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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0003820NoesisGUIC# SDKpublic2024-11-25 16:44
Reporterizzyb Assigned Tosfernandez  
Status assignedResolutionopen 
Product Version3.2.4 
Target Version3.2.7 
Summary0003820: Tooltips don't appear for context menu items
DescriptionFrom forum post:

I'm trying to add tooltips to context menu items, but finding that I can't get them to appear. Tooltips appear normally when I specify them on most other elements, but something with ContextMenu seems to prevent them from showing.

Steps To ReproduceI'm able to reproduce it in Unity and XAML toy with this snippet:

  <Button Width="300" Height="300">
        <MenuItem Header="OPTION 1" ToolTip="Option 1 tooltip"/>
        <MenuItem Header="OPTION 2" ToolTip="Option 2 tooltip"/>
TagsContextMenu, tooltip


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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-11-22 19:28 izzyb New Issue
2024-11-22 19:28 izzyb Tag Attached: ContextMenu
2024-11-22 19:28 izzyb Tag Attached: tooltip
2024-11-25 16:44 jsantos Assigned To => sfernandez
2024-11-25 16:44 jsantos Status new => assigned
2024-11-25 16:44 jsantos Target Version => 3.2.7