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Does NoesisGUI do native text editing on mobile with Unity?

09 Oct 2013, 02:04

If I create a text edit control with NoesisGUI and run it on iOS or Android can I edit and select the text directly in the text box like it's a native control? Or do I get another textbox to edit in right above the keyboard like happens when you use Unity's GUI text box?
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Re: Does NoesisGUI do native text editing on mobile with Uni

09 Oct 2013, 05:21

Yes, the behavior is the same. In fact we are using the VirtualKeyboard provided by Unity to handle this.

We didn't have time to investigate if this can be improved but I am afraid it won't be possible. To show the virtual keyboard in mobiles you need a native control, problem is that Unity applications are 100% rendered by the GPU, the OS knows nothing about the content. That is the reason a native textbox is shown above the keyboard.

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