
MediaPlayer Class

namespace NoesisApp

Abstract class for the implementation of audio/video in a MediaElement.

Each platform must provide an implementation for this class and pass it to MediaElement by calling MediaElement::SetCreateMediaPlayerCallback.

Inheritance Hierarchy


INDEX Class Hierarchy Index


Name Description
 Balance Gets or sets the balance between the left and right speaker volumes, represented in a range between -1 and 1. The default is 0
 BufferingProgress Gets the percentage of buffering completed for streaming content, represented in a value between 0 and 1
 CanPause Gets a value indicating whether the media can be paused
 DownloadProgress Gets the percentage of download progress for content located at a remote server, represented by a value between 0 and 1. The default is 1
 Duration Gets the duration in seconds of the media
 Height Gets the pixel height of the video
 IsMuted Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the media is muted. The default is false
 Position Gets or sets the current position in seconds of the media
 ScrubbingEnabled Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the media player will update frames for seek operations while paused. The default is false
 SpeedRatio Gets or sets the ratio of speed that media is played at, represented by a value between 0 and the largest float. The default is 1
 Volume Gets or sets the media's volume, represented on a linear scale between 0 and 1. The default is 0.5
 Width Gets the pixel width of the video

 Dependency Property    Reflection Property

Attached Properties

MediaPlayer has no attached properties


Name Description
 GetTextureSource() Gets the texture source for rendering the video
 HasAudio() Gets a value that indicating whether the media has audio output
 HasVideo() Gets a value that indicates whether the media has video output
 Pause() Pauses media playback
 Play() Starts or resumes media playback
 Stop() Stops media playback and moves position to the begining


Name Description
 BufferingEnded Occurs when buffering has finished
 BufferingStarted Occurs when buffering has started
 MediaEnded Occurs when the media has finished playback
 MediaFailed Occurs when an error is encountered
 MediaOpened Occurs when the media is opened

 Routed Event    Non-routed Event    Delegate Event

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