
Class Hierarchy

This section of the documentation contains details of the API that NoesisGUI provides. Supported classes are described with their Methods, Properties and Events in a language-independent way that matches the implementation for each available language like C++ or C#.

The API is grouped into two namespaces, Noesis with the core functionality of the framework and NoesisApp used by all our examples and tutorials. Most clients will only use the Noesis namespace and will take NoesisApp source code as a reference sample.

Noesis Namespace

Class Description
Adorner Abstract class that represents a FrameworkElement that decorates another element.
AdornerDecorator Provides an adorner layer for elements beneath it in the visual tree.
AdornerLayer Represents a surface for rendering adorners. An adorner layer is guaranteed to be at a higher Z-order than the elements being adorned, so adorners are always rendered on top of the adorned elements.
AlternationConverter Converts an integer to/from an object by applying the integer as an index to a list of objects.
Animatable Abstract class that provides animation support.
AnimationClock Maintains the run-time state of an AnimationTimeline and processes its output values.
AnimationTimeline Defines a segment of time over which output values are produced. These values are used to animate a target property.
ApplicationCommands Provides a standard set of application related commands.
ArcSegment Represents an elliptical arc between two points.
BackEase Represents an easing function that retracts the motion of an animation slightly before it begins to animate in the path indicated.
BaseBinding Defines the common features for Binding.
BaseBindingExpression Represents the base class for all Binding Expressions.
BaseButton Represents the base class for all button controls.
BaseCommand Base class for commands.
BaseDefinition Defines the functionality required to support a shared-size group that is used by the ColumnDefinitionCollection and RowDefinitionCollection classes.
BaseDictionary Base class for dictionaries.
BaseFreezableCollection Base class implementation for a FreezableCollection.
BaseGridViewRowPresenter Represents the base class for classes that define the layout for a row of data where different data items are displayed in different columns.
BaseKeyFrame Base class for KeyFrame classes
BaseMenu Represents a control that defines choices for users to select.
BaseMultiValueConverter Base class for value converters used in MultiBindings.
BaseSetter Represents the base class for value setters.
BaseTextBox An abstract base class that provides functionality for text editing controls.
BaseTrigger Represents the base class for specifying a conditional value within a Style object.
BaseValueConverter Base class for value converters used in Bindings.
BaseView Represents the base class for views that define the appearance of data in a ListView control.
BeginStoryboard A trigger action that begins a Storyboard and distributes its animations to their targeted objects and properties.
BezierSegment Represents a cubic Bezier curve drawn between two points.
Binding Provides high-level access to the definition of a binding, which connects the properties of binding target objects and any data source.
BindingExpression Contains information about a single instance of a Binding.
BindingOperations Provides static methods to manipulate bindings.
BitmapImage Provides a BitmapSource created from an image file located at the specifed Uri.
BitmapSource Represents a single, constant set of pixels at a certain size and resolution.
BlurEffect A bitmap effect that blurs the target texture.
Bold An inline-level flow content element which causes content to render with a bold font weight.
BooleanAnimationBase Abstract class that, when implemented, animates a Boolean value.
BooleanAnimationUsingKeyFrames Animates the value of a Boolean property along a set of KeyFrames.
BooleanKeyFrame Defines an animation segment with its own target value and interpolation method for a BooleanAnimationUsingKeyFrames.
BooleanKeyFrameCollection Represents a collection of BooleanKeyFrame objects.
BooleanToVisibilityConverter Represents the converter that converts Boolean values to and from Visibility enumeration values.
Border Draws a border, background, or both around another element.
BounceEase Represents an easing function that creates an animated bouncing effect.
Brush Defines objects used to paint graphical objects. Classes that derive from Brush describe how the area is painted.
BrushShader Provides a custom brush by using a pixel shader.
Brushes Declares a set of predefined SolidColorBrush objects.
BulletDecorator Represents a layout control that aligns a bullet and another visual object.
Button Represents a push button which reacts to the Click event.
Canvas Defines an area within which you can explicitly position child elements by using coordinates that are relative to the Canvas area.
CheckBox Represents a control that a user can select and clear.
CircleEase Represents an easing function that creates an animation that accelerates and/or decelerates using a circular function.
Clock Maintains run-time timing state for a Timeline.
ClockGroup An assemblage of Clock types with behavior based off of a TimelineGroup.
Collection Represents a generic collection of objects that can be individually accessed by index.
CollectionView Represents a view for grouping, sorting, filtering, and navigating a data collection.
CollectionViewSource Proxy of CollectionView to be used from XAML files.
ColorAnimation Animates the value of a Color property between two target values using linear interpolation over a specified Duration.
ColorAnimationBase Abstract class that, when implemented, animates a Color value.
ColorAnimationUsingKeyFrames Animates the value of a Color property along a set of KeyFrames.
ColorKeyFrame Defines an animation segment with its own target value and interpolation method for a ColorAnimationUsingKeyFrames.
ColorKeyFrameCollection Represents a collection of ColorKeyFrame objects.
Colors Implements a set of predefined colors.
ColumnDefinition Defines column-specific properties that apply to Grid elements.
CombinedGeometry Represents a 2D geometric shape defined by the combination of two Geometry objects.
ComboBox Represents a selection control with a drop-down list that can be shown or hidden by clicking the arrow on the control.
ComboBoxItem Implements a selectable item inside a ComboBox.
CommandBinding Binds a RoutedCommand to the event handlers that implement the command.
CommandManager Provides command related events and is responsible for managing routed commands execution.
ComponentCommands Provides a standard set of component related commands.
CompositeTransform This class lets you apply multiple different transforms to an object.
CompositeTransform3D Represents 3-D scale, rotation, and translate transforms to be applied to an element.
Condition Represents a condition for the MultiTrigger and the MultiDataTrigger, which apply changes to property values based on a set of conditions.
ContentControl Represents a control with a single piece of content.
ContentPresenter Displays the content of ContentControl.
ContextMenu Represents a pop-up menu that enables a control to expose functionality that is specific to the context of the control.
ContextMenuService Provides the system implementation for displaying a ContextMenu.
Control Represents the base class for all user interactive elements.
ControlTemplate Specifies the visual structure and behavioral aspects of a Control that can be shared across multiple instances of the control.
ControllableStoryboardAction Manipulates a Storyboard that has been applied by a BeginStoryboard action.
CroppedBitmap Provides an image source that crops another BitmapSource.
CubicEase Represents an easing function that creates an animation that accelerates and/or decelerates using the formula f(t) = t3.
Cursor Represents the image used for the mouse pointer.
Cursors Defines a set of default cursors.
DashStyle Represents the sequence of dashes and gaps that will be applied by a Pen.
DataObject Defines a format-independent mechanism for transferring data.
DataTemplate Describes the visual structure of a data object.
DataTemplateSelector Provides a way to choose a DataTemplate based on the data object and the data-bound element.
DataTrigger Represents a trigger that applies property values or performs actions when the bound data meets a specified condition.
Decorator Provides a base class for elements that apply effects onto or around a single child element, such as Border or Viewbox.
DependencyObject Represents an object that participates in the dependency property system.
DependencyProperty Represents a dependency property that is registered in the property system. Dependency properties provide support for value expressions, property invalidation and dependent-value coercion, default values, inheritance, data binding, animation, property change notification, and styling.
DiscreteBooleanKeyFrame Animates from the Boolean value of the previous key frame to its own Value using discrete interpolation.
DiscreteColorKeyFrame Animates from the Color value of the previous key frame to its own Value using discrete interpolation. This class is used as part of a ColorKeyFrameCollection in conjunction with a ColorAnimationUsingKeyFrames to animate a Color property value along a set of key frames.
DiscreteDoubleKeyFrame Animates from the Single value of the previous key frame to its own Value using discrete interpolation.
DiscreteInt16KeyFrame Animates from the Int16 value of the previous key frame to its own Value using discrete interpolation. This class is used as part of a Int16KeyFrameCollection in conjunction with a Int16AnimationUsingKeyFrames to animate a Int16 property value along a set of key frames.
DiscreteInt32KeyFrame Animates from the Int32 value of the previous key frame to its own Value using discrete interpolation.
DiscreteInt64KeyFrame Animates from the Int64 value of the previous key frame to its own Value using discrete interpolation.
DiscreteMatrixKeyFrame Animates from the Matrix value of the previous key frame to its own Value using discrete interpolation.
DiscreteObjectKeyFrame Animates from the Object value of the previous key frame to its own Value using discrete interpolation.
DiscretePoint3DKeyFrame Animates from the Point3D value of the previous key frame to its own Value using discrete interpolation.
DiscretePointKeyFrame Animates from the Point value of the previous key frame to its own Value using discrete interpolation.
DiscreteRectKeyFrame Animates from the Rect value of the previous key frame to its own Value using discrete interpolation.
DiscreteSizeKeyFrame Animates from the Size value of the previous key frame to its own Value using discrete interpolation.
DiscreteStringKeyFrame Animates from the String value of the previous key frame to its own Value using discrete interpolation.
DiscreteThicknessKeyFrame Animates from the Thickness value of the previous key frame to its own Value using discrete interpolation.
DispatcherObject Represents an object with thread affinity.
DockPanel Defines an area where you can arrange child elements either horizontally or vertically, relative to each other.
DoubleAnimation Animates the value of a Float property between two target values using linear interpolation over a specified Duration.
DoubleAnimationBase Abstract class that, when implemented, animates a Float value.
DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames Animates the value of a Double property along a set of KeyFrames.
DoubleKeyFrame Defines an animation segment with its own target value and interpolation method for a DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames.
DoubleKeyFrameCollection Represents a collection of DoubleKeyFrame objects.
DragDrop Provides helper methods and fields for initiating drag-and-drop operations.
DrawingContext Describes visual content using draw, push, and pop commands during UIElement OnRender.
DropShadowEffect A bitmap effect that paints a drop shadow around the target texture.
Duration Represents the duration of time that a Timeline is active.
DynamicResourceExtension Implements a markup extension that supports dynamic resource references made from XAML.
DynamicTextureSource Defines an ImageSource implementation based on a dynamic texture.
EasingColorKeyFrame A class that enables you to associate easing functions with a ColorAnimationUsingKeyFrames key frame animation.
EasingDoubleKeyFrame A class that enables you to associate easing functions with a DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames key frame animation.
EasingFunctionBase Provides the base class for all the easing functions. You can create your own custom easing functions by inheriting from this class.
EasingInt16KeyFrame A class that enables you to associate easing functions with a Int16AnimationUsingKeyFrames key frame animation.
EasingInt32KeyFrame A class that enables you to associate easing functions with a Int32AnimationUsingKeyFrames key frame animation.
EasingInt64KeyFrame A class that enables you to associate easing functions with a Int64AnimationUsingKeyFrames key frame animation.
EasingPoint3DKeyFrame A class that enables you to associate easing functions with a Point3DAnimationUsingKeyFrames key frame animation.
EasingPointKeyFrame A class that enables you to associate easing functions with a PointAnimationUsingKeyFrames key frame animation.
EasingRectKeyFrame A class that enables you to associate easing functions with a RectAnimationUsingKeyFrames key frame animation.
EasingSizeKeyFrame A class that enables you to associate easing functions with a SizeAnimationUsingKeyFrames key frame animation.
EasingThicknessKeyFrame A class that enables you to associate easing functions with a ThicknessAnimationUsingKeyFrames key frame animation.
Effect Provides a custom bitmap effect.
ElasticEase Represents an easing function that creates an animation that resembles a spring oscillating back and forth until it comes to rest.
Ellipse Draws an ellipse.
EllipseGeometry Represents the geometry of a circle or ellipse.
EventTrigger Represents a trigger that applies a set of actions in response to an event.
Expander Represents a control that displays a header with a collapsible window to display content.
ExponentialEase Represents an easing function that creates an animation that accelerates and/or decelerates using an exponential formula.
Expression Base implementation for all expressions.
FocusManager Provides a set of static methods, attached properties, and events for determining and setting focus scopes and for setting the focused element within the scope.
FontFamily Represents a family of related fonts.
FormattedText Provides low-level control for drawing text.
FrameworkElement Provides GUI framework-level features for user interface elements.
FrameworkPropertyMetadata Reports or applies metadata for a dependency property, specifically adding framework-specific property system characteristics.
FrameworkTemplate Enables the instantiation of a tree of elements for a template.
Freezable Defines an object that has a modifiable state and a read-only (frozen) state.
FreezableCollection Represents a collection of DependencyObject, Freezable, or Animatable objects. FreezableCollection is itself an Animatable type.
Geometry Classes that derive from this abstract base class define geometric shapes. Geometry objects can be used for clipping, hit-testing, and rendering 2D graphic data.
GeometryGroup Represents a composite geometry, composed of other Geometry objects.
GradientBrush Defines an abstract class that describes a gradient, composed of gradient stops. Classes that inherit from GradientBrush describe different ways of interpreting gradient stops.
GradientStop Describes the location and color of a transition point in a gradient.
GradientStopCollection Represents a collection of GradientStop objects that can be individually accessed by index.
Grid Defines a flexible grid area that consists of columns and rows.
GridLength Represents the length of elements that explicitly support Star unit types. Elements such as ColumnDefinition and RowDefinition use this type to describe width and height in order to support variable distribution of available space.
GridSplitter Represents the control that redistributes space between columns or rows of a Grid control.
GridView Represents a view mode that displays data items in columns for a ListView control.
GridViewColumn Represents a column that displays data.
GridViewColumnHeader Represents a column header for a GridViewColumn.
GridViewHeaderRowPresenter Represents an object that is used to define the layout of a row of column headers.
GridViewRowPresenter Represents an object that specifies the layout of a row of data.
GroupBox Represents a control that displays a frame around a group of controls with an optional caption.
HeaderedContentControl Provides the base implementation for all controls that contain single content and have a header.
HeaderedItemsControl Represents a control that contains multiple items and has a header.
HierarchicalDataTemplate Represents a DataTemplate that supports HeaderedItemsControl, such as TreeViewItem or MenuItem.
Hyperlink An inline-level flow content element that hosts hyperlinks within flow content.
ISealable This interface is shared across Freezable, Style and Template. A sealed object is free-threaded.
Image Represents a control that displays an image.
ImageBrush Paints an area with an image.
ImageSource Represents an image object that has width and height.
Inline An abstract class that provides a base for all inline flow content elements.
InlineUIContainer An inline-level flow content element which enables UIElement elements (i.e. a Button) to be embedded in flow content.
InputBinding Represents a binding between an InputGesture and a command.
InputGesture Abstract class that describes input device gestures.
Int16Animation Animates the value of a Int16 property between two 'target values' using linear interpolation over a specified Duration.
Int16AnimationBase Abstract class that, when implemented, animates a Int16 value.
Int16AnimationUsingKeyFrames Animates the value of a Int16 property along a set of KeyFrames.
Int16KeyFrame Defines an animation segment with its own target value and interpolation method for a Int16AnimationUsingKeyFrames.
Int16KeyFrameCollection Represents a collection of Int16KeyFrame objects.
Int32Animation Animates the value of a Int32 property between two target values using linear interpolation over a specified Duration.
Int32AnimationBase Abstract class that, when implemented, animates a Int32 value.
Int32AnimationUsingKeyFrames Animates the value of a Int32 property along a set of KeyFrames.
Int32KeyFrame Defines an animation segment with its own target value and interpolation method for a Int32AnimationUsingKeyFrames.
Int32KeyFrameCollection Represents a collection of Int32KeyFrame objects.
Int64Animation Animates the value of a Int64 property between two target values using linear interpolation over a specified Duration.
Int64AnimationBase Abstract class that, when implemented, animates a Int64 value.
Int64AnimationUsingKeyFrames Animates the value of a Int64 property along a set of KeyFrames.
Int64KeyFrame Defines an animation segment with its own target value and interpolation method for a Int64AnimationUsingKeyFrames.
Int64KeyFrameCollection Represents a collection of Int64KeyFrame objects.
Italic An inline-level flow content element that causes content to render with an italic font style.
ItemCollection Holds the list of items that constitute the content of an ItemsControl.
ItemContainerGenerator Generates the user interface on behalf of its host, such as an ItemsControl.
ItemsControl Represents a control that can be used to present a collection of items.
ItemsPanelTemplate Specifies the panel that the ItemsPresenter creates for the layout of the items of an ItemsControl.
ItemsPresenter Used within the template of an ItemControl to specify the place in the control's visual tree where the ItemsPanel defined by the ItemsControl is to be added.
KeyBinding Binds a KeyGesture to a Command.
KeyGesture Defines a keyboard combination that can be used to invoke a command.
KeySpline This class is used by a spline key frame to define animation progress.
KeyTime Specifies the precise timing when a particular key frame should take place
Keyboard Represents the keyboard device.
KeyboardNavigation Provides logical and directional navigation between focusable objects.
Label Represents the text label for a control.
Line Draws a line.
LineBreak An inline flow content element that causes a line break to occur in flow content.
LineGeometry Represents the geometry of a line.
LineSegment Creates a line between two points in a PathFigure.
LinearColorKeyFrame Animates from the Color value of the previous key frame to its own Value using linear interpolation.
LinearDoubleKeyFrame Animates from the Float value of the previous key frame to its own Value using linear interpolation.
LinearGradientBrush Paints an area with a linear gradient. A LinearGradientBrush paints an area with a linear gradient. A linear gradient defines a gradient along a line. The line's end points are defined by the StartPoint and EndPoint properties of the linear gradient. A LinearGradientBrush brush paints its GradientStops along this line.
LinearInt16KeyFrame Animates from the Int16 value of the previous key frame to its own Value using linear interpolation.
LinearInt32KeyFrame Animates from the Int32 value of the previous key frame to its own Value using linear interpolation.
LinearInt64KeyFrame Animates from the Int64 value of the previous key frame to its own Value using linear interpolation.
LinearPoint3DKeyFrame Animates from the Point3D value of the previous key frame to its own Value using linear interpolation.
LinearPointKeyFrame Animates from the Point value of the previous key frame to its own Value using linear interpolation.
LinearRectKeyFrame Animates from the Rect value of the previous key frame to its own Value using linear interpolation.
LinearSizeKeyFrame Animates from the Size value of the previous key frame to its own Value using linear interpolation.
LinearThicknessKeyFrame Animates from the Thickness value of the previous key frame to its own Value using linear interpolation.
ListBox Contains a list of selectable items.
ListBoxItem Represents a selectable item in a ListBox.
ListView Represents a control that displays a list of data items.
ListViewItem Represents an item in a ListView control.
LogicalTreeHelper Contains static methods useful for performing common tasks with nodes in a logical tree.
MarkupExtension Provides a base class for XAML markup extension implementations.
MatrixAnimationBase Abstract class that, when implemented, animates a Matrix value.
MatrixAnimationUsingKeyFrames Animates the value of a Matrix property along a set of KeyFrames.
MatrixKeyFrame Defines an animation segment with its own target value and interpolation method for a MatrixAnimationUsingKeyFrames.
MatrixKeyFrameCollection Represents a collection of MatrixKeyFrame objects.
MatrixTransform Creates an arbitrary affine matrix transformation that is used to manipulate objects or coordinate systems in a 2D plane.
MatrixTransform3D Applies a 3D transformation matrix to an object.
Menu Represents a Windows menu control that enables you to hierarchically organize elements associated with commands and event handlers.
MenuItem Represents a selectable item inside a Menu or ContextMenu.
MeshGeometry Defines a geometric shape described using a mesh of vertices and indices.
Mouse Represents the mouse device.
MouseBinding Binds a MouseGesture to a Command.
MouseGesture Defines a mouse input gesture that can be used to invoke a command.
MultiBinding Describes a collection of Binding objects attached to a single binding target property.
MultiBindingExpression Contains instance information about a single instance of a MultiBinding.
MultiDataTrigger Represents a trigger that applies property values or performs actions when the bound data meets a set of conditions.
MultiTrigger Represents a trigger that applies property values or performs actions when a set of conditions are satisfied.
NameScope Store relationships between the XAML defined names of objects and their instances.
NullExtension Implements a XAML markup extension in order to return a null object.
ObjectAnimationBase Abstract class that, when implemented, animates a Object value.
ObjectAnimationUsingKeyFrames Animates the value of a BaseComponent property along a set of KeyFrames.
ObjectKeyFrame Defines an animation segment with its own target value and interpolation method for a ObjectAnimationUsingKeyFrames.
ObjectKeyFrameCollection Represents a collection of ObjectKeyFrame objects.
ObservableCollection Represents a dynamic data collection that provides notifications when items get added or removed.
Page Encapsulates a page of content.
Panel Provides a base class for all Panel elements. Use Panel elements to position and arrange child objects.
ParallelTimeline Defines a segment of time that may contain child Timeline objects.
PasswordBox Represents a control designed for entering and handling passwords.
Path Draws a series of connected lines and curves.
PathFigure Represents a subsection of a geometry, a single connected series of two-dimensional segments.
PathGeometry Represents a complex shape that may be composed of arcs, curves, ellipses, lines and rectangles.
PathSegment Represents a complex shape that may be composed of arcs, curves, ellipses, lines and rectangles.
PauseStoryboard A trigger action that pauses a Storyboard.
Pen Describes how a shape is outlined.
Point3DAnimation Animates the value of a Point3D property between two target values using linear interpolation over a specified Duration.
Point3DAnimationBase Abstract class that, when implemented, animates a Point3D value.
Point3DAnimationUsingKeyFrames Animates the value of a Point3D property along a set of KeyFrames.
Point3DKeyFrame Defines an animation segment with its own target value and interpolation method for a Point3DAnimationUsingKeyFrames.
Point3DKeyFrameCollection Represents a collection of Point3DKeyFrame objects.
PointAnimation Animates the value of a Point property between two target values using linear interpolation over a specified Duration.
PointAnimationBase Abstract class that, when implemented, animates a Point value.
PointAnimationUsingKeyFrames Animates the value of a Point property along a set of KeyFrames.
PointKeyFrame Defines an animation segment with its own target value and interpolation method for a PointAnimationUsingKeyFrames.
PointKeyFrameCollection Represents a collection of PointKeyFrame objects.
PolyBezierSegment Represents one or more cubic Bezier curves.
PolyLineSegment Represents a set of line segments defined by a PointCollection with each Point specifying the end point of a line segment.
PolyQuadraticBezierSegment Represents one or more quadratic Bezier curves.
Popup Represents a pop-up window that has content.
PowerEase Represents an easing function that creates an animation that accelerates and/or decelerates using the formula f(t) = tp where p is equal to the Power property.
ProgressBar Indicates the progress of an operation.
PropertyMetadata Defines certain behavior aspects of a dependency property as it is applied to a specific type, including conditions it was registered with.
PropertyPath Implements a data structure for describing a property as a path below another property, or below an owning type. Property paths are used in data binding to objects, and in storyboards and timelines for animations.
QuadraticBezierSegment Represents a quadratic Bezier curve drawn between two points.
QuadraticEase Represents an easing function that creates an animation that accelerates and/or decelerates using the formula f(t) = t2.
QuarticEase Represents an easing function that creates an animation that accelerates and/or decelerates using the formula f(t) = t4.
QuinticEase Represents an easing function that creates an animation that accelerates and/or decelerates using the formula f(t) = t5.
RadialGradientBrush Paints an area with a radial gradient.
RadioButton Represents a button that can be selected, but not cleared, by a user.
RangeBase Represents an element that has a value within a specific range.
RectAnimation Animates the value of a Rect property between two target values using linear interpolation over a specified Duration.
RectAnimationBase Abstract class that, when implemented, animates a Rect value.
RectAnimationUsingKeyFrames Animates the value of a Rect property along a set of KeyFrames.
RectKeyFrame Defines an animation segment with its own target value and interpolation method for a RectAnimationUsingKeyFrames.
RectKeyFrameCollection Represents a collection of RectKeyFrame objects.
Rectangle Draws a rectangle.
RectangleGeometry Describes a two-dimensional rectangle geometry.
RelativeSource Implements a markup extension that describes the location of the binding source relative to the position of the binding target.
RenderOptions Provides options for controlling the rendering behavior of objects.
RepeatBehavior Describes how a Timeline repeats its simple duration. Examples:
RepeatButton Represents a control that raises its Click event repeatedly from the time it is pressed until it is released.
ResourceDictionary Provides a hash table implementation that contains resources used by the UI.
ResumeStoryboard A trigger action that resumes a paused Storyboard.
RotateTransform Rotates an object clockwise about a specified point in 2D coordinate system.
RoutedCommand A command that is routed through the element tree.
RoutedEvent An event instance that propagates through a tree of related elements. There are three types of routing: bubbling, tunneling and direct. With bubbling, the event instance moves from the source of the event up to the top of the tree. With tunneling, the event instance starts at the top of the tree and moves down to the source of the event. With direct routing, the event instance behaves like a standard event.
RoutedUICommand A command that is routed through the element tree and contains a text property.
RowDefinition Defines row-specific properties that apply to Grid elements.
Run An inline-level flow content element intended to contain a run of formatted or unformatted text.
ScaleTransform Scales an object in the 2D coordinate system.
ScrollBar Represents a control that provides a scroll bar that has a sliding Thumb whose position corresponds to a value.
ScrollContentPresenter Displays the content of a ScrollViewer control.
ScrollViewer Represents a scrollable area that can contain other visible elements.
Selector Represents a control that allows a user to select items from among its child elements.
Separator Control that is used to separate items in items controls.
Setter Represents a setter that applies a property value.
ShaderEffect Provides a custom bitmap effect by using a pixel shader.
Shape Provides a base class for shape elements.
SineEase Represents an easing function that creates an animation that accelerates and/or decelerates using a sine formula
SizeAnimation Animates the value of a Size property between two target values using linear interpolation over a specified Duration.
SizeAnimationBase Abstract class that, when implemented, animates a Size value.
SizeAnimationUsingKeyFrames Animates the value of a Size property along a set of KeyFrames.
SizeKeyFrame Defines an animation segment with its own target value and interpolation method for a SizeAnimationUsingKeyFrames.
SizeKeyFrameCollection Represents a collection of SizeKeyFrame objects.
SkewTransform Represents a 2D skew. It is useful for creating the illusion of 3-dimensional depth in a 2D object.
Slider Represents a control that lets the user select from a range of values by moving a Thumb control along a Track.
SolidColorBrush Paints an area with a solid color.
Span Groups other Inline content elements.
SplineColorKeyFrame Animates from the Color value of the previous key frame to its own Value using splined interpolation.
SplineDoubleKeyFrame Animates from the Float value of the previous key frame to its own Value using splined interpolation.
SplineInt16KeyFrame Animates from the Int16 value of the previous key frame to its own Value using splined interpolation.
SplineInt32KeyFrame Animates from the Int32 value of the previous key frame to its own Value using splined interpolation.
SplineInt64KeyFrame Animates from the Int64 value of the previous key frame to its own Value using splined interpolation.
SplinePoint3DKeyFrame Animates from the Point3D value of the previous key frame to its own Value using splined interpolation.
SplinePointKeyFrame Animates from the Point value of the previous key frame to its own Value using splined interpolation.
SplineRectKeyFrame Animates from the Rect value of the previous key frame to its own Value using splined interpolation.
SplineSizeKeyFrame Animates from the Size value of the previous key frame to its own Value using splined interpolation.
SplineThicknessKeyFrame Animates from the Thickness value of the previous key frame to its own Value using splined interpolation.
StackPanel Arranges child elements into a single horizontal or vertical line.
StaticExtension Implements a markup extension that returns static field and property references.
StaticResourceExtension Implements a markup extension that supports static resource references made from XAML.
StatusBar Represents a control that displays items and information in a horizontal bar (typically at the bottom) in an application window.
StatusBarItem Represents an item of a StatusBar control.
StopStoryboard A trigger action that stops a Storyboard.
Storyboard A container timeline that provides object and property targeting information for its child animations.
StreamGeometry Defines a geometric shape, described using a StreamGeometryContext or a SVG command string as described in the W3C specs.
StreamGeometryContext Describes a geometry using drawing commands. This class is used with the StreamGeometry class to create a lightweight geometry that does not support data binding, animation, or modification.
StringAnimationBase Abstract class that, when implemented, animates a String value.
StringAnimationUsingKeyFrames Animates the value of a String property along a set of KeyFrames.
StringKeyFrame Defines an animation segment with its own target value and interpolation method for a StringAnimationUsingKeyFrames.
StringKeyFrameCollection Represents a collection of StringKeyFrame objects.
Style Enables the sharing of properties, resources, and event handlers between instances of a type.
TabControl Represents a control that contains multiple items that share the same space on the screen.
TabItem Represents a selectable item inside a TabControl.
TabPanel Handles the layout of the TabItem objects on a TabControl.
TemplateBindingExpression Describes a run-time instance of a TemplateBindingExtension.
TemplateBindingExtension Implements a markup extension that supports the binding between the value of a property in a template and the value of some other exposed property on the templated control.
TextBlock Provides a lightweight control for displaying small amounts of text content.
TextBox Represents a control that can be used to display or edit unformatted text.
TextElement Defines text attached properties.
Texture Base class for 2D textures
TextureSource Defines a BitmapSource constructed from a Texture.
ThicknessAnimation Animates the value of a Thickness property between two target values using linear interpolationover a specified Duration.
ThicknessAnimationBase Abstract class that, when implemented, animates a Thickness value.
ThicknessAnimationUsingKeyFrames Animates the value of a Thickness property along a set of KeyFrames.
ThicknessKeyFrame Defines an animation segment with its own target value and interpolation method for a BooleanAnimationUsingKeyFrames.
ThicknessKeyFrameCollection Represents a collection of ThicknessKeyFrame objects.
Thumb Represents a control that can be dragged by the user.
TickBar Represents a control that draws a set of tick marks for a Slider control.
TileBrush Describes a way to paint a region by using one or more tiles.
TimeSpan Represents a time interval.
Timeline Defines a segment of time.
TimelineGroup Abstract class that, when implemented represents a Timeline that may contain a collection of child Timeline objects.
ToggleButton Base class for button controls that can switch states.
ToolBar Provides a container for a group of commands or controls.
ToolBarOverflowPanel Used to arrange overflow ToolBar items.
ToolBarPanel Arranges ToolBar items inside a ToolBar.
ToolBarTray Represents the container that handles the layout of a ToolBar.
ToolTip Represents a control that creates a pop-up window that displays information for an element in the interface.
ToolTipService Represents a service that provides properties and events to control the display and behavior of tooltips.
Track Represents a control primitive that handles the positioning and sizing of a Thumb control and two RepeatButton controls that are used to set a Value.
Transform Defines functionality that enables transformations in a 2D plane.
Transform3D Provides a base class for all three-dimensional transformations, including translation, rotation, and scale transformations.
TransformGroup Represents a composite Transform composed of other Transform objects.
TranslateTransform Translates an object in the 2D coordinate system.
TreeView Represents a control that displays hierarchical data in a tree structure that has items that can expand and collapse.
TreeViewItem Implements a selectable item in a TreeView control.
Trigger Represents a trigger that applies property values or performs actions conditionally.
TriggerAction Describes an action to perform for a trigger.
TypeExtension Implements a markup extension that returns a Type based on a string input.
Typography Provides access to a rich set of OpenType typography properties.
UIElement Provides a starting point for element layout characteristics, and also exposes virtual methods that derived classes can override, which can influence the layout rendering behavior of the element and its child elements.
UIElementCollection Represents an ordered collection of UIElement child elements.
UIPropertyMetadata Provides property metadata for non-framework properties that do have rendering/user interface impact at the core level.
Underline An inline-level flow content element which causes content to render with an underlined text decoration.
UniformGrid Provides a way to arrange content in a grid where all the cells in the grid have the same size.
Uri Provides a representation of a uniform resource identifier and easy access to parts of the URI.
UserControl Provides a simple way to create a composition of controls.
ValueTargetProvider Provides useful information during MarkupExtension ProvideValue calls.
Viewbox Defines a content decorator that can stretch and scale a single child to fill the available space.
VirtualizationCacheLength Represents the measurements for the VirtualizingPanel.CacheLength attached property.
VirtualizingPanel Base class that provides access to information that is useful for implementing virtualization.
VirtualizingStackPanel Arranges and virtualizes content on a single line that is oriented either horizontally or vertically.
Visual Provides rendering support, which includes hit testing, coordinate transformation, and bounding box calculations.
VisualBrush Paints an area with a Visual.
VisualCollection Represents an ordered collection of Visual objects.
VisualState Represents the visual appearance of the control when it is in a specific state.
VisualStateGroup Contains mutually exclusive VisualState objects and VisualTransition objects that are used to go from one state to another.
VisualStateManager Manages states and the logic for transitioning between states for controls.
VisualTransition Represents the visual behavior that occurs when the control transitions from one state to another.
VisualTreeHelper Provides utility methods that perform common tasks involving nodes in a visual tree.
WrapPanel Positions child elements in sequential position from left to right, breaking content to the next line at the edge of the containing box.

NoesisApp Namespace

Class Description
Application Encapsulates a NoesisGUI application.
AttachableCollection Represents a collection of IAttachedObject with a shared AssociatedObject and provides change notifications to its contents when that AssociatedObject changes.
AttachableObject Represents the base class for specifying attachable objects.
BackgroundEffectBehavior Applies an effect to the contents beneath the associated object.
Behavior Represents the base class for specifying Behaviors for a DependencyObject.
BehaviorCollection Represents a collection of behaviors with a shared AssociatedObject and provides change notifications to its contents when that AssociatedObject changes.
BehaviorT Templatized base class for Behaviors.
ChangePropertyAction An action that will change a property to a specified value when invoked.
CollectionFilterBehavior A behavior that filters a collection depending on the supplied Predicate object.
CollectionSortBehavior A behavior that sorts a collection depending on the supplied Comparer object.
ComparisonCondition Represents one ternary condition: left operand, operator, right operand. Used as condition in the list of conditions on a ConditionalExpression.
ConditionBehavior A behavior that attaches to a trigger and controls the conditions to fire the actions.
ConditionalExpression Represents a conditional expression that is set on a ConditionBehavior.Condition property. Contains a list of conditions that gets evaluated in order.
ConicGradientBrush Creates an pattern consisting of a gradient with color transitions rotated around a center point
ControlStoryboardAction An action that will change the state of a targeted storyboard when invoked.
CrossFadeBrush Interpolates between two images.
DataEventTrigger Represents a trigger which fires when an event is raised on an object. Can be used to trigger from events on the data context, as opposed to a standard EventTrigger which uses routed events on a FrameworkElement.
DataTrigger Represents a trigger that performs actions when the bound data meets a specified condition.
DirectionalBlurEffect Blurs an object along a specific angle, to create a blurred streaking effect.
EventTrigger A trigger that listens for a specified event on its source and fires when that event is raised.
EventTriggerBase Represents a trigger that can listen to an object other than its AssociatedObject.
EventTriggerBaseT Templatized base class for EventTriggers.
FilterPredicate Base class for Filter predicate object used by CollectionFilterBehavior.
GamepadTrigger A Trigger that is triggered by a specified gamepad button.
GoToStateAction An action that will transition a FrameworkElement to a specified VisualState when invoked.
Interaction Manages a collection of behaviors and triggers that expand the object functionality from XAML.
InvokeCommandAction Executes the specified ICommand when invoked.
KeyTrigger A Trigger that is triggered by a keyboard event. If Key and Modifiers are detected, it fires.
LaunchUriOrFileAction An action that will launch a process to open a file or uri.
LineDecorationBehavior Renders a line decoration on the associated TextBlock.
LoadContentAction An action that will set the Content of the target ContentControl by loading a xaml.
LocExtension Implements a markup extension that supports references to a localization ResourceDictionary.
MediaElement Represents a control that contains audio and/or video.
MediaPlayer Abstract class for the implementation of audio/video in a MediaElement.
MessageBox Displays a message box by calling the static Show method. The callback gets called when the dialog is closed indicating which button was pressed as result.
MonochromeBrush BrushShader that turns an image into a monochrome color
MouseDragElementBehavior Moves the attached element in response to mouse drag gestures on the element.
MoveFocusAction An action that will try move focus in the specified direction.
PauseMediaAction Pauses a media element.
PinchEffect Effect to warp or pinch a specific area in a visual.
PixelateEffect ShaderEffect that pixelates a visual.
PlasmaBrush BrushShader for old school plasma effect.
PlayMediaAction Plays a media element.
PlaySoundAction An action that will play a sound to completion.
PropertyChangedTrigger Represents a trigger that performs actions when the bound data changes.
RemoveElementAction An action that will remove the targeted element from the tree when invoked.
RewindMediaAction Seeks a media element to position 0.
RichText Adds a Text attached property for TextBlock which formats BBCode into Inlines.
RiveControl Renders a Rive scene.
RiveInput Represents an input value for the RiveControl state machine.
RiveRun Represents a text run in the RiveControl scene.
RiveTriggerAction An action that will fire a trigger in a RiveControl.
SaturationEffect Use this effect to alter the saturation of an image.
SelectAction An action that will set Selector.IsSelected property to true on the asssociated object.
SelectAllAction An action that will select all the text on a text control.
SetFocusAction An action that will try to focus the associated element.
SortComparer Base class for Comparer object used by CollectionSortBehavior. It compares 2 items.
StopMediaAction Stops a media element.
StoryboardAction An abstract action class that provides the ability to target a Storyboard.
StoryboardCompletedTrigger A trigger that listens for the completion of a Storyboard.
StoryboardTrigger An abstract trigger class that provides the ability to target a Storyboard.
StringFilterPredicate Predicate that matches a filter string against item text representation.
StringSortComparer Compares the text representation of two items for sorting.
StyleInteraction Allows setting a collection of Interactivity behaviors and triggers in a Style, so they are applied to all instances of the styled control.
TargetedTriggerAction Represents an action that can be targeted to affect an object other than its AssociatedObject.
TargetedTriggerActionT Templatized base class for TargetedTriggerAction.
TimerTrigger A trigger that is triggered by a specified event and fires after a delay.
TintEffect This effect tints the source image by multiplying the source image by the specified color
TranslateZoomRotateBehavior Moves the attached element in response to mouse drag and touch gestures on the element.
TriggerAction Represents an attachable object that encapsulates a unit of functionality.
TriggerActionCollection Represents a collection of actions with a shared AssociatedObject and provides change notifications to its contents when that AssociatedObject changes.
TriggerActionT Templatized base class for TriggerAction.
TriggerBase Represents an object that can invoke Actions conditionally.
TriggerBaseT Templatized base class for TriggerBase.
TriggerCollection Represents a collection of triggers with a shared AssociatedObject and provides change notifications to its contents when that AssociatedObject changes.
VignetteEffect Fades the input image at the edges to a user-set color.
WavesBrush BrushShader that paints a PSP wavy background effect.
Window Provides the ability to create, configure, show, and manage the lifetime of windows.
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