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[Unity] Control Freak, Easy Touch 4 with Noesis

18 Nov 2015, 12:03

Hi guys,

Joystick support in Unity

Touch and Manipulation Tutorial

I'm reading through these two, and searched for all "touch" topics related. But, I still have a hard time how to make a simple Joystick with Noesis.

And, the virtual joystick of Easy Touch 4 or Control Freak works smoothly well on mobile devices. I don't want to build from scratch, try-and-error, with all settings to achieve what I could achieve in seconds with Easy Touch 4 or Control Freak. So, is there a way I can "route" the NoesisGUI high-level Touch API to Control Freak API for example?

Sorry, my English is not very good :(

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Re: [Unity] Control Freak, Easy Touch 4 with Noesis

18 Nov 2015, 21:50


What you can do is manually injecting events to NoesisGUI. This is the approach followed by InControl.

Is that what you need?
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Re: [Unity] Control Freak, Easy Touch 4 with Noesis

19 Nov 2015, 03:40

Yeah, that's what I need. From the look of it, I need to replace Unity Touch functions to Noesis Touch functions. But, since both are closed source, and I don't know how close I can replace Unity Touch functions from these Mobile Input package, to Noesis functions, to achieve the same performance. Anyway, I hope Noesis provide enough examples about Mobile Touch inputs, such as Double Tap, Drag, Drag and Drop, Swipe with rubber effect, Pinch, Twist, Joystick, etc. out of box. I just spent my 2 weeks to learn about XAML & WPF, and just found out the Mobile Touch API is not that friendly to work with. I think it's not easy to port stuff, done from uGUI, to Noesis then. Anyway, thanks!
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Re: [Unity] Control Freak, Easy Touch 4 with Noesis

19 Nov 2015, 20:56

I am not sure to be following you 100%. Our architecture as described in the Touch Tutorial is as follows:
  • Low-level input: by default we take Unity Touch here. But as said above you could inject new external inputs. Note that this is the only layer that you can modify. Low-level input generate low-level events you can hook to. For example, the event TouchDown.
  • High-level touch events: basically the manipulation events. These event are automatically generated by the low-level layer, meaning that you cannot inject at this abstraction. Basically a manipulation event provides you all the information about fingers and inertia you need for all the gestures. For example, using the ManipulationInertiaStarting events (that happens when finger are released) you can detect swipe (by looking at the velocity vector), pinch (by inspecting the scale velocity), twist (rotation velocity), etc.
We have plans to implement events like Tap in v1.2.9, you can find more information about this task in our Trello board, in the card named "Improve Manipulations". We will also dedicate time to create better touch samples.

If you could elaborate a bit more about why you think our Touch API is not friendly I am sure we could improve it. But it is very important to understand the WPF approach, very different from uGUI and honestly, more powerful.
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Re: [Unity] Control Freak, Easy Touch 4 with Noesis

20 Nov 2015, 05:52

Hi, I'm not trying to put Noesis down or anything. Actually, I purchased Noesis when it is a paid asset, long ago, from Asset Store. The only thing that prevents me from using Noesis is the learning curve & the amount of efforts it may take to port from uGUI to Noesis GUI (very little to none, Unity assets from AS, that support Noesis out-of-box). I finally decided to spend 2 weeks to learn a bit about XAML, WPF, Data Binding (specifically really like this), Blend Design. The reason I stated that "Noesis Touch API is not friendly" is because you guys lack of practice tutorials about Touch API. Noesis being developed for years now, I expect everything out of box, or easy to work with a custom Unity GUI package. You showed me a simple example, about how manually injecting events to Noesis, but that's about it. I'm still confusing, still not sure would that help me to make my already-working package, for example, like Control Freak to work with Noesis, since I'm still new. Or, in fact, I would not mind to get rid of Control Freak, if Noesis has everything build-in features like Control Freak offers, something Mobile Touch examples, already implemented. Anyway, I'm glad you guys decide to provide better touch samples. That is everything I ask for, something solid, out of box, that I could be confident to use for my game. Not something very basic, and then I have to spend big time to figure out the rest. For now, I will wait for the upcoming version then.
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Re: [Unity] Control Freak, Easy Touch 4 with Noesis

23 Nov 2015, 19:43

Control Freak is a high level touch API, so it offers a lot more things than NoesisGUI. NoesisGUI offers you the basic mechanisms (low-level events, manipulation events, high-level events) to build something like Control Freak. I know nothing about Control Freak, but ideally it should offer a way to connect both packages. You will probably have to consult about that in the Control Freak forums, if they support a way to to collect the following events we have in Noesis (mouse, keyboard and touch).

The sample is planned for 1.2.9 (4 versions ahead right now) so I wouldn't block waiting for it because it is going to be something basic showing you how to implement high-level events like pinch, rotate, swipe, etc.

We can help you here with specific doubts you may have.

Thanks for your feedback!

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