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[Native] What is this error message ?

23 Oct 2014, 17:56

In NsGetKernel()->InitSystems();
ErrorHandler(filename = .\\Render\\GLRenderSystem\\Src\\GLRenderSystem.cpp, line=2860, desc = 0(1) : error C0000: syntax error, unexpected identifier, expecting \"::\" at token \"mediump\"\n )

SDK version :
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Re: [Native] What is this error message ?

23 Oct 2014, 18:51

Are you using a GL3+ context? If affirmative, then you need NoesisGUI v1.2 (yet in beta but quite stable for the native API)
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Re: [Native] What is this error message ?

24 Oct 2014, 07:56

Okay. InitSystems probloem with GL3+ context was solved in SDK v1.2.

I have another problem in gXamlRenderer->Render(commands.commands.GetPtr());

IRender::Render break gl state of my application.

Can I get a complete list of gl state changes in IRender::Render function?
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Re: [Native] What is this error message ?

24 Oct 2014, 11:20

The list of GL changes can be found in the Leadwerks bindings:


Although it would be better if you could avoid it by having a GL state cache manager that gets invalidated.
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Re: [Native] What is this error message ?

24 Oct 2014, 15:54

I've solved the problem.
Thank you for your prompt response.

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