Shoebox converter and unity importer
I've always used Shoebox when I needed to make sprite atlases ( )
It's nice application but it's default xml data is not obviously compatible with xaml so I made a simple .cmd converter , just copy paste this to .cmd, place it where you have your shoebox XMLs and just run it.
Program will search for all .xml files in current directory and convert those to new .xaml resourceDirectory files which you can just add as a resource to your xaml.
Also I modified this unity importer to work with these converted xaml files
I've always used Shoebox when I needed to make sprite atlases ( )
It's nice application but it's default xml data is not obviously compatible with xaml so I made a simple .cmd converter , just copy paste this to .cmd, place it where you have your shoebox XMLs and just run it.
Program will search for all .xml files in current directory and convert those to new .xaml resourceDirectory files which you can just add as a resource to your xaml.
Code: Select all
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set /a counter=0
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir /b *.xml') do (
set currentXaml=%%a
set strippedName=!currentXaml:~0,-4!
echo ^<ResourceDictionary > !strippedName!.xaml
echo xmlns="" >> !strippedName!.xaml
echo xmlns:x=""^> >> !strippedName!.xaml
for /f delims^=^"^ tokens^=2 %%i in ('type !currentXaml!') do (
if !counter! GEQ 1 (
) ELSE (
set /a counter+=1
set imagePath=%%i
set /a counter=0
for /f tokens^=2^,4^,6^,8^,10^ delims^=^" %%a in ('type !currentXaml! ') do (
if !counter! GEQ 1 (
set key=%%a
echo ^<ImageBrush x:Key="!key:~0,-4!" ImageSource="!imagePath!" Viewbox="%%b,%%c,%%d,%%e" ViewboxUnits="Absolute" Stretch="Fill"/^> >> !strippedName!.xaml
) ELSE (
set /a counter+=1
echo ^</ResourceDictionary^> >> !strippedName!.xaml
Code: Select all
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Xml;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class ShoeBoxReading : EditorWindow
private Object text;
private Texture2D texture2d;
private SpriteAlignment pivot = SpriteAlignment.Center;
private Vector2 customPivot = new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f);
[MenuItem("Tools/ShoeBoxReading/ShoeBox Import")]
public static void Init()
EditorWindow.GetWindow(typeof(ShoeBoxReading), false, "ShoeBox Imported");
void OnGUI()
text = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("File: ", text, typeof(TextAsset), false);
texture2d = (Texture2D)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Texture: ", texture2d, typeof(Texture2D), false);
pivot = (SpriteAlignment)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Pivot: ", pivot);
if (pivot == SpriteAlignment.Custom)
Vector2 customPivotTemp = EditorGUILayout.Vector2Field("Custom pivot:", customPivot);
//user change value,, it can be more than 1 or less than 0
if (customPivotTemp != customPivot)
if (customPivotTemp.x > 1)
customPivotTemp.x = 1;
else if (customPivotTemp.x < 0)
customPivotTemp.x = 0;
if (customPivotTemp.y > 1)
customPivotTemp.y = 1;
else if (customPivotTemp.y < 0)
customPivotTemp.y = 0;
//apply changes
customPivot = customPivotTemp;
if (GUILayout.Button("Read") && text != null && texture2d != null)
void Read()
XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(text));
Rect rect;
List<SpriteMetaData> listSprite = new List<SpriteMetaData>();
SpriteMetaData spritedata;
int imageHeight = texture2d.height;
int SpriteX;
int SpriteY;
int SpriteWidth;
int SpriteHeight;
Debug.Log("do I work?");
while (reader.Read())
if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
//if (reader.Name == "SubTexture")
if (reader.Name == "ImageBrush")
//got some info before
Debug.Log("0: " + reader.GetAttribute(0));
Debug.Log("1: " + reader.GetAttribute(1));
Debug.Log("2: " + reader.GetAttribute(2));
Debug.Log("3: " + reader.GetAttribute(3));
Debug.Log("4: " + reader.GetAttribute(4));
string[] dimensions = reader.GetAttribute(2).Split(',');
SpriteX = int.Parse(dimensions[0]);
SpriteY = int.Parse(dimensions[1]);
SpriteWidth = int.Parse(dimensions[2]);
SpriteHeight = int.Parse(dimensions[3]);
//SpriteY = int.Parse(reader.GetAttribute(2));
//spriteHeight = int.Parse(reader.GetAttribute(4));
//create rect of sprite
rect = new Rect(
SpriteX, //x
imageHeight - SpriteY - SpriteHeight, //y imageHeight - SpriteY - spriteHeight
SpriteWidth, //width
SpriteHeight //hegith
//init spritedata
spritedata = new SpriteMetaData();
spritedata.rect = rect; = reader.GetAttribute(0);
spritedata.alignment = (int)pivot;
if (pivot == SpriteAlignment.Custom)
spritedata.pivot = customPivot;
//add to list
//was sucessfull?
if (listSprite.Count > 0)
//import texture
TextureImporter textImp = AssetImporter.GetAtPath(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(texture2d)) as TextureImporter;
//add spritesheets
textImp.spritesheet = listSprite.ToArray();
//configure texture
textImp.textureType = TextureImporterType.Sprite;
textImp.spriteImportMode = SpriteImportMode.Multiple;
//import, for forceupdate and save it
AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(texture2d), ImportAssetOptions.ForceUpdate);
Debug.LogWarning("This is not a file of ShoeBox or is not a XML file");
Re: Shoebox converter and unity importer
This is so COOL! : D
Could you create a pull-request for adding it into noesisgui-contrib ?
Thanks a lot for this.
Could you create a pull-request for adding it into noesisgui-contrib ?
Thanks a lot for this.
Re: Shoebox converter and unity importer
I have never used github pull-requests so I wonder if I messed something up.
I messed readme formatting twice so there is two useless commits on there but I hope that does not matter in this case.
My github username is zurra and there now should be pull-request in noesisgui-contrib.
I messed readme formatting twice so there is two useless commits on there but I hope that does not matter in this case.
My github username is zurra and there now should be pull-request in noesisgui-contrib.
Re: Shoebox converter and unity importer
Thanks again for this contribution.
Thanks again for this contribution.
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