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ListBox ItemsSource performance

16 Sep 2015, 11:47

I'm having performance problems with ListBoxes. Setting the ItemsSource of a ListBox is very slow in NoesisGUI. It's especially a problem for MVVM which heavily depends on a data-driven workflow with ViewModels and Collections therein.

For a simple test I've used just a single ListBox and left out any UserControls, CodeBehinds and MVVM stuff which I should address in another topic.
    Height="768" Width="1024" MinHeight="720" MinWidth="1024"
         <ListBox x:Name="MyList" FontSize="24" Height="500" Width="300" />
using Noesis;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class TestMyList : MonoBehaviour
    public int amt = 10;

    private void Start()
        var gui = GetComponent<NoesisGUIPanel>();
        var root = gui.GetContent();
        var MyList = root.FindName<ListBox>("MyList");

        List<string> myStrings = new List<string>(amt);
        string text = "My String #";
        for (int i = 0; i < amt; i++)
             myStrings.Add(string.Concat(text, i));

        MyList.ItemsSource = myStrings;
A test with 100 items shows there's a lot of boxing and p/invoking going on behind the scenes. It's not only slow but also causes a lot of allocations.

Benchmark with 10,000 items

In Visual Studio 2015 the application launches in a blink of an eye.

In Unity 5.2 it takes minutes. Look at that GPU number :shock:

The standalone build takes over 2 minutes to launch.

Now you may think what am I going to do with 10,000 items, but a card game like Scrolls (made in Unity) or Magic (about unique 12,000 cards) can display lists with several 100s or 1000s of cards.
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Re: ListBox ItemsSource performance

17 Sep 2015, 14:13

This behavior is totally unacceptable. There are several problems involved here, mainly a clipping problem but the fact that the clipping is not working is also exposing an inefficiency in the way databinding to c# properties is being done.

Could you please create a ticket for this issue?

Thanks and sorry for the inconvenience.
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Re: ListBox ItemsSource performance

17 Sep 2015, 15:30

Created Issue #720.

ItemsControl is much faster than ListBox, so indeed it seems to be not only a problem with the ItemsSource.

Adding 10,000 items
ItemsControl: 30 seconds
ListBox: 2 and a half minute
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Re: ListBox ItemsSource performance

17 Sep 2015, 15:45

Yes, although 30 seconds is still a lot of time...

Thanks for the report and feedback!

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