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NoesisGUI information

23 Jul 2013, 11:27


This is look awesome GUI but can this work with ngui. because i already bought ngui can NoesisGUI work with it. :roll: :?:
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Re: NoesisGUI information

23 Jul 2013, 12:43


Well, they are compatible in the sense that they can work at the same time in Unity and for example you can render to texture with NoesisGUI and use that texture with NGUI, or for example you can use the atlas generator that comes with NGUI to generate textures to be used by NoesisGUI.

But, as everything that you can do with NGUI can be done with NoesisGUI and not vice versa my advice is: learn to use xaml and NoesisGUI and at the end your results will be better. See the examples of our videos for example, none of those GUIs can be done with NGUI
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Re: NoesisGUI information

24 Jul 2013, 22:51

As a fellow NGUI owner I can testify to NoesisGUI being a definite upgrade. NGUI is the past. :) sorry to NGUI fans but there really is no point to that tech anymore.

I tried NGUI with NData and NoesisGUI is far far better too.
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Re: NoesisGUI information

24 Jul 2013, 22:54

Just wrote this, 5 minutes ago, about this subject in the Unity forums. ... ost1308449

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