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unity3d and MVVM Binding

15 Apr 2013, 10:10


I have experience in WPF and tried to use "NoesisGUI-" in unity3d with Binding in XAML.
I've tried to extend a "Tic-Tac-Toe" sample to work with Binding (MVVM).

I've created small ViewModel with public property "MyTxt":
public class MyVM : BaseComponent
		private HandleRef swigCPtr;
		// bindable prop
		public string MyTxt { get; set; }
		public static void Register()
	             BaseComponent.Extend_BaseComponent("MyVM", typeof(MyVM));
	    public MyVM(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn)
	        : base(cPtr, cMemoryOwn)
	        swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
			// Init bindable prop
			MyTxt = "Hello World";
	    public MyVM()
	        : this(Noesis.Reflection.DoInstantiateExtend("MyVM"), true)
			Noesis.Reflection.DoSetExtendHandle("MyVM", swigCPtr.Handle, this);
	    public override void Dispose()
	        lock (this)
	            if (swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero)
	                if (swigCMemOwn)
	                    swigCMemOwn = false;
	                    Noesis.Reflection.DoDeleteExtend("MyVM", swigCPtr.Handle);
	                swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
In "NoesisRegisterClasses.cs" file, inside "Register" method I've added this line
In "TicTacToe.cs" file, inside "Start" method, I've added this line:
this.mRoot.SetDataContext(new MyVM());
In "MainWindow.xaml" I've changed (563) line to work with binding:
<TextBlock x:Name="Title" Text="{Binding MyTxt}" ...
But, it seems that Binding isn't working or I did something wrong.
Please help :cry:

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Re: unity3d and MVVM Binding

16 Apr 2013, 12:03

Notifications from DataContext objects were not correctly implemented in v0.9.8 yet, but are working on current version.

We will release a new version soon with many improvements to Unity data binding integration, following the suggestions from all of you.
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Joined: 01 Mar 2013, 11:58

Re: unity3d and MVVM Binding

16 Apr 2013, 15:11

Cool :)
I'll wait for this...

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