Got huge DllNotFoundException errors after first importing NoesisGUI-2.0.2f2
I am a newbie to NoesisGUI, I don't find solution in this document ... orial.html
so how to fix it?
I am a newbie to NoesisGUI, I don't find solution in this document ... orial.html
so how to fix it?
Re: Got huge DllNotFoundException errors after first importing NoesisGUI-2.0.2f2
We are still investigating the reason, but in the latest versions of Unity, our dynamic library is not properly loaded the first time the package is installed. The solution for now:
- Restart Unity
- Tools->NoesisGUI->Settings->Reimport All
Re: Got huge DllNotFoundException errors after first importing NoesisGUI-2.0.2f2
Today I found that after first importing then close the unity editor, the editor is strucked, I have to terminate it in windows's task manager.
Re: Got huge DllNotFoundException errors after first importing NoesisGUI-2.0.2f2
After restarting the untiy editor, I got this error:Today I found that after first importing then close the unity editor, the editor is strucked, I have to terminate it in windows's task manager.
Multiple plugins with the same name 'noesis' (found at 'Assets/NoesisGUI/Plugins/Libraries/Windows/x86_64/Noesis.dll' and 'Assets/NoesisGUI/Plugins/Libraries/Windows/x86_64/Noesis.dll'). That means one or more plugins are set to be compatible with Editor. Only one plugin at the time can be used by Editor.
NoesisUnity:Init() (at Assets/NoesisGUI/Plugins/NoesisUnity.cs:22)
NoesisUnity:Init() (at Assets/NoesisGUI/Plugins/NoesisUnity.cs:15)
NoesisXaml:RegisterDependencies() (at Assets/NoesisGUI/Plugins/NoesisXaml.cs:55)
NoesisXaml:OnEnable() (at Assets/NoesisGUI/Plugins/NoesisXaml.cs:10)
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Re: Got huge DllNotFoundException errors after first importing NoesisGUI-2.0.2f2
It sounds to me that plugins .meta data is corrupted.
Open Unity Editor and go to Assets/NoesisGUI/Plugins/Libraries.
Under each platform directory you will find the corresponding libraries, you should select them in inspector and make sure the following settings are set:
Open Unity Editor and go to Assets/NoesisGUI/Plugins/Libraries.
Under each platform directory you will find the corresponding libraries, you should select them in inspector and make sure the following settings are set:
Code: Select all
Windows/x86/Noesis.dll = Editor, x86, Windows | Standalone, Windows, x86
Windows/x86_64/Noesis.dll = Editor, x86_64, Windows | Standalone, Windows, x86_64
MacOS/Noesis.bundle = Editor, Any CPU, OSX | Standalone, Mac OS X, x86 + x86_64
Linux/x86/ = Editor, x86, Linux | Standalone, Linux, x86
Linux/x86_64/ = Editor, x86_64, Linux | Standalone, Linux, x86_64
Android/arm/ = Android, ARMv7
Android/x86/ = Android, x86
UWP/arm/Noesis.dll = WSAPlayer, UWP, ARM
UWP/x86/Noesis.dll = WSAPlayer, UWP, X86
UWP/x86_64/Noesis.dll = WSAPlayer, UWP, X64
Re: Got huge DllNotFoundException errors after first importing NoesisGUI-2.0.2f2
Please do the following:
- Close Unity
- Remove the Noesis folder
- Open Unity
- Import the package
- Close Unity
- Open Unity
- Tools->NoesisGUI->Settings->Reimport All
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