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14 Oct 2013, 20:36

Although NoesisGUI doesn't support SVG rendering directly, it is very easy to convert from SVG to XAML format. For example, we can use Inkscape ( to export cliparts into XAML.
It is very important to adjust the size of the design canvas to fit the content because Inkscape generates paths with absolute coordinates. Having done that change, we can start exporting to XAML (File->Save as). The unique modification that must be done to the XAML is adding a Viewbox at the root to get a clipart that is resolution independent.

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10.91888 -2.92683 23.5252 -5.66747 31.76455 -12.70524 8.70193 -7.43345 15.69898 -19.56845 19.0593 -30.70553 3.34578 -11.09636 -1.2103 -24.44456 1.05902 -35.99769 1.61179 -8.21025 5.67037 -16.55434 10.58721 -23.29245 4.61136 -6.32207 11.14581 -12.11463 17.99739 -15.88227 7.2647 -3.99748 23.85977 -9.38273 24.35437 -7.41018 0.56441 2.2635 -15.72226 12.25429 -21.17734 20.11542 -6.54318 9.43219 -13.22019 20.70601 -14.82326 31.76454 -1.57106 10.82287 1.24521 23.88014 5.29506 33.87966 1.95219 4.82374 7.53528 9.83369 12.70524 10.58721 14.24138 2.07148 31.13321 -3.94802 45.52879 -2.11511 5.01576 0.64006 8.0066 8.41682 12.70524 9.5282 4.4688 1.05901 12.39102 0.18038 14.79417 -3.01993 2.89191 -3.85783 -2.01911 -17.54353 1.0881 -18.1574 4.3146 -0.84954 13.83407 11.63167 21.17443 13.76424 3.59889 1.04447 9.92096 -1.21611 11.64622 -4.23313 2.50788 -4.39316 -1.9871 -17.5639 1.05901 -18.0003 4.36406 -0.62261 13.86026 11.83533 21.17443 14.82326 2.40023 0.98046 7.38399 -0.60806 7.97168 -2.91228 1.5216 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-2.1413 68.09099 -1.18412 2.22858 -5.62964 0.71571 -6.15333 -2.40896 -0.91063 -5.40562 -3.11594 -44.10902 -10.74723 -62.92103 -1.98419 -4.89357 -10.98288 -29.68726 -20.06013 -33.03594 -4.73937 -1.74854 -6.84576 -1.06193 -8.12297 2.44969 -1.73981 4.78301 18.16031 58.01873 16.92965 65.37363 -1.08229 4.49208 -2.52534 5.07104 -7.19489 0.50914 -12.37938 -24.91297 -25.09626 -62.76683 -57.15756 -90.73174 -5.50162 -3.53198 -10.41556 -4.97793 -13.5635 0.13093 -0.89609 4.42806 -0.57315 9.14998 4.12258 15.12583 3.06939 3.90729 24.16526 27.73506 26.32402 41.34221 1.28303 4.58517 -1.86782 3.44179 -6.3948 -1.64089 -19.4579 -19.19023 -42.86381 -45.48806 -71.25348 -60.87865 -10.33119 -3.68036 -11.48912 4.12258 -11.56476 9.02197 22.61747 23.99651 46.89038 32.95448 50.60856 46.21831 -1.12011 2.63008 -4.95467 3.39815 -10.47666 0.63425 -22.14034 -18.52108 -64.36699 -51.92651 -71.52987 -52.74404 -2.59516 -0.29676 -14.18029 2.72608 -5.15832 9.57474 12.6616 12.50449 47.03585 32.73919 51.1788 40.85343 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4.19823 -11.204 1.9871 -18.85566 4.02657 -24.49693 7.36363 -5.63837 3.33996 -7.76803 7.29671 4.85574 11.18072 16.50779 -2.03365 59.51416 -8.04442 67.93388 -6.5781 8.41973 1.46633 11.46294 3.61927 4.66082 7.98333 -27.88053 2.1122 -76.43216 17.37187 -93.03887 24.06925 -4.11967 4.84992 0.88445 9.95006 6.84867 10.43592 31.02847 -6.96213 80.97079 -17.1333 115.19084 -25.08462 34.22006 -7.95132 94.23172 -30.91501 117.63472 -36.6843 23.40301 -5.76929 82.12872 -13.63041 111.55122 -3.68908 45.95356 17.34278 68.61177 45.54916 78.1516 61.14049 9.42056 12.61505 22.82986 43.59988 19.44626 67.53821 -3.55235 4.26805 -9.10052 2.88028 -16.15866 -3.28468 -6.35408 -26.20474 -16.52525 -65.51038 -48.03959 -86.01274 -21.7272 -14.13664 -41.54877 -21.11623 -74.35778 -24.79077 -34.53136 -3.87238 -70.31084 7.83785 -87.9271 14.73889 -24.48529 9.58929 -47.12313 27.31902 -60.54698 38.60157 -12.82452 15.32658 -23.57175 28.02309 -36.05587 48.20251 -3.50871 2.75809 -11.09927 -2.14712 -8.411 -13.26093 -1.04156 -10.01115 3.756 -20.68274 5.29215 -31.30195 0.83208 -5.75765 4.52407 -14.99492 1.81545 -17.36606 z m -31.08957 147.97367 c 0 18.81784 -13.86317 33.00976 -47.2366 33.00976 -33.37343 0 -67.1629 -22.04142 -66.93597 -31.12157 0.22693 -9.00742 22.08215 -30.05383 56.41276 -35.43909 37.37382 -5.85948 57.75981 14.73307 57.75981 33.5509 z m -32.10204 -5.39688 c -3.05484 13.92717 -0.0873 19.86229 -27.81652 17.62789 -14.87272 -1.19575 -25.15736 -4.50953 -22.96078 -13.58095 2.23731 -9.23727 0.0902 -15.18985 24.04016 -18.43671 18.01484 -2.44387 28.77661 5.09432 26.73714 14.38977 z M 79.353361 404.61791 c 2.02202 5.09722 -1.74562 7.47127 -11.62004 4.94885 -8.157882 -2.08312 -12.216459 -2.35951 -12.431752 -6.83703 -0.314213 -6.58101 8.591381 -7.92805 14.319942 -8.18698 9.4351 -0.42477 7.76221 5.11468 9.73185 10.07516 z m 45.947749 43.75117 c 2.04529 2.2984 0.38403 6.90685 -23.1528 0.59642 -16.513609 -1.54197 -25.576309 -1.5507 -23.141159 -6.51409 1.56815 -3.20613 10.77632 -5.16996 24.016879 -1.48669 14.73307 4.30878 20.72638 5.69074 22.27708 7.40436 z M 537.04444 301.96065 c -3.59889 4.24478 -24.44165 -15.43714 -35.27907 -28.55842 -19.68191 -23.82777 -62.49335 -28.17728 -102.26158 -16.95001 -37.65894 10.63376 -81.37228 45.26113 -100.29194 65.71112 -21.65738 23.41173 -14.22975 34.43826 -28.10456 26.61786 -7.06105 -3.97711 1.81545 -29.45159 17.91011 -48.75819 18.06139 -21.66029 68.18409 -63.70075 106.89331 -68.84452 54.6875 -7.27053 82.33237 5.12922 105.31061 23.17025 16.40014 12.87689 35.11614 43.58824 35.82312 47.61191 z m 8.22771 70.70942 c -14.91636 23.07716 -28.78534 20.08923 -38.32227 24.37474 -9.53984 4.28551 -27.15319 20.70311 -32.13404 15.01528 -1.86491 -2.59516 -1.64088 -5.31834 7.52073 -10.15372 10.19736 -5.38525 24.38056 -17.77918 37.05961 -26.90589 12.67905 -9.1267 9.48165 -26.76333 19.01858 -31.04884 9.53693 -4.2855 12.78088 19.55682 6.85739 28.71843 z m -88.94247 -54.13472 c 18.06139 22.408 -12.0419 14.68943 -32.0933 30.43496 -7.9135 6.21443 -27.67979 6.52282 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10.91888 -2.92683 23.5252 -5.66747 31.76455 -12.70524 8.70193 -7.43345 15.69898 -19.56845 19.0593 -30.70553 3.34578 -11.09636 -1.2103 -24.44456 1.05902 -35.99769 1.61179 -8.21025 5.67037 -16.55434 10.58721 -23.29245 4.61136 -6.32207 11.14581 -12.11463 17.99739 -15.88227 7.2647 -3.99748 23.85977 -9.38273 24.35437 -7.41018 0.56441 2.2635 -15.72226 12.25429 -21.17734 20.11542 -6.54318 9.43219 -13.22019 20.70601 -14.82326 31.76454 -1.57106 10.82287 1.24521 23.88014 5.29506 33.87966 1.95219 4.82374 7.53528 9.83369 12.70524 10.58721 14.24138 2.07148 31.13321 -3.94802 45.52879 -2.11511 5.01576 0.64006 8.0066 8.41682 12.70524 9.5282 4.4688 1.05901 12.39102 0.18038 14.79417 -3.01993 2.89191 -3.85783 -2.01911 -17.54353 1.0881 -18.1574 4.3146 -0.84954 13.83407 11.63167 21.17443 13.76424 3.59889 1.04447 9.92096 -1.21611 11.64622 -4.23313 2.50788 -4.39316 -1.9871 -17.5639 1.05901 -18.0003 4.36406 -0.62261 13.86026 11.83533 21.17443 14.82326 2.40023 0.98046 7.38399 -0.60806 7.97168 -2.91228 1.5216 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-2.1413 68.09099 -1.18412 2.22858 -5.62964 0.71571 -6.15333 -2.40896 -0.91063 -5.40562 -3.11594 -44.10902 -10.74723 -62.92103 -1.98419 -4.89357 -10.98288 -29.68726 -20.06013 -33.03594 -4.73937 -1.74854 -6.84576 -1.06193 -8.12297 2.44969 -1.73981 4.78301 18.16031 58.01873 16.92965 65.37363 -1.08229 4.49208 -2.52534 5.07104 -7.19489 0.50914 -12.37938 -24.91297 -25.09626 -62.76683 -57.15756 -90.73174 -5.50162 -3.53198 -10.41556 -4.97793 -13.5635 0.13093 -0.89609 4.42806 -0.57315 9.14998 4.12258 15.12583 3.06939 3.90729 24.16526 27.73506 26.32402 41.34221 1.28303 4.58517 -1.86782 3.44179 -6.3948 -1.64089 -19.4579 -19.19023 -42.86381 -45.48806 -71.25348 -60.87865 -10.33119 -3.68036 -11.48912 4.12258 -11.56476 9.02197 22.61747 23.99651 46.89038 32.95448 50.60856 46.21831 -1.12011 2.63008 -4.95467 3.39815 -10.47666 0.63425 -22.14034 -18.52108 -64.36699 -51.92651 -71.52987 -52.74404 -2.59516 -0.29676 -14.18029 2.72608 -5.15832 9.57474 12.6616 12.50449 47.03585 32.73919 51.1788 40.85343 -0.38695 3.4447 -4.16332 5.53363 -8.3179 3.11885 -10.56103 -9.4991 -20.09796 -19.61209 -35.76494 -25.39592 -20.52854 -7.5731 -39.45111 -21.90468 -51.43482 -22.72221 -6.44135 3.09266 -6.92722 7.96004 -3.34287 15.01819 13.93008 7.05232 31.93329 12.16118 51.82468 25.74505 2.24604 6.12132 -1.11429 7.12505 -4.62009 5.5889 -32.45115 -14.20938 -54.06489 -25.73632 -80.02233 -29.35849 -7.18033 1.09974 -8.62047 6.50245 -4.0673 9.1558 9.91223 5.76929 32.1864 13.19692 48.22578 17.25259 4.49207 3.14794 4.49207 8.55065 -1.07647 8.61465 -34.05422 -13.03108 -61.78928 -18.79455 -93.13197 -20.65655 -1.43432 2.94429 -3.33123 8.96378 -0.4975 10.33701 16.71144 8.09387 54.17254 9.89478 67.54112 18.13412 -0.4015 3.64836 -6.51118 5.52781 -10.19445 4.79174 -27.30739 -5.46671 -59.00502 -7.26761 -115.15302 -6.0224 -7.24726 -0.16293 -6.94759 7.7913 -1.87073 12.71396 36.76576 0.80881 54.05617 0.80881 78.54437 4.47462 3.60762 3.5378 6.81084 4.73355 1.42268 7.60801 -28.83189 -1.48669 -83.85979 2.21404 -95.06088 4.19823 -11.204 1.9871 -18.85566 4.02657 -24.49693 7.36363 -5.63837 3.33996 -7.76803 7.29671 4.85574 11.18072 16.50779 -2.03365 59.51416 -8.04442 67.93388 -6.5781 8.41973 1.46633 11.46294 3.61927 4.66082 7.98333 -27.88053 2.1122 -76.43216 17.37187 -93.03887 24.06925 -4.11967 4.84992 0.88445 9.95006 6.84867 10.43592 31.02847 -6.96213 80.97079 -17.1333 115.19084 -25.08462 34.22006 -7.95132 94.23172 -30.91501 117.63472 -36.6843 23.40301 -5.76929 82.12872 -13.63041 111.55122 -3.68908 45.95356 17.34278 68.61177 45.54916 78.1516 61.14049 9.42056 12.61505 22.82986 43.59988 19.44626 67.53821 -3.55235 4.26805 -9.10052 2.88028 -16.15866 -3.28468 -6.35408 -26.20474 -16.52525 -65.51038 -48.03959 -86.01274 -21.7272 -14.13664 -41.54877 -21.11623 -74.35778 -24.79077 -34.53136 -3.87238 -70.31084 7.83785 -87.9271 14.73889 -24.48529 9.58929 -47.12313 27.31902 -60.54698 38.60157 -12.82452 15.32658 -23.57175 28.02309 -36.05587 48.20251 -3.50871 2.75809 -11.09927 -2.14712 -8.411 -13.26093 -1.04156 -10.01115 3.756 -20.68274 5.29215 -31.30195 0.83208 -5.75765 4.52407 -14.99492 1.81545 -17.36606 z m -31.08957 147.97367 c 0 18.81784 -13.86317 33.00976 -47.2366 33.00976 -33.37343 0 -67.162899 -22.04142 -66.935969 -31.12157 0.22693 -9.00742 22.082149 -30.05383 56.412759 -35.43909 37.37382 -5.85948 57.75981 14.73307 57.75981 33.5509 z m -32.10204 -5.39688 c -3.05484 13.92717 -0.0873 19.86229 -27.81652 17.62789 -14.87272 -1.19575 -25.15736 -4.50953 -22.96078 -13.58095 2.23731 -9.23727 0.0902 -15.18985 24.04016 -18.43671 18.01484 -2.44387 28.77661 5.09432 26.73714 14.38977 z M 70.052261 399.96731 c 2.02202 5.09722 -1.74562 7.47127 -11.620037 4.94885 -8.157885 -2.08312 -12.216462 -2.35951 -12.431755 -6.83703 -0.314213 -6.58101 8.591381 -7.92805 14.319939 -8.18698 9.435103 -0.42477 7.762213 5.11468 9.731853 10.07516 z m 45.947749 43.75117 c 2.04529 2.2984 0.38403 6.90685 -23.152799 0.59642 -16.51361 -1.54197 -25.57631 -1.5507 -23.14116 -6.51409 1.56815 -3.20613 10.77632 -5.16996 24.01688 -1.48669 14.733069 4.30878 20.726379 5.69074 22.277079 7.40436 z M 527.74334 297.31005 c -3.59889 4.24478 -24.44165 -15.43714 -35.27907 -28.55842 -19.68191 -23.82777 -62.49335 -28.17728 -102.26158 -16.95001 -37.65894 10.63376 -81.37228 45.26113 -100.29194 65.71112 -21.65738 23.41173 -14.22975 34.43826 -28.10456 26.61786 -7.06105 -3.97711 1.81545 -29.45159 17.91011 -48.75819 18.06139 -21.66029 68.18409 -63.70075 106.89331 -68.84452 54.6875 -7.27053 82.33237 5.12922 105.31061 23.17025 16.40014 12.87689 35.11614 43.58824 35.82312 47.61191 z m 8.22771 70.70942 c -14.91636 23.07716 -28.78534 20.08923 -38.32227 24.37474 -9.53984 4.28551 -27.15319 20.70311 -32.13404 15.01528 -1.86491 -2.59516 -1.64088 -5.31834 7.52073 -10.15372 10.19736 -5.38525 24.38056 -17.77918 37.05961 -26.90589 12.67905 -9.1267 9.48165 -26.76333 19.01858 -31.04884 9.53693 -4.2855 12.78088 19.55682 6.85739 28.71843 z m -88.94247 -54.13472 c 18.06139 22.408 -12.0419 14.68943 -32.0933 30.43496 -7.9135 6.21443 -27.67979 6.52282 -40.73415 34.18515 -11.77424 24.94206 -4.05567 46.94275 -26.93789 80.66239 -5.31834 7.83786 -50.8355 9.89187 -62.7552 -0.41022 -2.74354 -7.06396 34.30734 -14.01154 52.54911 -42.39831 5.11468 -7.96295 13.4064 -26.03308 17.57553 -51.5541 3.93347 -18.47744 34.88921 -43.1693 46.23577 -47.08531 13.27548 -4.58518 32.9603 -9.98788 46.16013 -3.83456 z"/>
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9.75513 35.57292 13.61587 50.27981 23.13244 3.2905 2.12966 5.65 10.49412 3.71818 11.80624 -2.82792 1.91728 -11.99826 -1.41104 -17.99739 -2.11802 -21.86977 -2.5748 -40.43739 -18.87021 -61.41107 -24.35147 -10.08389 -2.63589 -21.17442 0 -31.76163 0 -16.43797 0 -34.80194 4.90812 -47.64682 12.70524 -5.94385 3.60763 -9.5573 11.10799 -4.23605 13.76425 7.2938 3.63963 35.8784 -6.24642 37.45528 -2.37696 1.47796 3.628 -22.05596 10.4883 -26.86516 17.20023 -1.99874 2.793 1.83291 11.34947 5.29215 11.64623 8.89105 0.76225 32.39006 -12.63542 33.79529 -9.4031 1.37032 3.15667 -22.94041 13.35403 -26.3822 19.99031 -1.49833 2.89192 5.682 10.01116 9.5282 9.53112 10.273 -1.28304 27.46158 -17.59009 32.82355 -14.82327 3.24687 1.6758 -15.19275 15.20439 -15.88227 21.17443 -0.36949 3.20613 6.02532 8.29172 12.70524 6.35408 15.10547 -4.38152 26.02144 -21.59629 44.46978 -25.41049 26.46948 -5.47544 54.85625 -5.10013 80.46747 -11.64913 6.15041 -1.57107 12.79833 -7.30253 14.82326 -12.70524 2.20821 -5.89149 0.006 -14.61088 -2.11803 -21.17443 -1.76017 -5.43472 -11.86442 -12.48995 -9.53111 -14.82327 3.66581 -3.66581 18.684 -0.80881 27.5285 -3.17704 10.91888 -2.92683 23.5252 -5.66746 31.76455 -12.70524 8.70193 -7.43345 15.69898 -19.56845 19.0593 -30.70554 3.34578 -11.09636 -1.2103 -24.44457 1.05902 -35.9977 1.61179 -8.21026 5.67037 -16.55434 10.58721 -23.29246 4.61136 -6.32207 11.14581 -12.11463 17.99739 -15.88227 7.2647 -3.99748 23.85977 -9.38274 24.35437 -7.41018 0.56441 2.26349 -15.72226 12.25429 -21.17734 20.11542 -6.54318 9.43219 -13.22019 20.70602 -14.82326 31.76455 -1.57106 10.82288 1.24521 23.88015 5.29506 33.87968 1.95219 4.82374 7.53528 9.83368 12.70524 10.58721 14.24138 2.07148 31.13321 -3.94802 45.52879 -2.11511 5.01576 0.64006 8.0066 8.41682 12.70524 9.5282 4.4688 1.05901 12.39102 0.18038 14.79417 -3.01993 2.89191 -3.85783 -2.01911 -17.54353 1.0881 -18.15741 4.3146 -0.84954 13.83407 11.63168 21.17443 13.76425 3.59889 1.04447 9.92096 -1.21612 11.64622 -4.23314 2.50788 -4.39316 -1.9871 -17.5639 1.05901 -18.0003 4.36406 -0.62261 13.86026 11.83533 21.17443 14.82326 2.40023 0.98046 7.38399 -0.60806 7.97168 -2.91228 1.5216 -5.96131 -4.45425 -20.90677 -1.64089 -21.8785 3.23232 -1.1172 13.66242 15.20439 19.77502 15.6117 4.29714 0.28803 11.31746 -8.37027 11.44839 -13.52859 0.2182 -8.7194 -4.77429 -20.40345 -10.40684 -28.10165 -4.77428 -6.52573 -23.6503 -8.33827 -20.81657 -14.57015 11.09636 -24.39802 43.18384 -50.59403 62.60391 -77.32537 7.2938 -10.04025 13.52277 -21.73012 17.5348 -32.99522 1.13757 -3.20031 -0.0698 -10.11881 -2.08311 -10.40684 -2.84537 -0.4044 -9.15871 4.65791 -12.48703 8.32663 -10.20318 11.24765 -26.65569 38.51431 -28.10165 36.42538 -1.67871 -2.42351 14.10465 -32.90794 18.73346 -49.95688 3.00247 -11.05271 4.94594 -23.62703 4.16332 -34.34517 -0.23566 -3.20904 -5.87985 -9.55439 -7.21816 -7.43927 -5.25433 8.29172 -7.13379 26.35603 -12.55686 38.66268 -3.61926 8.21317 -13.38021 25.54431 -14.57014 22.89678 -1.93183 -4.29132 5.20487 -29.11993 5.20487 -43.71045 0 -18.36688 -0.4946 -38.81397 -5.20487 -55.16175 -1.18703 -4.11967 -9.25763 -8.52447 -14.69525 -7.71275 -5.03904 0.75353 5.10304 54.45186 -2.1413 68.09101 -1.18412 2.22858 -5.62964 0.71571 -6.15333 -2.40896 -0.91063 -5.40562 -3.11594 -44.10903 -10.74723 -62.92105 -1.98419 -4.89357 -10.98288 -29.68727 -20.06013 -33.03596 -4.73937 -1.74853 -6.84576 -1.06192 -8.12297 2.4497 -1.73981 4.78301 18.16031 58.01875 16.92965 65.37365 -1.08229 4.49208 -2.52534 5.07104 -7.19489 0.50914 -12.37938 -24.91297 -25.09626 -62.76685 -57.15756 -90.73176 -5.50162 -3.53199 -10.41556 -4.97794 -13.5635 0.13092 -0.89609 4.42807 -0.57315 9.14998 4.12258 15.12584 3.06939 3.90729 24.16526 27.73507 26.32402 41.34222 1.28303 4.58517 -1.86782 3.44179 -6.3948 -1.64089 -19.4579 -19.19024 -42.86381 -45.48808 -71.25348 -60.87867 -10.33119 -3.68036 -11.48912 4.12258 -11.56476 9.02197 22.61747 23.99652 46.89038 32.95449 50.60856 46.21833 -1.12011 2.63008 -4.95467 3.39815 -10.47666 0.63424 -22.14034 -18.52108 -64.36699 -51.92652 -71.52987 -52.74405 -2.59516 -0.29676 -14.18029 2.72608 -5.15832 9.57475 12.6616 12.50449 47.03585 32.7392 51.1788 40.85344 -0.38695 3.4447 -4.16332 5.53363 -8.3179 3.11885 -10.56103 -9.49911 -20.09796 -19.61209 -35.76494 -25.39593 -20.52854 -7.57311 -39.45111 -21.90469 -51.43482 -22.72222 -6.44135 3.09266 -6.92722 7.96005 -3.34287 15.01819 13.93008 7.05233 31.93329 12.16119 51.82468 25.74506 2.24604 6.12133 -1.11429 7.12506 -4.62009 5.58891 -32.45115 -14.20939 -54.06489 -25.73633 -80.02233 -29.3585 -7.18033 1.09974 -8.62047 6.50245 -4.0673 9.1558 9.91223 5.76929 32.1864 13.19693 48.22578 17.25259 4.49207 3.14795 4.49207 8.55066 -1.07647 8.61466 -34.05422 -13.03109 -61.78928 -18.79456 -93.13197 -20.65656 -1.43432 2.94429 -3.33123 8.96379 -0.4975 10.33701 16.71144 8.09388 54.17254 9.89479 67.54112 18.13414 -0.4015 3.64835 -6.51118 5.52781 -10.19445 4.79174 -27.30739 -5.46672 -59.00502 -7.26762 -115.15302 -6.02241 -7.24726 -0.16293 -6.94759 7.79131 -1.87073 12.71397 36.76576 0.8088 54.05617 0.8088 78.54437 4.47462 3.60762 3.5378 6.81084 4.73355 1.42268 7.60801 -28.83189 -1.48669 -83.85979 2.21404 -95.06088 4.19823 -11.204 1.9871 -18.85566 4.02658 -24.49693 7.36363 -5.63837 3.33996 -7.76803 7.29671 4.85574 11.18073 16.50779 -2.03366 59.51416 -8.04442 67.93388 -6.5781 8.41973 1.46633 11.46294 3.61926 4.66082 7.98333 -27.88053 2.1122 -76.43216 17.37187 -93.03887 24.06926 -4.11967 4.84992 0.88445 9.95006 6.84867 10.43592 31.02847 -6.96213 80.97079 -17.13331 115.19084 -25.08463 34.22006 -7.95132 94.23172 -30.91502 117.63472 -36.68431 23.40301 -5.76929 82.12872 -13.63042 111.55122 -3.68908 45.95356 17.34278 68.61177 45.54917 78.1516 61.14051 9.42056 12.61505 22.82986 43.59989 19.44626 67.53823 -3.55235 4.26806 -9.10052 2.88028 -16.15866 -3.28468 -6.35408 -26.20474 -16.52525 -65.5104 -48.03959 -86.01277 -21.7272 -14.13665 -41.54877 -21.11624 -74.35778 -24.79078 -34.53136 -3.87238 -70.31084 7.83786 -87.9271 14.73889 -24.48529 9.5893 -47.12313 27.31904 -60.54698 38.60159 -12.82452 15.32659 -23.57175 28.0231 -36.05587 48.20253 -3.50871 2.75808 -11.09927 -2.14712 -8.411 -13.26093 -1.04156 -10.01116 3.756 -20.68275 5.29215 -31.30197 0.83208 -5.75765 4.52407 -14.99492 1.81545 -17.36606 z m -31.08957 147.97372 c 0 18.81784 -13.86317 33.00977 -47.2366 33.00977 -33.37343 0 -67.1629 -22.04142 -66.93597 -31.12158 0.22693 -9.00743 22.08215 -30.05385 56.41276 -35.4391 37.37382 -5.85948 57.75981 14.73308 57.75981 33.55091 z m -32.10204 -5.39689 c -3.05484 13.92718 -0.0873 19.8623 -27.81652 17.6279 -14.87272 -1.19575 -25.15736 -4.50953 -22.96078 -13.58096 2.23731 -9.23726 0.0902 -15.18984 24.04016 -18.43671 18.01484 -2.44387 28.77661 5.09432 26.73714 14.38977 z M 75.782261 399.20372 c 2.02202 5.09722 -1.74562 7.47127 -11.620037 4.94885 -8.157885 -2.08312 -12.216462 -2.35951 -12.431755 -6.83704 -0.314213 -6.581 8.591381 -7.92804 14.319942 -8.18698 9.4351 -0.42477 7.76221 5.11468 9.73185 10.07517 z m 45.947749 43.75118 c 2.04529 2.29841 0.38403 6.90686 -23.152799 0.59642 -16.51361 -1.54197 -25.57631 -1.55069 -23.14116 -6.51409 1.56815 -3.20613 10.77632 -5.16996 24.01688 -1.48669 14.733069 4.30879 20.726379 5.69074 22.277079 7.40436 z M 533.47334 296.54642 c -3.59889 4.24478 -24.44165 -15.43714 -35.27907 -28.55842 -19.68191 -23.82778 -62.49335 -28.1773 -102.26158 -16.95002 -37.65894 10.63376 -81.37228 45.26115 -100.29194 65.71114 -21.65738 23.41174 -14.22975 34.43827 -28.10456 26.61787 -7.06105 -3.97711 1.81545 -29.4516 17.91011 -48.75821 18.06139 -21.6603 68.18409 -63.70077 106.89331 -68.84454 54.6875 -7.27053 82.33237 5.12923 105.31061 23.17026 16.40014 12.87689 35.11614 43.58826 35.82312 47.61192 z m 8.22771 70.70945 c -14.91636 23.07716 -28.78534 20.08924 -38.32227 24.37475 -9.53984 4.28551 -27.15319 20.70311 -32.13404 15.01528 -1.86491 -2.59516 -1.64088 -5.31834 7.52073 -10.15372 10.19736 -5.38525 24.38056 -17.77919 37.05961 -26.9059 12.67905 -9.12671 9.48165 -26.76334 19.01858 -31.04885 9.53693 -4.28551 12.78088 19.55682 6.85739 28.71844 z m -88.94247 -54.13474 c 18.06139 22.40801 -12.0419 14.68944 -32.0933 30.43497 -7.9135 6.21443 -27.67979 6.52282 -40.73415 34.18516 -11.77424 24.94207 -4.05567 46.94277 -26.93789 80.66242 -5.31834 7.83786 -50.8355 9.89188 -62.7552 -0.41022 -2.74354 -7.06396 34.30734 -14.01155 52.54911 -42.39832 5.11468 -7.96296 13.4064 -26.03309 17.57553 -51.55413 3.93347 -18.47744 34.88921 -43.1693 46.23577 -47.08532 13.27548 -4.58518 32.9603 -9.98789 46.16013 -3.83456 z"/>
        <Path xmlns:x="" Name="path495" Fill="#54FFFF81" StrokeThickness="5" Data="M 281.14703 37.709438 C 210.31329 92.456212 283.77606 209.95442 367.76878 311.44244 451.76149 412.93047 549.51449 508.9977 620.34822 454.25092 691.18193 399.50412 664.22515 219.22306 591.85897 134.01223 506.3501 33.798489 351.98076 -17.037336 281.14703 37.709438 z"/>
UPDATE: Since Inkscape v0.91 the following step is no longer needed. XAML export ["Save As..." > "Microsoft XAML (*.xaml)"] now supports two modes: WPF and Silverlight. The Silverlight mode can be selected in a new dialog when saving.

To generate content that is compatible with NoesisGUI we must activate the Silverlight compatibility mode. This mode generates more efficient and compact content. The line in the file inkscape/share/extensions/svg2xaml.xsl must change from:
<xsl:param name="silverlight_compatible" select="2" />
<xsl:param name="silverlight_compatible" select="1" />
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13 Aug 2014, 00:45

It would be nice if there was a script for this in inkscape so you could "save as xaml for noesis" or better yet a batch converter.
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13 Aug 2014, 01:06

Well, the XAML generated by Inkscape (once you set the Silverlight compatibility mode as described) is 100% compatible with Noesis. Adding a ViewBox is an optional step in case you want the SVG to scale properly.
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13 Aug 2014, 13:22

is there a way to get compatible svg with Adobe Illustrator?
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13 Aug 2014, 14:05

The Adobe Illustrator .ai import function in Blend also doesn't generate compact XAML. Although MSDN gives some hints: Import an Adobe Illustrator file

There's a plugin for Adobe Illustrator to export Silverlight XAML files: I'm going to try and see how well it works for NoesisGUI. Seems like it only supports up to CS4.
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03 Jul 2015, 13:05

Since Inkscape v0.91 this step is no longer needed. XAML export now supports two modes: WPF and Silverlight. The mode can be selected in a new dialog when exporting.
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03 Aug 2016, 12:22

Sorry for replying to this old post, but a little hint, if you need to import anything in Blend : Use the free Expression Design software as a pivot tool.

You can copy / paste directly from illustrator to Design, and then, Copy / paste from Design to Blend, or create a slice in Expression Design to export the data either as a WPF Canvas, OR as a WPF Drawing Brush.

A small hint : If you want to create an icon that you can use anywhere in your application with any color :

- Draw your icon in Illustrator or Expression Design
- If you've create it in illustrator, copy/paste it in Design.
- Select it in Design, and paste it in a blank page in Blend. It will create a Viewbox containing the graphics.
- In Blend, extract the XAML code of the viewbox, and paste it in a ControlTemplate for the "Control" type, that you'll store in a dedicated dictionary. Clean up the margin on the viewbox, set its size to Auto.
- Now, you can bind the colors of your path to the Foreground property of the Control, etc.
    <ControlTemplate x:Key="Icon_Show" TargetType="{x:Type Control}">
        <Viewbox Stretch="Uniform">
            <Canvas Height="192.39" Width="163.796">
                <Path x:Name="Path_0" Fill="{TemplateBinding Foreground}" Data="..." Height="Auto" Stretch="Fill" Width="Auto"/>
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24 Mar 2023, 22:23

Does InkScape still support export from SVG to XAML? It seems they may have removed support.

Update: Yes, it does! Use Save As instead of Export.
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28 Sep 2023, 16:36

The "Save as... *.xaml" looks to be unintentionally missing in Inkscape 1.3, at least on Windows. There is a work-around found in the Inkscape bug ticket:
Jonathan Neuhauser @joneuhauser · 1 month ago · Developer

It will be fixed for 1.3.1. In the meantime, you can download and extract / clone it into the directory listed at Edit > Preferences > System: User extensions.
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03 Oct 2023, 19:56

We also added in 3.2.2 our own SVG parser. For now only XamlPlayer uses it and Noesis Studio will do the same very soon to import SVG content.

Creating a command line tool to convert SVG to XAML should be quite easy following the XamlPlayer example.

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