View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0003825NoesisGUIC# SDKpublic2024-11-26 12:52
Reporterjhimes144 Assigned Tosfernandez  
Status assignedResolutionopen 
Product Version3.2.6 
Summary0003825: C# Samples do not follow standard project structure
DescriptionThe samples for C# follow a non-standard project structure. They consist of a project per platform, all of which point to the same files. This requires the dev to manually update the project files when files are deleted or added to the sample.

The correct structure would be to have a "shared" project that would contain nearly all code. Then a project for each platform's exe, which would contain basically just a past through in Program.cs

See how Avalonia's xplat works.
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related to 0003428 feedbacksfernandez Some samples cannot be opened in Blend because of misconfigured Fonts directories 
related to 0003821 resolvedsfernandez Bad SDK Onboarding Experience 


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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-11-25 18:36 jhimes144 New Issue
2024-11-25 18:42 jhimes144 Description Updated
2024-11-25 18:54 sfernandez Assigned To => sfernandez
2024-11-25 18:54 sfernandez Status new => assigned
2024-11-25 18:54 sfernandez Product Version 3.2.7 => 3.2.6
2024-11-25 18:54 sfernandez Target Version => 3.2.7
2024-11-25 18:54 sfernandez Relationship added related to 0003428
2024-11-26 12:51 jsantos Relationship added related to 0003821
2024-11-26 12:52 jsantos Target Version 3.2.7 =>