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NOESIS Gui for Applications

03 Dec 2012, 09:19


For long time I'm searching for an Gui-Framework that can be easily used on various systems
(Windows, OSX, Linux etc.) but not for games, for maybe business applications too.
Your xaml approach is very cool.
Will there be any support for pixel snapping like in WPF for antialiased rendering for your guis?


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Re: NOESIS Gui for Applications

04 Dec 2012, 19:35

NoesisGUI is a robust framework that offers a mature object oriented GUI API. We mimic (the better we can) the class architecture that can be found in WPF.

NoesisGUI has full support for standard controls as Buttons, CheckBoxes, RadioButtons, ListBoxes, ComboBoxes, etc., as well as layout panels to design any interface you can imagine.

It also supports skinning via styles and templates to give to any control the appearance you want.

We also implemented a basic Application architecture to facilitate the task of building and managing apps.

And to answer your question about pixel snapping, we have implemented the UseLayoutRounding property, which, when enabled, rounds positions and sizes of the UI elements during Measure and Arrange passes of the layout process to achieve pixel snapping, even when multisampling is activated.
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Re: NOESIS Gui for Applications

02 Jan 2013, 18:52


First of all... Happy new year!
I'm very exited about your implemetation and I really want to use it in my future applications.
What is your roadmap for the development? When you are expecting to release a final version?
It's mainly because I want to develop a datagrid or similar things for my applications.

More important for me to know is what a licence will cost? I'm interessted in a "normal" licence as well
in a sourcecode licence!
I can understand that you can't tell exact prices but for my future developments it's necessary to know what costs I must expect in future and the other thing is when the final release is planned so I can build on. Maybe it's possible to get the complete source-code (source licence) to support you in development or to develop new features? Please contact me it's because I want to replace my current platform "WxWidgets".


-René Höger
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Re: NOESIS Gui for Applications

06 Jan 2013, 20:52


Happy new year too! :mrgreen:

We are releasing a new version of NoesisGui (0.9.7) for betatesting this week. With that version we will write a post giving a brief overview of the road-map for NoesisGui, prices for the different options and platforms, details for v1.0, v1.1, v1.5 and v2.0.

Meanwhile I can anticipate you that after 0.9.7 (that includes OpenGl and better integration with Unity), there is going to be at least two more internal releases: one for Android and another one for iOS. Our estimation is having v1.0 ready in the first months of this year.

My advice is that you start developing your controls with the PC version because the features are closed and you will discover how to implement what you need and possibly catch bugs that we will try to fix as soon as possible.

About the sourcecode, yes, there is going to be licenses with source code. Although I must say that for now we have may doubts in this aspect. We can talk in private about this.

Thanks for you interest.
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Re: NOESIS Gui for Applications

07 Jan 2013, 16:55

Happy New Year!!!

That is good News. I'm sure I speak for all users currently in the private Beta test program when I say that we are all waiting with anticipation for the following beta releases and the information that will be forthcoming.

Here's hoping your licensing structure is comperable to competitors products and plays nice with other licensing and financial restraints. :)
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Re: NOESIS Gui for Applications

08 Jan 2013, 14:13


That's good news. I'm looking forward to the new beta release!

How can we get in private contact to talk about source code lincences and your doubts about
this topic and maybe other develper things?


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Re: NOESIS Gui for Applications

09 Jan 2013, 10:36

Sent you a PM.
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Re: NOESIS Gui for Applications

14 Jan 2013, 18:43

Happy New Year!!!

That is good News. I'm sure I speak for all users currently in the private Beta test program when I say that we are all waiting with anticipation for the following beta releases and the information that will be forthcoming.

Here's hoping your licensing structure is comperable to competitors products and plays nice with other licensing and financial restraints. :)
Very much this. I've been playing a bit with it, although I haven't gone beyond simple test builds on DX9 and OpenGL with 0.9.7, and it looks like it has amazing potential. But at the same time, it's hard to want to devote too much time to a technology if you're not sure if it will be affordable, so some information on the anticipated pricing would definitely be useful!
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Re: NOESIS Gui for Applications

17 Jan 2013, 08:24

Yes, we understand that perfectly. We are working on it.

News very soon!

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