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Noesis.dll NOT unloaded.

12 Dec 2013, 16:57


I am using Unity 4.3.1f1 and Noesis 1.2.4603. after I start/stop any scene with Noesis, I get error message

Documents/unityPlay2/Assets/Editor/NoesisGUI/BuildTool/Noesis.dll NOT unloaded.
Noesis.Library:Dispose() (at Assets/Plugins/NoesisGUI/Scripts/Core/NoesisLibrary.cs:88)
NoesisGUISystem:DisposeLibrary() (at Assets/Plugins/NoesisGUI/Scripts/Core/NoesisGUISystem.cs:348)
NoesisGUISystem:Shutdown() (at Assets/Plugins/NoesisGUI/Scripts/Core/NoesisGUISystem.cs:213)
NoesisGUISystem:OnDestroy() (at Assets/Plugins/NoesisGUI/Scripts/Core/NoesisGUISystem.cs:72)

After this I cannot start it again because "Noesis.dll already loaded". Any clues?

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Re: Noesis.dll NOT unloaded.

13 Dec 2013, 11:03


Let me ask you some questions, so we can figure out what is happening:

Which OS version of Windows are you using?
Did you get any error message before stopping the scene?
Did you modify any script or xaml while playing the scene?

Thanks for your collaboration.
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Re: Noesis.dll NOT unloaded.

16 Dec 2013, 12:06


Let me ask you some questions, so we can figure out what is happening:

Which OS version of Windows are you using?
Did you get any error message before stopping the scene?
Did you modify any script or xaml while playing the scene?

Thanks for your collaboration.
I am using Windows 7 x64.
No other messages, no changes in the scene. I use button.unity for testing, but I got it with all scenes (including my own).
BTW, I tried on another machine and did not get this error, but anyway it would be nice to have some solution without reinstalling the system...

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Re: Noesis.dll NOT unloaded.

16 Dec 2013, 12:10


Yes, of course you don't need reinstalling the system. We need to know who is blocking our dll from being unloaded (we load noesis.dll and unload it each time play button is clicked) to fix the problem.

Could you please file a a bug ( here with this problem and attach the play.log file that is generated?
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Re: Noesis.dll NOT unloaded.

16 Dec 2013, 12:49


Yes, of course you don't need reinstalling the system. We need to know who is blocking our dll from being unloaded (we load noesis.dll and unload it each time play button is clicked) to fix the problem.

Could you please file a a bug ( here with this problem and attach the play.log file that is generated?
Sure, I will try to do that. Will it help if I investigate application with some tools like "Process Monitor"?
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Re: Noesis.dll NOT unloaded.

16 Dec 2013, 13:16

First thing to do is inspecting your logs to detect something strange. I don't think "Process Monitor" will help here. Do you have installed anything special on your machine? (antivirus, antimalware...)? Could you check disabling them temporarily?
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Re: Noesis.dll NOT unloaded.

16 Dec 2013, 13:21

First thing to do is inspecting your logs to detect something strange. I don't think "Process Monitor" will help here. Do you have installed anything special on your machine? (antivirus, antimalware...)? Could you check disabling them temporarily?
OK. Sorry for silly question, but how do I get logs?

About software, I do not have any antivirus and firewall stuff right now.
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Re: Noesis.dll NOT unloaded.

16 Dec 2013, 13:25

1. Create a new project in unity
2. Import noesisGUI
3. Hit play, stop.
4. Go the the root folder of the project (inside /Assets) and send us all the NoesisGUI***.log files.

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Re: Noesis.dll NOT unloaded.

16 Dec 2013, 13:43


Yes, of course you don't need reinstalling the system. We need to know who is blocking our dll from being unloaded (we load noesis.dll and unload it each time play button is clicked) to fix the problem.

Could you please file a a bug ( here with this problem and attach the play.log file that is generated?
I could not post a bug, because it requires login...
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Re: Noesis.dll NOT unloaded.

16 Dec 2013, 14:03

Yes, but you can register your account (

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