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Best way of hiding elements in c# using Unity.

29 Aug 2013, 20:54

Hi there, I was wondering what the best way of hiding elements dynamically would be using C# in Unity.

For example say a button, what is the best way of toggling it, so that I can make it visible or invisible at will.

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Re: Best way of hiding elements in c# using Unity.

29 Aug 2013, 21:20

Considering you have a reference of the button, you just make use of the SetVisibility() function.

This makes the button invisible but still takes its space during layout process:
This makes the button invisible and it takes no space during layout process:
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Re: Best way of hiding elements in c# using Unity.

29 Aug 2013, 21:34

To better understand the concept of layout space allocated by an element here you have a xaml example and the resulting image:
    <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal"
      HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center">
        <StackPanel Background="LightYellow" VerticalAlignment="Center">
            <Button Content="Button" Margin="10,0"/>
            <Button Content="Button" Margin="10,0" Visibility="Hidden"/>
            <Button Content="Button" Margin="10,0"/>
        <StackPanel Background="LightGreen" VerticalAlignment="Center">
            <Button Content="Button" Margin="10,0"/>
            <Button Content="Button" Margin="10,0" Visibility="Collapsed"/>
            <Button Content="Button" Margin="10,0"/>
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Re: Best way of hiding elements in c# using Unity.

29 Aug 2013, 21:44

Thanks a lot! :)
For some reason, monodevelop didn't want to work with me, thus not showing the function SetVisibility when I looked for it. But it works like a charm, thanks!
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Re: Best way of hiding elements in c# using Unity.

29 Aug 2013, 21:57

I totally recommend you use Visual Studio for editing your scripts if possible. The response speed is far better than using MonoDevelop. And use MonoDevelop just for debugging the scripts ;)

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