Error when adding style.xaml
So, I get an error (this actually happens once in a while with pretty much everything). But specifically when I add a style XAML (any, even the ones provided).
And the weird thing is, the styles get applied and they look good and all, but once I try to interact with any item in the gui, I get this error.
What should I do about this? In general I get these once in a while, which is kind of a problem.
Hopefully this helps others with the same problem .
And the weird thing is, the styles get applied and they look good and all, but once I try to interact with any item in the gui, I get this error.
Code: Select all
Unhandled exception at 0x370685CF: Access Violation reading location 0x00000008
[ 0] [0x370685cf] Noesis.dll!<Unknown function>
[ 1] [0x370686fb] Noesis.dll!<Unknown function>
[ 2] [0x3718923e] Noesis.dll!<Unknown function>
[ 3] [0x37127e4b] Noesis.dll!<Unknown function>
[ 4] [0x0b3df576] tbb.dll!<Unknown function>
[ 5] [0x371291d2] Noesis.dll!<Unknown function>
[ 6] [0x3712949e] Noesis.dll!<Unknown function>
[ 7] [0x371261f1] Noesis.dll!<Unknown function>
[ 8] [0x37126ccd] Noesis.dll!<Unknown function>
[ 9] [0x371275e7] Noesis.dll!<Unknown function>
[10] [0x37303e0d] Noesis.dll!<Unknown function>
[11] [0x0bba028f] <Unknown module>!<Unknown function>
[12] [0x0bfd1e2e] mono.dll!<Unknown function>
[13] [0x0bfd1dd6] mono.dll!<Unknown function>
Hopefully this helps others with the same problem .
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Re: Error when adding style.xaml
Could you please explain the steps to reproduce the problem?
Which sample do you load, which style do you apply and what are you doing (clicking a button, moving the mouse, ...) when the error ocurred.
Thanks for your collaboration.
Re: Error when adding style.xaml
I'm doing this in my own scene, all I'm really doing is applying the NoesisStyle to the Style in the Noesis GUIPanel.
Then whenever I try to click on anything, for example a button or an TextBox, I get that error. It's pretty odd though.
I also get this error in Unity:
Then whenever I try to click on anything, for example a button or an TextBox, I get that error. It's pretty odd though.
I also get this error in Unity:
Code: Select all
Exception: Unhandled exception at 0x21D585CF: Access Violation reading location 0x00000008
Noesis.Error.Check () (at Assets/Plugins/NoesisGUI/Scripts/Core/NoesisError.cs:43)
Noesis.UIRenderer.Noesis_UpdateRenderer (Int32 rendererId, Double timeInSeconds) (at Assets/Plugins/NoesisGUI/Scripts/Core/NoesisUIRendererImports.cs:118)
Noesis.UIRenderer.Update (Double timeInSeconds, AntialiasingMode aaMode, TessellationMode tessMode, TessellationQuality tessQuality, RendererFlags flags) (at Assets/Plugins/NoesisGUI/Scripts/Core/NoesisUIRenderer.cs:76)
NoesisGUIPanel.Update () (at Assets/Plugins/NoesisGUI/Scripts/NoesisGUIPanel.cs:91)
Re: Error when adding style.xaml
could you please register at and report this bug? We are going to need a scene (as minimal as possible) that can repro the problem.
And if possible, the minidump (.dmp) file that can be created from our error dialog.
could you please register at and report this bug? We are going to need a scene (as minimal as possible) that can repro the problem.
And if possible, the minidump (.dmp) file that can be created from our error dialog.
Re: Error when adding style.xaml
That's going to be quite hard, since my project is quite large, and I think this is project-specific.
However if you want, I can do this over skype / teamviewer and we can figure it out together.
However if you want, I can do this over skype / teamviewer and we can figure it out together.
Re: Error when adding style.xaml
I just sent you a hotfix for this problem.
I just sent you a hotfix for this problem.
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