (sfernandez)
0003388: [Studio] Change properties from multiple objects at the same time (sfernandez)
0003387: [Studio] Method to Perform Actions on Page from Page Tabs (dfranjic)
0003376: [Studio] Patterns Around Invitations to Name Created Items are Inconsistent. (sfernandez)
0003380: [Studio] Moving An Element to a Different Quadrant Changes its Alignment Mode (sfernandez)
0003384: [Studio] Not Possible to Adjust a Grid's Row/Column Definitions Without Adjusting the Adorners (maherne)
0003177: [Studio] Open Document Tabs Cannot be Re-Ordered (dfranjic)
0003372: [Studio] Issues with x:Class (dfranjic)
0003367: [Studio] Selecting a Style Does Not Exit the Current Style (sfernandez)
0003370: [Studio] Text Property of the ComboBox Element is Non-Functional (sfernandez)
0003371: [Studio] ComboBox Properties Do Not Clearly Demonstrate Dependencies Between Eachother (maherne)
0003359: [Studio] Only One File Can be Moved at a Time within the Assets Panel (sfernandez)
0003358: [Studio] Assets Added to Project Directory via the OS are not Updated Within the Assets Panel (jsantos)
0003318: [Studio] Manual Visual State Transitions in Studio do Not Allow Previewing in the Context of Automatic Transitions (sfernandez)
0003309: [Studio] Clearing a Binding Wipes Associated String Format (sfernandez)
0003298: [Studio] Data Numbers Do Not Accurately Display Billions (jsantos)
0003297: [Studio] Applying a GlobalResource Colour to a Button Template Visual State Crashes Studio (dfranjic)
0003276: [Studio] Deleting Grid Columns Can Poison XAML and Prevent Page from Rendering Correctly (dfranjic)
0003258: [Studio] MediaElements Sometimes Momentarily Flash Green when Playing Page (hcpizzi)
0003259: [Studio] Crash Editing ListBoxItem Template (sfernandez)
0003256: [Studio] Oblique Text Characters Extending Outside of Bounding Box do not Render Whilst In-Transit (jsantos)
0003254: [Studio] Launcher Option to Not Close on Project Launch (jsantos)
0003217: [Studio] Reverting a Rename using 'Escape' Does Not Work During Asset Renamings (sfernandez)
0003220: [Studio] Data Properties Cannot be Re-Ordered in the Data Panel (dfranjic)
0003225: [Studio] Slider Thumbs Require a Fixed Width to Render within its Slider (sfernandez)
0003221: [Studio] Border Effects do not Follow Border Shape (jsantos)
0003227: [Studio] MediaElement SpeedRatio Property is Non-Functional (sfernandez)
0003215: [Studio] Component Root Dimension (Master) Overwrites 'Placed' Component Dimension (Instance) (sfernandez)
0003205: [Studio] Components Are Not Able To Serve as Trigger Targets for Storyboard Animations (sfernandez)
0003188: [Studio] Component Attached Properties Break when a Component is Renamed (sfernandez)
0003191: [Studio] Standalone Lines are not Geometrically Centred (dfranjic)
0003193: [Studio] Ctrl+Z Does not work on Active Input Field (sfernandez)
0003186: [Studio] Using {DynamicResource} inside of a Style Setter doesn't update all elements using that Style when updating the resource (dfranjic)
0003175: [Studio] Renaming a Component does not Rename them Where They Are Employed (sfernandez)
0003146: [Studio] Select ALL in our text boxes (sfernandez)
0003119: [Studio] Issues when dragging InlineUIContainer to a TextBlockAdorner (maherne)
0003080: [Studio] Add property configuration for complex properties (maherne)
0002781: [Studio] TextBlock Text property does not return the correct value when there are Run Text property bindings (sfernandez)
0002780: [Studio] Background Brush changes in Inlines not updating in render (sfernandez)
0002894: [Studio] Add lock toggle to alignment properties (sfernandez)
0002896: [Studio] Show padding and margin adorners when using the properties (sfernandez)
0003049: [Inspector] Crashed the studio scrolling the properties panel (dfranjic)
0003024: [Studio] Elements Panel Contents Jiggle When Panel Width Decreased (sfernandez)
0003027: [Studio] [Suggestion] Convert Cursor Properties into Dropdown Menu (sfernandez)
0002940: [Studio] Content clipped in control's dummy editor (dfranjic)
0003015: [Studio] "Save Changes" dialog not showing when closing TAB (sfernandez)
0002970: [Studio] Problems working with MediaElements (sfernandez)
0002984: [Unity3D] [BackgroundBlur] [CustomAnimation] [Rive] font not found (sfernandez)
0002983: [Studio] Unable to Create Grid Definitions when Child of an Auto Row (sfernandez)
0002982: [Studio] Grid Definition Unable to be set to a star value (sfernandez)
0002978: [Studio] [ApplicationTutorial] Elements missing when opening with Studio (sfernandez)
0002976: [Studio] Loaded Triggers should be disabled when the viewport is not in play mode (sfernandez)
0002973: [Studio] WYSIWYG Properties for MediaElement (sfernandez)
0002934: [Studio] Undo sometimes fails due to a Node byte index mismatch (dfranjic)
0002869: [Studio] Show EventTrigger EventName as a dropdown selector (sfernandez)
0002833: [Studio] Add Style support to TextBlockAdorner formatting (maherne)
0002772: [Studio] Elements in the preview use styles defined for the Studio (sfernandez)
0002797: [Studio] Moving elements with the mouse (sfernandez)
0002769: [Studio] Properties panel resetting scroll (sfernandez)
0003976: [Studio] Duplicated namespace in Components (sfernandez)
0003971: [Studio] Colors can't be saved as resources in the color picker (sfernandez)
0003973: [Studio] Two 'GlobalResources' entries appear in the 'Merge Existing Dictionary' menu (dfranjic)
0003962: [Studio] There Is No Way To Exit The Colour Sampler Without Making A Selection (sfernandez)
0003223: [Studio] Resources Cannot be Reordered within the Resources Panel (dfranjic)
0003950: [Studio] Style not working properly when moved to global resources (dfranjic)
0003948: [Studio] Creating a transform keyframe changing the value with the mouse wheel crashed the Studio (dfranjic)
0003947: [Studio] Keyframe multi-selection can be duplicated, but the keyframes are not shown until reloading. (dfranjic)
0003946: [Studio] Studio Crashes Animating X Transform If An Opacity Is Keyed (dfranjic)
0003949: [Studio] Newly created components are not shown, until you change something (dfranjic)
0003595: [Studio] Datatemplate's DataTrigger binding breaks when selecting Name (sfernandez)
0003932: [Studio] Pasting a character code in a property TextBox shows a glyph instead of the string (dfranjic)
0003935: [Studio] Gradient resources can't be edited from the Apply resource section (dfranjic)
0003939: [Studio] Moving a resource from page to GlobalResources, and then back to Page, shows the 'Resource Name taken' toast (dfranjic)
0003936: [Studio] Resource creation menu is not hiding unselected menu panels (sfernandez)
0003836: [Studio] Crash when creating a style (dfranjic)
0003280: [Studio] Moving a component to another folder breaks resources (dfranjic)
0002939: [Studio] Can't use resource brushes inside visual states (sfernandez)
0003914: [Studio] 3D Transform Properties Can't Be Cleared of Local Values If Within a Template (dfranjic)
0003913: [Studio] Bindings Can't be Used on 3D Transform Properties If Inside of a Template (dfranjic)
0003506: [Studio] Transform values reverting to default (dfranjic)
0003337: [Studio] Crash when copy pasting a keyframe (dfranjic)
0003286: [Studio] Applying brush resource inside a StackPanel style crashed the Studio (dfranjic)
0003164: [Studio] Crash duplicating a selection of keyframes (dfranjic)
0003163: [Studio] Crash when changing keyframe value in the properties panel (dfranjic)
0003121: [Studio] Crash when selecting Visual State (dfranjic)
0003075: [Studio] Trying to animate brush color in a visual state crashes the Studio (dfranjic)
0003044: [Studio] Crash when assigning Hold to keyframe (sfernandez)
0003030: [Studio] Crash when moving a selection of keyframes (dfranjic)
0003028: [Studio] Clicking on RenderTransform tab crashed the Studio (sfernandez)
0002913: [Studio] Keyframe property values change randomly (dfranjic)
0002885: [Studio] Duplicated resource names in different dictionaries (dfranjic)
0003925: [Studio] Studio Doesn't Offer A Way To Determine Decimal Places For Generated 'Number' Type Data (dfranjic)
0003776: [Studio] Name tab disabled for Interactivity trigger bindings (dfranjic)
0003819: [Studio] ControlStoryBoard actions playing storyboards after they are deleted (sfernandez)
0003353: [Studio] Crash selecting keyframes in a template's visual state (sfernandez)
0003348: [Studio] Crash selecting a visibility keyframe track (sfernandez)
0003292: [Studio] Video and image disappears after moving page to a folder (sfernandez)
0003269: [Studio] Crash double-clicking on a style resource (sfernandez)
0003029: [Studio] Crash when animating panel width (sfernandez)
0003005: [Studio] Crash when editing a TabItem template (sfernandez)
0002945: [Studio] Deleting asset from assets panel don't remove it (sfernandez)
0002794: [Studio] Pasting text in a TextBlock not working properly (sfernandez)
0002870: [Studio] Trigger's RoutedEvent should show options (sfernandez)
0003757: [Studio] Regular polygon showing path spike when rounding corners (jsantos)
0003323: [Studio] Projects can't be reopend after error shown (jsantos)
0003871: [Studio] Generate Data Doesn't Apply To Brush Values (sfernandez)
0003736: [Studio] InteractivyTriggers Triggers Panel Doesn't Scroll With MouseWheel (sfernandez)
0002966: [Studio] Opening a color resource list for the Color property in a brush editor triggers a ApplyColorResource command (dfranjic)
0003916: [Studio] Duplicating an Element in the Hierarchy, Then Undoing, Breaks Element's X:Name (dfranjic)
0003440: [Studio] Element-Created Dictionaries Do Not Appear On Creation (dfranjic)
0003435: [Studio] Resource Filtering in Resource Panel Is Non-Functional (dfranjic)
0003157: [Studio] Crash when trying to create a binding in a Style (dfranjic)
0002898: [Studio] Crash when editing gradient in a visual state (sfernandez)
0002905: [Studio] ListBox template with scrollbar stops showing ListBoxItems (sfernandez)
0003257: [Studio] Crash when trying to create a Style (sfernandez)
0003218: [Studio] No Functionality to Duplicate Resources in Studio (dfranjic)
0003559: [Studio] No Method to Invoke a ContextMenu With Right-Click (Or Any Non-Hover Inputs) (dfranjic)
0003837: [Studio] Auto column seems to change to asterisk column upon hitting play (sfernandez)
0003861: [Studio] Studio Crashes When Clicking on a Gradient Stop Whilst Active in the Offset Field (sfernandez)
0003866: [Studio] Crash Renaming Layer from "Background" to "Backgrounds" (dfranjic)
0003863: [Studio] Interactivy Trigger Bindings Fail to Display Available Binding Paths (dfranjic)
0003864: [Studio] Attempting to set 'Relative' Binding Interactivity Triggers Crashes Studio (sfernandez)
0003862: [Studio] Older Studio Are Unable To have Project References Added (sfernandez)
0003865: [Studio] Element Visibility Does Not Live-Update in Storyboards (dfranjic)
0003812: [Studio] Clicking on the 'Relative' Binding Tab on a CheckBox's 'Content' Property Causes Studio to Crash (sfernandez)
0003612: [Studio] A Tooltip can't be the child of an image (dfranjic)
0003184: [Studio] Crash when adding a Tooltip to the viewport (dfranjic)
0002907: [Studio] Some logical children not shown in the Navigator (dfranjic)
0003860: [Studio] Making A Component of a Group of Paths Erases Their Path Names (sfernandez)
0003273: [Studio] Crash Accessing Visual States of a RootGrid Recently Grouped Into Grid (sfernandez)
0003667: [Studio] Crash when applying a brush resource inside a style (maherne)
0003198: [Studio] Crash after creating a style inside a DataTemplate (dfranjic)
0003111: [Studio] Error when trying to create a ControlTemplate while editing a Template in Resources tab (dfranjic)
0003110: [Studio] When editing a new ControlTemplate within a DataTemplate, brush editors are not working (dfranjic)
0002890: [Studio] New control templates should have all the necessary elements (sfernandez)
0003844: [Studio] Creating a ListBox Item Container Does Not Allow The Creation Of An Associated Template (dfranjic)
0003843: [Studio] Creating a ListBox ItemContainer After Deleting Its Style Crashes Studio (dfranjic)
0003519: [Studio] No Method Available to Set A Colour's Opacity Value as a Percentage (sfernandez)
0003712: [Studio] Support Static Resources (sfernandez)
0003722: [Studio] Groups Containing RadialTicks Break When Made Into a Component (sfernandez)
0003815: [Studio] Crash when binding a button's Content to data (dfranjic)
0003813: [Studio] ListBox Item Visual States Have Their Names Reset and Lose Sync Between XAML And Studio (dfranjic)
0003805: [Studio] Crash when inspecting TransformGroup resource (dfranjic)
0003804: [Studio] Missing Links to Studio Documentation Can Now Be Filled-In (sfernandez)
0003363: [Studio] Creating a Template from within ListBox ItemContainer Style Crashes Studio (dfranjic)
0003793: [Studio] Crash when generating data (dfranjic)
0003715: [Studio] Remove dependencies to NoesisApp (jsantos)
0003790: [Studio] Inka Project Doesn't Open MainPage.xaml Automatically On-Open (sfernandez)
0003689: [Studio] Editing a Style in GlobalResources Makes Two GlobalResource Dictionaries Appear in the Resources Panel (dfranjic)
0003368: [Studio] Editing a Style Causes Stacking Within the Resources Panel (dfranjic)
0003777: [Studio] KeyTrigger 'Key' property dropdown don't show any keys at all (sfernandez)
0003640: [Studio] Layers Set to Hidden in the Navigator, Then Grouped, Permanently Lose Their Ability to Regain Visibility via the Navigator (dfranjic)
0003200: [Studio] Crash Editing EllipseGeometry Clip Transform Properties (dfranjic)
0003316: [Studio] Storyboard Layer Names do not Update In-Sync to Navigator Layer Renames, and Breaks Animations (dfranjic)
0003653: [Studio] Renaming a Layer Used in a Storyboard Deletes All Of Its Animations (dfranjic)
0003655: [Studio] Undo-Redos Break Animation Timeline (dfranjic)
0003432: [Studio] Crash moving style to page (dfranjic)
0003003: [Studio] Image brush editor not available inside button style (sfernandez)
0003597: [Studio] Crash when binding a ComboBox item template to data (dfranjic)
0003354: [Studio] Studio Crashes Opening a Path.Style Global Resource (dfranjic)
0003291: [Studio] Source and dynamic properties do not show when editing Component Styles (sfernandez)
0003518: [Studio] Opacity Masks' Default Values Give the Impression the Feature is Non-Functional (dfranjic)
0003626: [Studio] Using 'Make into Style' command on an element with Canvas attached properties shows error (dfranjic)
0003632: [Studio] Creating a template inside a Style don't allow to edit it (sfernandez)
0003598: [Studio] Name and Relative binding panel UI is broken (sfernandez)
0003614: [Studio] Context menu not showing command to create ListBoxItem styles (sfernandez)
0003740: [Studio] Crash when selecting 'Name' for a transform binding (dfranjic)
0003625: [Studio] Canvas attached properties not showing in style dummy editor (dfranjic)
0003747: [Studio] Path point seems to disappear after path animation (dfranjic)
0003743: [Studio] Crash when undoing (dfranjic)
0003744: [Studio] Renaming a color resource modified a grid and truncated the page xaml (dfranjic)
0003745: [Studio] Crash when animating a viewbox (dfranjic)
0003739: [Studio] Style can't use a color resource (dfranjic)
0003738: [Studio] Component disappear when moved to another folder (sfernandez)
0003737: [Studio] Crash when entering a value in row adorner (sfernandez)
0003714: [Studio] Support extending root of new documents (sfernandez)
0003713: [Studio] Support for using resources from other projects (dfranjic)
0003594: [Studio] Changing the Stretch Mode of a Path Using a Resource Breaks Link to Resource (dfranjic)
0003711: [Studio] Crash when renaming the Style element in the Navigator (sfernandez)
0003619: [Studio] Boolean Operations Only Work on Two Objects at a Time (sfernandez)
0003204: [Studio] Dragging Storyboard Playhead Creates Keyframes (dfranjic)
0003705: [Studio] Duplicated color resources inside template's brush editor (dfranjic)
0003704: [Studio] Pixel Grid Visible In Playback Mode If Play Button Pressed Whilst Zoomed In (sfernandez)
0003701: [Studio] Crash when Ctrl+P if a brush popup is open (sfernandez)
0003687: [Studio] Deleting an Editable Style Whilst Open in its Dummy Editor Doesn't Close the Dummy Editor (maherne)
0003670: [Studio] Moving Folder Location in Assets Panel Crashes Studio (maherne)
0003650: [Studio] Play Button Tooltip is Mislabeled When Playing (sfernandez)
0003585: [Studio] Multi-Selections Are Not Displayed On-Stage (maherne)
0003574: [Studio] Transform adorners disappearing after rotation (maherne)
0003659: [Studio] Elements are drawn inverted when dragging upwards (maherne)
0003528: [Studio] Inconsistent Constrain Behaviour Between Selection/Move Tool Scaling and Transform Tool Scaling. (maherne)
0003575: [Studio] Holding Shift while rotating an element should snap rotation to 15º increments (maherne)
0003389: [Studio] Entering a storyboard triggers a command to set the d:DesignWidth and d:DesignHeight (maherne)
0003379: [Studio] Non-Valid Characters Can be Input into Grid Definition Adorners (maherne)
0003591: [Studio] Crash trying to create a ComboBox item template (sfernandez)
0003568: [Studio] Creating a Slider Template Produces XAML Error (sfernandez)
0003588: [Studio] Error in newly created ComboBox template (sfernandez)
0003589: [Studio] Error in newly created Scrollbar template (sfernandez)
0003567: [Studio] ItemsControl ItemContainer Style Picker Not Filtering to Matching Element Styles (dfranjic)
0003555: [Studio] Noesis Studio Right-Click Context Menu Appears in Play Mode (sfernandez)
0003534: [Studio] Different Tooltips for Dragging Elements into Single-Child Elements Depending on Hover Area (sfernandez)
0003538: [Studio] Bounding box template and style adorner icons not reachable (dfranjic)
0003541: [Studio] Update main menu with new context menu organization (sfernandez)
0003523: [Studio] Can't Undo Applying Certain Properties in Properties Panel (dfranjic)
0003525: [Studio] Components Don't Play Their Animations When Inserted Into a Page (sfernandez)
0003513: [Studio] Components Break Apart When Grouped Into Layout Panel (sfernandez)
0003522: [Studio] Components don't show their names in the navigator (sfernandez)
0003510: [Studio] Duplicated Components Lose their Properties (sfernandez)
0003516: [Studio] Nudging Element With Shift+ArrowKey Modifier Brings Up XAML View When Cursor Focused in Properties Panel (sfernandez)
0003361: [Studio] Changing the Layout Type of a ListBox ItemsPanel Crashes Studio (sfernandez)
0003507: [Studio] Changing layout type in ItemsPanelTemplate results in a crash (sfernandez)
0003496: [Studio] Viewport and Viewbox Values Can't be Reset to Defaults by MiddleMouseClicking on their Visual Editors (sfernandez)
0003390: [Studio] Controller Focus Exits Viewport and Enters Studio (sfernandez)
0003441: [Studio] Incomplete Terminology is Used for Dictionary Creation (sfernandez)
0003413: [Studio] Merging Dictionary into Self Crashes Studio (sfernandez)
0003313: [Studio] Crash when copy pasting a Visibility keyframe (sfernandez)
0003250: [Studio] Cut-and-Paste Does Not Work on Keyframes (dfranjic)
0003442: [Studio] Cutting keyframes don't allow to paste them (dfranjic)
0003459: [Studio] Adding a Toolbar to a Page Crashes Studio (dfranjic)
0003446: [Studio] Renaming All Colour Resources Completely Breaks Page (dfranjic)
0003461: [Studio] Inconsistent Action Labelling Between Studio and OS Windows (sfernandez)
0003458: [Studio] Navigator Layer States Are Visible Under the Function Panels (sfernandez)
0003465: [Studio] While editing styles or templates, Esc key should be used to return scope (sfernandez)
0003430: [Studio] Renaming styles and templates are causing issues (dfranjic)
0003431: [Studio] Duplicated color resources appear in solid, gradient resource editors (dfranjic)
0003416: [Studio] After adding strokes on Textblocks, project crashed, is unrecoverable (jsantos)
0002883: [Studio] Moving path points with directional keys (dfranjic)
0002888: [Studio] Changing gradient brush from relative to absolute should keep looking the same (dfranjic)
0003008: [Studio] Merged dictionary brush resource not shown (sfernandez)
0002941: [Studio] Texture and font providers are not able to load the assets when the XAML is in a subdirectory (sfernandez)
0003419: [Studio] Studio Crashes Opening ListItemBox Style (dfranjic)
0002803: [Studio] Preview options in ComboBoxes (dfranjic)
0003409: [Studio] Creating a button's template show a weird context binding for the Content Presenter (dfranjic)
0003410: [Studio] Crash when editing a newly created style (dfranjic)
0002830: [Studio] Show "Auto" instead of "NaN" for numeric values (dfranjic)
0003408: [Studio] Crash when moving a SolidColorBrush resource to the page (dfranjic)
0003385: [Studio] New Noesis Projects Don't have a MainPage or GlobalResources Pre-Made (jsantos)
0002968: [Studio] Crash when returning scope from a template (dfranjic)
0003365: [Studio] Crash Deleting Style from Dictionary (dfranjic)
0003383: [Studio] Studio Crashes During Certain Anchor Point Repositionings (dfranjic)
0003381: [Studio] Modifying the Position of an Anchor Point in a Path Animation Affects More Properties than Required (dfranjic)
0002865: [Studio] Animating Path points produces a lot of changes in other properties (dfranjic)
0003378: [Studio] Component Dynamic Properties Support Characters That Should be Disallowed (dfranjic)
0003377: [Studio] Studio Crashes When Renaming a Data Structure of Multiple Instances (dfranjic)
0003375: [Studio] Studio Crashes When Inputting Default Transition Time Value (dfranjic)
0003374: [Studio] Hand-Typing a Binding Path Does Not Get Submitted when pressing [Enter] (dfranjic)
0003386: [Studio] Actions Missing from Keyframe Context Menu (sfernandez)
0003366: [Studio] If Multiple Styles Use the Same x:keys, Deleting a Style Deletes the x:keys for the Other Styles (dfranjic)
0003362: [Studio] Clearing Default ListBox Items after Adding Content Elements Crashes Studio (dfranjic)
0003360: [Studio] Click-And-Trace Method for Adding Elements Doesn't Work on a Blank Page (dfranjic)
0003352: [Studio] Crash adding a stop to a gradient resource (dfranjic)
0003216: [Studio] Weird path displacement when changing thickness values (dfranjic)
0003229: [Studio] Crash when grouping into viewbox inside control template (dfranjic)
0003262: [Studio] Global Colours Not Applying to Elements (0.0.97) (dfranjic)
0003341: [Studio] Local fonts in root folder can't be used (dfranjic)
0003340: [Studio] Message for commands not showing in properties panel (dfranjic)
0003344: [Studio] Pasting a selection of keyframes only pastes one keyframe (sfernandez)
0003331: [Studio] Shortcuts for Navigator 'Duplicate Element' are Incorrect Relative to Shortcut Documentation (sfernandez)
0003260: [Studio] Changing Folder in the Asset Browser Changes Active Tab (maherne)
0003333: [Studio] Page throws an error after creating a new resource dictionary and renaming it (maherne)
0003338: [Studio] Changing property values is centering and resetting the zoom of the viewport (maherne)
0003332: [Studio] Studio's viewport darkens and becomes freezed after renaming an applied resource (maherne)
0003329: [Studio] Multi-Item Grouping Doesn't Work Two-Ways (dfranjic)
0003328: [Studio] Crash when trying to create a TemplatedParent binding (maherne)
0003326: [Studio] Color used in SolidColorBrush resource disappears after renaming, moving to Page resources (dfranjic)
0003300: [Studio] Studio Crashes Scrolling Through TextBlock FontFamily List (jsantos)
0003317: [Studio] Re-Ordering a Layer Clears its Name within a Template (maherne)
0003308: [Studio] Crash after moving keyframes in a Visual State (maherne)
0003324: [Studio] Crash moving a color to a newly created dictionary (dfranjic)
0003321: [Studio] Crash when undoing a Transform tool rotate animation, where a VisualState Storyboard was created (dfranjic)
0003293: [Studio] Applied templates and styles that are renamed and moved disappear from the control (maherne)
0003322: [Studio] Clicking on a brush inside a Visual State crashed the Studio (maherne)
0003314: [Studio] Crash clearing a brush inside a template (sfernandez)
0003290: [Studio] Crash when trying to edit an type selected DataTemplate in another dictionary (maherne)
0003305: [Studio] Dragging Grid Column or Row Adorner Outside of the Stage Causes Viewport to Dissapear and the Application to Crash (sfernandez)
0003307: [Studio] Gradient widget endpoints not moving and crashing the Studio (maherne)
0003306: [Studio] Clicking or trying to create a gradient, ImageBrush or VisualBrush crashes the Studio (maherne)
0003203: [Studio] Non-Destructive Assets Folder/File Renaming is Not Possible (dfranjic)
0003285: [Studio] Crash moving a color to a newly created dictionary (dfranjic)
0003261: [Studio] Grouping Root Grid into a Grid Breaks ItemTemplate Visual States (sfernandez)
0003274: [Studio] Path wiggling when edited inside a StackPanel (dfranjic)
0003264: [Studio] Crash when copy pasting a keyframe (sfernandez)
0003284: [Studio] Studio Crashes Navigating Between Page Tab and Resource Tab After Creating a Path Resource (sfernandez)
0003281: [Studio] Trying to set the transform origin in a style crashes the Studio (sfernandez)
0003267: [Studio] Crash when creating a merged dictionary (dfranjic)
0003265: [Studio] crash when renaming a color resource (dfranjic)
0003268: [Studio] Crash when moving color resource to global dictionary (dfranjic)
0003199: [Studio] Crash deleting a resource (dfranjic)
0003062: [Studio] Crash when moving template resource to resource dictionary (dfranjic)
0003202: [Studio] ImageBrush editor's Viewport and Viewbox are broken (dfranjic)
0003271: [Studio] Crash when animating opacity inside a visual state (maherne)
0003270: [Studio] Crash adding ContentPresenter to template (maherne)
0003266: [Studio] Crash using gradient widget in linear gradient resource (maherne)
0003195: [Studio] Renamed Gradients Do Not Update Where Used (dfranjic)
0003246: [Studio] MathConverter expander not expanding (maherne)
0003252: [Studio] Studio crashes when trying to create folder (dfranjic)
0003165: [Studio] Weird number and crash when changing Saturation effect value (dfranjic)
0003255: [Studio] Studio Converts Vignette Strength to Power Number, then Crashes (dfranjic)
0003106: [Studio] Changing Z-Index Property Inside of a Template Crashes Studio (dfranjic)
0003079: [Studio] Merging resource dictionary while editing template crashes the Studio (sfernandez)
0003094: [Studio] Crash deleting resource from resource dictionary (sfernandez)
0003150: [Studio] Pressing Ctrl+W Whilst Inside of an Empty Active TextField Crashes Studio (sfernandez)
0003158: [Studio] Properties panel design time data editor does not scroll (sfernandez)
0003170: [Studio] Media Elements cannot be Dragged to the Navigator (sfernandez)
0003174: [Studio] Global Dictionary Content Isn't Accessible Within Newly-Created Components (sfernandez)
0003207: [Studio] Dynamic Properties Not Accessible Within Component Until Component's Tab Closed and ReOpened (sfernandez)
0003211: [Studio] Dynamic Properties Are Not Registered Until Component is Loaded (sfernandez)
0003222: [Studio] Transparent Brush Not Clearly Labelled in Colour Gallery (sfernandez)
0003194: [Studio] Studio Crashes Switching Between Components (sfernandez)
0003219: [Studio] Crash when hovering ListBox's template submenu (maherne)
0003238: [Studio] Crash when opening page with a MathConverter (maherne)
0003182: [Studio] Crash when dragging a rive to a rive (sfernandez)
0002807: [Studio] Entire studio showing Overdraw helper (jsantos)
0003181: [Studio] Ctrl+W is showing a wire overlay of the Studio (jsantos)
0003179: [Studio] Crash when creating page in a special chacter-named folder (jsantos)
0003228: [Studio] Noesis Project Cannot be Named the Same as a Folder in the Same Directory (jsantos)
0003237: [Studio] Studio Crashes when Another Window is Selected before Confirming a TextField Input (sfernandez)
0003234: [Studio] Studio crashes when setting Item Container Style inside ListBox Style (dfranjic)
0003196: [Studio] Ctrl+D to Duplicate a Component Crashes Studio (sfernandez)
0003039: [Studio] Crash when clicking in the Assets panel icon (sfernandez)
0003208: [Studio] Image Bindings Unassign Themselves from the Currently-Edited Item (dfranjic)
0003125: [Studio] Deleting a dynamic type, while a document using that type is open, causes validation failure (dfranjic)
0003127: [Studio] Issues when renaming a dynamic type breaks collection data (dfranjic)
0003162: [Studio] Crash when changing a property of a Dynamic Type from a value type to an object type, when used in a collection (dfranjic)
0002955: [Studio] Dynamic Type Backup Issues (dfranjic)
0003197: [C++ SDK] RadialTicks has two Width properties (jsantos)
0003190: [Studio] Setting a Gauge Spacing Value of '0' Crashes Studio. (jsantos)
0003160: [Studio] Dynamic Type Extends property not saving when changing for an existing type (maherne)
0003201: [Studio] Components within Components Fail to Maintain Navigator Layer Hierarchy (dfranjic)
0003206: [Studio] Crash when adding DataTrigger to a DataTemplate root (maherne)
0003209: [Studio] Creating Binding Directly on Brushes Crashes Studio (dfranjic)
0003183: [Studio] Rotating a grid with the transform tool affects also the adorner's menu (maherne)
0003192: [Studio] Grid Definition Adorners Dissapear Below a Certain Grid Pixel Size (maherne)
0003187: [Studio] Gauge Elements Cannot be Copy-Pasted (dfranjic)
0003185: [Studio] Crash when trying to create a ComboBox's SelectionBoxItem template (dfranjic)
0003171: [Studio] MediaElements do not render inside of their destination until the page is closed and reopened. (dfranjic)
0003155: [Studio] Crash when loading XAML with GlobalResources (dfranjic)
0003180: [Studio] Main menu's Exit command should be working (dfranjic)
0003172: [Studio] Studio Crashes when Dragging a Second Component to the Stage (that contains Blending Modes) (sfernandez)
0003167: [Studio] Resources Created in Global Resources do not Immediately Appear in Resources (dfranjic)
0003168: [Studio] Studio Crashes when Toggling Layer Visibility of Layers within a Component (dfranjic)
0003149: [Studio] Certain International Keyboard Key Presses Do Not Register in Input Fields (jsantos)
0003173: [Studio] Studio Crashes when Right-Clicking on a Row Definition containing a Component Containing a MediaElement (jsantos)
0003159: [Studio] Crash when generating random data for complex dynamic type (dfranjic)
0003156: [Studio] ResourceDictionary fails to merge in Studio (dfranjic)
0003138: [Studio] Crash when reordering element (maherne)
0002763: [Studio] Resource panel not updating when moving resources around (dfranjic)
0003139: [Studio] Crash when selecting an ImageSource (maherne)
0003147: [Studio] Renaming assets shouldn't not select the extension (sfernandez)
0003152: [Studio] Viewport elements can't be selected after merge dictionary (sfernandez)
0003083: [Studio] Moving resource to page made viewport element unselectable and eventually crashed the Studio (sfernandez)
0003064: [Studio] Selecting a grid in the viepoort crashed the Studio (sfernandez)
0003143: [Studio] When editing properties, Escape should restore previous value (sfernandez)
0003151: [Studio] Resources panel does not update when creating a new template (dfranjic)
0003020: [Studio] A newly created TextBlock style is not shown in the resources panel (dfranjic)
0003141: [Studio] Resource name not updated in resource panel UI after a rename (maherne)
0003104: [Studio] Curly Brackets Typed Inside Content Fields Crash Studio (dfranjic)
0003088: [Studio] Access violation in BindingExpression OnDataContextChanged (sfernandez)
0003035: [Studio] Inserting a Hex Value into an Existing Colour Resource Does Not Update Instances Using the Resource (dfranjic)
0003102: [Studio] Dragging a brush resource to a path's Fill property crashed the Studio (sfernandez)
0003142: [Studio] Improve property tooltips to indicate the source of the property (local value, style, binding...) (sfernandez)
0003043: [Studio] Crash when clicking on a blue keyframe (sfernandez)
0003038: [Studio] Crash when clik on grey keyframe (sfernandez)
0003145: [Studio] Color Picker, pasting colors without # (sfernandez)
0003144: [Studio] Pasting in a ContentControl causes duplicate assignment of Content (maherne)
0003140: [Studio] Applying ViewModel to Page in QuestLog Sample Crashes Studio (dfranjic)
0003129: [Studio] Crash while trying to draw a rectangle inside a template (maherne)
0003137: [Studio] Crash when trying to draw a TextBlock in a grid (maherne)
0003131: [Studio] Invalid XAML generated when creating a template for a type with a custom namespace (dfranjic)
0003135: [Studio] Cannot set a key for Style resource which uses a TargetType (dfranjic)
0003099: [Studio] Frozen/sealed non-local values appear local after user opens the property editor (dfranjic)
0003130: [Studio] Crash when opening element context menu, when resources contains a Style with no TargetType (sfernandez)
0002986: [Studio] Selecting a Colour Resource from the Colour Picker Crashes Studio (sfernandez)
0002779: [C++ SDK] Problem selecting all in TextBoxes (sfernandez)
0002954: [Studio] Background Fill Cannot be Removed from Grid Row Header Element (dfranjic)
0002831: [Studio] Add Element and Gradient tools should go back to Selection tool (sfernandez)
0002903: [Studio] Crash when clicking in a control style's brush property (sfernandez)
0002916: [Studio] Creating TabControl element also serializes TabControl.SelectedItem (dfranjic)
0002927: [Studio] Undoing replacing an element's text content by dragging does not set the previous text (dfranjic)
0003036: [Studio] Crash when creating new page in main menu (dfranjic)
0003054: [Studio] Crash when trying to use pen tool on a locked element (dfranjic)
0003107: [Studio] Crash when adding elements to auto selected DataTemplates (dfranjic)
0003126: [Studio] Issue with dynamic type Brush properties (dfranjic)
0002873: [Studio] Folder naming locked after opening png files (dfranjic)
0003108: [Studio] Dragging a TextBlock to a template crashed the Studio (dfranjic)
0003085: [Studio] Additional template and style menus in the hover adorner (sfernandez)
0003123: [Studio] Undoing the rename of an element doesn't update the UI (dfranjic)
0003116: [Studio] Elements inside templates can't be renamed (dfranjic)
0003112: [Studio] VisualStateGroup and VisualState x:Name conflicts cause XAML validation errors (dfranjic)
0003117: [Studio] Crash when using pen tool inside a template (dfranjic)
0003096: [Studio] Crash when clicking on a grid inside a template (dfranjic)
0003120: [Studio] Crash when grouping grid inside viewbox (dfranjic)
0002882: [Studio] Brush resource set but appears empty (dfranjic)
0003084: [Studio] Can't set VisualTree of a template through the navigator (maherne)
0002886: [Studio] Paths can't be selected in the viewport (maherne)
0002901: [Studio] Add Element panel is enabled when no document is loaded (maherne)
0003109: [Studio] Cannot edit ControlTemplate when inside DataTemplate (dfranjic)
0002857: [Studio] Path moving when adding thickness (dfranjic)
0003073: [Studio] Crash when selecting color resource inside a style (dfranjic)
0003074: [Studio] Crash when selecting a gradient resource's stop (maherne)
0002889: [Studio] Allow Dragging Elements into and out of TextBlock (maherne)
0002932: [Studio] When dragging an element into an InlineUIContainer, it doesn't show in the correct position (maherne)
0002928: [Studio] Removing an element from an InlineUIContainer does not update the TextBlock layout (sfernandez)
0003071: [Studio] Crash deleting storyboard used in a trigger (dfranjic)
0003065: [Studio] Studio is not saving data for StreamGeometry resources (dfranjic)
0002855: [Studio] Crash when undoing a gradient operation (dfranjic)
0002887: [Studio] Can't copy and paste ListBox items (sfernandez)
0002900: [Studio] Studio crashes when creating a ScrollBar's Track template (sfernandez)
0002902: [Studio] Ungrouping canvas crashes the application (dfranjic)
0003026: [Studio] TectBlock Inlines Run TextProperty Binding being serialized as a string (dfranjic)
0003022: [Studio] Timeline textbox changing width when adding digits (sfernandez)
0002891: [Studio] Duplicating path inside template results in an empty element (dfranjic)
0003069: [Studio] Feedback that 'Autopopulate Data' feature is too Hidden (sfernandez)
0002879: [Studio] Grouping an imported SVG into a Viewbox results in weird clipping (dfranjic)
0002997: [Studio] Weird margins when grouping a grid inside a viewbox (dfranjic)
0002836: [Studio] Crash when grouping a template's grid (dfranjic)
0003081: [Studio] Crash while pasting value in width property (sfernandez)
0003082: [Studio] Changing thickness value with mouse wheel crashed the Studio (sfernandez)
0003023: [Studio] Crash when grouping into a StackPanel (dfranjic)
0003031: [Studio] Grouping any element into a StackPanel from the ContextMenu Crashes the Application (dfranjic)
0003089: [Studio] Resource Create ComboBox is expanded when selecting resource dictionary (sfernandez)
0002933: [Studio] Add resources ComboBox issues (sfernandez)
0002909: [Studio] Crash when converting resource brush to local (sfernandez)
0002899: [Studio] Deleting an InlineUIContainer leads to invalid XAML (dfranjic)
0003060: [Studio] Crash when selecting element while editing a control's visual state (dfranjic)
0003055: [Studio] Selecting textblock inside template crashes the app (maherne)
0003059: [Studio] Crash when selecting hidden element inside a template (dfranjic)
0003076: [Studio] Trying to edit a Style with the context menu crashed the Studio (dfranjic)
0003066: [Studio] Crash when selecting path element in template (dfranjic)
0003056: [Studio] Crash when selecting with direct selection tool (dfranjic)
0003061: [Studio] Crash when resizing path inside template (dfranjic)
0002948: [Studio] Crash when reopening the Studio (dfranjic)
0003078: [Studio] Trying to select a button crashed the Studio (sfernandez)
0002734: [Studio] Path offset in templates (dfranjic)
0003072: [Studio] Crash when clicking on gradient widget inside a style (maherne)
0002950: [Studio] Add a new Transform tool that will affect RenderTransform (maherne)
0002974: [Studio] TextBlock resizing acting weird when recording storyboard (maherne)
0002874: [Studio] Flipped template/style adorner when flipping a path (sfernandez)
0002910: [Studio] Path offset when editing paths inside canvas (dfranjic)
0002904: [Studio] ListBox ItemContainer Style can't be set with resource style (dfranjic)
0002931: [Studio] Can't create a ItemTemplate (dfranjic)
0002938: [Studio] Data context not available inside templates (dfranjic)
0002953: [Studio] Improve UX for editing templates and styles of ItemsControls (dfranjic)
0002952: [Studio] Allow editing ItemTemplate directly without a dummy editor (dfranjic)
0002812: [Studio] Zoom Selection command not implemented (sfernandez)
0002783: [Studio] CharacterSpacing binding leads to a failed assert when TextWrapping is set to Wrap (sfernandez)
0002814: [Studio] Property value's context menu doesn't seem to be working (sfernandez)
0003046: [Studio] Hit Test Visibility Property Improperly-Set by Default (sfernandez)
0003047: [Studio] Crash when creating a RenderTransform translate keyframe (dfranjic)
0003037: [Studio] Copy pasting a keyframe crashes the application (dfranjic)
0003034: [Studio] Studio Crashes when Naming Two Layers the Same (dfranjic)
0003025: [Studio] Studio Crashes when Creating Render Transform Keyframe (dfranjic)
0002995: [Studio] RenderTransformOrigin not updating (dfranjic)
0002897: [Studio] Crash when creating and selecting a colour resource inside a template (sfernandez)
0003011: [Studio] Crash when using color resources in control templates (dfranjic)
0002969: [Studio] Crash applying a Color resource inside a template (dfranjic)
0002989: [Studio] Cursor Disappears over Input Fields (sfernandez)
0002949: [Studio] When animating just switching between TransfromGroup tab is recording keyframes (sfernandez)
0003019: [Studio] F2 shortcut not working for Asset Panel asset renaming (sfernandez)
0002868: [Studio] Show ControlStoryboardAction Storyboard as a dropdown selector (dfranjic)
0003013: [Studio] Selected Element RenderTransform is applied to HoverAdorner (maherne)
0002951: [Studio] Show only TransformGroup in transform properties (dfranjic)
0003014: [Studio] Crash removing element in the navigator (dfranjic)
0003012: [Studio] Crash when selecting Visual States (dfranjic)
0003010: [Studio] Crash when editing a path with the pen tool (dfranjic)
0002839: [Studio] Animating SolidColorBrush Opacity resets Color (dfranjic)
0003004: [Studio] Duplicating elements inside a template will not copy TemplatedParent bindings (dfranjic)
0003002: [Studio] xaml file not opening after closing it (sfernandez)
0002871: [Studio] Animated translation should show a motion path (dfranjic)
0002864: [Studio] Can't scroll the timeline more than the visible seconds (dfranjic)
0002746: [Studio] Allow selection animation timelines in the navigator and delete (dfranjic)
0002853: [Studio] Timeline scrollbar right end is cropped (dfranjic)
0002981: [Studio] Timeline broken when zooming out and scrolling (dfranjic)
0002992: [Studio] New color resource not shown in Solid Color Brush editor (sfernandez)
0002977: [Studio] [ApplicationTutorial] [Buttons] [Detroit] App.xaml crashes the Studio (dfranjic)
0002991: [Studio] Studio Crashes when creating a New Page without a Noesis File loaded. (dfranjic)
0002993: [Studio] Grouping canvas children inside stackpanel creates unnecessary margins (sfernandez)
0002994: [Studio] Creating a TextBlock style crashes the Studio (sfernandez)
0002944: [Studio] Dragging an image to the viewport renders it without size (sfernandez)
0002895: [Studio] Show "margins" for children inside Canvas (sfernandez)
0002860: [Studio] Crash using a BitmapImage in design DataContext (dfranjic)
0002971: [Studio] No root grid on DataTemplate (dfranjic)
0002964: [Studio] Dragging the RGBA textbox values in the brush editor updates the value in preview but doesn't write it down in XAML (dfranjic)
0002967: [Studio] Crash when trying to edit foreground of a style (dfranjic)
0002972: [Studio] Crash when deleting a font file from a project (dfranjic)
0002877: [Studio] No way to draw elements in a parent grid with children panels (maherne)
0002813: [Studio] Cancelling action with Esc key locks Navigator (maherne)
0002884: [Studio] Grid reverting to RowSpan=3 even after resizing (sfernandez)
0002947: [Studio] Crash when reordering grid element (sfernandez)
0002958: [Studio] Selecting a Textblocks's child crashes the Studio (maherne)
0002957: [Studio] Crash when dragging an image to the navigator (maherne)
0002925: [Studio] Exception while editing an element name in the Navigator (sfernandez)
0002942: [Studio] Properties panel rework (maherne)
0002963: [Studio] Duplicated textblocks don't copy FontFamily property (dfranjic)
0002960: [Studio] Typed Input for Opacity Does Not Register (dfranjic)
0002961: [Studio] New Colours Are Not Registered During Animation Recordings (dfranjic)
0002815: [Studio] Group into Viewbox is adding weird size and margins (sfernandez)
0002962: [Studio] Bound Elements Display In-Editor, but not when Running (dfranjic)
0002920: [Studio] Page brush not updating (sfernandez)
0002917: [Studio] Editing an asset name shows a hovering adorner (sfernandez)
0002878: [Studio] Image elements are created with no size (sfernandez)
0002875: [Studio] Oversized selection outline for paths (sfernandez)
0002959: [Studio] Hex Value Input Does not Register in Colour Picker (sfernandez)
0002771: [Studio] Clearing SolidColorBrush.Color value causes a crash (sfernandez)
0002956: [Studio] Crash when editing Design Data in a Collection (dfranjic)
0002880: [Studio] transformGroup's Flip Y/X axis buttons do nothing (sfernandez)
0002858: [Studio] Mouse wheel scrolling the viewport instead of zooming (sfernandez)
0002876: [Studio] Resource item drag adorner stuck over brush property (sfernandez)
0002740: [Studio] Adding element to the Navigator places it outside the parent container bounds (sfernandez)
0002810: [Studio] Black viewport when clearing a TransformGroup Scale value (sfernandez)
0002806: [Studio] New Page shortcut not working (sfernandez)
0002926: [Studio] When duplicating a container with named numbers items, all items get the same name (dfranjic)
0002775: [Studio] Duplicate elements use 'Name' instead of 'x:Name' (sfernandez)
0002861: [Studio] Margin adorner shown in wrong position when selecting the Viewbox child (sfernandez)
0002767: [Studio] Improvement when adding new elements (maherne)
0002866: [Studio] EventTrigger seems to be renaming Storyboard (dfranjic)
0002914: [Studio] Multiple keyframes created around a time snapping point (dfranjic)
0002862: [Studio] Crash deleting the last point of a Path (dfranjic)
0002867: [Studio] Changes in TransformGroup editor textboxes are updating instantly (sfernandez)
0002834: [Studio] Add Element functionality for TextBlocks (maherne)
0002893: [Studio] NumericInput showing unexpected decimals sometimes (sfernandez)
0002881: [Studio] Crash when adding an ItemsPresenter to a ListBox template (sfernandez)
0002811: [Studio] Play shortcut (Ctrl+P) does not activate the Play command (sfernandez)
0002822: [Studio] Still a few Studio text boxes keep the cursor after hitting Enter (sfernandez)
0002802: [Studio] Hand tool not capturing mouse (sfernandez)
0002801: [Studio] Hand tool not working as expected with high-DPI monitors (sfernandez)
0002799: [Studio] Move Brush editor to a popup (sfernandez)
0002850: [Studio] Shapes converted to path are clipping (dfranjic)
0002851: [Studio] Shapes converted to path are not scaling (dfranjic)
0002852: [Studio] Duplicating a named rectangle don't copy the corner radius property (dfranjic)
0002827: [Studio] Add helper buttons to HoverAdorner to edit style/template (maherne)
0002838: [Studio] AddElementToolState gets stuck when drawing elements (maherne)
0002747: [Studio] Changing the value in a keyframe not updating the viewport (dfranjic)
0002818: [Studio] Crash when converting color to resource (dfranjic)
0002788: [Studio] Editing the Color property of an inherited SolidColorBrush will set the inherited Color (dfranjic)
0002782: [Studio] XAML text serializer should not add newlines between Inline elements (dfranjic)
0002745: [Studio] Setting SpeedRatio while recording a Storyboard has no effect (dfranjic)
0002768: [Studio] Add element tool not remembering last selection (maherne)
0002835: [Studio] Margin adorner shown when using TextBlockAdorner (maherne)
0002821: [Studio] Undo after adding columns to a grid do not refresh (maherne)
0002828: [Studio] Make context menu more compact (sfernandez)
0002742: [Studio] Selecting an element with the mouse could leave it in drag-move state (dfranjic)
0002798: [Studio] DecorationHelpers for moving, rotating not always working (sfernandez)
0002819: [Studio] GridAdorner hit test fails when elements are zoomed out (maherne)
0002761: [Studio] Implement a backup system for Hot exits (dfranjic)
0002829: [Studio] Add "Reset Size" option to the context menu (dfranjic)
0002832: [Studio] Dragging element from Add Element panel should fill container (dfranjic)
0002823: [C++ SDK] Issues editing text (maherne)
0002786: [Studio] Template support in TextBlockAdorner (maherne)
0002824: [Studio] Can't remove name of an element (dfranjic)
0002770: [Studio] Zooming elements with effects applied causes displacement (sfernandez)
0002751: [Studio] Using textboxes or passwordboxes in play mode activates toolbar shortcuts (sfernandez)
0002750: [Studio] Typing while renaming files or elements also changes the active tool (sfernandez)
0002808: [Studio] Sudden displacement when using Move tool (dfranjic)
0002816: [Studio] Dragging some NumericProperty value will generate lots of commands (sfernandez)
0002809: [Studio] Save All command not working (dfranjic)
0002795: [Studio] Crash when deleting last path point (dfranjic)
0002774: [Studio] Copy paste not working on Navigator panel (dfranjic)
0002790: [Studio] Studio crashes on macOS when using Metal renderer and trying to open a XAML document (jsantos)
0002785: [Studio] TextBlockAdorner Styling (maherne)
0002784: [Studio] Runs that were in Hyperlinks are keeping the Hyperlink Foreground Brush (maherne)
0002796: [Studio] TextBlock linebreaks are not saved (maherne)
0002752: [Studio] Grid row/col adorners are resized by viewboxes (maherne)
0002744: [Studio] TransformGroup created when moving element in record mode not visible in the Properties panel (dfranjic)
0002777: [Studio] Studio not animating textblock foreground colors (dfranjic)
0002737: [Studio] Allow edit clipping path with Direct Selection and Pen tools (dfranjic)
0002758: [Studio] Path vertex creation offsets from cursor position (dfranjic)
0002739: [Studio] It is possible to add an element to elements that don't support children (dfranjic)
0002762: [Studio] Size values jumping randomly when resizing rectangle (dfranjic)
0002759: [Studio] Rough movement of selected elements inside templates (dfranjic)
0002760: [Studio] Change parent adorner is shown even if Ctrl key is pressed (dfranjic)
0002765: [Studio] Foreground color picker not shown (dfranjic)
0002766: [Studio] Improvements editing number values (sfernandez)
0002764: [Studio] mp3 files disappearing from asset panel when restarting (dfranjic)
0002757: [Studio] Crash when dragging a textblock to a template (dfranjic)
0002749: [Studio] Margin adorner not showing margins when element is centered (sfernandez)
0002743: [Studio] Crash moving an element in the viewport while editing a Storyboard (dfranjic)
0002736: [Studio] Changing Path Stretch from None to Fill does not update the rendered path (dfranjic)
0002741: [Studio] Incorrect vertical margins when moving or resizing elements (dfranjic)
0003627: [Studio] Holding the [Shift] Key Doesn't Constrain Proportions With the Transform Tool Equipped (maherne)
0002787: [Studio] Undoing TextBlock Text property changes leads to duplicated text (maherne)
522 of 658 issue(s) resolved. Progress (79%). View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2024-06-19
0003924: [Studio] Converting a Canvas Containing Paths Into A Grid Does Not Conserve Path Positions (sfernandez)
0003787: [Studio] New Paths Contain Blank Transform Properties (dfranjic)
0003725: [Studio] Releasing a Transformed Compound Path Doesn't Accurately Draw The Path Shape (dfranjic)
0003710: [Studio] Can't delete "Figures" keyframe (dfranjic)
0003708: [Studio] Snap line shown when snapping to the center of a line segment isn't updated when zooming in/out (dfranjic)
0003706: [Studio] Not Possible To Animate a PathResource (sfernandez)
0003637: [Studio] Studio Draws Lines to Orphan Path Points on Import (jsantos)
0003700: [Studio] Numerically-Input Path Point Properties Do Not Create A Keyframe At Playhead If Returning A Path Point To Its Initial Value (sfernandez)
0003683: [Studio] Linear Gradients Imported from Affinity Software Do Not Render Accurately in Studio (jsantos)
0003685: [Studio] Inkscape SVG Exports Featuring Path Decorations Do Not Render Accurately (jsantos)
0003684: [Studio] Multi-Paths Copied or Imported from Affinity Do Not Display Gradients Accurately to their Source (jsantos)
0003678: [Studio] Photoshop SVGs Import Differently Into Studio Depending on Method (jsantos)
0003481: [Studio] Vector Editor Groups are not Conserved When Imported into Studio (jsantos)
0003644: [Studio] Storyboard Layer Deselects Itself After Modifying Property if Path Point Selected (dfranjic)
0003634: [Studio] Stroked Star and RegularPolygon geometries not centered when aspect ratio is not 1:1 (jsantos)
0003622: [Studio] Dragging point in a rotated Path moves the element in the stage (dfranjic)
0003449: [Studio] No Indication of Format for Dash Array (sfernandez)
0003480: [Studio] Groups Containing Other Groups Can't be Copy-Pasted from Illustrator (jsantos)
0003482: [Studio] Imported Clipping Paths are not Supported in Studio (jsantos)
0003489: [Studio] Studio does not Offer a Way To Modify a Path Saved as a Resource (sfernandez)
0003727: [Studio] Path point returning to original point and altering handles when animated (dfranjic)
0003726: [Studio] Reversing figure direction messes up the handles (dfranjic)
0003728: [Studio] Crash trying to set a normal trigger (dfranjic)
0003718: [Studio] Crash when animating a visual state (sfernandez)
0003716: [Studio] Crash when clicking on an animation track (dfranjic)
0003707: [Studio] Crash when clicking on an animation track (dfranjic)
0003690: [Studio] Path Bounding Box Adorner Label Becomes Offset When Data Cleared (maherne)
0003697: [Studio] Drawing in a Path which has no Data puts the point in the wrong position (dfranjic)
0003628: [Studio] RenderTransforming a Star Primitive Converted to a Path, Can Alter its Dimension Values (sfernandez)
0003681: [Studio] Studio Does Not Accurately Reproduce Radial Gradients in SVGs Copied from Photoshop (sfernandez)
0003696: [Studio] All paths named 'Layer_1' in an imported SVG (sfernandez)
0003426: [Studio] Improvements to Clip property (dfranjic)
0003674: [Studio] Undoing path point animation shows displaced point adorners (dfranjic)
0003671: [Studio] Fill transparent when uniting two shapes (dfranjic)
0003673: [Studio] Path point Handle position seems to be moving while animating (dfranjic)
0002859: [Studio] Path offset when animating handles (dfranjic)
0003692: [Studio] Making Path Properties Into Style Can Produce Collection of Empty Properties (dfranjic)
0003682: [Studio] Sometimes Layers Cannot be Deleted (dfranjic)
0003608: [Studio] Flattening Path Transform Removes Stretch Mode / Display of Stretch Mode Doesn't Update When Path Flattened (dfranjic)
0003533: [Studio] Bounding Box of Path Does Not Resize When Path Point Displaced (dfranjic)
0003604: [Studio] Path Points Within a Canvas End Up in Unpredictable Positions when Animated (dfranjic)
0003603: [Studio] Path Styles Can't be Saved and Applied to Other Paths (dfranjic)
0003596: [Studio] Converting a Path To Resource, Then Converting to Local, Then Undoing, Causes Studio to Crash (sfernandez)
0003602: [Studio] Deleting the First Segment of a Second PathFigure Crashes Studio, or Does Not Successfully Delete Point Points (dfranjic)
0003643: [Studio] Grouping Paths into a Canvas Displaces Their Positions (dfranjic)
0003642: [Studio] Grouping/Ungrouping Position Retention Works One Way Only (dfranjic)
0003601: [Studio] The First Path Point of a Second PathFigure Is Not Placed on The Pixel Grid (dfranjic)
0003613: [Studio] Studio Struggles to Handle Multiple Path Point Deletions at Once (dfranjic)
0003493: [Studio] Trim Properties Values Mismatch Between Expected Range and Values of [Click-And-Drag] and [MouseWheelScroll] (sfernandez)
0003638: [Studio] Studio Crashes Moving Imported Path Outside of its Auto-Generated Canvas (sfernandez)
0003633: [Studio] Weird bulge using CornerRadius (jsantos)
0003497: [Studio] Some Path Properties Do Not Interpolate When Animated (sfernandez)
0003620: [Studio] Defunct Layer Names Are Rescusitated During Boolean Operations (sfernandez)
0003623: [Studio] Boolean Operations Context Menu Available on Incompatible Elements (sfernandez)
0003571: [Studio] Path Point ArrowKey Nudging is Relative to Original Shape Orientation, and not Based on Stage Coordinates (sfernandez)
0003618: [Studio] Booleaned Shapes Are Assigned Seemingly Render Transform Origin Points (sfernandez)
0003577: [Studio] Flatten Transform on a Rotated Path Has Stroke Clipped (sfernandez)
0003592: [Studio] Flattening a Render Transform Doesn't Immediately Update Property Values (sfernandez)
0003578: [Studio] Layout Transform Non-Functional on Flattened Paths (sfernandez)
0003615: [Studio] Clicking-and-Dragging the Path Tool Creates a Path Point Incorrectly Shown as Deleteable (sfernandez)
0003586: [Studio] Unclipped Paths Lose Their Appearance Properties (sfernandez)
0003520: [Studio] Compound Pathing Doesn't Follow Transformed On-Screen Paths (sfernandez)
0003542: [Studio] Unable to Cleanly Compound If One Shape is Flipped Horizontally (sfernandez)
0003570: [Studio] Paths Created in Studio Change Their Appearance From Being Compounded (sfernandez)
0003545: [Studio] Compound Path Bounding Boxes Struggle to Size Appropriately Around Strokes (sfernandez)
0003610: [Studio] Converting Shape to Path Changes its Position Within Canvas Panel (sfernandez)
0003609: [Studio] Paths Can be Converted to Paths (sfernandez)
0003580: [Studio] Paths Contained Exclusively of Integer Path Point Locations Can Produce Float Dimensions for the Entire Shape (sfernandez)
0003557: [Studio] Hand-Typed Path Dimensions Can Switch to Decimals (sfernandez)
0003453: [Studio] Direct Copying Vectors from Figma, Photoshop, and Sketch is not Supported (jsantos)
0003464: [Studio] It Is Not Possible to Select Which Layer to Draw a Path In (sfernandez)
0003560: [Studio] Imported Vector Paths Can't Be Converted to a Resource (sfernandez)
0003484: [Studio] Dash Decorations are Not Conserved when Bringing Illustrator or Figma Vector Lines Into Studio (jsantos)
0003454: [Studio] Studio Adds Space That Doesn't Exist Around SVG Vector Shapes Featuring Centre-Aligned Strokes (jsantos)
0003474: [Studio] Illustrator-exported SVG not showing gradients correctly (jsantos)
0003478: [Studio] Studio Does Not Render SVG 'Open' Paths (jsantos)
0003479: [Studio] Studio Does Not Properly Process All Copy-Pasted 'Open' Paths (jsantos)
0003590: [Studio] New path can't be edited with the path selection tool (sfernandez)
0003469: [Studio] Multiple Open Paths Cannot Be Joined (dfranjic)
0003543: [Studio] Multiple Figures in a Compound Path Can't be Joined (dfranjic)
0003515: [Studio] Impossible to Convert Closed Path to Open Path (dfranjic)
0003576: [Studio] Symmetrically Positioned Path Points Do Not Produce Symmetrical Curves With Symmetrical Path Point Handles (dfranjic)
0003573: [Studio] Centre-Segment Snapping Doesn't Work on Paths With Floats (dfranjic)
0003572: [Studio] Curved segment's point handle length sets to zero (dfranjic)
0003495: [Studio] Add ability to change Path figure starting point and reverse direction (dfranjic)
0003502: [Studio] Path Point Handles do not Snap to 45° Increements When [Shift] Key is Held (dfranjic)
0003535: [Studio] Path Point Handles Can't be Selected if in Same Position as Path Point (dfranjic)
0003517: [Studio] Converting a Shape to a Path Breaks The Page If A Resource Was Applied to the Path (dfranjic)
0003509: [Studio] Unknown Cause Crash Drawing Paths and Modifying Path Points in a Component (sfernandez)
0003558: [Studio] Imported Vectors Have Their Appearance Break when Compounded (sfernandez)
0003511: [Studio] Path Point Handles Don't Benefit from Orthogonal Snapping (dfranjic)
0003463: [Studio] Undoing an Anchor Point Placement of a Second Path Crashes Studio (dfranjic)
0003548: [Studio] Removing All Path Points from a Path, then Starting a New Path Crashes Studio (dfranjic)
0003546: [Studio] First Path Point Placed Shows Non-Functional Cursor Action (dfranjic)
0003547: [Studio] Path Point Can't Be Placed if All Previous Path Points Have Been Removed (dfranjic)
0003500: [Studio] Collapsing a Handle to Anchor Point in Mirror Mode Crashes Studio (dfranjic)
0003544: [Studio] Curve Mirroring Mode is not Enforced on Input Values (sfernandez)
0003504: [Studio] Path Selection Tool Is Unable to Move Path (sfernandez)
0003563: [Studio] Arrow-Keying on a Path Increments Margin at Double the Rate of Other Elements (dfranjic)
0003532: [Studio] Elements Cannot be Dragged Completely Out-of-Stage-Bounds (sfernandez)
0003485: [Studio] Adjusting 'Left', 'Right', 'Bottom' and 'Top' Layout Values in a Path Style Crashes Studio (dfranjic)
0003436: [Studio] Changes to key modifiers in path/pen tools (dfranjic)
0003501: [Studio] Path Point Mirroring Modes Do Not Take Effect on New Curves (dfranjic)
0003514: [Studio] Path Point Handles Do Not Move With Path Points When Moved With Keyboard (dfranjic)
0003425: [Studio] Add more shapes: Polygon, Star, Arrow, Arc (jsantos)
0003503: [Studio] Converting the Path Point of a Two-Pointed Segment Crashes Studio (dfranjic)
0003486: [Studio] Selecting 'None' in the StreamGeometry Resource 'Value' Field Crashes Studio (sfernandez)
0003512: [Studio] Vectors Can't be Copy-Pasted into Viewboxes (sfernandez)
0003494: [Studio] Trim Properties Origin Point Differs Between Paths and Shapes (sfernandez)
0003439: [Studio] Enforce the different bezier control point state (dfranjic)
0003434: [Studio] In Path tool Shift key should place/move points in 45º increments (dfranjic)
0003421: [Studio] Implement Grid BrushShader (jsantos)
0003423: [Studio] Moving a Path point doesn't snap to other points (dfranjic)
0003420: [Studio] Allow moving path vertices and bezier control points with arrow keys (dfranjic)
0003424: [Studio] Use Shift key to make proportional shapes (dfranjic)
0003527: [Studio] Angle Snapping Feature Not Present on Rotations (maherne)
0003639: [Studio] Vectors Lose their Groups, Group Names, and their Path/Layer Names on Import (dfranjic)
97 of 117 issue(s) resolved. Progress (82%). View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2024-10-29
0003799: [Studio] Unable to [Tab] between Enum Values in the Properties Panel (sfernandez)
0003758: [Studio] Implement unified "Search and create" searchbar pattern (sfernandez)
0003814: [Studio] Creating a Data Set on an Enum Crashes Studio (sfernandez)
0003801: [Studio] Setting or Clearing Data Filter Sets Structure (or Enum Name) for Edit (sfernandez)
0003794: [Studio] Data Structure Collections not showing their properties (sfernandez)
0003759: [Studio] Move creation of data properties to the Properties panel (dfranjic)
0003760: [Studio] Have a separate tab for custom Enum types (dfranjic)
0003762: [Studio] Create data sets as children of the type (dfranjic)
0003781: [Studio] Remove "Assigned Data" section in favor of a badge in the Navigator (dfranjic)
0003761: [Studio] New design for hierarchical properties (sfernandez)
8 of 10 issue(s) resolved. Progress (80%). View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2024-12-30
0003339: [Unity3D] Using noesis:Element.XYFocusLeft(/Right/Down/Up) to override navigation doesn't work on PS5 (sfernandez)
0001684: [C++ SDK] Support for BaseAlignment for Inline elements (sfernandez)
0002601: [Unity3D] Support HDR Textures in TextureSource (jsantos)
0002690: [C++ SDK] No reliable to recreate views with their contents (sfernandez)
0002698: [Unity3D] MediaState-related issue causes editor CTD while idle (sfernandez)
0003428: [C# SDK] Some samples cannot be opened in Blend because of misconfigured Fonts directories (sfernandez)
0003965: [Unity3D] FocusVisualStyle doesn't get applied on initial focus (sfernandez)
0003970: [C# SDK] Accessing child element in decorator allocates memory every frame (sfernandez)
0003969: [C++ SDK] TextBlock with inlines has unexpected hit test and IsEnabled behavior (sfernandez)
0003966: [Unity3D] GamepadContext1...4 can't be mapped in the Unity view (jsantos)
0003953: [VSCode] Language Server preview in VCCode and Rider does no respect design dimensions (maherne)
0003952: [Unity3D] Crash in Unity game using 3.2.6 p1 (sfernandez)
0003931: [C++ SDK] Update mini_al to miniaudio (jsantos)
0003930: [C++ SDK] Cannot compil NoesisApp on Android with latest ndk (jsantos)
0003918: [Unity3D] Tab Control not activated if steam VR not started before starting VR app (sfernandez)
0003851: [Unity3D] Samples showing just a black screen in play mode (jsantos)
0003911: [C++ SDK] Random circles appear in Path with curves and StrokeDashArray (jsantos)
0003917: [C++ SDK] Weird behavior when having another Popup on top of a Popup (sfernandez)
0003912: [Unity3D] WPF Inconsistency: Freezable.CreateInstanceCore method is not overridable (sfernandez)
0003902: [Unity3D] Accessing AdornerLayer in derived AdornerDecorator causes crash (sfernandez)
0003909: [Unity3D] Unity 6 - Issues with HDR in HDPR (jsantos)
0002222: [Unity3D] Show the XAML line in binding failed error message. (sfernandez)
0002347: [Unity3D] MultiBinding shows error messages when removing target from the visual tree (sfernandez)
0002511: [VSCode] The previewer of NoesisGUI XAML Tools (VSCode Extensions) always showing a blank blue background, it doesn't work properly on. (maherne)
0002720: [Unity3D] NineSlice Example has spacings (sfernandez)
0002730: [Unity3D] AssociatedObject is null while detaching Behaviours (sfernandez)
0002731: [Unity3D] Wrong TextBox visible cursor position and GetRangeBounds values when TextAlignment is not Left (sfernandez)
0002848: [Unity3D] ComboBox popup placement & animation (sfernandez)
0003093: [C++ SDK] Empty offscreen rectangles generated sometimes (sfernandez)
0003101: [Unity3D] XAML parser does not correctly support properties of type Binding that are not DependencyProperty (sfernandez)
0003103: [C++ SDK] Incorrect behavior regarding bindings and TargetNullValue (sfernandez)
0003114: [Unity3D] MarkupExtension ProvideValue is not called again when template is applied (sfernandez)
0003122: [C++ SDK] Theme sharing thread safety (sfernandez)
0003312: [C# SDK] Creating a subclass that inherits from Path won't render the specified DefiningGeometry (sfernandez)
0003330: [C++ SDK] ContextMenu from application resources cannot be opened from code (sfernandez)
0003355: [C++ SDK] Deviation of PropertyChangedTrigger triggering OnAttach (sfernandez)
0003451: [C++ SDK] WrapPanel elements cannot be centered with multiple lines (or columns) (sfernandez)
0003471: [Unity3D] NoesisWorldUI API for Programmatic Construction (sfernandez)
0003475: [C++ SDK] Implement support for Rive events (sfernandez)
0003488: [Unity3D] Noesis World Space UI Incorrectly Culls Framework Elements (sfernandez)
0003491: [Unity3D] Crash Noesis.View.MouseMove (sfernandez)
0003553: [C++ SDK] Strokes and shadows are broken when used together (jsantos)
0003587: [C++ SDK] Focus is not moved appropriately using Tab key (sfernandez)
0003647: [C# SDK] Storyboard only executes the last animation of multiple animations that change targets on the same property (sfernandez)
0003648: [C++ SDK] DataEventTrigger never triggers in the first "frame" (sfernandez)
0003664: [C++ SDK] DropShadowEffect are not included in the object's bounds and overwrite the other drawn items in the same RT (sfernandez)
0003680: [C++ SDK] Keyboard Navigation unfocuses all elements when pressing RB/LB and the controlTabNavigation prop is set to none (sfernandez)
0003694: [Unity3D] ListBox cannot use ItemsSource of Dictionary<TKey, TValue> (sfernandez)
0001512: [Unity3D] ValidateValueCallback Not Available In Unity SDK (sfernandez)
0002415: [Unity3D] Binding TranslateTransform in Style (sfernandez)
0002515: [C# SDK] Dispatcher.BeginInvoke does not accept object[] as argument (sfernandez)
0002569: [Unity3D] InputActionTrigger not supported on Unity (sfernandez)
0002611: [Unity3D] Crash using singleton instance after reloading xaml (sfernandez)
0002679: [C# SDK] Crashes after NoesisGUI reloading (sfernandez)
0002712: [Unity3D] Separate PPAA modes for onscreen and offscreen (jsantos)
0002713: [Unity3D] DropShadowEffect has artifacts when close to the edges of screen (sfernandez)
0002716: [Unity3D] Text in TextBox is converted to float when bound to double (sfernandez)
0002990: [C# SDK] BindingExpression get evaluated like a normal Binding (sfernandez)
0003053: [Unity3D] Per Frame Heap Memory Allocation (sfernandez)
0003427: [C# SDK] Setting a SolidColorBrush Color property does not produce a PropertyChanged event. (sfernandez)
0003433: [Unity3D] Unable to load dependencies to XAML files in a Unity Package (jsantos)
0003450: [C++ SDK] Rive animation cannot be paused (jsantos)
0003753: [Unity3D] World UI bug related to camera (jsantos)
0003755: [Unity3D] Multiple NoesisView event handling order (jsantos)
0003765: [C++ SDK] Hot reloading of global resources does not work (jsantos)
0003820: [C# SDK] Tooltips don't appear for context menu items (sfernandez)
0003823: [Unity3D] Stack overflow using a ConditionBehavior within StyleTriggerCollection (sfernandez)
0003857: [Unity3D] UpdateLayout invokes RaiseCompleted, Causing Infinite Loop (sfernandez)
0003859: [VSCode] IntelliCode in XAML with DataContext defined in xaml file (maherne)
0003867: [Unity3D] Unity 6 WebGL Build Failing (jsantos)
0003868: [Unity3D] Crash in native Unity game (sfernandez)
0003870: [Unity3D] Random crash in game (sfernandez)
0003886: [Unity3D] Crash in native game using Unity (sfernandez)
0003887: [Unity3D] Crash in native game using Unity (sfernandez)
0003888: [Unity3D] Crash in native game using Unity (sfernandez)
0003889: [Unity3D] Crash in native game using Unity (sfernandez)
0003900: [C# SDK] Focus Scope Doesn't Work Correctly With TabControl/TabItem (sfernandez)
0003901: [Unity3D] Noesis causes a crash when capturing DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs in a closure (sfernandez)
0003907: [C++ SDK] Crash inside BringIndexIntoView if called while items are changing (sfernandez)
0003908: [Unreal] Calling IView::Activate() on a view with a focused element resets the focus (hcpizzi)
0002825: [Studio] Weird beaviour in ComboBoxes (sfernandez)
1 of 81 issue(s) resolved. Progress (1%). View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2025-01-01
0001790: [C# SDK] Add Noessis Gui Binding generator to v3.0
0000916: [C++ SDK] Black lines between elements in Canvas (jsantos)
0001704: [C# SDK] Errors spam on NoesisGUI Shutdown (sfernandez)
0001948: [Unreal] CombinedGeometry and GeometryGroup missing implementation (sfernandez)
0001805: [C# SDK] Allow adjusting OffscreenSampleCount at any time (jsantos)
0001736: [C++ SDK] Crash when calling UpdateView (sfernandez)
0001707: [C++ SDK] Feature request: Identify and notify the user about cyclic references (jsantos)
0001301: [C# SDK] Cache for GUI.LoadComponent(object, string) (sfernandez)
0001345: [Documentation] Add tutorial about Visual States (sfernandez)
0001641: [C++ SDK] Assert focusing the selected item in a ListBox via a Style trigger (sfernandez)
0001681: [C# SDK] ImageBrush with reloaded texture (through RaiseTextureChanged) doesn't recalculate its viewport/viewbox properly (sfernandez)
0001590: [C# SDK] Missing classes for Live-Charts porting (sfernandez)
0000856: [Unity3D] Icons are sometimes rendered incorrectly (jsantos)
0001616: [Unity3D] TextDecoration cannot be bound with a ValueConverter specified in the binding (sfernandez)
0001071: [C# SDK] Default resource provider on Android - Unable to load font (jsantos)
0 of 15 issue(s) resolved. Progress (0%). View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2026-01-01
0002045: [C# SDK] IsDoubleTapEnabled should inherit parent to child (sfernandez)
0002184: [C# SDK] Rendering offscreen doesn't seem to apply styles exactly the same as rendering to the screen (sfernandez)
0002108: [Unity3D] Index out of range exception in Noesis.View::KeyDown (sfernandez)
0002061: [Unity3D] Editor Crash, Noesis_View_Update (sfernandez)
0001957: [C++ SDK] TemplateBinding generates assertion for assignable types (sfernandez)
0002428: [C++ SDK] Apple Color Emoji font not rendering any glyphs (jsantos)
0002404: [C# SDK] Missing EventSetter from System.Windows (sfernandez)
0002361: [C++ SDK] Using parenthesis in a PropertyPath does not work in Noesis (sfernandez)
0002341: [Documentation] Lottie-Noesis crashes when 3D rotation is used (jsantos)
0001547: [C++ SDK] Support lighter-weight Drawing objects (sfernandez)
0002310: [C++ SDK] Support for DrawingImage (sfernandez)
0001110: [Unity3D] Support for DrawingBrush (sfernandez)
0002309: [C++ SDK] Implement support for CacheMode (jsantos)
0002280: [C# SDK] Invoking animation on VisibilityProperty from code behind throws an exception (sfernandez)
0002264: [Unreal] Improve xaml import process to check errors when dependencies change (hcpizzi)
0002123: [C# SDK] Assigning ColumnProperty throws exceptions (sfernandez)
0002137: [C# SDK] Better FontProvider API to allow easier reloading (jsantos)
0002087: [C++ SDK] Feature Request: Mac Catalyst support (jsantos)
0001765: [C++ SDK] <FlowDocument> and <Floater> features not supported (sfernandez)
0001823: [C# SDK] Support for DependencyPropertyKey and read-only dependency properties (sfernandez)
0002006: [C# SDK] Controls are missing virtual OnEvent methods (sfernandez)
0002059: [C++ SDK] ComboBox Text should be updated when selecting an item (sfernandez)
0002055: [Unity3D] Parent command binding not working properly (sfernandez)
0002054: [Unity3D] Binding to ActualWidth property returns 0 at runtime (sfernandez)
0002050: [C++ SDK] Add support to visualize/edit DataContext state in inspector (hcpizzi)
0002041: [Unity3D] Create Blend project from existing Unity project (sfernandez)
0002040: [C++ SDK] Add text selection helper controls for touch in TextBox (sfernandez)
0002039: [C++ SDK] Visual descendant bounds not correctly calculated when involves clipping (sfernandez)
0001822: [C++ SDK] Different objects when using resources defined inside a template element (sfernandez)
0002018: [Unity3D] Unity Editor crashes when using converter implementing both IValueConverter and IMultiValueConverter (sfernandez)
0002012: [C# SDK] WPF Inconsistency: DependencyProperty.Register lacks an overload for Validation (sfernandez)
0002034: [C# SDK] Implement support for getting DPIs of View (sfernandez)
0001579: [Unity3D] Combining MarkupExtension and IValueConverter crashes Unity (sfernandez)
0001975: [C# SDK] Can't create MarkupExtension that implements IValueConverter (sfernandez)
0001980: [C++ SDK] ScrollViewer KeyUp / KeyDown event is not triggered by the xbox pad right thumbstick (sfernandez)
0001783: [C# SDK] Routed event args missing constructors or wrong signature (sfernandez)
0001611: [Unity3D] TemplateBinding Converter does not work (sfernandez)
0001754: [C# SDK] Databindings within triggers in a template element not functioning (sfernandez)
0001752: [C++ SDK] Can't assign property to abstract class 'Color' (sfernandez)
0002053: [Unreal] ComboBox Selected Index not updating when selecting first item (hcpizzi)
0001613: [Unity3D] Expose OnRender (sfernandez)
0001848: [C++ SDK] Implement support for Google Stadia (jsantos)
0001820: [C++ SDK] Implement Vulkan Renderer (jsantos)
0001995: [Unity3D] Configurable Enter Play Mode results in missing XAMLs (jsantos)
0002057: [Unity3D] Noesis Dependency Logic Breaking Change (jsantos)
0002193: [C++ SDK] Reducing memory allocation without shutting down Noesis (jsantos)
0002157: [C++ SDK] Socket library is already initialized on NX (jsantos)
0001349: [C++ SDK] Improve Manipulations (jsantos)
0001941: [Unity3D] Interactivity DataTrigger not behaving exactly as WPF (sfernandez)
0002068: [Unreal] InputScope property on TextBox not working (hcpizzi)
0002013: [C# SDK] WPF Inconsistency: DependencyProperty.AddOwner is missing (sfernandez)
0001926: [C++ SDK] NVNRenderContext requiring 1GB of stack memory (jsantos)
0001330: [Unity3D] Moving NoesisGUI inside a subfolder causes it to reinstall every time on run. (jsantos)
0001343: [C++ SDK] Evaluate using Boxing in PropertyChangedEventArgs to avoid void* (jsantos)
0001849: [C++ SDK] Implement support for Apple TV (jsantos)
0002058: [C++ SDK] display->Close() not working on Nintendo Switch (jsantos)
0002048: [Unity3D] Switch/NVN renderer support in Unity plugin (jsantos)
0002056: [Unreal] Current UI does not react to changes in MergedDictionaries of the Application Resources (sfernandez)
0002019: [Unreal] MediaElement texture gets black when trying to loop the video (sfernandez)
0002025: [Unreal] Expose properties defined by UFUNCTION Getter and/or Setter (hcpizzi)
0001531: [Unity3D] Noesis Premultiply Alpha Texture Import Setting Ignored by Noesis (jsantos)
0002042: [Unity3D] missing virtual keys (jsantos)
0001828: [Unity3D] Implement support for the new Unity Input System (jsantos)
0001682: [Unity3D] OnGUI GC Allocations (jsantos)
0001596: [C# SDK] Unity 2019.2.x OnGUI GC Allocation in NoesisView.OnGUI (jsantos)
0001827: [Unity3D] Noesis should be compatible with the Unity Package Manager (jsantos)
0001819: [C++ SDK] Implement D3D12 renderer (jsantos)
0000342: [Unity3D] no practical multitouch interaction possible with most of the widgets (jsantos)
0001530: [C++ SDK] VS2019 support (jsantos)
0001457: [C# SDK] Shift + mouse wheel = horizontal scroll (sfernandez)
0001846: [C++ SDK] Implement support for PlayStation 5 (jsantos)
0001847: [C++ SDK] Implement support for Xbox Series X|S (jsantos)
0001863: [C++ SDK] New Tessellator (jsantos)
0001880: [C# SDK] Support for implementing custom RenderDevice in C# (sfernandez)
0001224: [Unity3D] Custom shader effects not supported (jsantos)
0001845: [C++ SDK] Add support for Apple silicon architecture (jsantos)
0001966: [Unreal] Support for Unreal 5 (hcpizzi)
0001989: [Unreal] TMap is not yet exposed in Unreal plugin as a dictionary and can't be used in bindings (hcpizzi)
0001865: [C++ SDK] Extend blending modes (jsantos)
0001569: [C++ SDK] Customizing UriConverter / XamlProvider (sfernandez)
41 of 80 issue(s) resolved. Progress (51%). View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2027-01-01
0002380: [C++ SDK] Feature Request: Composite Fonts (jsantos)
0003556: [C++ SDK] [Feature request] Custom rich text tag supporting both Content and parameters (sfernandez)
0002543: [C# SDK] UI explicitly freezing on 3.2. (sfernandez)
0002636: [Unity3D] Grid.Children.Add() Infinite Loop / Hang (sfernandez)
0002588: [Unity3D] No way disable key events in the view (sfernandez)
0001337: [C# SDK] Error: Cannot implicitly convert type 'Noesis.Binding' to 'Noesis.BindingExpressionBase' (sfernandez)
0001398: [Unity3D] Feature Request : DatagridView (sfernandez)
0002299: [Unity3D] An element using Transform3D is not rendered if the container in which it is contained has the Blur effect set. (sfernandez)
0002503: [Unity3D] NoesisView component fields not all accessible from code (jsantos)
0003892: [C++ SDK] Texture input for ShaderEffects (jsantos)
0002692: [C# SDK] Noesis.GUI not Trimmable / AOT compatible (hcpizzi)
0002500: [C++ SDK] Disable/bypass the thread checks on objects (jsantos)
0003679: [Unity3D] Request for System.ComponentModel.EnumConverter (sfernandez)
0003593: [C++ SDK] Noesis startup stalling with inspector enabled while connected to VPN (hcpizzi)
0003624: [C++ SDK] ShaderCompiler - MacOS (jsantos)
0003466: [C++ SDK] Add support CompositeCollection Class (sfernandez)
0001777: [Unity3D] GeometryGroup doesn't work as expected (sfernandez)
0002460: [Unity3D] Opacity groups with effects show artifacts / don't render as expected (jsantos)
0002491: [C++ SDK] DropShadowEffect isn't correctly considered when laying out images onto the offscreen render context (sfernandez)
0002526: [C++ SDK] Add PersistId feature to enable saving and restoring control states (sfernandez)
0001857: [C++ SDK] Add support for TextSearch to ItemsControl (sfernandez)
0002598: [Unity3D] Inheritance from StackPanel is incorrect (sfernandez)
0002596: [C# SDK] OnVisualChildrenChanged not found (sfernandez)
0002595: [C# SDK] GetLayoutClip not found (sfernandez)
0002002: [C++ SDK] Implement RelativePanel (sfernandez)
0003124: [C++ SDK] Support visionOS in the Native C++ SDK (jsantos)
0002987: [C++ SDK] Use Multi-Channel Signed Distance Fields to get Sharper Text Corners (jsantos)
0002399: [Inspector] Show control's active visual states to help with debugging (hcpizzi)
0001244: [Unity3D] Noesis should support ValidationRules per xaml (sfernandez)
0002445: [C++ SDK] Implementation of handledEventsToo in AddHandler function (sfernandez)
0002256: [C++ SDK] Support property notifications from different threads in bindings (sfernandez)
0001269: [C# SDK] Expose mip map LOD bias for texture sampling (jsantos)
0002718: [C++ SDK] it's possible to create an infinite loop from xaml (sfernandez)
0002669: [C++ SDK] Matrix4 doesn't implement Transform method to convert a point or vector (sfernandez)
0002676: [Unreal] Asynchronous asset loading (hcpizzi)
0000969: [C++ SDK] Animate scroll changes (sfernandez)
0002618: [Unity3D] ApplicationCommands.Cut not reacting on selection in TextBox (sfernandez)
0002610: [C++ SDK] Namescope is of UserControl is used when resolving names outside of the UserControl's file (sfernandez)
0002551: [Unity3D] Support for 'Completion for markup extensions and dictionaries' when using VS Code. (maherne)
0002149: [C# SDK] Textblock.IsHyphenationEnabled property does not work. (jsantos)
0002175: [C++ SDK] Feature Request: UWP ARM64 support (jsantos)
0002244: [C# SDK] Portability suggestions - InitializeComponent and ConnectEvent (jsantos)
0002320: [C# SDK] ManagedSDK can't play sounds (sfernandez)
0002340: [C++ SDK] Create ShortcutTrigger that works well with focused TextBoxes (sfernandez)
0002344: [C++ SDK] Avoid using offscreen textures for Image+OpacityMask (sfernandez)
0002346: [C++ SDK] Implement VirtualizingWrapPanel (sfernandez)
0002391: [C# SDK] Add DispatcherTimer from System.Windows.Threading (sfernandez)
0002393: [Unity3D] Calling any Noesis methods without calling Noesis.GUI.Init() first, results in a Unity crash (sfernandez)
0002395: [C# SDK] Missing Virtual Methods In Tab Control (sfernandez)
0002396: [C# SDK] Missing Property in TabControl (sfernandez)
0002443: [Unreal] Image.Source property does not resolve absolute URI with http scheme (jsantos)
0002471: [C++ SDK] ItemCollection does not expose the Count property (sfernandez)
0002476: [C# SDK] DependencyProperty.AddOwner fails without default value, invalid callback registration (sfernandez)
0002477: [C# SDK] FormattedText accessed invalid memory for the text (sfernandez)
0002478: [C++ SDK] Binding.NotifyOnTargetUpdated and Binding.TargetUpdated event are not implemented (sfernandez)
0002483: [C++ SDK] Memory leak removing Font provider (jsantos)
0002487: [C++ SDK] (3.20b1) Noesis::Shutdown() crashes (jsantos)
0002502: [Unity3D] Unity New Input System Action XAML support (jsantos)
0002505: [Unity3D] Transform3D + Effects Rendering Behavior (sfernandez)
0002514: [Unity3D] Space in Glyph Texture (jsantos)
0002525: [Inspector] Inspector: Support explicit IP communication (jsantos)
0002535: [Unity3D] Callbacks to handle unfound resources in Unity (jsantos)
0002470: [Unity3D] Texture Import Fails to Remove Alpha (sfernandez)
0002482: [C# SDK] DirectX 12 Behavior (jsantos)
0002397: [C++ SDK] Implement support for OpenType Font Features (sfernandez)
0002538: [C++ SDK] BrushShader textures are not processed unless an additional constant buffer is provided (jsantos)
0002512: [Unity3D] Consistent ReloadXaml Crash (sfernandez)
0002530: [C# SDK] Random Crashes (sfernandez)
0002513: [C# SDK] XamlReload Noesis_RaiseTextureChanged Event Crashes (sfernandez)
0002509: [Unity3D] [NOESIS/I] 'Image.png' loaded (jsantos)
8 of 70 issue(s) resolved. Progress (11%). View Issues